Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 800: Hellfire Team (Part 1)

Chapter 819 Hellfire Squad (1)

"This is the Hellfire Squad, this is the Hellfire Squad, request support! Request support!" The communicator continued to roar loudly at the communicator in his hand, watching the enemy approaching in the distance, what was in his heart The panic is increasing.

"Damn it, Benjamin. Don't play there, your hapless communicators will have no support!" The team leader knew better than anyone that there would be no support in this **** battle. They were The abandoned son who gave up, just never said clearly.

"Captain, I still want to go back alive, and I still want to see my mother." The young Benjamin couldn't accept the fact that he was about to die.

Facing the endless monster soldiers in the distance, his heart had already collapsed. What could keep him from fleeing the battlefield was the pistol bullet with the quilt on the captain's waist.

Even as the captain of the Hellfire Squad, his heart is very painful. He knows that his death is approaching.

Unlike their uninjured soldiers, in the previous battle, his leg had been hit by the enemy's laser.

Now he can only shoot while lying on the ground, unable to move at all.

Benjamin and the others can now completely abandon their positions, abandon the box they held in their hands, and then quickly fled to a safe area.

Those **** monsters did it for this box, and would never pursue the soldiers who escaped for their lives.

But until now, no one is willing to give up the box in his hand.

Because this is something to bet the entire Hellfire team in.

Ten hours ago in Washington, they were still enjoying a rare dinner in their camp.

When everyone took off their clothes and came to the dining table, they put down everything and prepared to taste the food in their bowls.

This is a rare opportunity for them to relax, as well as a prescribed time for relaxation.

At this time, they can vent their inner emotions to their heart's content and vent all their grievances during this time.

An hour is not a long time, but it is like never before.

Turning on the TV, it is another scene of superheroes fighting.

Benjamin threw the remote control in his hand onto the bed and said in disgust: "Can you show some entertaining variety shows?"

"Why do the people like these superheroes now, like us soldiers who are born and die every day. It's not the target that those young and children like! In order to ask Jianming what you thought at the beginning, why did you choose to join the army, now? Not many people are willing to join the army.” Hellfire team leader Carl asked Benjamin.

Facing his captain questioning Benjamin, he recalled his thoughts on joining the army.

"I just don't want to be an ordinary person, and there is nothing wrong with being a soldier. I don't have the ability to become a superhero. I can only become a soldier to guard the people." Benjamin's ideas are really naive, even It's a bit naive.

But in any case, this is a very great goal and ideal.

Hellfire Squad Captain Carl felt unbelievable. You must know that he chose to join the army because he could not continue to learn.

After dinner, Benjamin lay on his bed and took out his mobile phone.

The phone is definitely not used in normal times, but now it is a break time, and you can use the phone with an exception.

Benjamin called out and called his mother.

As soon as the phone was connected, my mother's voice came over, and tears were very sharp and excited.

Benjamin is only 23 years old this year. At this time, most people are still enjoying college life in college, but she has already chosen to join the army and join the Hellfire Special Operations Squad.

"Mom, I miss you."

Listening to the crying voice of the son, the mother was also very heartbroken. There is any mother in the world who wants her son to suffer, especially the suffering in his army, she will also cry to her son in a cry.

"Son, when can you go home?"

His mother's question made Benjamin even more painful. He could only endure the feeling of homesickness in his heart and said to his mother: "It's coming, and I can go back in a year."

What a beautiful lie in a year. Going back in a year, it's just that he applied for vacation time, not officially discharged. Special operations teams like them have to perform tasks in the team for at least ten years.

The cycle of training them alone has reached three years.

Of course, if you are disabled or died due to actions, you can also leave the army early.

"It’s fine to come back. It’s fine to come back. Your dad’s condition is much better now, and the cost of treatment is much less. It is estimated that he will be discharged soon. You don’t have to worry about your mom at home. I’m fine here. Remember Benjamin must be good, don't worry me."

His mother's nagging must be his most annoying thing, but now listening to his mother's nagging, he feels warmth like never before.

Several people at the dinner table, looking at Benjamin who was calling there, and looking at his state can actually understand that when they first entered the team, the situation was not much better.

Everyone is basically the same, some even crying heartbreakingly. Think about how miserable a man with strong muscles looks when he cries in front of so many people.

But no one laughs, because everyone knows why they cry. It is not ashamed to cry!

The happy time is always short, and the call ends before it lasts long.

Benjamin reluctantly hung up the phone, fearing that he would continue to hear his mother's voice, making him reluctant, causing him to retreat, making him hesitate on the battlefield, and then losing his life.

A few hours later, the sirens in the base sounded loudly. They hurriedly got up, put on their own equipment, and went to the square outside, waiting for further orders.

A transport plane slowly drove to the runway for take-off in the distance. Their commander walked in front of the team leader Carl. His low voice stimulated everyone's lethargic nerves: "Now you have a difficult task, New Washington In the event of an attack, your mission is to go to the headquarters of the Superheroes Association and bring an important data file back to New York City. That mission was very dangerous, and you are likely to die in this mission. I need to remind you The thing is, even if you die, you must completely destroy the data files before you die. Do you understand?"

Everyone answered almost without hesitation: "Understand!"

The chief's words tell them the seriousness of the problem this time.

Even if they die, they must destroy the document, which is much more important than their lives.

They didn’t ask too much about the extra circumstances, why not let the heroes of the Superhero Association send documents to each other, why let people in the military have access to these documents, they have thoughts and questions in their hearts, but they Will not ask.

It is so simple for soldiers to obey orders.

Once again, he quickly checked the equipment, parachutes and other items he was wearing, and quickly boarded the transport plane.

The transport plane took off and flew towards New Washington. When they were about to arrive in New Washington, they could see the outside picture through the glass hanging windows. The huge tall buildings broke through the clouds.

Now the clear sign can be seen above the clouds.

There is where they are coming.

But there is not only a tall building there, but also a huge black space battleship.

It is not the first time invaders from the universe have appeared. Various things have appeared, humanoids, bugs, and even some guys who are dark elves themselves.

People on earth have long been accustomed to visitors from the universe, friendly and evil things are fine.

The transport plane had no way to approach it anymore, and could only order them to glide and approach.

The sound of the wind is constantly roaring in the ears, stimulating the nerves of each of them, and they will definitely enjoy the thrill of this stimulation and enjoy the wind.

But now it doesn't work.

They had seen a member of the team, turned into fragments under the aim of the black battleship.

That black space battleship is not a good thing at all.

Even if they pass by the space battleship, they are likely to become targets of attack, and they can only pray that they are not locked.

"Continue to fall! Protect Ed!"

The airborne soldiers adjusted their whereabouts and guarded a soldier at the very center.

Even if targeted, they will bear the attack.

Fortunately, in the process of this decline, they were not attacked again.

It finally fell to the ground smoothly.

The city of New Washington is far more prosperous than they imagined. In their dreams, in their brains, they had imagined infinitely how developed and advanced this city should be, but now it seems that even if they imagined it, It cannot be compared with it.

A true high-tech city of the future.

They swiftly moved forward in the designated direction without encountering any obstacles along the way, but they were not assisted by any other soldiers or heroes.

At first they felt a little strange, but when they thought of the huge battleship in the sky, they quickly felt relieved.

When they arrived at the headquarters of the Superheroes Association, they stopped looking at the huge gate and the device inspected outside the gate.

Squad captain Carl took out the pass prepared in advance, swiped the gate lightly, and they easily entered the Superhero Association headquarters.

The internal staff did not ask any questions about them with the documents. Everyone was doing their own thing.

The eldest son of God who likes Marvel, please collect it: ( The literature of the eldest son of Marvel has the fastest update speed.

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