Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 821: Develop Gold Star

Chapter 840

Although the method is a bit old-fashioned, but it works. Didn't you still use the principle of leverage today?

You know that the thing to be proposed, but hundreds of years ago.

Some things will not be forgotten and eliminated as history advances.

Entering the interstellar age, this kind of stress trigger still exists. And it's still used to target the most powerful ghost agents of our time.

Can you say that these things are backward and useless technology?


A week later, the earth's base on Venus was firmly established.

Most of the tribes of Venus have been gathered together.

The swelling tribes have taken root around the base and are responsible for protecting the security of the base.

After dealing with the Venusians, it seems that what needs to be dealt with is the swarms of insects left on this planet.

Although Mark didn't know where the insect swarms on this planet came from, judging from their current population and the size of the insect nest, it could definitely threaten the present earth.

If it is not controlled, if it continues to develop like this, sooner or later it will threaten the earth.

Even if Venus does not have any development value, it must build a fortress first.

World Security Council.

"In the process of exploring the universe, mankind encountered humanoid lifeforms for the first time. Although there has been no way to communicate with humans in a short period of time, it is certain that there is no malicious intent, and it is friendly. Object.

At the same time, we also carried out large-scale testing of Venus. It was discovered that there are a lot of rare resources on Venus that the earth lacks. If necessary, we can set up a collection station under the ground of Venus, and then we can pick up the materials we need.

But we also detected a large number of insects on Venus. The number of these worms is far greater than that on the earth, and they are not yet a threat to the earth for the time being, but once these worms develop and even enter the universe, they are likely to threaten the earth closest to Venus. "

The news obtained by the World Security Council is naturally not first-hand news.

Mark made some changes in it. For example, even those Venusians could not communicate with humans normally even after a hundred years.

As for the so-called rare resources discovered, that is even more nonsense.

"What about the evidence?" The people of the World Security Council are not stupid. They now need clear evidence to prove that the things just said are true.

On the big screen, images previously taken on Venus appeared, including the local Venusians and the corpses of torn bugs.

In order to ensure that these bugs really survived on Venus, Mark also sent an expedition to the nearest nest to take pictures.

The video has not undergone any editing and modification, that is, the original video was sent directly to the earth.

The members of the World Security Council watched the video and looked at the photos, and they all fell into contemplation.

In fact, they are ready to develop Venus, but they have no plans to send soldiers to Venus. To put it bluntly, they just want to buy supplies for nothing, but they don't want to pay anything.

Where to find bad things, and Mark would never agree to their request.

While the members of the World Security Council were still hesitating, the sparkling portal opened.

Mark returned to Earth smoothly from Venus.

Mark looked at the parliamentarians and said with a smile, "I'm glad to be able to meet you in this way."

Few people in the room can laugh, and they hate to see Mark the most.

"Mark, can you tell me more about the current situation of Venus? I think no one knows better than you!"

Some legislators have already looked away, knowing that this is something that cannot be avoided. It is better to face it directly now, and to have the initiative.

"Okay." I put the picture from my mobile phone on the big screen, turned around and said to everyone: "The picture you see now is the plain of the base of Venus that we just photographed, just what we photographed. On this plain, the oil reserves on this plain alone exceed 8 billion tons, and this is only the resource explored by our current plain. Although the volume of stars is only 0.88 times that of the earth, Venus is a piece of history. Land that has not been exploited by anyone. There are many resources waiting for us to mine. Humans can build an underground city carefully underground to ensure stable mining on Venus."

Mark is now using the most scarce non-renewable resources for mankind to entice all the congressmen present.

What was the original intention of the Gulf War?

How many years have passed since the oil war?

Who controls the oil now?

This is only one item of oil, and there are other unknown resources.

These alone have already moved many people.

Moreover, human beings who have gone through several technological advances are not unable to build large transport ships.

The Hercules is the best reference template, and similar transport ships have been studied in the United States. With a slight modification, a similar transport ship can be transformed into a ship specially loaded with cargo, which is more convenient and simple.

The situation in other countries is actually similar.

The current Venus looks like the American continent back then.

However, just like the American continent, there is a great risk. The American continent back then had local indigenous people, but now Venus has a lot of bugs.

Members of the World Security Council, whether they are willing to fight the bugs for these resources depends on their own choice of interests.

"Mark, if we are to carefully build a city, how many resources are needed? How many years?"

There are no experts on this earth. The only person with experience is Mark who built a base on the moon.

So when the congressman asked, no one else said anything.

"If it is only used by workers, our city can definitely be built within a year, and modular production can speed up the construction speed. But this is not safe. It must be stationed and protected by the army. In this case, I suggest building a space. Fortress and Battlestar will take about two years. Or you can choose to build an aerospace station directly in the universe, and then directly drop robots for mining, but the probability of danger and failure is also high." Mark is here There is nothing to hide, nor can these things be concealed.

And many people in the construction of New Washington know that modular construction is basically impossible to cover in this regard.

Two to three years can be directly rewarded, far more attractive than those decades of major projects.

"If anyone in there wants to join, you can contact me at any time. But let me make it clear in advance whether the country or the World Security Council is not allowed to cooperate with me. Personally, I suggest that the World Security Council countries join together. , Mining on Venus. After all, the distance between Venus and the earth is too close. Once there is a crisis, the earth will not escape danger." Mark said this is to divide the unity of the World Security Council.

If someone really cooperates with Mark in private and prepares to sneak away, they will definitely become the target of group siege.

However, this kind of thing is definitely unavoidable. After this incident, countries will definitely increase the observation and exploration of Venus.

Leaving the meeting site, no one prevented him from leaving, and the meeting was hurriedly dissolved after only less than half an hour.

All the congressmen quickly left the scene. Everyone knew what they should do now.

Everyone can discuss whether to cooperate with Mark to develop this undeveloped planet.

As for the above bugs, they have long been ignored. Since those bugs on Earth can be eliminated, the same can be done on Venus.

It’s just that it’s a bit more difficult on Venus than on Earth.

But only Mark knows that the combat power of the insects harvested on Venus must be much higher than that on Earth.

The reason for saying this is because the environment of Venus is too bad to be purified and will soon be eliminated by the race.

Only Mark knows that the evolution of cockroaches is inseparable from the environment.

But that is fusion with the local microorganisms, thus completing the evolution.


During this time, the expedition team explored, watching and exploring the undiscovered ruins on Venus.

But the planet is too big, and there are only a few that can be found.

Mark wanted to see if he could get any clues from it. Knowing the so-called creation gods, Mark no longer dared to rely entirely on his knowledge of comics.

Because Mark now understands that what he understands is only a part of this huge world.

However, judging from the current results alone, we have not found any useful clues.

There are very few things left in those few, most people are destroyed by time, so Mark has to lament the power of time.

Mark has never thought about using the power of the Time Gem to these things. Who knows if there is any energy detection mechanism in it, detecting the power of the Time Gem, attracting the attention of those guys.

Mark didn't believe those guys. They didn't leave any traces in the universe. Even if they didn't leave any traces, Mark had a killer.

Mark didn't know whether the old man would choose to accept himself.

If you accept yourself, the Mark plan may succeed.

If the old man does not accept himself, he can only declare failure.

However, judging from the situation of the old man several times before, he should be a good talker and should be able to solve problems.

The eldest son of God who likes Marvel, please collect it: ( The literature of Marvel’s eldest son has the fastest update speed.

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