Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 823: Venus training

Chapter 842 Venus Training

"People nowadays are really impatient!" Mark exclaimed as he looked at Kane who left.

The two ghost agents revealed their figures quietly, and when the negotiation started just now, the two of them stood beside Kane.

Through their own spiritual exploration, they observed Kane's words and deeds to ensure that this guy did not say anything against his will.

"The two go down first! Watch him for me. If he is ready to unload, this time we talk between us, then just kill him."

Although Kane is the owner of a top mining company, no one can guarantee that there is no one behind him.

As Kane himself said, behind many mining companies, there are big forces behind them.

Mark doesn't know, and doesn't want to know, who is standing behind him? Anyway, he is not as strong as himself.

What Mark really cares about is the one-thousand-member mine guard team organized by Kane.

Of course, this is just to cover people's eyes and not let more people see Mark's ambition.

Ambition is a good thing, but it’s best to always be known only by yourself. The ambition to let others know will only make others feel jealous.

In the bidding a few days later, it was not surprising that Tiberias Mining Company successfully qualified.

Other companies have returned in failure, and they have prepared funds for this and can only return to their original owners.

The qualified Tiberium Mining Company successfully boarded the transport spacecraft prepared by Mark Company.

And the spacecraft of Mark is not the only one flying into space.

Various countries are also launching spacecraft at the same time today. What they want are old manned spacecraft, and some are new-style transport spacecraft.

The vast majority of the new-style carrier spacecraft is loaded with personnel, and there is nothing more valuable than these personnel.

A few core and important materials have also been placed in these new transport spacecraft.

Although the old manned spacecraft also carried a lot of people, after modification, the most carried were cargo.

The fleet of hundreds of spaceships flew towards Venus, which is not far away.

The new transport spacecraft can jump through space and jump directly to the vicinity of Venus.

Although the old-fashioned transport spacecraft can directly jump in space, the jumping distance is much worse than that of the new-style spacecraft.

According to preliminary estimates by scientists, it will take 3 to 4 days longer than the new spacecraft.


Fifty kilometers above the atmosphere of Venus. The atmospheric pressure here is about the atmospheric pressure of the earth's sea level, half of which do not need to wear a pressure suit here, and the temperature here is also close to the temperature of the earth's surface, and the solar radiation is not that serious.

A huge platform is floating here.

The people who had just come to Venus were dumbfounded when they looked at this huge floating platform.

This platform was built by Mark during this time using Protoss technology. The energy of the suspension depends entirely on the energy of the sun. As long as the sun is not destroyed in a day, this platform will not crash.

Of course, there is also a backup energy system to prevent accidents. These backup energy sources can ensure the smooth landing of the flight platform.

At the same time, within 24 hours after landing, ensure the supply of infrastructure in the platform.

A whole day is enough for the staff on the surface of Venus to rescue.

And the main function of this platform is to receive those people who have just come from the earth. Give them a chance to buffer and gradually adapt to the elaborate environment.

Learn about the general situation of the surface of Venus here, instead of letting them plunge directly into the ground of Venus like headless flies.

We must know that most of the miners are not highly educated.

If you really have a high level of education, you won't be able to do the hard work of lightwork.

Some of the things that are done may be beyond imagination. They have to undergo rigorous training here, and the unqualified will stay here to become janitor.

When they arrived here, all the laws on the earth had nothing to do with them.

Here Mark is the law, Mark decides everything, including their life and death!

The members of the expedition have become veterans, and several of them have been assigned to the platform as their mentors.

His job is to teach them.

How to survive on the surface?

How not to provoke those **** bugs?

And how to get along with those locals everywhere?

The task seems very simple, but it is indeed very difficult to memorize every detail.

Mark was also a little surprised when he saw the manual they had compiled, and even reminded Mark of the terrible endorsement time when he was in school.

"Well, everyone, you are now on the Prometheus life support platform. Now all of you have only one identity, that is, students, you will undergo a month of training. Within a month, You need to learn how to live on this **** planet.

After a month, regardless of whether you are successful in your studies, a simple test will be conducted on you and put on the surface. If you fail to learn enough and make a mistake, you will die on the surface without any rescue.

Of course, if one of the unqualified people survives by chance, they must stay on the platform and work. Of course, your work will be very hard.

Qualified people can also stay on the platform to work. Unlike those who are unqualified, the salaries and benefits of sales are also different. You can look forward to it. But I have to remind you that if you want to stay and work on the platform, you need good enough grades. If your grades are not good enough, then sorry, you can only go back to the **** place. So now, welcome to hell! "

The miners were full of complaints, but on the other side of the mine guard team, everyone closed their mouths tightly and did not dare to speak.

Because it was Mark standing beside the mine guard team.

Mark exuded a strong pressure, making everyone shut their mouths and dare not speak out. Even his own breathing was effectively controlled, afraid that his breathing would affect Mark.

"Let me just say a few words! Everyone will be equipped with the Marine Corps, the most advanced Marine Corps power suit, and the Marauder power combat uniform. These power combat uniforms can ensure that you are in the harsh environment of Venus. , Still maintain sufficient combat effectiveness and health. Of course, the prerequisite is that you have not encountered those **** bugs.

I'm not afraid. I will tell you directly that the equipment on the soldiers who will follow is not as good as you. It can be said that you are a group of people with the best logistics equipment on this planet! Don't make yourself mistaken, that's all for me. "

Hell-style formal training has just begun.

On the Prometheus life-saving platform, you can clearly hear the sound of gunshots every day, but no one is worried, because the place where the gunfire started is the combat zone of the Prometheus life-saving platform.

Everyone in the miners is at ease, because the people who protect their lives are training hard every day.

This gave them an unprecedented sense of security.

One month later, the troops sent by the World Security Council arrived smoothly.

The basic living area including the inner and outer areas has been established.

The buildings built on the periphery are all supply stations that can be raised and lowered. These space supply stations are an indispensable part of human beings when they colonize.

Ordinary soldiers can only choose to live in these space supply depots.

Senior officers can also check in directly with their bags and enjoy the unique scenery on the surface of Venus.

Of course, I don't know if it was caused by the drastic transformation of human beings, and a large number of bugs emerged from the ground.

Mark also felt strange that he had brought those Venusians with him before.

After living here for so long, there were a lot of intelligent robots building supply stations, and I didn't see these bugs crawling out of the ground!

The miners who were in charge of mining and prospecting made a few rounds on the surface and did not encounter any bugs.

At that time Mark was still wondering if he has hibernated since then.

Why are these soldiers from the earth attacking as soon as they moved in?

The soldiers in Marine Corps powered combat uniforms came to the prepared position with electromagnetic acceleration rifles, watched the insects approaching, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

They have practiced countless times on Earth, and when facing those bugs on Earth, they have never been timid, let alone on a planet that has no support at all.

Behind them now is where they will survive next.

If you want to pass from here, you must step on their corpses. Once they fail again and the supply station is destroyed, they have no place to live.

Dense bullets fired out, penetrating the Zerglings in the front row.

Where can the Zergling's body be able to withstand such a intensive attack, but among these bugs, the most numerous are not these Zerglings, but those cockroaches like small tanks.

Under the harsh environment of Venus, atmospheric pressure forces these cockroaches' outer shells to be firmer. The quality of the outer shells increases linearly and their defense capabilities are greatly enhanced.

Those acidic liquids flowing on the ground have been integrated with them. They can easily break open the end of the steel digging claws, absorb the acid from the ground, and then mix with the strong acid in the mouth to form a more powerful acidic liquid.

These acidic liquids can easily corrode a whole piece of rock or steel. Several special alloy shields on the surface are easily corroded by these acidic liquids.

The Marines were also shocked by the power of these acidic liquids. They didn't expect that the cockroaches here were more terrifying than those on Earth, and they couldn't help but remember what the instructor had said to them.

The eldest son of God who likes Marvel, please collect it: ( The literature of Marvel’s eldest son has the fastest update speed.

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