Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 864: U bride

Chapter 883

There are many discriminators, racial discriminators, **** discriminators in the world, and even the diet is discriminatory enough.

The war between the sweet and salty parties has been going on for many years.

This kind of thing is considered to be an unpleasant thing now.

If you have to define Mark, Mark is an alien discriminator.

Mark discriminates against aliens who look very different from humans.

If those aliens look similar to humans, such as Thor, and have a friendly attitude towards humans, Mark doesn't mind being friends with them.

Those who still have malicious intent and are thinking about the humans on the earth and the guys who are plotting against the earth all day, soliciting will not hesitate to impose a thunderous blow on them.

Up to now, these elves still have no plans to tell the truth.

Mark really wanted to rush to the house to kill these cubs with a knife more than once, but was stopped by the little secretary next to him.

Mark also knew how big a problem it would be to kill all these guys.

Human beings now finally have the opportunity to reproduce.

Although that batch of bugs did not know where they went, they would not pose too much threat to humans in a short time.

Humans now only need to continue their wretched development.

Even more than ten years do not need to rely on the current wealth and heritage of mankind, and it can become the most powerful emerging civilization in the universe within ten years.


New York City.

The elves are planning secretly here.

"They took our people away. Now their whereabouts are unknown, and they don't know their life or death." An old elf said to the people in front of him.

He is the oldest and the strongest among this group of people.

This time I was sent out to manage these young people.

"Elder, all our funds are now under control. In this world, we can't move without money." One of the elves said to the elder.

Because of the elder's long age, his understanding of the world and society is deeper than these young people.

He is very clear about what these humans need to be clearer, and under what circumstances can these humans yield.

A huge exploding fireworks sounded in the distance. It was a warehouse he had prepared for a long time, where a large number of flammable and explosive items were stored.

"Elder!" The elves naturally knew that it was their own warehouse, but they didn't understand why it exploded.

The elder waved his hand very calmly and said, "Calm down, that's what I prepared."

Only by letting those humans know that the elves are terrible can they make compromises.

Blindly making concessions can't get anything.

The elves had indeed failed and lost before, losing to the man who had only one eye left, but now that man is weak, old, and not as strong as it was before.

But why should the elves fear him?

Because he has a huge fairy palace, countless Asgardian warriors who are willing to fight for it, it is precisely because of the existence of these people that the elves dare not resist.

But now the fairy palace has been destroyed, and countless Asgard gods have lost their original power.

Odin's deterrence is no longer the original.

This is why the elves dare to keep trying. They are looking for a suitable opportunity to overthrow Odin's fear and make themselves a new place in the Nine Realms.

Originally it was just a long and very careful plan, but now in this case, they have to do it in advance.

A huge portal opened up over New York City, and countless shining ships flew out of the portal. Indeed, other races did not have rainbow bridges like Asgard.

But this does not mean that they do not have the technology to transmit.

The massive invasion of the elves is something that people on earth did not expect. The feeling that the elves have always been that kind of amiable attitude, they show great kindness, so kind that people are not willing to hurt them at all.

But the world itself does not exist those extremely kind and pure races.

Because these races have long been swallowed by people in the long river of history.

It can only be said that most races have simple kindness, but they don't have that kind of extreme kindness.

Angels will also draw out the sword of purification to drive out heretics, and the Buddha also has a glaring vajra.

Those so-called kindness and simplicity are nothing but a means to deceive mankind.

Mark would rather communicate with those dwarves than with these hypocritical elves. Although the dwarves say that they have a bad temper, have a bad attitude, like to drink, and are obsessed with minerals and forging, at least they are willing to show their true feelings.

Mark has always prevented the elves from communicating with other countries or organizations in the world, and this is also a consideration.

The huge warships of elves hover over New York City, constantly threatening the residents of New York City. Although these warships do not have terrifying cannons, just judging them by appearance, it is really a big mistake. .

In the interstellar age, some ships no longer need to rely on gun barrels to launch attacks.

The golden phoenix fighter jets broke through the clouds, and they did not hesitate to fire at the elven warships flying out of the legendary gate.

The elven warship also fought back, and several Phoenix fighters that had no time to evade fell toward the ground after the shield was broken.

The heavy dragon knight was bent to the ground, and the penetrating light cannons constantly attacked the abdomen of these ships. The specially strengthened abdomen of the ship temporarily resisted the attack of the dragon knights.

But if this continues, the Dragon Knights will sooner or later break through the defenses at the bottom of the ship.

The elves above also realized this. They jumped from their ship. Several elves even started attacking in the air. They didn't care about this height at all, and they used their own equipment and accumulated experience over the years. , They fell to the ground very easily.

These elves jumped down from the ship in the sky, giving the ordinary people on the ground a great impact, and there was no problem falling from the sky, let alone a head-on battle.

The National Guard who had just arrived at the scene had already begun to panic, and the hit rate of the weapons in their hands had also begun to plummet.

The elf standing on the opposite side shot an arrow without hesitation, and demanded the life of a National Guard soldier.

Since the explosion, these businesses have already begun to invade.

Odin looked at the situation outside in his home. He could clearly see the ships floating in the air, but it was still quite far away from his home.

"He came, those guys really couldn't sit still." Odin said and turned around, planning to put on his armor.

These elves must pay the price for what they did. This is not only a betrayal of humans, but also a betrayal of Odin, the king, because they are still some of Odin’s people, but they don’t obey the orders of Odin. .

Thor didn't know when he took off his clothes, put on a fish scale armor, and looked at his heroic son.

Odin suddenly didn't want to go to battle, so he should give the young people more opportunities to experience.

"Bring the victory back."

"Yes, father."


"The humans of the earth hear that we have no intention of being an enemy of you, but you humans have captured our compatriots and are carrying out inhumane torture and questioning of our compatriots. Now hand over our poor compatriots, and we will stop our offensive and leave here. "The elf suddenly stopped attacking and began broadcasting to the entire New York City.

They want to occupy the righteousness of this attack.

Put all the sins on Mark.

This does not require these elves to exert pressure on their own, humans will continue to pressure Mark and eventually release the so-called innocent elves.

But would Mark really give in like this?

The answer is obvious.

Only a white light suddenly shot out, piercing through the ship that was still transmitting information.

Mark's voice was loud and thorough, echoing throughout New York City.

"Let me listen to the elves. All the spies you sent have been captured by me. Now I lay down my weapons and surrender. I will spare you my life, otherwise I will officially declare war on you on behalf of mankind."

According to reason, Mark does not have the right to represent human beings, but in this case, no one dared to come out and sing the opposite.

The shot just now caused everyone to close their mouths obediently.

That's because they are afraid that Mark will turn the gun to them.

Strength is justice, this is universal in all worlds.

Really cowering humans suddenly realized it. Human beings are no longer the human beings they were back then. Human beings can stand up straight and no longer fear those **** alien races.

A New York City resident shouted: "Get the elves back, let these invaders get back!"

Others also made their own voices to support the National Guard, which is constantly approaching the front line.

"Those protagonists! Why do you want to help humans?" The elves didn't know why those guys chose to help unreliable guys like humans.

Could it be that human beings are their own fathers?

Although puzzled, they can't take it lightly.

They want to build a dike, a new round of offensive that may come at any time.

Fighters from various countries of the human race took off one after another, coming towards New York City.

Human beings nowadays are not as sensitive to the issue of territory as they used to be.

Especially in this chaotic environment, human beings are more tolerant of territorial issues.

The main reason is still due to the problem of the development of the universe. No one can guarantee that a backward country will find a planet with abundant resources, and will it become a rising country!

The Phoenix fighters also began to retreat, completely handing over the battlefield to human fighters.

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