Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 869: Coalition forces

Chapter 888

A man with a hood in the crowd appeared extremely high-profile and conspicuous in the crowd, but no one would care about this man with a hood.

Who doesn't have a bit of maverick and habits yet!

What's more, there are many demonstrators now, and it is impossible to ask everyone to show their faces. There are also many people who put on their own masks directly to conceal their true identity, so as to ensure that they will not have big problems in their future lives.

Everyone has their own last resort reasons, it is impossible to confess directly to others.

But just when Kane was speaking here, he suddenly raised his hand, and a ray of light shot towards Kane.

Now Mark on the table had no time to protect, and the ray went straight through Kane's chest.

Kane didn't even squirt out blood, so he fell to the ground unconscious, not knowing whether it was alive or dead. The surrounding security guards rushed towards the person who had just launched the attack.

But the guy seemed to be prepared, facing the security guards who surrounded him, he was quite calm, he slammed his robe and directly fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a hurricane blew around him with his own as the center of the circle. The marchers who had no power to hold the chicken could not withstand the attack of the hurricane and were blown into the distance.

A vacuum area formed around him, and the security guards who tried to come up were also pushed out by the crowd.

Mark stepped forward to check Kane’s condition. Although he had hit his heart, the elf’s recovery ability was very strong, and he had not died in a short time. However, in this situation, death will happen sooner or later, and Mark immediately treated him. Give first aid to prevent weakness.

After the treatment, Mark looked at the guy who was in the center of the crowd. This guy was definitely sent by the elf in advance.

And the attack on this guy did not cause fatal damage. If he was aiming at the head, Kane might have already died.

Mark jumped in front of him and stretched out his hand to try to grab the opponent's neck, but the opponent directly hit Mark's wrist with a hand knife.

If it were an ordinary person, his wrist would have been broken long ago, but Mark's body is much stronger than normal.

There was no problem at all when the knife hit Mark. On the contrary, the opponent who launched the hand knife attack had a bone fracture.

Mark's palm that continued to stretch out, knowing that his interception had failed, the other party did not hesitate to jump backwards, and after turning over two consecutive laps, he landed firmly on the ground.

Ma fixed his eyes and realized that it was a female elf.

But Mark will not be merciful because of the difference between men and women.

Even if you know that the other party is a woman, you will never show mercy. There is no distinction between men and women on the battlefield.

The other party was clutching herself, the palm of her hand that didn't launch an attack just now. It was obvious that that moment had also caused a lot of impact on her.

"I advise you to catch it now, don't continue to resist, at least you will be more decent." Mark said as he took out a spear through space magic.

This spear is exactly Odin's weapon, Gunganer.

Seeing this weapon, the female elf trembled involuntarily, and began to look terrified.

They had already investigated and learned about the relationship between Mark and Odin. Asgard's adopted daughter, also known as Asgard, was the relationship between the third princess and Mark.

Although it is not a husband and wife, but the relationship is more stable than husband and wife.

"I surrender!" The female elf knew that she was a dead end, but if possible, she wanted to give Mark a fatal blow.

Before this one must approach Mark.

Mark walked towards the female elf step by step. Everyone thought that Mark was going to capture the other party, but just when Mark was less than five steps away from the other party, Mark suddenly lost his Gungnir.

The elf never thought that Mark would launch an attack from this distance. Don't think that Mark was going to live herself, so she didn't appear to be too alert.

"Like this kind of enemy agent, everyone is punishable! Don't worry, the injury Kane just received is not fatal. He is currently undergoing treatment, and I believe he will be able to stand up again soon.

Gentlemen and ladies just now have to show their brutality again. Even if they are their own people, they have never let go of such elves. They are not the kind and beautiful existences in our fairy tales at all. They can even be said to be defiled. Our beautiful fairy tales. Because of this, they will die.

I, Mark Komunen, declare war on the elves in my own name. The battle will not end until either of the elf and I fall. "As soon as Mark's voice fell, Thor also fell from the sky.

Thor held up the Thor's hammer in his hand and said to the crowd: "I, Thor, the eldest son of Asgard, hereby announce that Asgard will fight alongside Mark Komunen and eliminate these ill-intentioned ones. Elf."

Immediately after a huge beam of light fell from the sky, Archbishop Atanis, High Lord Aranak, two people walked out of the beam of light.

At the same time, he said to the people: "I am Atanis, the archbishop of the Templar, and I am the high lord of Tadalin, Aranak. We will officially declare war on the elves on behalf of the Protoss."

The people of the World Security Council who were late also made an emergency landing from the helicopter, stood on the stage, and announced to everyone: "The World Security Council and the members of various countries will also join Mr. Komunin and the Asgard people. The gods and the comrades from the Protoss fought side by side to clean up the scourge of the universe."

With the establishment of the coalition to resist the elves, things have entered a new stage.

The portal in the sky has not been closed until now, and the portal for the turret has been prepared for a long time, guarding against the elven warship that may arrive at any time.

In fact, the elves have long wanted to close these portals to ensure the safety of their homes.

But Mark restricted the closing of these portals because this is the key to the counterattack.

Mark did have the coordinates of the elf home, but he re-established a portal.

In an unknown area, it is very dangerous for the coalition forces on the earth, and a little carelessness will fall into the enemy's trap.

As for a known portal, the current situation can be investigated in advance to clearly know whether it is dangerous.

All the buildings under the portal have been emptied, and the residents inside have moved to New York City. Although the newly built city outside is a newly built city, these residents are also very happy.

After all, these new houses were built by Mark Company, which are not only safe but will become the core of the future economy. The house prices will surely rise again and again.

The Hercules imitation machine developed by humans is ready for more than a dozen Hercules, ready to penetrate into the portal at any time. The specially strengthened Hercules shell not only has a psychic shield, but also is equipped with anti-matter armor.

The former is provided by Mark, while the latter is provided by Asgard. Both have very good defensive capabilities, which can ensure the safety of Hercules before landing.

Fifty storm warships and ten new-age aircraft carriers, this is the main configuration of Mark. As for the attached wingmen, Phoenix fighter reconnaissance aircraft, and pirate ships, there are countless others.

Of course, in order to reduce the loss of this fleet, Mark ranks this fleet with arbitrators and prophets, such technological warships.

With the help of these technological ships, the survival rate of these ships can also be guaranteed on the chaotic battlefield.

Before leaving, Mark also went to the Mage's Temple and looked at the Gu Yi Mage.

The portal has been maintained until now, thanks to the hard work of the mages in the mages' temple.

Without them, the portal would have been closed, let alone the counterattack now, so Mark sincerely thanked them.

"Thank you very much, Master. Without you, we might not have the chance to counterattack at all."

"Thank you, don't say it. But I still have to remind you that this time not only is to conquer the elves, but also to warn everyone of the current human determination." Gu Yi is an old humanist, compared with Compared with the lives of other races, human lives are more precious to him.

Although this idea is very inconsistent with American values ​​of equality, it is a manifestation of absolute humanity.

"You too, be careful of attacks from the dark dimension, and hope that when we return from the elven kingdom, you will still be alive." Malak has now used honorifics to Gu Yi.

For those who are willing to pay for the earth and are willing to fight for the earth, Mark absolutely does not mean his respect and respect.

Two days after the press conference, Kane was still in the hospital, but humans had already begun to counterattack.

As the counter-offensive adviser this time, he knew the elder who Kane thought was dead.

Mark stood beside the elder, looked at the beautiful country in front of him, and asked with a smile: "How do you feel when you return to your hometown in this form?"

Mark's question is definitely not his own bad taste, but wants to test what the elder thinks.

"The elves are decayed. This is not because power corrupted them, but the result of the environment. Asgard's perennial oppression made the elves' hearts become distorted and distorted. I know this better than anyone else. I hope you will kill fewer elves at that time. I will let them lay down their weapons and surrender." Although the elder has betrayed his own race, he loves his own race no less than others.

Mark doesn't want to talk about this kind of hypocrisy. Perhaps the true feelings in their hearts are like this, and they have to bow their heads to reality.

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