Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 871: Fleet decoy

Chapter 890 Fleet Decoy

"Phoenix fighters, reconnaissance aircraft, and pirate ships rush forward directly, and the Void Glow Ship is slowly advancing in the rear to ensure the soundness and safety of the rear. The Storm Battleship is fully fired and targets the large warships in the distance for decay attacks. The aircraft carrier will all intercept aircraft Release it to me and stare at the assault ship on the opposite side." Mark said in standard Protoss language.

This made Old Zheng who was standing next to him stunned for a moment, and did not understand what Mark was doing.

"Old Ma? What are you doing?" Lao Zheng asked curiously.

"Ah, it's nothing, I'm just talking to those protagonists, and the battle later will be no big deal." Mark said that it was calm and gentle, but the speaker had no intention, and the listener had the intention.

Old Zheng looked at Mark with a surprised expression.

This is not a casual, simple language. It is very difficult to learn an alien civilization language. First of all, it is not the same as any language known to mankind. Because of the occurrence of alien races, organs are very different from humans, let alone using human organs to make alien sounds.

The second is how to accurately communicate with aliens for understanding and accuracy of occurrence.

Lao Zheng also suffered from this. He wanted to be one of the first people to come into contact with aliens. He also thought about learning the language of aliens, but finally gave up. He would rather let aliens learn from the earth. Languages, and never learn alien languages.

This is not a question of wanting to think or not, nor is it a difficult question, and there is really no way to learn a free language.

At least relying on human organs, it is impossible to make that weird sound.

"Tor, take your people and start the counterattack! Our chance to attack is here."

Thor had long been uneasy, and before Mark gave an order, he rushed up with someone.

It's just that Mark is in a blind spot of vision at this time, and he can't see the Asgard ships that have been fighting together.

There was a ping-pong-pong sound from Thor's voice, and Mark knew that the other party had already rushed up, and he didn't continue to waste time and hung up the communication.

Thor was playing right now, constantly attacking the shells of those ships with Thor's Hammer in his hand. The power of Thunder easily destroyed the ships, even some heavy ships, there is no way to destroy the shells, but also let the inside. The driver was temporarily paralyzed.

Thor has completely got through now, and he doesn't care what he said just now. He is now full of brains just wanting to destroy more warships, and now he is a crazy God of War.


On the human ship side, although not as strong as Asgard and Protoss, they still do their due responsibilities, such as intercepting some small warships.

This is like saying that people have gnawed off the most difficult bones. The frontal team is basically two-on-five, but you can't be idle. Try to get rid of the middle and the line, and add the economy and buff. Also good.

Although the entire stroke was even embarrassing, no one blamed them. For them, they did their best.

The interceptors of aircraft carriers are extremely fast, especially for new aircraft carriers. The speed of these connectors is astonishing. Even some old-fashioned interceptors can’t keep up with them. Basically the moment they fly out, except for a few special ones. 'S laser cannon can keep up with each other, while the others can basically only sigh.

This is not to mention these, the speed of the wizard warship that can't keep up.

Old Zheng originally wanted to return to the command platform to command the battle, but he saw that the human battleship was facing it, and the elven battleship was completely inaccessible, so he could only sigh.

If you fall behind, you have to be beaten. The earth is progressing very fast now, but it is still too weak compared to other civilizations, and it is even unworthy to give others the qualifications.

"What are your thoughts now?" Mark asked Lao Zheng with a smile.

"If you fall behind, get beaten. Old people don't often say this. It's not too late to use it now."

"Yes, if you fall behind, you have to be beaten. The earth is like this. We have to find a way to develop as much as possible. Conquering these elves now is one of the opportunities." said the warships at the farthest point.

Old Zheng seemed to realize something at this moment.

The last elven warship fell, and mankind has lost two hundred warplanes and won at the price.

Of course, this is not to say that Asgard and Protoss did not lose any.

Asgard lost four ships and more than 400 soldiers on board.

Protoss lost more than 30 Phoenix fighters, more than 20 pirate ships, and 60 reconnaissance aircraft.

In this chaotic environment, the role that the reconnaissance aircraft can play is really small.

However, the core ships were not damaged, which is also a good thing. Only two of the void glow ships were hit hard, while the storm battleship and the aircraft carrier were not harmed at all.

Not to mention the loss of the interceptor, not even the speed, let alone the attack.

Although the battle is over, no one is happy.

Because this time is just a wizard, everyone knows the first attack. After this time, there will be a second and a third time. More and more attacks are waiting for them. This is just the beginning. That's it.

It is precisely because of this kind of thinking that everyone is more worried about whether the next attack will lose more, and whether the expedition has not been completed, and they can only choose to retreat.

Central command room.

Mark led the two people who finally entered the central command room with Old Zheng. The others had already waited here for a long time. Thor also returned to the central command room as soon as the battle ended.

"You come back so quickly." Mark didn't care about the eyes of other people at all, walked up to Thor and said.

"There is nothing more to do, just come back quickly, are you there waiting for them to lay eggs?" Mark said that there was a bit of truth, and finally walked to the command table.

"This is the map we just explored. This is the closest ship launch point for the elves. If we take this away, we will be able to successfully suppress the surrounding elves. Without the help of the ships, they only have a cover position for us. In terms of being vulnerable, I don't have a lot of long-range firepower, and I can completely suppress the ground position. By then, these will be in our bag." Mark said from a location on the map.

"But we need to pass through the enemy's three defense zones to get here, and we may even encounter the enemy fleet's interception in advance. If the opponent intercepts us directly on this line, we will not only have to bear the ground air defense firepower. Attack, but also face the attack of the enemy ship." The French commander pointed to a defense area on the map and said.

"So at that time we need to give up some people, as people who attract firepower, to attract their firepower. The large forces continue to attack." Although Mark has a feeling of abandoning the car to protect his handsome, this sentence is not wrong at all.

After all, if you want to solve it as soon as possible and reduce losses, this is the best choice.

It will only be the expeditionary army that will continue to lose in this tug-of-war, not the elves with strong logistics supplies.

It's not that the French commander does not understand that he can hold this position. Which brain can have a problem? But Mark gave up some people directly. This practice really made everyone very unhappy.

Not to mention the French commander, others have also greatly improved the impression of Mark.

"War is never the sacrifice of the undead. It is a common occurrence in exchange for strategic victory. You should be very clear that compared to sacrificing the majority of people, sacrificing a small part is basically a good deal. I can even tell you that I intend to carry a few Hercules battleships, and a small number of soldiers will come to attract firepower. Whether it is an Asgard battleship or a Protoss battleship, the combat power is better than that of the battleships on earth. Fighters are even better.

In this case, the survival of the fittest can only choose to eliminate the warships and fighters of the earth. Think about it yourself! I have only so many suggestions. If you are still preparing for the tug of war, then be prepared for the failure of this expedition. Our time is running out. The longer the delay, the more time the other party has to prepare. Making a decision as soon as possible is the top priority now. "Mark also has to put pressure on them to make their choices quickly.

Everyone is not a fool. Although a little bit reluctant, at this time they can only bite the bullet and say: "I agree with this tactic."

"I agree!"



"No comment."

The five representative commanders of the World Security Council all approved the plan.

The fleet did not stop, and immediately rushed forward. They wanted to cross the entire line in the shortest time.

If there is no business interception on the road, these decoys don't even have to be sent to death.

But why did the elves miss this fleet?

When the fleet was about to fly over the last defense zone, countless artillery aimed at the fleet and began to attack, and the densely packed warships and fighter planes in the distance also approached here.

"It seems that we can't avoid this battle. According to the original plan, let the decoy go up and intercept! The other people continue to move forward while attacking the enemy ships that are intercepting."

Under Mark's command, the fleet kept advancing forward. Although it encountered considerable obstacles along the way, the speed of the assault never dropped, and it would take less than ten minutes to reach the opponent's battleship launching station.

Two minutes later, the decoy fleet was annihilated, and everyone just mourned for a second in their hearts, and then continued to cheer up and prepare to attack the launching station.

The intensive artillery attack destroyed the warships and fighter planes on the ground that had not yet taken off.

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