Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 879: street fighting

Chapter 898

The elf general angrily smashed everything on his table to pieces.

In any case, he had never thought about the perimeter defense line, and he would fall in such a short time. Originally, his expected time for the perimeter line of defense was within two days. He thought that two days were already very short.

In these two days, he should be able to block the attack from outside, and after two days he will be able to arrange enough blocking points in the alley.

But the defenders on the outer line of defense fell into the ground without persisting for two days.

This is simply a shame to him, it is not the soldier brought out by himself.

In extreme anger, he destroyed everything on the table to vent the anger in his heart.

But looking at the files left on the ground, he finally picked up the files with trembling hands, watching the contents of the files, tears could not stop streaming down.

When he didn't understand the situation before, he only felt that his subordinates were too incompetent. But after learning about the specific situation at the time, he found that he was wrong, and he was wrong.

Although not only cunning, but also very powerful.

Responsible for the reinforcement of the troops, go to the reinforcements at the first time, each one can be said to be seamless, fully implementing what he taught.

But no one could have imagined that the enemy's ambush troops were stronger. The ambush troops that came and went without a trace destroyed the containment stations in the two cities and appeared during this battle. They suddenly appeared on the line of defense. In the rear, almost all the heavy firepower points for the defense line were dropped.

The vitality of the outer positions has been reduced by nearly 13, but the matter has not yet ended here, these guys who have come and gone without a trace have actually merged into a stronger individual.

The energy attack waves emitted by these individuals can hardly escape even a sniper standing on a tall building.

Because this shock wave easily defeated the load-bearing column of the building.

The reinforcements attacked desperately, and finally the entire army wiped out three powerful individuals.

The reinforcement team of more than 500 people is gone! just this!

The matter is not over here. The slender female Protoss in the dress projected weird yellow phantoms. These phantoms easily penetrated various obstacles and disrupted the attack of the shooters on the ground. , Leading to the shooter in the position. It is impossible to target the protagonists behind these phantoms.

When there is no way to aim, the damage to the enemy is also reduced a lot. It is completely different from the previous 100 shots. Every piece can hit the enemy and cause damage to the enemy.

More importantly, these phantoms actually caused the female celestial spirits to teleport to the side of the battlefield.

Under this circumstance, the soldiers on the ground naturally attacked these Protoss in the first place. But precisely because of this, completely gave up on the frontal melee star spirits.

Without the support of heavy firepower, the fall of the outer defense line is not so incomprehensible.

"Fight to the last minute! The order goes on, everyone urgently strengthens the fortifications, and places traps in every street to prevent the enemy's attack. We will fight them here in a tug of war. The other party will definitely not destroy the city. Otherwise, you have already started. Order the transport ship to transport all the resources here, and leave no resources for the enemy." The general said to his adjutant.

He doesn't know how long he can hold on now, maybe one day or two days, or even only half a day.

No one can be sure what it will look like in the future.

He has made plans to die, he can only delay the attack of this Earth Alliance as much as possible.

When the adjutant was about to leave the office, the general said again: "Are you leaving with them? This is because the troops must leave a root."

The adjutant did not say so many generous speeches, and left after saluting.

A city still burning with flames and black smoke outside. The general tidied up his military uniform, through the glass windows, but he could clearly see his appearance.

"The battle has just begun!"


In a certain block to the north, humans mixed with Asgardians, constantly advancing slowly.

The Asi family stood at the forefront, and they were able to ignore the few traps that the elves bought and placed here. Of course, if they encountered a certain powerful bomb, they would still be unable to escape.

But let the fragile human beings stand in the forefront, it is estimated that the death will be faster, even a little help will not help.

That's why Asgard's fighters allowed them to stand behind them, at least when they were injured, there were people to rescue them, and gave themselves fire support to prevent further attacks.

The two Asgard soldiers looked at the flat ground ahead, temporarily feeling the crisis.

If it was an area where bricks and rubble were piled up, he wouldn't worry about planting bombs there. Although it was a bit more difficult, it was easier to detect there.

But the land in front of me must have been planted with bombs, but there was no sign of damage on the ground, which was enough to prove that the other party had a brilliant means of burying bombs.

The general detection method will definitely not produce results, so you can only use the physical body to step on the thunder and try to see how many bombs there are.

Asgard’s warrior held a shield and moved forward slowly, carefully feeling the vibration from the ground under his feet.

He was extremely cautious with every step, and at the same time, he was guarded against the cold guns that might be shot from the windows on both sides. Every step he took, he became more and more surprised, because there was nothing around him.

No matter how good the Kung Fu is, there is no way to change the nature of planting bombs.

When a foot is stepped on to produce a vibration, it will still affect underground targets and objects. The feedback of this vibration can be felt by the sensitive Asgardians, so the specific location of the bomb can be roughly judged. Where, then based on the location of the bomb, make a tactical plan.

But now I don’t feel a bomb at all. There is only one possibility. The other party is waiting for him to enter the encirclement, pretending that there are a lot of bombs that are not easy to be buried here, attracting everyone to enter, and then explode. Kill everyone. The organizer who planned this operation was secretly watching them in the buildings on both sides.

Asgardian soldiers knew that they couldn't do this now, and one step would be to take their lives and make fun of the team behind them.

He took a flash bomb from his waist and held it in his hand for a few seconds before throwing it out. The flash bomb exploded suddenly, blowing the eyes of everyone peeping around into blindness. .

The elf hiding behind the bunker, covering his eyes, kept screaming.

When he screamed for the first time, he said that he was sure to die now, so except for the first scream that was his true feelings, all other things were pretended by him.

He held the detonator tightly in his hand, waiting for the soldiers of Asgard to approach, and then detonated the bomb still lying underground.

His technique is very special. By using a special technique to bury the bomb in the ground, it is difficult to judge that it is like normal land even by shaking.

The messy footsteps sounded around, and the elf smiled and pressed the detonator in his hand, which was quickly pressed down.

But the expected explosion did not appear, instead, he saw those guys appear in front of him.

"how is this possible!"

The elves who were still surprised why their bombs did not explode had already died under human guns.

The bomb has not been cleaned up, and it is still in good condition. The reason why it did not explode is because the signal of the explosion has been interfered. Unless the old method of pulling the line explosion is used, there is no way to complete the explosion.

Sometimes some ancient things, advanced technology makes many things a lot more convenient, but when faced with higher technology, it is a bit unreliable.

Although it is the first time for humans to fight against elves, it is not the first time for Asgard’s soldiers. The veterans who have participated in the battle to conquer Alfheim have been promoted as instructors of Asgard soldiers. Naturally, I spared no effort to tell the younger generations about what I experienced when I was young.

On the one hand, it is naturally to boast of their past achievements, on the other hand, it is to tell them how to deal with those elves in the future battlefield?

Therefore, these Asgard soldiers can easily solve the traps set by these elves. After so many years, the traps set are still so old-fashioned, without any new ideas.

This may be the sadness of sitting on the well and watching the sky!

Not all human teams are very lucky. They are led by soldiers from Asgard, while some teams are led by the Protoss.

Protoss' exploration method is simpler and rude.

Because he is a purifier, he has no fear of sacrificing his personality, and at most he returns to the central database.

The next time he re-picks him, he will be another hero, and he will sacrifice at most his body and shell.

So all the traps were forcibly carried over by them, and it was really impossible to continue the operation, so they gave up this body and handed it over to the human forces to deal with the new body, which was dropped from the airdrop.

Protoss uses practical actions what I mean to be rich, I can really do whatever I want!

In response to this arrogant behavior, the human allies just wanted to hug their thighs, and asked the last question whether the big man still lacks a leg pendant?

It's a pity that Protoss has no shortage of such pendants, and Mark will not allow such pendants to exist.

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