Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 881: Yrel saves the field

Chapter 900

If Yrel can be captured successfully, then the crisis of the homeland will be solved, and there is no need to continue to attack these indifferent cities.

The spirit of the elves is very clear and clear. This is a tactic to encircle Wei and save Zhao.

If humans do not intend to return aid, then the entire earth will become a paradise for elves. The elves knew very well that even if all the troops were left directly, it might not be able to stop the Earth coalition attack.

In that case, it is better to attack the earth and let him take the initiative to retreat.

"Madam, all the permissions of the Spear of Arden are now open to you. You can control all the subsidiary systems of the Spear of Arden to provide you with enough help on the battlefield."

The Spear of Arden has a separate psionic communication circuit, but through this communication circuit, Narud connects to Yrel who is on the surface at this time.

"Okay, please give me fire support and shoot down the nearest large warship." Yrel pointed to a warship in the distance and said.

If she did it herself, although she could do it, she had a lot of effort. So this kind of work might as well be handed over to Narud,

"Orbital bombing is ready!"

"The orbital bombing begins!"

Orbital assault guns, a series of attacks landed on the top of the battleship. The space battleship basically reinforced it in all directions, but there were also weak points. The top was one of them.

The main reason is that the main control rooms of many warships are located above the warships.

The reason why the main control room is placed above the battleship is not only because of its beauty, but also because of the good view above the battleship.

After losing all kinds of electronic equipment, he can see the battlefield clearly through vision.

The orbital assault gun was divided into two points of attack, respectively attacking the main control room of the battleship and the power system of the battleship.

The main control room and power system of the computer were destroyed almost at the same time. Before the battleship fell from the sky, it had already exploded, and a huge firework was in full bloom in the sky.

The shock wave caused by the explosion is difficult to resist even on the ground. If you don't enter the bunker, you can easily be swept away by the shock wave of the explosion.

Yrel also supported the shield and barely stood on the ground. She has mastered a lot in the use of power, but it is more about attacking than defense.

Yrel needs to learn a lot, which is one of the reasons why Mark is unwilling to let her go to the battlefield.

If possible, Mark would never let her go to the battlefield.

The wings of light behind Yrel opened, and the wings stirred and led her to the tallest building.

Only by flying to the commanding heights can we observe the situation on the entire battlefield, and this will be beneficial to the next battle.

The solar ray gun began to cut the battlefield, and the elven warships in the sky realized that there were other reinforcements in the high-altitude orbit.

These elven warships began to fly towards high-altitude orbits, leaving a small part of them to continue to attack on the frontal battlefield.

If they continue to let the high-altitude orbit of the warship attack, then their next attack will be defeated.

Although the size of these elven warships cannot be compared with the Spear of Arden, the size of each warship is not much different from that of human battlecruisers.

There is definitely a threat to the Spear of Arden. The fleet with the Spear of Arden as the core begins to attack, and a melee is unfolding in the high-altitude orbit of the earth.

The frontal battlefield has indeed reduced a lot of pressure, but now humanity has also lost the support of the Spear of Arden.

In the next battle, as before, humans can only rely on themselves.

Fortunately, at this time, Tony's armor has been transformed.

More than a dozen heavy armors after being transformed flew out of the Avengers’ base.

These heavy armors are used to specifically target the warships of the elves, and the expensive weapons are by far the largest caliber weapons Tony has equipped.

If possible, he didn't plan to let these war machines see the light of day again. He even wanted to keep these war machines in the warehouse and never use them for the rest of his life.

The design drawings have already been designed, and there is also a prototype machine, but it is not a simple and easy task for mass production transformation.

Tony also worked with Jarvis and the backup system left over from Christmas to transform them, and they were transformed in such a short time.

They had already prepared the portal and sent them to Frankfurt, where heavy armor and special missiles were launched from the launching nest on their shoulders.

The moment the special missile hits the battleship, the powerful gravity twists, distorting the space affected by the explosion.

Those fragile armors were vulnerable to these gravity-distorting missiles. This was the black technology left by the dark elves at the time.

Until now, many weapons of mankind were created using the knowledge left over by the dark elves at that time.

These weapons of Tony were also made at that time.

It is a pity that the reserves of these missiles are not large.

Even if they were urgently manufactured after entering a state of war, only a few hundred were manufactured.

Don't think that there are a lot of hundreds of missiles. Compared with the densely packed warships in the sky, it takes less than five minutes to shoot all the hundreds of missiles.

Of course Tony did not intend to make these missiles the main force against these warships. The laser cannons prepared behind these heavy armors were the main force of this battle.

The large-caliber laser cannon must allow the entire heavy armor to completely crawl on the ground before it can be launched.

Huge stable supports were opened on both sides of the chest of the new battle armor, and it was not over yet, and the hands and legs were completely fixed on the ground, and the giant barrel behind it slowly rose up.

A large number of white particles continued to converge after running, and under the gaze of everyone, dozens of white rays launched towards the battleship in the sky.

These heavy laser cannons did not easily penetrate the shell of the battleship, but they also shot down a large number of fighters.

And those warships that were about to fall were hit by previous missiles.

After being attacked by the laser, there is no way to continue flying in the sky.

Falling towards the ground.

But once such a warship falls on the ground, the explosion it creates is absolutely no less than the explosion of a chemical factory.

It's just a small nuclear bomb.

The barrier of the holy light appeared, blocking the fall of the battleship, the battleship exploded outside the barrier of the holy light, and all the shocks rushed to the barrier of the holy light.

Yrel barely supported the Light Barrier, and if there were two more shocks like this, she would not be able to hold on.

After all, I still have the power. The time is a little short. If it can be longer, it may be able to persist two more shocks.

Tony also realized the problem. Tony gave up the attack on the severely wounded warships. The damaged warships began to fall to the direction of the portal to retreat and waited until Tony to launch again in the direction of the portal.

In that case, the battleship will fall uncontrollably in the direction of the portal, and only the elven kingdom on the other side will be destroyed.


In orbit in space, the elves greatly underestimated the combat effectiveness of the Protoss.

At the beginning, only the Spear of Arden and several battleships and assault ships were escorted. As for those fighters, they are not included.

But as time passed by a little bit, they found their ignorance.

Under the cover of the invisibility position of the Arbiter, most of the fleet is not exposed, but when these elves start to attack the Protoss fleet recklessly, the Arbiters have already lifted their invisibility. position.

It's not that these arbitrators have problems in their minds before doing these things.

It is precisely because these elves on the other side are ready to attack, so these arbiters do this.

This is a way of deterrence, which can affect the opponent's combat performance.

Of course, it may also cause another extreme, where the opponent's combat effectiveness is greatly improved in a short time.

But now it is obviously not to the other extreme. And the opponent will not have the ability to defeat this invincible fleet.

Countless aircraft carriers of the new era and the old era have launched interceptors. The number of interceptors alone is hundreds of times that of those elven ships.

Hundreds of interceptors attacked the wizard's ship at the same time, and even the shell of the tortoise was turned into fragments under the simultaneous attack of hundreds of interceptors.

Not to mention the storm warships that are spewing decaying energy bombs at the same time, and those void glow ships that are gathering death rays.

The matter hasn't completely ended here. It is the Protoss version of the Explosive Mosquito that was created by imitation of sentinels in camouflage. Don't fly toward these warships.

Although it was imitated and used the energy of the Protoss, the power of the explosion was no worse than the original version.

Mark prepared these little things to deal with the complicated battlefield situation. This is Mark. He didn't use these little things once, but he let Narud use them at this time.

The elven warships are being quickly wiped out, they have no time to make any defense or jumping, and become fragmented under endless attacks.

The battle lasted only half an hour from the beginning to the end. To be precise, it only lasted 15 minutes, because the next 15 minutes was for the Protoss to clean the battlefield.

Converge the debris remaining in space.

If these space debris are not cleaned up, they will fall to the earth and cause damage at that time, and they will be no worse than nuclear bombs.

Naturally, human beings don't know what is happening in space, because their attention is still on the frontal battlefield in Frankfurt.

The last forces of the World Security Council and the nations of mankind that cannot leave the earth are assembled in Frankfurt.

World Security Council: I must regroup our troops!

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