Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 883: Special energy

Chapter 902

The red light illuminates the entire hall, and the blood-like red energy spheres make every elf feel terrified.

It is these red energy bodies that control their compatriots, and make their compatriots raise their butcher knife against themselves.

His compatriots were completely lost under the control of the other side.

"Are there any last words now?" Mark said with the gun aimed at the elf

"Wait, the end of humanity is not far away! We will be waiting for you humans in the underworld." The elf commander gritted his teeth and said.

"The end of mankind? I don't care about these myths and fables that don't know the truth or not! Don't use these things on me. Even if mankind is destroyed, it will only be destroyed in your own hands, not in the hands of you bastards." Mark After speaking, without giving the opponent a chance to speak, he pulled the trigger and the bullet easily penetrated the opponent's head.

The other elves were also smashed with energy by those dark archons.

Mark led a group of Dark Templar Knights and Dark Archon, and forcibly raided the opponent's command center.

The fleet outside knows nothing about these things.

Because Mark cut off their contact with the outside world.

The fleet that Frankfurt rushed back didn't even know what happened.

They just felt the outskirts of Moscow, and all they could see was the fleet at war with the Protoss.

And this fleet will soon be wiped out by the Protoss fleet. If the commander in Frankfurt is smart at this time, he will immediately mobilize his fleet and start retreating.

It was exactly as Mark had guessed. The commander of the Frankfurt fleet was a smart guy. He knew that if he continued to let his fleet rush up now, he was completely dying.

Not only would it not be effective, but it would add to the situation of the elves who were already corrupted.

But these elves didn't seem to plan to go back empty-handed. They saw the factory established in the city and the deep pit that had not been dug for long.

They have a bold idea!

"This is the third fleet, I am the commander of the fleet, Kafa. I order all the ships of the second fleet to protect the factory. I will send a team to the factory to detonate the energy blocks that have been collected in the factory. Please fight for the team. Enough time."

"The commander of the Second Fleet received it."

A concealed team of elves flew towards the central factory in a flying machine.

At this time, the central factory, although the mining time is not very long, but the amount of energy blocks collected is not at all, for the elves, it can completely supplement a fleet of energy needed for a day.

For this action team, it is possible to create a grand firework that can be remembered by all people on earth.

Because these energy blocks can be completely detonated, it is equivalent to thirty big Ivan.

In other words, if the plan is successful, Moscow will be completely erased from the earth, and this will become the first city in the history of the earth to be wiped out by an alien invader.

On the "Emerald" aircraft carrier, a Protoss monitored a squad of elves, which was approaching Moscow quickly.

He was hesitant to report what he saw. The Captain of the "Emerald" aircraft carrier, after learning about the situation, immediately passed it on to the central flagship. After the flagship commander understood the problem, he began to report to Mark.

While reporting, they also sent a Protoss squad to intercept, no matter what the other party did, it would definitely be detrimental to their side.

After the matter was over, Mark also gave the commander of this fleet a great reward, precisely because of his smart decision that saved the beautiful city of Moscow.

"Damn, we were discovered by those protoss!"

"Jump down!"

"Captain, at such a fast speed and such a high altitude, it is very possible for us to jump down..."

"We have no choice at all this time. We are ready to die when we come. Jump, and absolutely cannot let those protagonists catch up." The elf captain made a crazy decision.

Jump directly from the fighter plane.

Although the elves have good equipment that can ensure the safety of their implementation from a height, these equipment cannot guarantee that at such a fast speed, they can offset the impact of landing.

After all, when manufacturing these equipment, this special situation was not considered.

Which normal person would think about jumping off a fast-flying fighter plane? Isn't this a broken brain?

Of course, this does not mean that the elves do not have similar equipment. Of course, those equipment are very expensive and will never be used on this ordinary team.

If they were a special action team, they wouldn't come to perform this almost mortal mission.

A quick landing from high altitude can clearly feel the friction between her body and the air, as well as the sound of the wind whirring from her ears.

Some minds already feel that their body is not their own, and the equipment on their body is already trying to reduce their impact as much as possible, but if they continue to turn on at full power like this, these equipment will soon be scrapped and will soon reach a critical value. !

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the ground, the Elf Captain still did not turn off his equipment. He knew whether he could land safely, depending on whether the equipment would be scrapped before landing.

Unfortunately, the equipment of two people in the team was damaged.

The black smoke appeared in an instant, and the captain of the elves knew their results.

Sure enough, at the moment of landing, the two hapless elves were thrown to pieces.

It is a pity that there is not so much time to mourn the two companions. The death of the two companions stimulated them and determined their determination to complete the task.


Everyone can feel the pain in the captain's heart. They are the same group of graduated soldiers, and they have entered the captain's team together.

The captain's last group of team members have all been promoted, and only the captain is left, continuing to stay in dangerous positions on the front line.

The vigorous figure of the elves constantly shuttles through the broken ruins. From the beginning, Mark did not let his ships attack the central factory, mainly to see, what exactly are the things collected by the elves look like?

Unexpectedly, these guys not only plan to destroy all the energy blocks, but also plan to destroy the city together.

The Protoss continued to chase, like a hunting dog, staring at the elven team.

"If Captain continues like this, we will all die! I will bring the other two brothers over, Sister Nan and the others, you can take the remaining brothers to the factory!"

The captain knew that if this were to go on, everyone would have to die, and what they were performing was a mortal task, so when they took the order, they were already doomed.

"Be careful yourself!"

"Goodbye Captain!"


"Three targets are detected and are escaping!"

"There is no need to disperse the pursuit, the Caldalize pursuit team requested support. Three targets are fleeing to the southeast, requesting support units to pursue the pursuit."

"Roger that!"

The turning position appeared around the team, followed by a quick turn.

The Protoss is now well-versed in using the folding position, and the use of this folding position is not limited to the Spear of Arden.

Large aircraft carriers or storm warships can be projected through their own reactor.

It's just that depending on the size of the battleship and the energy reserve, the projected area will also vary.

Five apostles were projected onto the battlefield. These apostles used phantoms to start chasing the elves that were fleeing.

The elves have already understood the horror of these phantoms on the battlefield. Once they are penetrated by their armor, their defenses will be weakened. They must get rid of the pursuit of these shadows to ensure that their armor can be defended. The opponent's attack is not unprepared.

But the speed of Phantom was too fast. No matter how they dodge, they can't escape the pursuit of Phantom.

But just when they were about to reach their limit, the Phantom suddenly stopped, and stopped for a moment, giving them a chance to survive.

But in the next second they saw the physical apostles!

These elves did not miss such a good opportunity, they fired the armor-piercing arrows in their hands, hitting Wang Daxian's apostle who had formed a physical body.

The body of the apostle was penetrated by an armor-piercing sword, and the core of one of the apostles was even directly shattered.

Because the core was crushed, the apostle stopped normal operations.

"Report the flagship, they intend to detonate the energy body in the factory, and we are preparing to intercept it." The Protoss who were tracking at the beginning reported what they had seen.

Mark took over the entire communication channel and said to the Protoss who was in the process of interception: "All the ships focused on attacking the Central Factory and directly bombed the Central Factory to the sky for me."

Mark believes that normal firepower cannot destroy the energy blocks in the central factory. If it could be done, the elves would have already done so instead of leaving the team.

It should be possible to detonate those energy blocks only through special methods.

And Mark is doing this now to eliminate the elves who try to enter the factory to complete the detonation work.

Although I don't know how many energy blocks have been stored in it, Mark does not intend to let any of them explode.

The direction that all warships adjusted, the direction that the Storm Warship first turned, the charged energy bombs were launched towards the factory, the energy bombs easily penetrated the outer defenses of the factory, exposing the internal facilities.

The interceptor also rushed towards the factory as if it was no more money, and blasted the entire factory into rubble. The elves who had just entered the factory were helpless to fight back. Facing the overwhelming attack, they had only one idea before they died.

"Go to hell, this **** world!"

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