Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 900: Unstoppable charge

Chapter 919: Unstoppable Charge

If quarantine work is not carried out, then those who withdraw from the first line of defense will pass on countless viruses to those who have not yet been infected.

Once this vicious circle begins, it cannot be stopped at all.

Fortunately, humans have experienced such things several times, and now they have begun to learn.

Far from being as stupid as the bug commander thought.

The worm mother is still waiting, waiting for the virus outbreak in the human position.

Although this virus is quite old, it can definitely kill these humans.

But after a long period of time, the virus did not break out.

The insect mother is already anxious!

"Impossible! Impossible! This is a virus that the queen has transformed, how is it possible!" The worm mother has already begun to suspect that the worm is born.

Obviously he had already thought about the virus outbreak, bringing countless bugs to level down those damned human positions.

But why? Why didn't those humans have a virus outbreak.

At this time, the worm mother was aggrieved like a four-year-old loli. You ask why it is a four-year-old loli. Go and ask Zagara!

The white energy on the worm mother flickered, and it seemed to disappear at any time. This sign is a sign that the insect mother's own body energy is insufficient.

The worm mother picked up a surrounding worm egg and absorbed all the life energy in it.

These are the worm eggs and her supplies, but according to this consumption, it will continue for no more than five years at most.

Five years!

Five years!

It has been awake for three years and it will take another five years.

Who knows what exactly the worm mother has survived these three years? It is absolutely impossible for another five years!

The worm mother began to expand, but he didn't expect to encounter the investigation team sent by the World Security Council when he was about to expand.

The worm mother can swear to the heavens, if possible, she absolutely wants to develop wretchedly, rather than fighting to dig out the family as it is now.


"Why haven't the bugs attacked yet!" The recruits standing in the C area looked at the distance and said.

The veteran lying in the trench opened his eyes and said angrily: "You group of melon babies are all cheap bones. Isn't it a good thing for those monsters not to attack? Are you melon babies ready to die?"

The recruit was so stunned by the veteran that he couldn't speak for an instant. The veteran was right. Now it's hard to get some rest.

These recruits only need to spend two more years on the battlefield, and they will know how precious this opportunity is.

The veterans can also understand the ideas of these recruits. After all, everyone came from this period. The sooner the status quo is resolved, the sooner it is a relief.

In a normal day, you may die. Only when you leave the battlefield can you have a good rest and live well.

But the veteran asked clearly that the war is not so easy to solve. The war has already begun. It is either life or death, or the officials above have negotiated terms.

But this is only a precondition for conventional warfare.

Moreover, the current battle is not an ordinary conventional war at all. It is now facing alien invaders. These guys will not sign a truce with you. Either you die or I live. This is a battle for survival.

The movement of a large number of insects caused vibrations, which came from a distance, and the vibrations could be clearly felt when they were thrown on the ground.

The recruits immediately sat up, holding their guns and looking at the direction of the distant vibration.

The veteran slowly climbed up from the trench without a hurry.

The attitudes of the two are completely different. The new recruits look at the veteran's attitude which does not look like a war at all. Are they not panicked at all when the disaster is approaching?

The veteran seemed to see the meaning of the recruit's eyes, and smiled disdainfully: "What is your attitude? Do you look down on our old bones? I tell you, really, if you encounter a surprise attack, it will not be blocked by you. Our task is to get close to the small units that fled through the cracks in the battle line."

The recruits actually don't know their tasks at all, which is the reason for their lack of experience. If this kind of large-scale team battle, which has been chaotic across the board, is basically fighting on its own, it is good to be able to obtain support from the rear. If you can't get it, you can only sigh bad luck.

"Here, C-117 bomber, everyone in Area C is ready to face the impact." The air raid alarm sounded in the public channel.

The aerial bomb fell from the sky, and the sound of breaking through the air was clear.

The aerial bomb at this time is like rain in time.

The insects that had already rushed to the front were blown to pieces by these aerial bombs.

Before the recruits had time to cheer, the bugs rushed up again.

Although the bomb had an effect, there were too many worms.

Unless the bombing can be continued, it will basically have no effect.

Bunkers, missile towers, and supply depots blocked the progress of the insects. Bugs began to gnaw on those alloy buildings, but the most impact on the buildings was the acid corrosion of cockroaches.

The alloy after corrosion by the acid becomes quite fragile, and it is often damaged very quickly in the face of physical attack by insects.

Central command room.

"Zone A is isolated, area B falls, and now area C is also under attack. If area C is also lost, the first line of defense will be gone."

"Let the heroes come on! Let them withstand, absolutely can't be lost now. The defense of the second line of defense has not been fully established, and if it is lost now, the second line of defense will not be able to defend at all."

"That's right, if you continue to let those guys continue to attack now, the situation may really be very bad."

The heroes have been waiting for a long time to fly towards the position in Area C by special plane.

Through the window of the transport plane, the situation below can be clearly seen.

Every hero does not have a fixed mission, the only requirement is to stop these bugs. Can't let these bugs go one step further.

This kind of task is often the most difficult, without a clear goal.

In fact, the strength of these heroes is not so powerful.

Most of them are similar to block heroes, and the largest damage area is a street.

Indeed, in the Avengers, there is still a fighting power like Captain America, but it can't stand up to five or five times. It has rich experience!

Command, tactics, leadership, all aspects are excellent.

There are basically few people born in these wild roads that can be compared, and the guys from the World Security Council have not given them a chance to learn in this respect. Obviously I have so many educational resources in my hand, but I refuse to take it out, which is a waste.

"Let me ask, when will we persist, let us keep fighting like this if not!" a guy asked in the transport plane.

The eyes of other people also turned to him.

The person in charge of this operation said: "The battle will not end until the insects retreat."

Everyone has already guessed that there is such a possibility, but not everyone is ready for war.

You ask them to maintain law and order in a block, that's okay, but it's hard to say if you insist on fighting on the battlefield.

"Do you have any comments? If you want to leave now, you will be a deserter. I don't need to say what the result of the deserter is!"

These guys in the World Security Council will not kill, but these guys will spread the news as deserters.

A deserter, no matter what good he did, would be criticized by people.

Escape on the battlefield, can you still expect to protect yourself in this daily life?

Some people are ready to die, some are still hesitating, and some are at a loss.

The transport plane suddenly stopped, and everyone knew that the transport plane had landed.

The person sitting in the transport plane was still rejoicing that there was no attack on him when the transport plane shook.

"Everyone go down!"

No one dared to stay here for a while, it could explode at any time.

Stepping off the transport plane, these heroes saw a scene they had never seen before. Although there are many things in New York City, there has never been such a **** scene.

"Everyone, the survival of the position is up to you."


"Rely on these unreliable shrimp soldiers and crabs?" Mark said through the binoculars watching all this.

Zheng Xian took off his coat, walked to Tony's side, picked up the wine bottle and poured a glass.

"Yes, this is the last strength. If these heroes can't defend, then the second line of defense is broken is a matter of time." Zheng Xian took a sip of the iced rum and said, feeling the taste and turning Overturned and said to Tony, "It tastes good, how much is it?"

"It's not expensive, that's tens of thousands of dollars." Tony smiled and waved his hand.

Zheng Xian took a look, and finally gave up the purchase plan.

"Tony, don't make jokes there. There are so many in my winery, I don't drink much. If you want to drink, go there and get it." Mark is never stingy with his friends.

"What did you tell those old guys about you doing?" Mark asked.

Zheng Xian finished his last sip and said, "I said I'll change my equipment. Those old guys don't know that there is a transmission channel under the ground."

"I don't know the best. I know it's hard to do it. Do they know what's going on with me now?" Mark continued.

"I don't know your current situation, nor the line of defense you have built up. I can be sure that if you don't succeed this time, you will be benevolent." Zheng Xian said with a long sigh.

"I hope they will become benevolent if they fail to succeed. At least this will show the last human spirit. I am more worried about those heroes who often do good deeds and satisfy their inner needs. That's better. A kind of professional hero, not many people can stick to it unless they can give enough generous terms. I don’t think they can hold it for an hour."

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