Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 932: map

Chapter 951

The biggest advantage of the swarm is also the most troublesome problem of all hostile races, that is, they are large in number and reproduce fast.

All kinds of low-level creatures multiply in large numbers.

Although there are many low-level weapons, each of them is a weapon for killing, very deadly, and you may get yourself in with a little carelessness.

Mark himself did not think that by eliminating this mutant guy, he would be able to sit back and relax.

Complex passage! Unable to find the core area!

These are the problems they need to solve now.

The map given by North before had no effect at all. The environment here is already very different, and the passages are changing everywhere, just like the maze of Minotaur.

Now the Avengers are like the half-human, half-bull monster, constantly looking for a way out in this maze.

Violent damage to the wall?

This simple and rude way through the maze is indeed possible, but the prerequisite is that you must be able to easily destroy the wall to achieve a certain effect.

But the internal defenses of the ship are also very strong.

You must know that this thing is the Ark ship built by the Skrulls in order to preserve the people, and the defense level is naturally not much lower.

Forcibly opening the wall, it also takes a while to waste time, and the effect of quickly searching the maze cannot be achieved.

It is impossible for Mark to risk wasting his energy to do such things.

The benefits of this kind of thing are too low, and there is no guarantee of what kind of opponents you will encounter next.

Now a few people think of going back the same way, that is all impossible.

The deepest part of the ship is the original ecological room.

This area was originally used to breed a large number of animals and plants. Some of the creatures originally explored by the Skrulls, and some are just sample creatures from the new area.

But now it is covered by a fungus blanket and it has become a paradise for insects. The corpses of the previous animals and plants lie on the ground, and the fungus blanket continuously eats their bodies, devouring their last bit of flesh and blood, and nourish the insects.

Even if the bones are left, they still can't stop their path of devouring.

The bones are gradually being worn away at a speed visible to the naked eye. It is estimated that it will not be long before even the bone scum will be left.

The worm mother looked at the worms about to emerge from the cocoon, her face that was not human at all, she actually made a human-like expression.

Hydralisk hatches from the eggs, and these Hydralisks do not enter the battlefield directly.

Because they have to undergo a second mutation and complete more important tasks before they can enter the battlefield.

The Hydralisk should have received the order from the worm mother to hug the whole body, and then the skin on the body began to change, gradually turning into the outer membrane of the worm egg.

This outer membrane is very difficult and can effectively get external shocks. It is basically difficult to cut apart except for some special attacks.

The nail rifle often used by marines is no different from embroidery needles when shot on it.

The special bullets of the ghost agents may not be effective.

Of course, this kind of thing depends on the situation, and it is known that it can effectively cause damage to this special outer membrane from the curved light blade of the Protoss.

Infused with void energy, a sharp blade that can distort space. This special energy blade is derived from the ancient skills of Sarnagar.

Facts once again proved that if the Protoss wants to become powerful, archaeology is needed. It's a pity that the Protoss doesn't seem to regard archaeology as the first learning project, and they are more willing to spend their energy to research new technologies.

Hydralisk, or the egg that is now evolving into a lurker, is constantly shrinking, and it seems that it may emerge from its cocoon at any time.

The two teams used to support the body reversed and broke out first, followed by the Claws of Digging, which was used to excavate soil and steel.

Finally, the spine used to attack is also prominent, the high-density, retractable spine, it is not easy to calculate the units in rows.

If the number is large enough, in this narrow environment, a protruding trap can be formed.

The trap of others is to wait to step on it and set off and fall into it, and then be pierced with holes. These lurkers only need those units to enter their attack range, and they can easily pierce them into a sieve.

These lurkers entered the passage specially prepared for them, and quietly came to the road that the Avengers were about to pass.

Because there is only one road, it can be regarded as the only way to go. Four or five pieces of steel that broke the surface smoothly penetrated into the ground. The steel on the ground was also replaced by the drone, and it was not seen that it was excavated. Traces of the past.

The seemingly seamless plan is waiting for the prey to be hooked.

Numerous springworms suddenly appeared from the back of the crowd, among which were also mixed with explosives.

It is clear! The commander intentionally forced everyone to move forward, thus entering the trap prepared in advance.

But Mark looked at the animals without traps in front of him, but he was confused, and prevented everyone from moving forward, staying in place and intercepting them.

Mark put down his goggles and carefully observed the road ahead.

Sure enough, I saw the trap under the ground.


These units that have been active since the Battle of the Brood, although they were silent for a while, it didn't take long for the bugs to retrieve their genetic code and rejoin the swarm.

Its uniqueness and particularity make them a new ground siege unit.

After increasing the launch range of spines, it can cause fatal damage to distant fixed-point targets. Although human tanks can attack them, the prerequisite is that there must be a reconnaissance unit in the air, or a radar is dropped, otherwise I can only look at that.

Watching the frontier defense facilities, little by little, they were destroyed, and little by little, they were pierced into all kinds of holes.

Mark removed the grenade from his waist and, relying on his extraordinary physical stamina, threw the grenade out and accurately landed around the lurker.

The guy who manipulated the lurkers didn't seem to realize the terrifyingness of these grenades, and still did not order the lurkers to leave.

But the next second the grenade exploded and distorted the surrounding space, and the lurker had no time to escape underground, and was sucked into the black hole.

The lurking of the three is too close, so it was not resolved by Mark's hand.

If the interval is a bit farther, Mark really can't solve it easily.

"Mark, what are you doing?" Tony didn't understand why Mark had to throw a black hole grenade.

Mark pointed to the remaining broken limbs on the ground in the distance and said, "Do you understand now? Those guys are here to prepare for us!"

Although I don't know what is buried underneath, it is definitely not a good thing, that's it.

Zerglings are not the greatest threat to heroes. In a narrow space, no matter how large they are, they can be gradually wiped out. But the problem is that Zerglings are mixed with explosives, coupled with a steady stream of attacks. Serious results, the attack must not stop!

If the attack stops, the worms will soon encircle, and after the blaster explodes nearby, it will easily hurt everyone.

Thor uses thick skins or armors like Tony. It’s good to say that other people are not as lucky as them, so everyone is reluctant to take risks and intercept these scary little guys. Outside the safe zone.

When the road ahead meets such obstacles, the speed of advancement will slow down a lot. Now it is a process of racing against time.

Are they the first to pass through this narrow and long tunnel, or are these bugs the first to eliminate them.

Mark didn't even think about it, but rushed forward. At this moment Mark seemed to be possessed by Orff, and the flower of hope was singing loudly in his mind.

Mark no longer cares about the danger ahead, the psionic shield has been opened to the maximum to ensure his life safety.

There is no way for ordinary attacks to break the shield in an instant.

It only takes a moment for Mark to be able to adjust and prepare in time.

In order to prevent the thickening of the back from changing the channel, separate yourself from the others in the Avengers.

Mark also planted some small EMP bombs nearby, which could even paralyze the ship for a short time, not to mention the ship's internal control system.

As long as Mark sees the passage behind him, he will use it immediately if there is a change.

The channel changed quickly, and Mark immediately pressed down the controller of the EMP bomb, and the electromagnetic pulse impacted the surrounding control system.

The changes in the channel stopped briefly.

The others looked at the passage that had already turned halfway at this time, and immediately rushed over.

Although the gap is small, it is enough for two people to pass side by side.

This narrow gap also creates opportunities for the Avengers.

In the narrow entrance, Tony maximized the energy emitted by all the launch ports on his body, forming a straight beam, which burned almost all units on the path.

After a while, the channel began to change again. Because it was stopped by special means before, no matter how you operate it, you cannot terminate the previous order.

The passage change blocked the bug's attack, and the Avengers were temporarily separated from the bug.

Tony checked the energy he had left and turned to Thor and said, "Tor, give me a call."

Tony, who has fought with Thor, naturally knows the effects of Thor’s mobile charging treasure. Now is a rare opportunity to supplement. No one knows when the next battle will start.

Although Thor was reluctant, considering environmental factors, he eventually charged Tony.

"We can't stay passive like this forever. If we continue like this, we will die here sooner or later. We must find a way out." Steve observed the surrounding situation and said.

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