Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 944: Rain of death

Chapter 963

The new sample was sent back to the base of the enemy, and Mark also seemed a little embarrassed at this time.

Perhaps because time waits for no one, Mark did not act completely cautiously as before. In the new search process, it is inevitable that he has become more aggressive, resulting in the seeming embarrassment now.

Tony also noticed that Mark had some questions, but it was always difficult to ask before, and now I can't help it.

"Mark, have you encountered anything upsetting recently?" Tony asked concerned.

Mark was taken aback for a moment, and then he smiled: "What are you talking about! How could it be possible? How could I be upset, I'm so happy. I'm so happy with my confidantes now."

The more Mark covered up, the harder it was to erase the emotion on his face.

At the end of the talk, Mark seemed to have realized it himself, and did not continue.

"Tony, I feel so confused now, I know the future, but I am even more confused because of the future. After everything is over, I seem to have lost my backbone. I can only hypnotize myself, for the progress of mankind, for mankind. Self-hypnosis. But the more so, the greater the burden and pressure on me.

do you know? During this time at home, it was my happiest thing, but when the crisis appeared, I couldn't ignore it. Perhaps I had already solidified myself. I am no longer the boy who liked to do what I did before. Now I have an employee in my hand, and a bunch of enemies watching me. "Mark is not without his own bitter tears, but these things are rarely said, Tony is one of the few people he is willing to confide in.

"I used to be the same as you. I thought I was the savior of this world. It was my responsibility to save this world. But your appearance made me change this thinking because someone stronger than me appeared. I am not Alone, and he did better than me.

There is nothing wrong with regard to ourselves as the pride of heaven. When everyone is proud, the mistake is that we don't recognize our position clearly. We are just one person, no matter how strong you are, you can't avoid the emotions and desires of people. After waiting for the end, you find a chance to relax, without any burden, just leave it alone. "

Tony can understand.

This is what the so-called beat the authorities fan the bystander, Tony, as a bystander, can clearly see Mark's problem.

Mark's current self-reflection is very terrifying, and it is very likely that he will be brought into a trap, and then it will be truly overwhelming.

Once you enter the trap you built, only you can climb out of you.

But looking at Mark's current state of mind, how does it seem to be able to crawl out of it by himself!

"Well, thank you Tony, but before that, I still have to solve these problems." Mark also seems to be preparing to give himself a longer vacation to adjust his mentality.


The transformation of the virus is very smooth, but the virus has not yet been mass-produced. The main reason is the pathogen sent back by Mark. Many samples are still being compared.

If drugs made from pathogens were more effective, Tony would not use viruses.

And this inspection may not take long, and results will soon be available.

After sending Mark away, Tony watched the report sent, and finally closed.

"Start producing T-1 virus, help me contact the Australian government." Tony said to Jarvis.

Jarvis loyally began to help Tony complete the task.

In the factory, a large number of machines began to produce this modified virus specifically aimed at infection.

Tony was not idle, and began to negotiate with officials of the Australian government.

"Hello, Mr. Stark. Thank you for helping Australia in this crisis."

"I don’t have to say any polite words, sir. We have now developed a virus specifically targeted at the infected person! This virus can effectively kill the infected virus in the body of the infected person. It may cure the infected person, but it is very likely to take away. The life of an infected person is harmless to those who are not infected. The right to choose is now in your hands, whether you choose to use or not to use." Tony said straight to the point.

"Mr. Stark, are these viruses you provided for free?"

For the current Australian government, the death toll is no longer a problem. The problem is what to pay now.

If Stark speaks loudly now, the Australian government may not be able to pay.

"Rest assured, we are doing this for the world and the people of the world, so we will not charge any fees. The question now is whether you accept and use these modified viruses. Because it is likely to cause a large number of deaths." Tony still Tell the worst result.

"I know what you mean, the situation now is nothing worse than that. I guess I will go down after the end of this term. I don't care that much anymore. The top priority now is to reduce the entire country. Loss. I accept this virus!"

"Okay sir. The virus will be delivered to you in an hour." Tony finished the communication.

In the end, it was used.

Tony knows that it is very possible to make himself a stinking existence, but this is a choice that humans must make.

"Jarvis, is Mark resting now?" Tony asked.

"Mr. Mark is resting now and has entered a deep sleep. It can be seen that Mr. Mark is very tired recently."

"More rest is also a good thing for him now. Let him rest at ease! Don't wake him up for everything next. Isolate non-essential communications." Too ordered Jarvis.

Jarvis strictly followed Tony's order: "Yes."



The attacking virus has been successfully delivered to the Australian government, only waiting for the Australian government to use it.

Although Tony is the provider, the ultimate choice is in the hands of those senior leaders in Australia.

If they don't want to use it themselves, then even Tony said that God would not change much.

After all, this is the Australian government's own choice.

At about four o'clock in the afternoon, the Australian government fired several missiles. Among these missiles was Tony's attack virus.

"Success or failure is in one fell swoop!" The senior officials watched the launched missile lift off, waiting for the good news to arrive.

These missiles will spread the virus into the clouds and then enter the human body through rain. Unless you are hiding in a bunker, you will basically be infected with the virus.

The virus does not cause any fatal effects on the human body, at most it just makes people feel fever or vomiting, which is also the basic symptom.

And now the main target is Melbourne, and the Australian executives completely regard Melbourne as their own testing ground.

If it is possible, the senior leaders in Australia are unwilling to do so. Everything is done out of helplessness.

Stratholme's tragedy is now being staged again in Melbourne, but no one like Alsace is burdened with all the sins.

In other words, all people are sinners.

It rained heavily, and the room leaked even night rain. This is definitely a tragedy for the fleeing Melbourneans.

Most people don't even have tents, and the cars around them are already full of people.

Countless people can only be in the rain, being constantly impacted by the heavy rain.

Soon someone started to cough violently and the virus reacted.

More and more people are coughing, one after another, and it feels like an overcrowded hospital.

But the cold rain also told them that this is not a hospital, but a blockade of the army.

On the military side, someone also started coughing.

The people in the military had already received the news. All those who coughed were very surprised. They did not expect that they were also infected.

The surrounding comrades all deliberately stay away from these infected soldiers.

"No, no, no! I just coughed briefly...cough cough... definitely not infected... cough cough... damn, stop... cough... come down... cough." Explain that the fact that he was infected has now been confirmed.

"Sorry, George, I will take care of your family."

"So, kill me! At least let me die like a human being, thank you."

"George!!!" The soldiers couldn't stop the tears, but the reality was so cruel.

If George is not killed, more people will be infected, and the entire army may be implicated.


The gunshot sounded, and the body fell to the ground, blood flowing from the gun hole. A good person, someone who talked and laughed with him yesterday, but now he died in front of him!

No one knows the pain of killing one's own friends by hand. Only the person concerned has silently endured everything, alone suffering the pain of betrayal.

Almost everyone closed their eyes, afraid to look at the bodies of their comrades-in-arms.

"Virus of Dog Day! Alien of Dog Day!"

The cry of pain relieved this inner depression.

But this was nothing more than self-deception after all. Watching countless civilians coughing, the soldiers felt powerless for the first time.

Those invisible enemies, enemies that you cannot defeat, what is your ideal when you put on this uniform?

What is the result now?

[Humanity's progress cannot avoid sacrifices. The great contagion in Australia tells everyone that human beings are fragile and the universe is terrible. Countless unknown existences of humans are likely to bring humans into the abyss, and humans need to be more cautious in their future development. Human beings are no longer the length of all souls, we are just monkeys on a planet. 】—"Modern History of Earth and Universe"

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