Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 965: True sword light sword shadow

Chapter 984

If there is no way to level A on the ground to kill the opposite, there is only one possibility, that is, the number of fanatics is not enough. —The famous fanatic ruled the army, Tardalis once said.

But Mark is not that guy, so high-ranking templars and consuls are deployed behind the fanatics, and beside the high-ranking templars, there is also the **** of the dark templars.

Anyone who dares to approach these "fragile" high-ranking templars will be cut into pieces by the invincibility of the dark templars.

In the sky, flying dragons are whistling. The goal of these flying dragons is very simple, that is, Mark and the high-ranking templars around him.

It's a pity that the commander on the opposite side, Arthas didn't know the power of the High Templar.

The psychic storm group headed by Mark tore these rushing dragons to pieces.

I also want to fly the dragon to ride the face, the place where the grass was buried last did not know how high.

No matter how great the advantage is, don't think about flying dragon riding face.

Because this is a curse that there is no way to resist.

PS: Fuck, I am a professional commentator (funny)!

Even if the Corruptor wants to get close to the psionic storm restricted area led by Mark, he must not even go out alive.

This is no longer a matter of life and protection. Even if the guy in Arthas raised the life and protection of these corrupters to the highest level, don't even think about swimming in the ocean of psychic storms.

What's more, Mark's original psychic storm, which was learned from the first generation of templars who fought against the Brood Swarm on El.

This is not the same as those of the later half-skilled high-ranking templars.

However, those half-hearted things will appear later, not without reason.

The elite or the older generation are basically dead, and those who survive now are either newcomers, or high-level templars with insufficient experience.

The strength of using Psionic Storm is not stronger than that of the old guy, and it is not incomprehensible.

But when these high-ranking templars can survive, then sooner or later they will be as powerful as their predecessors.

Moreover, the young high-ranking Templar has learned the ability to supplement the shields of his teammates, and he is just breaking down the imprisonment of the old age.

Seeing his own air force, there was no way to gain an advantage here. Arthas was no longer ordering the precious flying dragons to attack. The basic force composed of spring worms, hydrangeas and cockroaches marched forward, and the thunder beasts also moved from the heavy-duty absorbing firepower. The unit becomes the main force of output.

In this intensive situation, the damage caused by the Thunder Beast is definitely far more than the Zergling.

Only those stupid young Swarm commanders think Zerglings are the main force at this time.

But those commanders died in the end.

The worm queen beside Arthas should be a worm mother who is full of experience and has experienced many battles, otherwise it is impossible to have such an understanding and let Arthas learn.

Mark feels that this will be the toughest battle in his history.

Narud stood beside Mark, ready to charge with Mark at any time. Narud knew very well about his owner.

If it can definitely be the kind of cruel character that carries a psionic war blade to kill people.

"Bring it down?" Mark asked.

"You can transform at any time!" Narud said.

Mark glanced at the fanatics around him, and finally said, "Let's start then!"

"Warriors, the time has come to pay for the master, for the master, for the end." Narud gave an order, and the fanatic began to change.

The most effective way to deal with the insect swarm is not the erected siege tank, nor the high-level templar who has learned the psionic storm, nor the dense red dust, but the mixture of these created to harvest the insect swarm.

Mark actually didn't intend to make this kind of unit, but thought that so many Templars would sacrifice.

Even though Mark was infamous, he ordered Narud to find a resource.

Many of these were selected from Tadalin, and there is no doubt about Mark's loyalty.

The most important thing is that their will is the most tenacious.

The transformation was completed, and a dozen hybrids stood in the center of the battlefield. The other Protoss fighters were not surprised by the appearance of these hybrids.

They knew the results of these fighters a long time ago. Many people have no way to become a hybrid because they are unqualified.

Becoming a hybrid requires a sufficient psionic level in itself, otherwise it will not be able to support the entire transformation process. The final result is naturally self-evident. The collapse is a matter of time.

Mark and Narud also had a mixture, and they charged against Alsace's army.

The small unit collapsed the moment it touched the hybrid. It was not the opponent of these hybrids. Large units like Thunder Beast only supported a few moves when faced with several hybrids.

Looking at his army, Arthas was also very annoyed that he could not resist.

The Worm's Sorrow in Arthas's hand began to scream, and countless tunnel worms emerged from all directions.

Mark has no time to calculate, and no time to manage. Mark has only one goal and that is Alsace.

Among the tunnel worms, countless Zerg worms emerged, and their only goal was to prevent Mark from advancing.

Poisonous Blast! Zergling! cockroach! Thunder beast! Infect the worm!

Countless bugs have blocked the way, even if Mark is carrying a hybrid, he can't make a way out in a short time.

Infested molds grew and began to restrict the actions of Mark and others (not to mention the game settings).

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Poison Blast started to stick to Mark's side and blew himself up in Mark's side.

The number is not just one, dozens of them, completely overwhelming Mark.

Mark's shield is in danger, and Narud on the side can only choose to transform to protect his master.

The mutated giant claws tore the front line, even the Thunder Beast, as long as it just blocked him, it will be torn to pieces by him.

Nothing is more important than comfort from your own master!

"Narud! Leave me alone, clear the way, I can handle these guys."


Mark knew that it was not the time to keep holding back. The Gunner in his hand was soaked in the blood of bugs, and Mark stuck in the ground and began to transform.

The armor that Odin left for Mark also began to deform automatically to adapt to the user at this time. This is the artifact.

Countless flames fell from the sky, burning the bugs near Mark.

A wizard wearing a leather jacket appeared on Mark's head, the windbreaker swayed with the wind, and the handsome face made people fascinated.

"Honey!" Mark said.

Luo Ji didn't care what Mark became. For her, Mark was Mark. She kissed and said, "Come back safely."

Mark felt the temperature from his lover and said, "I will."

Arthas looked at Mark and Luo Ji in the distance, especially Luo Ji's warmth, he thought of someone he could not touch anyway.

That person's name was Jaina Proudmoore.

Jealousy grew in Alsace's heart, and his decision-making began to have problems. In short, Alsace was upset.

He has only one idea now, which is to kill Luo Ji and kill him in front of Mark to make up for his regret.

Why was it for the sake of mankind that the person I loved and trusted was not by my side? Why was that guy turned into a monster and there were people by his side.

This is not fair! This is not fair!

Mark didn't know Alsace's thoughts at this time. If he knew, Mark would definitely talk to Alsace about the beautiful love between Renault and Kerrigan.

The Insect Swarm cannot stop Mark, nor can it stop Narud after transforming.

Arthas personally went off the field, and the queen worm also followed Arthas.

The insect mother whose body has been strengthened is not as good as the Thunder Beast.

It's just that the size difference is a bit big, and some can even reach the size level of Thunder Beast.

PS: In the original design, the Queen was a unit that could not leave the main nest, but only one was allowed to be manufactured, which was considered a hero unit, similar to the mother ship of the Protoss. This is a cool thing, but unfortunately it was cut in half.

Two on two!

But from the quality side, Mark has an advantage.

"I will hang your corpse on the tallest human building, and then tell everyone who dares to resist, this is the end." Arthas threatened.

Mark snorted coldly, as if he was the blind man with a deep hatred, and slowly walked towards Arthas and said, "I will return this sentence. In the end, it will only be you, not me. ."

After Narud intercepted the worm, Mark’s hand, Gungnir, and Arthas’s Wormmourning officially confronted.

The artifact, the artifact from the two worlds, collided for the first time at this time.

The mighty power of the artifact exploded at the moment of contact, and within a few meters of the surrounding area, nothing was left.

Only the ground was cleaned up.

"Do you only have this strength? Become such a big guy." Arthas mocked.

Mark did not speak, and several tentacles behind him pierced towards Arthas.

Arthas saw these tentacles and stepped back to avoid the attack, but Mark pursued them at this time. Gungnir's sharp pierced Alsace's armor.

"The meteor can't be stopped! I swear to Gangnir, pierce the heart of Alsace before my eyes!"

The weapon of causality was aimed at a strong man who could be called a demigod in this world for the first time.

Almost instantly, Alsace's heart was pierced.

But is this over?

of course not.

The strongest thing about Arthas is not the Worm's Sorrow in his hand, but his own body! Even if he was pierced through the heart, he still didn't kill Arthas.

Arthas slowly drew Gangneil, trying to mock Mark, but the next second, thunder fell from the sky.

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