Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 968: Cooperate

Chapter 987

There is no doubt about the almost crushed votes.

The Protoss left a very good impression on humans in battles of all sizes.

Even with a different appearance, the things they do have already gained human favor.

In particular, the fighting videos that are not edited at all on make people willing to support the Protoss.

Mark let out a sigh of relief. Maybe he will really be exposed in the future, and it won't cause such a commotion!

Ordinary people are still paying attention to the lace news about Mark at this time, and the European battlefield is basically no different from World War II.

The only difference is that this time the opponent is not Mustache and his guards.

Pushing flat all the way, humans have no power to fight back.

Some people may say that with so many high-tech human beings and learning the technology of aliens, why can't they stop the swarm, let alone the existence of superheroes in various countries, which are beyond conventional units.

But the fact is that on the battlefield, the heroes are not facing one or two monsters.

Usually, the monsters or opponents that some heroes face are up to a dozen people, and those who exceed this number will not want to easily defeat them unless their strength has reached the level of quasi-second-line.

In the case of inexperienced little spider, it is difficult to face the siege of more than a dozen people. At that time, it was the qualitative change caused by the quantitative change.

Not only is there a large number of insect swarms, but they also cooperate with each other in tacit agreement, which is exactly the force deployed in accordance with the cooperation.

There is inherently little cooperation between heroes, even if they are gathered together, there are few situations where they can complete the union.

The best team is the hero team of Mark Company, and the strongest team is the Avengers.

These two organizations need to run-in between members every day, and they cannot reach the level of complete tacit agreement.

Only some people cooperate better.

For example, among the Avengers, Natasha and Patton went out of the same door, coupled with so many years of knowledge, so the cooperation between the two people is very tacit, but if you let them cooperate with other people, the situation is very different. It's the same.

There is also Falcon Sam and Captain Steve. The cooperation between the two people is also quite good. The main reason is that the two people are also from the army, and the two people have known each other earlier, so they are used to it from all aspects. That said, there is also quite a tacit understanding.

At this time, Thor and Iron Man Tony were the only ones who cooperated more tacitly.

However, the tacit understanding of the two of them is mainly presented in Thor, which is a mobile power bank! Tony can get enough support after overusing energy attacks.

Faced with uncoordinated battles on the battlefield, fighting on their own, and in the end, they were defeated one by one by the army of insects.

Especially with the support of high-level psionic units, the situation is even worse.

This guy Arthas transformed a group of human heroes into his subordinates.

These human heroes who died or did not die became villains who helped the evil.

Regardless of whether they are still living, whether they still have the memory and dignity of human beings, their destiny is already doomed when they choose to work with the insects.

Paris France.

Paris, a city like a pearl on the European continent, is full of gunpowder at this moment, and time sometimes goes backwards, until decades ago.

The vast majority of civilians have been evacuated. At this time, Paris is an empty city. Very few civilians have stayed here. They are not unable to leave, but do not want to leave the city where they have lived since childhood.

Some old people have lived from the Second World War to the present, and the Second World War did not prompt them to leave, and this time the same.

These old people don't want to leave their hometown before they die. Even if it is death, you will die on the land of your hometown.

On the outskirts of Paris, several huge electromagnetic cannons rose from under the ground, aiming at the swarm of insects in the distance.

As the electromagnetic cannon is fully charged, the cannonballs that penetrate the long skirt army are launched.

The ground was ploughed into a deep trajectory, and the electromagnetic shell accurately hit the core position of the swarm.

The most powerful part of an electromagnetic gun is its penetrating power, so the target is naturally an area with a particularly dense insect population.

A few shells separated the army of insects, like cutting through butter with a hot knife.

After the attack, these electromagnetic guns re-enter the charged state.

In fact, many countries in the world have already studied electromagnetic guns and have prototypes.

It's just that various problems did not allow him to get the actual installation, extremely long charging time, huge goals, and other problems, resulting in not appearing on the battlefield as a conventional weapon.

But as countries on the earth gradually acquire alien technology.

The weapons that were originally in theory have gradually moved from books to reality and become conventional standard weapons.

The nail rifle is a simple and easy-to-make weapon, in fact, all countries of the human race can already make it. The reason why there is no large-scale equipment is because there are too many gunpowder weapons.

All the changes will be a huge expenditure, which no country can afford.

Therefore, only a small part of the armed forces of some countries have undergone refurbishment, and most of them use gunpowder weapons.

It is not that gunpowder weapons are inferior to such electromagnetically accelerated weapons.

It's just that in different environments, electromagnetic acceleration weapons are more stable.

French bombers roared overhead. The French soldiers on the ground were very happy to see their own country's bombers flying above their heads.

As long as the bomb is dropped, the pressure on them will be much less.

This is a very happy mood, and it did not last long.

As the black-smoky bomber started to fall, the original pleasant mood instantly disappeared, replaced by the sound of distress echoing in the earphones.

"Everyone is ready for the impact!" The soldiers on the ground were hiding in the fortress, feeling the vibration from a distance, they must be hiding in the fortress, and they did not feel at ease.

Those terrible bugs can directly tear the fortress built by reinforced concrete in a short time.

The reinforced concrete fortress that used to face anti-tank missiles is no different from the paper.

The soldiers in the fortress standing at the airport stared at the monster that was about to reappear in the distance. This is the place with the highest mortality rate. The Hydralisk’s attack and accuracy rates are quite high. They can accurately hit the soldiers hiding in the fortress, and sometimes they can even evade the machine gun and directly hit the soldier who controls the machine gun.

No one knows how they did it. The terrifying and perverted ability made many people give up the position of machine gunner.

Do you think you can save your life by avoiding the desperate position of the machine gun?

If you think so, you are wrong.

Even if they hide in the fortress and can't get out, soon those huge thunder beasts will use his abnormal weight to turn the entire fortress into ruins, not to mention the thick bone blades.

Why does the human front collapse again and again, defeat again and again, and retreat here?

That's because humans have no buildings that can effectively contain the impact of these large units.

Although the bunker blueprints provided by Mark are effective, it is difficult for humans to produce these simple and effective bunkers in large quantities in a short period of time due to the industrial strength of mankind.

Let alone the special alloys needed for construction, it is not that the number of engineering teams that need to build bunkers is not enough.

Otherwise, the bunker built from this reinforced concrete would not be used.

Human science and technology have long been deformed, blindly pursuing large caliber and force, thinking that as long as it can manifest and kill the opponent, there is no need for defense.

This kind of wrong thinking becomes vulnerable to alien invaders with strong defense capabilities.

"Where is the hero team in charge of support?" the French commander asked the signal soldier.

"Commander, the supporting hero team is now stopped five kilometers away. There are a large number of infected people... I don't know how close they are." The communicator stopped halfway when talking about being infected.

Because this is a pain point that humans do not want to be touched.

Everyone's faces were gloomy and ugly, and everyone knew what was being infected.

But at this moment, no one wants to say those two words. People who once fought for mankind have now become the enemy of mankind. How could this feeling feel good?

"Go and tell them that we have no retreat now, only a **** fight. Behind me is our capital. Be prepared for all the sacrifices, and the honor of France will be restored here. Let other Europeans know, France It's not just women and foreigners."

Having been laughed at for so many years, although it is true, no one feels comfortable.

Now the opportunity lies in front of us. The Germans can't stop it, and we French will be able to accomplish it!

Two hours later.

The battle was not as fierce as imagined, it was almost one-sided crushing. Although the electromagnetic gun was fired twice at the end, this is already the limit.

In the final sound of a huge explosion, the French defenses outside Paris completely collapsed, leaving only the convenience of Paris.

At this time, Paris has established various positions, becoming a huge fortress and fortress. The following street fighting insect swarms will not be able to play a quantitative advantage. Most of the streets have been blown up. The buildings on the side completely block the road.

Insect swarms can only charge narrow intersections.

Paris Chamber.

"If you continue to plan and stick to your so-called honor and let your capital fall, you are the sinners of this country and this era! I am not forcing you to kidnap you with morality and honor, I am just explaining A fact." Mark said as he looked at the hesitant French leaders.

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