Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 970: Arbitrator of error

Chapter 989

Explosive mosquitoes approached Phoenix fighters and interceptors quickly, trying to die with them.

But at this moment, a missile was launched from a distance.

The launched missile exploded in the middle of the flight. It was not intercepted, but he exploded.

The shock wave of the explosion spread to all surrounding units. Those mosquitoes that tried to get close to the Phoenix fighter and interceptor were crushed into pieces by the shock wave of the explosion.

"This is PDAF, the Royal Danish Air Force, I have been ordered to invite support." A voice rang from the communication channel.

"You are here just right, thank you for your support." The Protoss pilot of the flagship aircraft carrier replied.

If it is really those explosive mosquitoes, close to the dense fighter group, the final result will definitely be heavy losses.

After emptying all the ammunition, the Royal Air Force from Denmark also began to retreat.

Although it is a new-generation fighter that has been modified, it is a living target in the air without ammunition.

Moreover, the nearest airport in France has also been opened to all allied fighters.

The nearest airport is less than a thousand kilometers away.

Add in the time it takes to replenish the ammunition, and the journey back and forth, within twenty minutes it will be able to return to the battlefield.

And fighters from other countries are also on the way to support.

Basically, they are seamless. Humans will never let go of the air supremacy in the sky.

In fact, humans are not fools, the Protoss battleship has not appeared in the sky, and they began to doubt.

First of all, human technology is definitely not as high as the protoss. This kind of human being is quite aware of it. In this case, Protoss would rather engage in a war of attrition on the ground than send a fighter plane. There is definitely a reason.

Coupled with the destruction of the two Elizabeth-class carrier-based aircraft in the English Channel, this confirmed their guess.

It wasn't until their satellites monitored the battle on the coastline, and after seeing a Worm's Nest removed, did the Protoss appear in the sky, and mankind dared to send a new fighter.

But what humans didn't expect was that after the appearance of the Protoss battleship, the Swarm also prepared an ambush.

This made the human fighters who rushed to the scene a successful rescue.

Before the crisis on the frontal battlefield changed, Mark also began to reprimand the pilot of the arbiter.

"What do you think of the war? So many detectors, why not freeze them ahead of time?" Mark reprimanded without mercy.

After all, freezing can be carried out on the enemy, and it can also affect your own units. Once the enemy units are frozen, they can also ignore the damage.

In special times, huge damage can be avoided in this way.

This can be regarded as a means of self-protection, but the pilot of the arbitrator did not operate at all, which caused the entire fleet to be in danger. It can be said that this is the negligence of the pilot of the arbitrator.

"very sorry!"

"Fell into the Phoenix fighter formation after the battle is over!" Mark could not make concessions on the issue of principle, so he directly issued the final decision.

The driver of the arbitration was ashamed, but now he dare not take it lightly.

Being transferred to the Phoenix fighter formation, at least he will continue to soar in the air, but if he continues to dereliction of duty, it is estimated that the end will not be that simple.

"Report! A large number of psionic units appeared on the front left of us, and they are approaching the fleet very quickly!" The pilot of a Phoenix fighter reported.

When he had just reported the news, one of the units that moved extremely fast had already passed through his fighter plane.

The Phoenix fighter he controlled couldn't even intercept it, and the opponent's action speed was too fast.

Or the speed of other units is relatively slow, and Phoenix fighters try to intercept those units.

Mark successfully saw it through the aircraft carrier's observer, and rushed to the aircraft carrier's psionic unit at an extremely fast speed.

An infected human hero.

Although there is no way to judge its ability by appearance, its fast moving speed judgment should be a super power in terms of speed.

The Arbiter did not do what he did before. He predicted the flight trajectory in advance and used freeze, which was equivalent to freezing the infected hero in the air at a very fast speed.

Although he could not attack for a short period of time, when he came out of the freezing, there was no way to act as fast as before.

At that time, it will be the target of all people.

Other infected heroes who can fly are also constantly approaching the core aircraft carrier of the fleet, but the surrounding Phoenix fighters and pirate ships are not vegetarian.

The Phoenix fighter relies on its advanced attack system.

While flying fast, they are also attacking those targets.

Several infected heroes were troubled by the harassment of Phoenix fighter planes, and launched a counterattack against them, stopping the charge against the core aircraft carrier.

In the battle in the sky, because it was impossible to get involved, anti-aircraft guns were originally prepared on the ground, which was also aimed at fighters.

The humanoid unit is really too small, and it's almost the same as fighting the fly with the anti-aircraft gun.

This also involves another problem, even if the anti-aircraft guns can get a shot by chance, the damage to these mutant heroes is actually not significant. It is almost impossible to count on a single shot, so this is basically an option that can be eliminated. It is better to wait until the emergence of large-scale air units from the group before using these air-raid shelters.

The position of the anti-aircraft artillery position has not been exposed yet, and if an attack is launched at that time, there may be unexpected effects.

Alsace saw that his ambush was unsuccessful, and the number of Mark's air fleet was not very large, and there was no value in continuing to increase his strength.

Seeing that the plan has failed, there is no need to continue to stalemate and continue to lose units! In this case, Alsace chose to retreat!

The swarm of insects began to recede like a tide.

For the first time in recent days, the victory of a local war by mankind is only a victory in a local war. For mankind, it is like a cardiotonic, rejuvenating mankind.

This makes mankind clearly realize that bugs are not invincible, they are also afraid, shrink back, and fail.

In comparison, Canada, the United States, and Japan have been exposed to insects. Their fear of insect swarms is far less profound than that of other countries. Of course, there is also a big gap in quality. I think the original ones were stinky fish and shrimps. , And the current elite swarms, there is no comparison.

The insect swarms all retreated far away from Paris, but no one felt relaxed. They just resisted Paris again and did not completely eliminate it.

The war is not over, it is just beginning.

The overall situation of the world has been peaceful for too long. Conflicts in local areas can be ignored. Most densely populated areas are relatively peaceful. This has caused people in these countries to not realize that they have entered a state of war.

Especially in Britain, which is separated by the sea from France. At this time, France was caught in the flames of war. The British were still singing and dancing with their geographical advantages.

The British did not even notice that the war had come.

The Big Ben in the distance began to ring, and several MI6 agents standing on the bridge became impatient.

The six agents couldn't help thinking, now that the time has exceeded 30 minutes of the scheduled time, how these unpunctual guys can take on such an important task.

With the sound of gunshots in the distance, a series of police sirens sounded, which made MI6 agents begin to realize that something was wrong.

Sure enough, when a heavily armed jeep rushed in front of MI6 agents, they understood why these lunatics could take on this mission? Just because these guys are crazy enough!

The car door was opened with a bang, and several strong men standing in the car stretched out their hands.

The MI6 agents still hesitated, and finally heard the familiar signal.

"The moonlight is so beautiful!"

No one in broad daylight can say such things, only the connector can say such things.

The MI6 agents boarded the heavily armed jeep and began to drive out of the city.

"Why are you here?" the MI6 agent asked.

"I had a little trouble on the road."

"I have to ask you about this matter, your MI6 agents, didn't you say that everything is handled properly? How can there be a bunch of lunatics chasing after us? tmd, you guys There is no single truth. After this operation is over, I will report the details of this operation to your superiors, and let your superiors handle you." said the brawny man sitting on the steering wheel in the driving position.

"Have you got the key evidence?"

"If not for the key evidence, do you think those lunatics will chase us?"

Sitting in the jeep is an agent sent by Mark, and there is no need to introduce the person who came to the joint.

Their task is also very difficult, that is, to obtain a list of traitors from within the British high-level, Mark has already found a group of traitors lurking among the high-level British.

Although I don't know who these guys are online, as long as the investigation may be able to find clues, and these guys have all betrayed humans, this is what Mark cannot tolerate.

If you count on the UK to conduct its own investigations, you still don't know that the investigation will reach the year of the monkey. Mark did not intend to continue to delay, Mark and the Queen reached a cooperation, and mobilized MI6 agents to organize this operation.

Her Majesty, who even returned to the young Queen, wanted to experience the task of an agent, but was finally stopped by the agents of MI6, or else the Queen, whose body had been strengthened, acted in person.

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