Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 972: Panic

Chapter 991: Panic

Hidden in this dark basement every day, this kind of situation is unbearable on anyone, the steel sky dome gives people a very depressing feeling.

Mark’s moon base also opens the steel sky dome from time to time, allowing people to look at the beautiful starry sky outside. It is enough to alleviate the oppression of some residents living on the moon city and let them relax temporarily.

The staff who were originally in the base can still contact the outside world to listen to songs, or watch some film and television works to relieve the pressure in their hearts.

But when the song has affected and can no longer relieve the inner pressure, their nerves are strained to the extreme and their emotions become irritable.

"I can't stand it! I can't stand such a day, I'm leaving here, I'm going to the surface!"

"What are you talking about? Going out now is a dead word. Don't you know the last news from the surface? The rescue team has already arrived. Just wait a while before someone can rescue us. !"

"Save us! Stop joking, all of Germany has fallen, and the Paris of the French has been beaten. Who can save us now?"

"How do you know this?"

Some people panicked, they couldn't believe what the person in front of them said.

"I secretly entered the database yesterday, connected to the database network, and got news from the database network."

"This is illegal!"

"If I don't do this, we are still being kept in the dark, and you can continue to wait for death here! I won't accompany you anymore. I'm going to leave with me."

A dozen people stood up after the voice fell, preparing to leave the dark underground with the leader.

But when they walked to the entrance of the restaurant, the guards with live ammunition stopped them.

"I can understand your depressed mood, but this is not the reason for your violation. According to the emergency provisions under special circumstances, all those who are going to leave here are now under the death penalty. Return to your post and return to your position. I will As if none of this happened." The officer with the pistol said to the crowd.

The vast majority of them are technicians. They don't have any self-defense weapons in their hands. Faced with these armed soldiers, they have almost no power to fight back. They ventured up to fight with them. The final result was just a word of "death"!

This is the reason why no one has resisted since the beginning. Resisting is the result of death. If you do not resist, you may continue to survive. Apart from the culprit, everyone else has hope.

The guy who turned around and made trouble at the beginning was directly suppressed. The high emotions of the others were instantly extinguished, and the vast majority of people returned to their positions and continued to eat bad lunches.

It was the fire of hope called escape, which kept burning in their hearts.

They don't care whether it is heaven or **** outside, I just want my own freedom.

This may be the result of environmental and educational factors, without a correct understanding.

It is the understanding of this group of seniors that freedom is more than everything.

If it is not free to live, it is better to die free.


In fact, the tunnel bug has already noticed this underground structure wrapped in steel. When the tunnel bug digs the tunnel, it will project a special signal.

Similar to the sound waves of bats, this signal can help them avoid large obstacles at the bottom.

Although their digging ability is very good, they still have to avoid it. Their first goal is to dig out the tunnel in a short time for the army to pass through, or to become a part of the tunnel.

Of course, to become the biggest part of yourself is to decide under special circumstances, such as the possibility of collapse at any time on a dangerous battlefield, and the tunnel will be extremely dangerous.

And after the excavation is over, the tunnel bug does need a period of rest.

In most cases, as long as it is a non-hazardous area or a non-warring area, they will leave the tunnel for a while after digging out the tunnel.

On the ground, Alsace didn't have many troops in Vienna, but he had already used it as a logistics base for incubation.

The huge population disappeared within a few days, and some people who were cautious hid in their words and deeds, leading a dark life.

The Swarm did not waste time and energy hunting down these people who will not live long. For them, these humans are irrelevant.

The people hiding in the bunker are looking forward to the appearance of the savior.

"You said you found a huge metal building under Vienna?"

"Yes, my honorable master!" The Queen of Insects fed back the previously obtained information.

"Let my most elite guard deal with it, let me know what is hidden in it, it needs to be hidden so deep and so strong."

"Yes, my master."

At night, on the surface of Vienna.

Two "shooting stars" fell into Vienna, followed by more and more "shooting stars" falling into Vienna.

It turned out that it was not a meteor at all, but a special airborne capsule.

Out of the airborne cabin were heavily armed marines and marauders.

Mankind has produced a power armor production line that can be mass-produced. The only drawback is that it is not as high as the production capacity of the Interstellar Era. At this stage, the only weak production capacity can be used to continuously update the frontier forces.

And this time attacking Vienna, this difficult task was entrusted to such an elite team.

You know, when defending Paris, they didn't let this elite go.

The purpose is to recapture Vienna and the nuclear weapons hidden under Vienna.

The gunfire is believed in the city.

The Alsace elite guard rushed over after hearing the gunshots.

The confrontation between the two elite teams was **** and cruel.

However, because of the help of Thor and Tony on the human side, the advantages and advantages are still on the human side.

"Tony, we don't have time to waste now, they probably have discovered something, use that trick!" Thor said with thunder and lightning.

Why doesn't Tony know what to prepare for childcare?

Tony's own back armor was fully opened and turned into a receiver dedicated to receiving lightning. Only Thor needed to guide the lightning to him, and the energy cannon whose chest had been deformed could be launched.

It is necessary to know that the use of features is very dangerous. Although it can destroy a large number of enemies in a very short period of time, but regard itself as a "translator", once it is overloaded, Tony inside the armor will not be spared.

"Come on!" Tony was ready.

Torbie drew the lightning and smashed it towards Tony. Tony received the energy cannon on the chest of the lightning and fired a thick beam.

The beam completely swallowed the entire Alsace elite guard, and the insects could not even whine and died.

Even the scum did not stay on the ground, so the battle ended.

The energy cannon on Tony's chest has been completely scrapped. He can't even produce combat power in a short time, so he can only let Thor, who is standing next to him, protect him.

On the Art Square in Vienna, Thor found the location of the statue.

Many artworks on the square have been turned into ruins, but this statue alone still stands in the center.

Greatly hidden in the city, although the Germans do not know this sentence, they understand the truth.

They set the exit here to cover the staff.

No one will be a person who suddenly walks out of the square, and there is too much traffic in the square.

Most of the Marines set up simple bunkers nearby, ready to intercept possible insects here.

A small number of people followed Tony and Toer two people into the bottom.

Although Tony has lost his combat effectiveness, his brain hasn't gone down yet. His brain is his most powerful weapon. They can't even get in without Tony's help.

That is why this arduous task was handed over to Tony.

Riding on the huge elevator began to descend, and the elevator stopped ten minutes later.

When Tony and others walked out of the elevator, they faced the soldiers with real guns and nuclear bombs. Looking at the coquettish armor of Iron Man, someone had recognized them, but they still did not put down their weapons.

"I am Iron Man Tony Stark of the Avengers, this is Thor of the Avengers. We are here to protect you, to cover your departure, and to take away all the nuclear weapons here. This is the German government. A document signed jointly with the military." Tony used his holographic projection to project the document.

After seeing the document, the officer standing at the back walked out. After careful confirmation, he nodded and ordered all soldiers around to lay down their weapons.

"I am very happy to meet you. I am the commander in charge of security here. We have a total of 436 staff and 200 armed personnel. We need to retreat now. I don't know if you have enough vehicles ready." Said worriedly.

Tony still laughed. A marine came to the front and lifted his land armor. He got out of the armor on the road and began to circle in the air.

The officer did not react at first, but as the portal opened, he realized.

"Now your staff and armed personnel can leave from here, and we will move the nuclear weapons to other areas. Don't worry, leave the rest to us! Your mission is over."

The officer called all the people in the entire facility to evacuate through the communicator.

Ten minutes later, the original staff and armed personnel in the facility moved in and out, leaving only Tony and Thor and the members of the operation.

"Then let's take these things away!" Tony walked to the console with a lazy waist, and the equipment transported these nuclear weapons mechanically.

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