Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 976: After catching the bug

Chapter 995

The attack of the stalker is different from that of the dragon knight. The attack of the stalker is faster than the dragon knight, and the stalker is more mobile than the dragon knight.

Therefore, in combat, it is more suitable to intercept poisonous explosive insects hidden in the swarm.

Facing this kind of mixed situation, in fact, gold beetles and high-level templars with range attacks are the better choices.

However, there is no way to determine the underground situation. It is difficult to ensure their safety if the guild’s strategic units are rushed to let high-level templars and golden beetles enter.

The reason why the two elite fanatics just now were able to teleport back.

There is also a component of luck in it. If you don’t have time to transmit, then you die here.

And in such a narrow environment, there are flashing stalkers that can show over most of the units.

As long as there are no infected insects, this disgusting unit.

Moving on, the tunnel gradually became brighter.

The entire underground space illuminated by the glowing moss on the surrounding walls is translucent. There is no need to worry about the light source, and these light sources are not without any use. In the process of insect evolution, the eye is not abandoned. Most insects rely on the eyes to observe the surrounding conditions.

If there is no light in the underground space, it will be unable to adapt to the light source when entering the surface.

Even in Leviathan, it is necessary to create enough light sources as much as possible to ensure that the hatched adults can adapt.

Of course, there are also units that don't need eyes, such as Thunder Beasts. The fragile parts of eyes are often in a protected state.

Surprisingly, after entering the ground, he did not continue to encounter attacks. The opponent seemed to know Mark's configuration, so he didn't choose to attack rashly.

What Mark was worried about still happened. If the other party did not attack, it showed that the other party was planning.

So this time I was not facing a simple beast with no brains, but a swarm of insects with tactics.

"Get ready for battle, the Immortal opens the Fortitude Shield and prepares for a wave of shock." Mark shouted to the Immortal behind him.

In this situation, it is impossible to make zealots a line of resistance.

With more numbers, the fighting power of the immortals is not as good as the zealots holding the solar battle axe.

Mark can still distinguish between range attack and single attack.

This is also Mark's own mistake. He had already let the vanguard down.

The Immortal’s attack on single units is not bad, and the Vanguard can do the same, and the Vanguard can deal with it more calmly when facing multiple targets (the Vanguard is really strong in two rounds and one bull).

"Narud, the next round of support is set to vanguard and centurion."

"Yes, master."

On the ground, in the energy field, the dark red vanguard was teleported to the ground, and standing around the vanguard was the Centurion from Nerazim.

These zealots from Nerazim will release a special kind of energy during the charge, which can stun the target and its surrounding units at the moment of approaching the target.

The centurion's combat effectiveness with the elite fanatics is the greatest.

If it is only the time delay and resistance in the spring, the best choice is those who can recast the vigilant.

On the ground in the distance, a tunnel bug emerged from the ground.

The first thing that came out was not the regular Zerglings, but the Thunder Beasts and Cockroaches.

The attack itself is a bit abnormal.

Obviously this has been prepared for a long time, and if Mark has no support below, he will be consumed alive in the end.

It would be even better if these Protoss fighters on the ground could be wiped out.

It's a pity that the insect's wishful thinking was wrong.

Tadalin's vanguard, as the most outstanding group of defeated, even if the remaining body is incomplete, but the strength is still good.

The discrete light cannons dealt a devastating blow to the insect swarms that had just emerged from the body of the tunnel insect.

Range of damage, coupled with the bonus to heavy armor, this is a poisonous blaster that will not explode.

More importantly, there is not only one vanguard on Mark's position.

A dozen pioneers gathered fire at the same time, creating a vacuum in an instant.

The bodies of the insects were blown to pieces and scattered everywhere.

Those bugs that survived and continued to move forward were stupefied by the Centurion’s countercharge before they got close.

Facing the centurion's terrible vertigo ability, the bugs were like lambs to be slaughtered.

The green light blade in the centurion's hand fell and cut open the limbs of those bugs. If it is a cockroach with excellent defense, then wait for the pioneer to solve it.

Mark waited underneath for a while, but still didn't wait for the support to arrive, a little impatient.

"Narud, what's the matter? Why hasn't the support arrived yet?"

"Master! The Zerg has raided our base on the ground, and the support team is now intercepting those bugs." Narud said truthfully.

With two aircraft carriers and a large number of units fighting on the ground, why do we need to support team coordination?

"Aren't there troops stationed on the ground? Why do you need support troops?"

"Master, the opponents are all high-level units dispatched, and the target is our scientific research station. If there is no support force to intercept, we cannot guarantee the safety of the scientific research station." Narud now has the mood to kill.

At this time, it is not that the new batch of fighters can not be leaped, but the investment and the return are completely out of proportion.

"I see, solve the ground situation as soon as possible."

After Mark finished the communication, Mark did not intend to wait any longer.

Since the opponent has already raided his ground scientific research station, there must be not much defense under the ground. It's not that I haven't encountered it before, but the other party has already withdrawn.

Empty city plan!

Since the other party chose to change houses, Mark didn't hide it anymore.

For all tactical changers, this ultimate tactic is not something ordinary people can use.

"The immortal advances as the front row, behind the zealots, the stalkers attack the air targets. The dragon knight cooperates with the immortal to attack the Zerg buildings."


Walking out of the last fluorescent tunnel, what you saw was an underground cave.

And the Zerg base established here.

The Zerg buildings he was familiar with were everywhere, and Mark immediately ordered the Immortal and Dragon Knights to attack the main production buildings.

For example, buildings such as split pools and cockroach dens. Losing these buildings, even if there are hatcheries and larvae, will create new combat units.

There is no way to leave the nest's insect queen looking at these unscrupulously attacking Protoss, and there is no way.

If the queen goes out now, it will be a dead end, and it is guaranteed that the dead will not even be left behind.

The worm queen watched as Zerg buildings were demolished one after another, and countless broods gush out from the destroyed buildings. That was the last stubbornness of Zerg buildings.

It's a pity that when these broodworms face the fanatics, they are basically cold dishes delivered.

Mark looked around, pretending that he hadn't seen the bug queen from beginning to end. In fact, with the help of the detector, Mark had already spotted this guy hiding in the dark.

There is no attack on Mark, but he doesn't want to cause trouble for his change of home. The second thing is that Mark is ready to catch his mouth and hand it to Kerrigan to see if he can get any useful information.

The queen of worms was still in place, and did not notice the increasing number of Templars around.

Mark tried a look at the two templars, and the templar understood.

In the next second, the light blades of Mark's arms pierced towards the location of the queen, and the queen left the crypt where she had previously hidden.

The Queen of Insect looked at the Templar who surrounded herself, knowing that she would not survive this time.

But before the queen was struggling, a few chains blocked the queen. Immediately all the psychic energy around was blocked.

"What did you do? Why can't I get in touch with my ethnic group!" The Queen said, looking at Mark in disbelief.

"You will see your real king soon." Mark didn't answer her, just gave her an ambiguous answer.


New Washington, basement of the Superheroes Association headquarters.

Kerrigan came anyway.

In the end, Mark's request was not rejected.

For Kerrigan himself, if it cannot be resolved, there will be no peace between himself and Mark.

This is a problem that cannot be avoided at all, so Kerrigan chose to face the problem in the end.

"Kerrigan, if you don't want to, I won't force you. We can treat this as having never happened." Mark walked in front of him to lead the way, and Kerrigan followed Mark behind.

On the way here, I didn't say a word.

This matter is actually not as easy as imagined.

Kerrigan actually disliked that period of time and turned into a specialized killing machine, killing a lot of people. It can be said that she was burdened with blood and debt, and her strong sense of guilt made her miserable.

It's not like when you are in a ghost, you can wash away your memory, just as if nothing happened, and sometimes it is really worse than a ghost.

Mark has also been transformed and controlled by others.

It's just that I haven't done what I don't want to do, and it's not too late.

Whether it is to become that kind of monster that is neither human nor ghost, or one's own blood debt, this is a burden for them.

"If we don't solve these problems until now, the life between us will be very good. It is better to solve these things as soon as possible, then there will be no more trouble." Kerrigan did not feel disgusted by what Mark said. .

If you are unfamiliar, you will feel that this is a false pretence. They have brought people over and are still saying this.

But it was precisely because of the familiarity between the two people that Kerrigan understood, and there was no disgust.

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