Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 980: Poland

Chapter 999

The secret base of the remnants of Hydra.

Among the infected group of seniors, some are Hydra.

The identities are complex, but they do not conflict.

Hydra has been planting its own spies for so many years, so this kind of thing is completely normal.

Inbet is such a person. After becoming a Hydra placed in the top of Germany, he became Alsace's most determined running dog.

And now, this infected guy is ready to use the last little power of the Hydra organization.

If he can control the Hydra, then he will be a little bit heavier in Alsace.

It may be reused at that time.

As long as there are people, there will be competition. This kind of thing is unavoidable.


"help me!"

"I don't want to die yet."

To gain power, sometimes violent means are used, just like now.

Numerous insects surround the infected high-rise building, acting as bodyguards, escorting him into the final room.

Entering the room, looking at the high-level Hydra around him who had given up resistance, Inbet said with a smile: "It seems that you have given up resistance. If this is the case, now I will give you a choice, surrender, or die! "

Facing the threat from Imbert, the vast majority of HYDRA executives chose to give in. These guys themselves are wall-to-wall, basically which side is strong and which side is down.

But there is still a small part who firmly believes that their own **** will come back sooner or later, and these guys are unwilling to join the team of Imbert to the death.

There is no other reason, these are diehards of the Hydra faith faction, otherwise, they won't live until now.

The vast majority of Hydra died under the siege and suppression of Mark and Hydra's own traitors, and now the rest are the ones who failed in the original struggle.

If it weren't for everyone to be the same Hydra, plus the emperor is far away from the sky, if you want to manage, you will also have time and manpower constraints. It is estimated that all the Hydra has already been controlled.

Moreover, the original situation, it is estimated that even if you want to, it will take about a few years.

It is a good thing that Hydra has not been exposed, but it is basically useless if it is exposed.

After Imbert took over the entire Hydra Party, he began a new round of plans.

Everything is waiting for the people above to say, then these subordinates are really too negligent.

Imbert prepared a plan for himself, and one of his masters prepared a gift.

The name of this gift is Poland.

Poland, located in eastern Germany, was once devastated, but the current situation is not optimistic.

The combined forces of Eastern and Central Europe use Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary as a line to intercept attacks from the swarm.

Among the coalition forces, the strongest is Russia, which has inherited the most wealth from the bear.

Whether it is the number of ground troops or the level of weaponry and equipment, it far surpasses other countries, and it is completely the big brother here.

Before facing such a big brother, everyone's heart was flustered, thinking about whether this big brother would come to his home, come to him for a drink of vodka, and then send himself to the crematorium, but now ! Everyone is very happy now, with Big Brother's thick and hard thighs, do you still need to be afraid of those bugs?

This is the big brother who can wrestle with Yankees!

Those guys are almost singing Natasha welcome to the Russian army now.

The Hydra controlled by Imbert is located on the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea.

Suddenly attacking Poland is not a problem at all. Even Poland has fallen into the territory before it is ready.

After gaining Alsace’s trust before, Imbert obtained a Swarm Troop. Under the attack from both sides of Hydra and the Swarm Troop, the final result must be that the Swarm must win. Wait until these nine heads. After the final surplus value of the snakes has been squeezed out, they are all sent to the hatchery as nourishment.

As for cruelty? After becoming a worm, Imbert has lost most of his human emotions.


Baltic Sea, northern Poland.

Countless ships are moving fast underwater, no one knows their existence and no one knows their destination.

In Berlin, the Swarm Army is gathering.

This anomaly caused the Polish joint garrison to change. The troops originally responsible for stationing in the northern coastal area were transferred to the front.

In this situation, the Swarm is likely to attack Poznan in Poland.

From Berlin to Poznan, the whole distance is 250 kilometers, and the speed of the insect swarm may be faster in Germany. If it weren't for a line of defense in Poland, where jammers were placed, the tunnel bug could not accurately locate it. Now it would have been a tunnel bug riding its face.

The large army of insects launched an offensive to the west, and the coalition forces also planned to wipe them out on the land of Poznan.

Moreover, Poznan has an airport, so there is no need to worry about supplies and reinforcements.

The dense clusters of spring worms rushed from a distance, making the soldiers who had never touched the worms felt shivering. They had also heard about these ferocious beasts.

It is said that these ferocious beasts defeated the Germans and French. Now they are ready to invade to the east. Polish soldiers know they cannot retreat, but soldiers from other countries have no such idea.

Most people hold the idea that one day is one day, and they never thought that they would really face the insect swarm.

"Concentrate on the head. There is a deadly position. If you hit other parts, you can only stop them temporarily. Listen, your feet are the place you need to guard. Now this war, this The battle has nothing to do with a certain country. We now have only one identity, which is humanity. Germany is lost, Germans become refugees, France is lost, and French become refugees. If you want your family to become refugees, then you now You can put down your weapons and wait for death to come."

Soldiers have their own relatives, just as the officer said, behind is their hometown and family. They died and Poland fell. It is not a matter of time before other countries fall.

What the French and Germans can't do, they can do it!

"Ula!" I don't know which Russian soldier yelled, and other national soldiers who inherited the bear legacy also yelled.

Ula! For them, it is a feeling that cannot be erased.

Even if decades have passed, it is still the case.

Even many Poles joined the ranks of Ullah, and the human position shouted loudly to boost their morale.

The insect swarm was about to enter the range of the artillery.

A few seconds later, a series of artillery blows appeared in the distance, a large number of fireballs and debris splashed, and there were stumps and broken arms everywhere.

But those are not humans, and those are hateful bugs.

The soldiers saw that the densely packed insects disappeared so much in an instant, and the previous fear was reduced by more than half. What is it, facing the attack of heavy artillery, is it not golden crispy chicken?

Heavy machine guns and anti-material weapons continue to fire on the battlefield, attacking targets that need key attention. At this stage, humans have no casualties. But good luck has come at this time. After the close hand-to-hand combat, the disadvantages of the human body are fully demonstrated.

Even a fully armed and well-trained soldier needs at least three to four soldiers to be able to encircle a cockroach.


Although attacking fiercely and quickly, this kind of little guy is never known for defense, unless it is Sarnagar Zergling, that thing belongs to the special edition.

That is to say, the number of these gadgets is large enough to cause damage, but basically they use battle damage for battle damage.

Unless there is a large amount of firepower ahead, it is basically hopeless.

In the sky, the supporting fighters also roared. All air-to-surface missiles were launched, and the bomber flying slightly slower behind arrived at the scene with dense napalm bombs.

The roar of the napalm falling from a height made everyone feel numb.

The reason for the numbness is also very simple, because they see too much.

Every soldier worked hard to tutor before the battle, and had experience of fighting the insect swarm, but such images were too common on the battlefields of Germany and France.

Although those images are in the film, there is not much difference between the actual situation and the film, and standing at this distance, you can't feel the heat erupting from the incendiary bomb.

Napalm will not be placed in crowded areas at all, but will only be placed in areas far away from the crowd, focusing on attacking the large number of insect swarm units.

The remaining sea of ​​flames is constantly burning the insects.

The fighter did not do much treatment in the air, and began to retreat after dropping air-to-surface missiles and napalm bombs.

The losses that I had suffered in the hands of the Insect Swarm before are all absorbed now.

Taking advantage of the fact that there are no small self-detonation machines and strange-looking alien dragons in the air, the best time to leave is.

After a minute, there was nothing left in the sky. The deep pit that was blasted in the distance and the burning flame proved that they had been here.

Behind the flames, a huge monster broke through the flames and mud. He rushed towards the position with a violent attitude. Some burning flames continued to burn on him, but it still did not affect his actions.

Soldiers on the battlefield have long known what this is. When facing this kind of monster, their only task is to run!

Because the weapons in their hands cannot have any effect on this monster, staying on the ground will only cause unnecessary casualties. This monster must be handed over to a professional team to deal with it.

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