Son of the Olden Days

Chapter 623: Two

"Lord Sol, right now... will it cause trouble to the Freedom City?" Lord Beagle asked. Although the words expressed the desire to take refuge, he asked very vaguely, perhaps in front of it. Many children and subordinates can't save face.

Saul could not be in a hurry, but Beagle was obviously unable to stretch himself, seeing that the main town was about to die. Instead of taking people across the wilderness to another town to re-establish a main town, he might as well take refuge in the City of Freedom now, at least in front of the Lord of Essen.

The last time he went to the Freedom City to participate in an alliance meeting, Beagle could clearly see that the Freedom City was already building resettlement buildings.

Nuanfeng Town has a teleportation array leading to the southern main city of Odrensa, and has some information about the main city, so Beagle is very clear about the current crowded situation in the main city. Rather than going to the main city to squeeze the blood, it is better to go to the city of freedom.

Omia and Darryl's Beagle's children also looked at Saul with excitement. They knew that the power of the world was no longer valuable, and everything had to be alive to make sense. The key city of freedom is crowded with people, and the young people's temperament is almost like this.

To be honest, Beagle led Triston's realm to take refuge suddenly, but it did not meet Saul's expectations. After all, it was a pity that these wheat fields in Triston's Territory were deserted after this trip, but the problem was not that big, and the new city of Freedom City did not lack arable land.

In Thor's mind, the greatest significance of the existence of the Tristone Territory is to ensure the smooth flow of the teleportation formation, because there is a teleportation route that can directly reach the southern capital city of Odrunsa. The withdrawal of the territory population will undoubtedly become a dangerous field in the future.

In the event that a few ruled evil spirits wander around in the vicinity for a long time, as soon as they come over and plunge into the rules of the evil spirits, who would dare to use the teleportation array casually. However, this problem can actually be solved, and the Soul Elimination Association can arrange for the Dark Ranger to come and fix it.

In the future, there will be more observation teams, and each team will take turns here to observe the surroundings all day long to ensure the safety of the surrounding environment.

"Okay, as I said, Liberty City welcomes everyone to come at any time. This is also the reason for the name of Liberty. It’s just that Lord Beagle really thinks about it? In the past, there was another set of rules of the game. ." Thor said a few scenes.

At the same time, Saul did not forget to beat Beagle, vaguely reminding him that he was no longer a lord in the past. Beagle suddenly decided to take refuge today because the rule evil spirits suddenly came to commit a crime, a temporary decision, rather than a deliberate choice.

Everyone was a little excited when hearing the approval of the high lord Thor, after a brief hesitation, Beagle quickly raised his head.

"Thinking about it. Actually, I thought about it after I communicated with Lord Essen last time. I was just worried that it would increase the population pressure on Lord Sol. Now the situation is in danger, I can only brazenly ask Lord Sol to take it in." Beagle immediately came to talk about it.

Saul smiled and nodded, not caring about Beagle's greet.

"Then now, you can arrange manpower to tell the leaders to quickly pack up the important items that need to be taken away, pack them all up and I will collect them, and they will return them all when they go to the City of Freedom, and use my twin towers for transmission. "Thor told everyone.

If so many people walked from the teleportation array, it would definitely consume a lot of magic crystals. Although the money is not worth it, magic crystals are still scarce magic energy, which can save a little. There is a twin tower in Thor's ring, and the other is in the utility room in the backyard of the lord's mansion.

Everyone nodded in response, then turned around and began to spread the news, and the whole territory immediately became busy.

Celeo was also sent by Thor to arrange an observation team rotating on Triston's side, and those who would remove the spirits would also be considered as members of the association. Sol's request is that if the rule evil spirit suddenly approaches the teleportation array, the observation team must send the news as soon as possible.

After the surrounding people dispersed, Thor re-observed the rule evil spirit wandering to another part of the territory alone.

But nothing happened this time, and the rule evil spirit didn't turn his head and smile at himself again.

"Lord Lord, I will be your leader from now on, and I hope that Lord Lord can care for me, a small and weak woman. What do you think I can do in the City of Freedom in the past?" Omia quietly touched Sol and used her shoulder. Saul had a playful tone.

Weak woman? Sol was amused, and at the same time he was habitually alert that these treacherous mushrooms would harm him if he didn't pay attention.

"In your life, it seems that you can't do anything but sell fakes." Sol said jokingly while looking at the distance.

"Is it interesting for you guy? That matter hasn't passed yet? Are you going to remember it for a lifetime? Besides, am I apologizing?"

"Apologize? An apology is useful? Will you accept if I apologize to you after I take away your belongings? If you really want to apologize, should you return my ten dragon eyes first, and then show your little **** and ask the big devil to play In a show of sincerity." Thor laughed.

"I'm afraid you won't dare touch it when I really shine! The nest in your house won't kill you!" Omia blushed and struck her neck.

"You try it out now?" The Great Demon lowered his head and raised his chin.

"Slightly~" Omia stuck out her tongue.

Well, seeing the mentally handicapped children again, the big devil raised his hand and touched her head.

Sol found that the mushroom monsters are really interesting creatures. They are sometimes treacherous, sometimes ferocious, and sometimes they wear delicate and **** gauze stockings to seduce you. I usually look like a dried shiitake mushroom, but in private, I suddenly become a mentally handicapped child.

The people in Triston Territory are still in agile hands and feet. It may also be because they are under the threat of the evil spirits behind them. After half an hourglass, the large and small packages that they need to mark and take away have been piled up into a hill. Take it away with a wave of the previous hand.

After asking for instructions, some of the leaders who had enough time to move out all their desks, chairs and bed cabinets, since they are going to a new territory to start a new life, they can save money during difficult times. Sol is more supportive of this attitude to life, and still helps them to clear up.

After the supplies were confiscated, Sol began to use the twin towers to transport people.

First drive Darryl to the tower, let him go and notify Stanter's military department to come and pick up people. The population of these Nuanfeng towns will go directly to the resettlement site under the guidance of the military department, because they are not refugees and there is almost no problem of infectious diseases.

As the lord, Beagle stood beside Sol, watching his own leaders disappear one by one with some sorrow, and went to other people's ground to become others' leaders. The expression of inexplicable resentment was like a tramp planting grass on his head while he was not paying attention.

The evacuation of the personnel went smoothly, and after the lead people walked almost, the town guards and the spirit eliminators followed. According to Lord Beagle, Nuanfeng Town has a population of around 2,000, plus two other small towns and a village, and the total population will be around 5,000.

Although it was only a few days away from each other, Thor, a village and town affiliated to Triston Territory, was not ready to gather the population in person. When the time comes, organize a spirit removal team, as long as the dark rangers in the team stay on alert for evil spirits, crossing the wilderness is not considered dangerous.

Then give them a twin tower, and the population can come to the city of freedom one by one, but that is after the autumn harvest.

The population of Triston Territory is about 5,000, plus the more than 4,000 of Essen, in addition to the orcs and goblins, the total population of Freedom City should be around 25,000 this year. The next step is to solve the problem of food pressure.

Bruno and Tristone Territory’s fall harvest is not easy to predict, but it’s certainly not a problem to support their population through the cold winter.

So what Sol actually needs to support throughout the winter is just the orcs' rice buckets. The labor force is in place, and after next year’s spring ploughing, grain output should rise sharply. As for where the destiny of all races will go in the future, who knows?

With the evacuation of the population, the entire Nuanfeng Town was finally desolate and quiet. Thor and Beagle glanced at the rule evil spirits still wandering arrogantly in the distance for the last time, and then turned around and disappeared with the twin towers in the presence of a few left-behind spirit-eliminators.

As soon as I went outside the other tower, I saw the old goblin look like a good brother in the future, and came up and took Beagle's arm.

Now that the old goblin took the initiative to receive him, Thor just happened to be happy, waved his hand to let the two rough guys go a little farther to talk about love.

Liberty City Spirit Eliminator Association, the president's room on the third floor.

"You should come up to me to talk about things in the future. In the future, the membership of the association will increase significantly. As the true president behind the Association of Elimination of Spirits, you need to maintain a mysterious and high-end posture. My privacy is very good." Cereo offered a special order. Honey black tea.

"You actually want to lie to me here, and take the opportunity to do something immoral to me, right?" Sol smiled and pulled the small mushrooms over and sat down in his arms, playing with one hand and tapping the arm of the chair with the other. He leaned his head back on the chair and closed his eyes, lost in thought.

Sereo didn't argue with the struggle, took the black tea and fed Sol two bites, and then tasted the texture himself.

After helping Sol massage his head for a while, the little shiitake mushrooms began to trick or treat him and lay on Sol, pulling Sol’s face into various shapes.

After a meeting.

In the silence, there was only the regular sound of Thor tapping the back of the chair, just when Sereo was about to fall asleep on Thor's shoulders.

"There are already two rule evil spirits in the South." Thor suddenly stopped tapping.

"How do you know?" Sereo sat upright in Sol's arms. This topic had been discussed and guessed before, but there was no answer.

"We only paid attention to the movement speed of the ruled evil spirit. We thought it could run from Kanners to Triston in a month, but we forgot that it is not necessary. If it is because living creatures attract it to move instinctively, Triston Obviously not the best choice."

"So I'm pretty sure that there are two evil spirits in the South." Thor opened his eyes and said the conclusion.

"We are in the north..." Sereo stopped talking.

"In terms of probability, it may be there too, but I don't know where the northern border is actually larger than the southern border." Sol said.

"Then what if... comes?"

Saul blinked his eyes calmly, did not answer, nor could he answer.

Staring at Saul's face, Sereo's small face slowly moved closer, and a slightly rapid, delicious breath spurted on the face of the Great Demon.

Saul smiled, and didn't refuse the sweet kiss offered by the small mushroom.

"Yeah~" The little shiitake mushroom hugged Thor's neck, trying to corrupt the big devil with a sweet kiss.

"Yeah! You...dogs and dogs!" The door was suddenly pushed open, revealing the shocked faces of Omia and Lubiana behind the door. Lubiana was okay, just holding her hands and smiling, Omia pretended to be young, and pointed angrily at the two sticking together.

"You...really private." Saul teased.

"Listen to me, it's not what you think." Sereo blushed and tried to get up, only to find that Thor's paw was still stuck in his shirt. She pulled Saul's claws out in shame, and then quietly pressed a palm somewhere, pressing the big devil to sit up instantly.

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