Giant purple beetle seen in Memphis! It seemed like he had it before! To have evolved to such a huge size, their genes must be of high value!

They must be collected! This idea suddenly appeared in Samuel's mind, and he turned to look at Banner aside.

Banner also saw the hell-like scene outside, with corpses everywhere wailing and crying, and the huge purple beetle gave Banner a huge stimulus. His heartbeat accelerated and his breathing became rapid. The familiar feeling came again, Hulk was there He growled inside.

"No... we can't lose control!" Banner quickly opened the purple potion and was about to drink it.

"Wait, do you really want to drink?" Samuel's voice made Banner stop, and he then said: "Now, we, oh no, they may need another you more." He I have longed for Hulk for a long time, and it would be great to see him up close.

Isn't he afraid that Hulk will slap him into clay?

Samuel has certainly considered this issue, but do you think he made multiple copies of the super soldier serum and wouldn't use it himself first?

Although the super soldier serum extracted from Hulk's blood is not pure enough to reach the level of the Hulk, there is definitely no problem in self-protection.

The world-weary Xin Zhong wrote Jiu Si's postscript ベλku e ne

Samuel's words kept ringing in Banner's ears, and Banner also began to think about the problem at hand.

Ordinary people have no power to fight back in front of the purple beetle, and the tank is easily overturned by the beetle, but if Hulk is here, the situation may be alleviated.

Banner's hesitation at this time was very similar to that of a person named Supreme Treasure in another world.

If I put on the golden hoop, I can't love you; if I take off the golden hoop, I can't save you.

Seeing the miserable scene outside, the potion in his hand suddenly no longer smelled good. Banner closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and suddenly opened them again. His eyes were full of determination, as if he had made some important decision.

"Betty, I..."

"Stop talking, honey, if you insist, I will support you." Betty hugged Banner directly.

She couldn't watch so many innocent people die, and she was also very worried that her father, General Ross, must be in that tank team.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." Samuel's mouth was stuffed with dog food.

Volume 1: Chapter 30 The storm is coming

Kranz feels that the world is really crazy! First, the wildfires in the tropical rainforest burned for a long time for no apparent reason, and no one tried to save them. Then, the Blue Cross Society started to appear everywhere, and now there are huge purple beetles flying all over the sky. Is this the beginning of the end of the world?

"WTF? Simon! Do you want your life!?" Kranz grabbed Simon's trousers and pulled him out of the van. The guy actually dared to stand in the van and take pictures. Did he think his life was too tough?

"What are you doing Krantz! These are the first steps for me to become a great reporter!" Simon shouted when he saw that his camera was almost damaged. He also carefully opened the camera and took out the memory card.

"How long has it been! You are still thinking about this!" Krantz really wanted to dunk on Simon's head. These purple beetles may be a big news breakout, but they are also destined to be passed down.

They are two reporters from the Daily Bugle, and they haven't made any big news for a long time. If they can successfully hand over the photos this time, it will be a blessing after a long drought.

Hiding on the side of the van, Kranz carefully poked his head out and looked around for any safe places.

The car was parked under the teaching building, close to the wall. Logically speaking, the beetles could not see this place, but it was possible that they would judge the location of their prey based on smell or sound.

"I think we should go hide in the basement." Simon tugged at the corner of Krantz's clothes and pointed to the underground electrical room on their right.

"Idiot! Don't you know there is an idiom in the East called catching a turtle in a urn? It's not safe to go to a closed place like that!" Krantz's voice became louder and louder. He himself didn't realize how sensitive this sound was to the beetle. .

"hiao!" The void beetle made a unique cry and swooped towards Kranz's van.

The huge horn pressed against the van, and the Void Beetle raised its head, and the van was lifted away, revealing two weak and helpless people hugging each other and screaming.

Void beetles are not picky about food, and they will not squeal when they dislike food. They will eat when they open their mouthparts.

Kranz's heart rate had exceeded a limit, and in desperation, he instinctively stretched out his hand to block the beetle.

Miraculously, the void beetle actually stopped, and its cry was different from before, becoming sharper.

"Krantz! So you are Superman!" Simon looked surprised as if he had discovered some shocking secret.

"What's going on?!" Krantz himself was confused. There was no impact on his hand, so the beetle stopped. Could he really be born with divine power?

Soon they knew the answer. The Void Beetle was grabbed by the hind legs by a green giant, lifted directly up, and smashed backwards. The Void Beetle's hard shell shattered like an eggshell.

Both Simon and Kranz were stunned, but Simon instinctively used the camera to take some close-ups of Hulk.

After smashing the Void Beetle's head with one punch, and after finishing the last hit, Hulk jumped away without even looking at the two people, and went to beat up other beetles.

"Am I dreaming?" Kranz suddenly felt pain on his face and cried out. Simon pinched him.

"Well, it hurts. It doesn't look like it was a dream."

Kai'Sa, who stood high and looked at the overall situation, quickly noticed the Hulk who was killing everyone among the Void Beetles. The expression in the helmet did not change, but the hunter's instinct made her feel restless. This was a man worth taking seriously. prey.

She did not take action immediately, but chose to continue observing the battle. And the void taught her many other things.

"General! The target has appeared! Are we going to fire on him?" The captain of the tank company used a walkie-talkie to contact General Ross. They originally came to capture the Hulk, but the sudden appearance of the purple beetle disrupted their plan.

"No, Hulk will be captured later, you continue to attack the purple beetles." General Ross replied sternly. He was walking in the corridor of Carlville University at the moment, with the bandaged Blonsky following him.

Although the purple beetle was an unplanned accident, and capturing the Hulk was the main purpose, Ross quickly came up with a new countermeasure. He asked his men to drive tanks into the city without attacking the purple beetle. He also wanted to give those politicians An explanation.

Arriving at the door of the laboratory, Blonsky kicked open the door violently, and became even more irritable after his hands were broken off by Hulk.

"Father?" Seeing General Ross, Betty was suddenly at a loss. She knew that her father was here to catch Banner. As a woman who connected two men, she was somewhat of a man.

"Humph, I knew you wouldn't be obedient!" General Ross snorted. He had already known that Banner's destination was Carlville University, because Mr. Lan was the one who provided him with a weakened version of the super soldier serum, Banner's Mr. Lan also reported his whereabouts in real time.

"Is the stuff ready?" Ross asked Samuel, pulling Betty behind him.

Samuel squinted at General Ross, smiled strangely, took out a suitcase, and said, "Of course, I don't know what I discussed with the general..."

Samuel opened the suitcase, and inside lay four tubes of green medicine, which were the high-concentration super soldier serum he copied.

"Don't worry, I won't break the agreement." General Ross took the suitcase and handed it to Bronski.

"Just need a drink..." Before Samuel could finish his words, he saw Bronsky grabbing four tubes of medicine and pouring them directly into his mouth.

Samuel was dumbfounded by Bronsky's operation. Did he think it was a drink? Can you drink like this? To be honest, Samuel didn't know what the consequences would be if he messed up like this.

"Bang!" There was a sound of the test tube falling to the ground and breaking. Bronski knelt on the ground and let out a low roar. The blood vessels on his body were seriously bulging and the color was also an unusual green.

"He's going to die."

"It doesn't matter, it was his choice."

The cold conversation made Betty tremble all over, and Blonsky's painful roar also showed that something was really going to happen to him.

At this moment, Bronski felt a tearing pain all over his body, as if every bone was broken and his internal organs were being eaten by wild beasts.

His body began to swell, and his clothes soon burst, and sharp bone spurs grew on his skin. He seemed to have no Hulk's unbreakable pants, and soon Blonsky turned into a naked giant.

Or call him directly, hate.

Abomination has not completely lost his mind and has not taken action against the person next to him. His target is very clear, Hulk.

Seeing Hulk fighting the Void Beetle outside the window, Abomination roared and jumped out.

"Bigger body! Stronger strength! What a miracle!" Samuel admired from the bottom of his heart. He never thought that Bronski could survive and become like this.

However, in the face of these data that are much higher than Hulk, the hateful appearance does not seem to be so difficult to accept.

Hulk, who was punching the Void Beetle into the ground, suddenly felt something moving behind him and turned around suddenly. Before he had time to react, Hulk felt a punch in the face.

The huge body flew out directly and knocked down several walls of the teaching building. This heavy punch stunned Hulk.

"Pfft." He spat out a broken tooth, and Hulk climbed out of the pile of rocks, with a ferocious expression on his face. It was obvious that his anger tank was full again.

"I'm going to tear you apart!" Abomination still has the consciousness of being Blonsky, and the scene where his hand was broken off by Hulk is still vivid in his mind.

The sound of armed helicopters came from the sky. General Ross had mobilized from a nearby military base. To hunt down the Hulk, he could only mobilize his own tank troops, but in the face of the Void Beetle, ground power alone was far from enough. Disgusted

There was a black figure swinging between the buildings, it was Eddie who came after hearing the sound. World

In the X Academy in Westchester, Kassadin also sensed the void and Kai'Sa's aura for the first time. However, he was seriously injured and could not use the void to walk over long distances. He could only ride on the X-Men's supersonic speed. Go by plane. salary

Tony, who was in New York, also received the news immediately, put on his steel armor and went to Carlville University. Sincerely

SHIELD, which has a hand in everything, will naturally not be absent...

Volume 1: Chapter 31 New York Battlefield Vulture

"The latest news is here for you. The giant purple beetle swarm that once appeared in Memphis appeared in New York City at noon today. It has caused..." The emergency news scene was the scene of void beetles destroying Carlville University. heir

Sona, who had just learned to watch TV not long ago, was sitting on the bed, looking solemnly at the void beetles in the picture. She had read stories about the void in ancient books, and recognized that these beetles were indeed void creatures. postscript

Most of the stories in ancient books that mention the void are related to disasters, wars and curses.

Could it be that her inexplicable appearance in this world is related to the void?佴

Or is it that the void followed her to this world? Silk

Sona only knew that the Void was related to Valoran, and she didn't know whether the world had been invaded by the Void before her arrival. prison

Too many doubts plagued Sona. She had never seriously thought about this issue before, but the threat of the void was imminent. Regardless of whether it had anything to do with Sona or not, she wanted to go to the scene to investigate...e


"Why are these beetles so big? Did they eat golden garbage?" Eddie, whose knowledge of beetles is limited to pictures, complained.

He pushed away the void beetle that was arching the classroom door with its head, stretched out his big hands to wrap up several students in the classroom, and jumped down, sending them to a safe place.

Venom was a little tired from fighting Hulk last night, and now Eddie is controlling Venom's body. It's a pity that Eddie left in a hurry and didn't bring his camera, otherwise a few close-ups of the purple beetles would have been popular.

"They don't seem to be creatures of the earth..." Through tasting, the alien species Venom discovered that the genetic code of the void beetle was completely different from the one shared by the creatures on the earth.

"You mean, they are all alien beetles?" This conclusion surprised Eddie.

He waved his sharp arm claws to open the heads of the void beetles that were charging at him. After repeatedly confirming that they would die if their heads were smashed, Eddie breathed a sigh of relief. He was still a little bit different from the aliens in the movie who couldn't be killed by atomic bombs. Different.

"Maybe in their perception, humans are the bugs."

Tony is also using the scanning function of the armor to analyze the structure of the void beetle at this moment. Although Nick Fury has given him the data, Tony does not believe in SHIELD scientists, nor does he believe that his armor is so different from them.

"Sir, micro missiles can penetrate the carapace of giant beetles." Jarvis quickly gave the result.

"Aha, I knew it! Those SHIELD guys must have exaggerated the data." After confirming that no innocent people would be harmed, Tony fired micro-missiles at the heads of the six beetles within sight.

Dragging a long tail flame, the missile hit the target and exploded with a grand fire. However, the heads of four beetles exploded, and the other two beetles only had their heads blackened. There was nothing serious. It seemed that the missile failed. Through.

"What's going on?" Tony frowned slightly, his foot thrusters lifted and accelerated, and he flew to a higher place. The two void beetles had already taken off to catch up.

"It may be that the shells of different beetles have different hardnesses," Jarvis analyzed.

Although the void beetles have been covered by nuclear radiation and have changed their genetic chains and evolved, there are innate blood differences and different levels of evolution. Void beetles are also divided into advantages and disadvantages.

To put it simply, the accumulation of experience of the Void Beetle will lead to a level gap. The more troops are added, the faster it evolves.

There were two beetles chasing after him, but Tony didn't panic at all. He operated the armor and made several difficult flying movements in the air. Taking advantage of the high speed, Tony successfully used the palm cannon with little effect. Two beetles were killed.

Iron Man, who was invincible in the Middle East, felt aggrieved for the first time. This had a greater impact on him than the last time he encountered an evil spirit without any weapons. Even though he was wearing his own steel armor, he was still so embarrassed against the void beetle. , Tony's self-confidence was severely hit.

"Sir, an unidentified humanoid creature was discovered." Jarvis scanned Kaisha who was standing high up. The wings hanging in the air behind her and the helmet that was not visible through scanning made Jarvis use the word humanoid creature.

"Huh? It looks like he's the mastermind behind the scenes." The same dark purple coat made Tony guess. Without any hesitation, Tony flew towards Kasha. With so many beetles, every second more damage means more casualties. It must be First subdue the mastermind behind the scenes.

The X-Men's supersonic plane also arrived at this time, and the mutant warriors quickly allocated some of the Void Beetles to relieve the tank company that was about to be unable to support them.

Charles did not get off the plane, but his mission was also very important. Not everyone was friendly to mutants. It was Charles' mission to eliminate possible human attacks on the X-Men.

SHIELD's newly developed Quinjet fighters were belatedly arrived, but fortunately there were enough of them to drive all the void beetles flying around into one area to prevent greater casualties.

The ones causing the most noise were not the void beetles wreaking havoc, nor the various fighter jets in the sky, but the Hulk and Abomination in the Imperial City PK in the university, where the winner took all.

The violent and philosophical duel between the two muscular giants is comparable to the work efficiency of any demolition team. Carlville University has already collapsed a building, but fortunately Eddie rescued all the people inside before that.

After several rounds of attrition, Abomination's advantage soon became apparent. Hulk's recovery ability was not enough to support his injuries. Abomination strangled Hulk's neck with his elbow, trying to suffocate him to death.

Hulk pulled Abomination's hand hard to get free, but he was too weak to make Abomination's hand move at all.

Just when Hulk was about to lose consciousness, the void beetle suddenly attacked Abomination. The unsuspecting Abomination was knocked down, giving Hulk a chance to breathe.

It was Kai'Sa who commanded the Void Beetles to attack the Abomination. For these two powerful creatures, Void Infestation may be a better choice.

The Ascended Ones of Shurima were infected by the void energy and became the dark descendants. If given a little more time, the dark descendants would be completely infected by the void energy and become void creatures, obeying the command of the void.

But then the dark descendants were sealed into weapons by the twilight star spirit Maiisha, which blocked the infection of void energy.

Kaisha controlled the Zrot portal with her mind, trying to open the gate to the void and draw Hulk and Abomination into the void, but Iron Man falling from the sky interrupted her spellcasting.

"Don't move! Raise your hands, you still have wings." Tony unfolded all the weapons of the armor and pointed the palm cannon at Kai'Sa, and the hidden missiles on the shoulder armor were also revealed.

After her memory was wiped away by Malzahar, Kai'Sa couldn't understand what Tony was saying, and she didn't know how powerful the weapons equipped with the steel armor were. The purple crescent weapon appeared, and Kai'Sa took the lead in attacking.

The purple void energy was intercepted by the hidden missiles of the steel armor, and Tony also used the palm cannon to fight back.

The blue-white electromagnetic light beam was very fast. Kaisha jumped up and turned around, barely dodging it.

Summoning some void beetles to act as human shields to attract fire, Kai'Sa entered the invisible state and hit Tony with a void stalking attack. She jumped behind Tony. The wings of the void rose, and the full Icathian rain poured out. Directly destroying the propeller behind the steel armor.

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