A huge red energy ball flew out from the place where Apocalypse disappeared, drew a parabola in the air, and finally fell into Sona's body.

Sona just wanted to move, but found that her body was already beginning to crack, and she couldn't even move her fingers.

"Weak body..." As if complaining, Sona fell down after saying this last sentence.

The enemy was eliminated, but the atmosphere at the scene was very strange.

No one cheered, no one cried, no one/allGG

Everyone unanimously remained silent, because the energy that was full of destructive aura before brought a critical blow to everyone's heart. The powerful Apocalypse was instantly wiped out and ceased to exist. What kind of power is that?

Sona's usually harmless demeanor has also undergone earth-shaking changes in everyone's hearts...


In the fourth dimension, Ryze's eyes returned to their original appearance, and he saw everything that had happened on Earth before.

His mood at the moment is very complicated and cannot be described in any language. This is an emotion that only he understands.

When Valoran went around collecting world runes, he deeply felt how much disaster the rune foundation stones could bring. In the ancient rune wars, a continent was even bombed and sunk, and his hometown was also dominated. The rune fragments of the system are destroyed.

Greedy humans will be blinded by the power brought by the Rune Keystone, and even his teacher Tyrande cannot avoid it.

For so many years, Ryze did not dare to use the power of runes easily because he was afraid that he would also fall. He originally wanted to finish all this and die alone in a hidden place hiding the runes, but the world seemed to be waiting for him forever. save.

"One person simply cannot control this kind of power for a long time..."

Ryze began to wonder if merging the power of the Runestone with Sona was the right move.

Is he saving one world or destroying another?

Kieran did not stop Ryze's behavior, which shows that the ending of the story should not be the worst case scenario. If the timeline is deflected, Kieran should be aware of it and then find a way to modify it.

But, is the ending really good? Will Sona make it back safely?

Ryze didn't know, but if someone had to be sacrificed in the end, he wouldn't hesitate...

And what is Kieran doing now?

He has been stunned by the infinite fireball from the opposite side! His beard was twitched up, and Kieran's mouse was almost on fire, but his character was still frozen...

It seems that even if you can peek into time, there will still be things you can't solve...

Volume 1: Chapter 69 That’s really nice

No matter who you are, please help me!


This was the last conversation in Sona's mind, and then she fell into boundless darkness.

Facing the approaching Apocalypse, Sona pinned her last hope on the mysterious voice that appeared before.

When he woke up again, he was greeted by a pure white space.

Sona stood up slowly and smoothed the wrinkled clothes with her hands. She found that she had changed back into her original blue satin clothes at some point.

anyone there?

Sona couldn't scream, and even if someone did, there would be no response.

The white space suddenly flashed with a blue light, and Alley emerged from the light spot. It was much larger, not the size of a palm as seen before.

Ai Li didn't make a sound, just looked at Sona with his black pearl-like eyes, the undercut pattern on his head flashed white, and his tail behind him waggled restlessly.

Sona knelt down and reached out her hand to touch Alley's head, but it avoided her.

Hmm...not cute. This was the first time Sona was rejected by a small animal.

When she was in Demacia, Sona was very attracted to small animals. Even wild silver wings would not run away when they saw Sona. Instead, they would approach her in a friendly manner and make a squealing sound.

The small animals in the forest are also Sona's balls...no, they are fans of music. As long as the guqin is played, small animals will come from all directions. Sometimes even the wolf will prick up his ears and appreciate it from far away. music.

It seems that the green parrot is also resisting Sona, I don't know why.

After Ai Li dodged, he spun around a few times, then actively walked towards Sona and touched Sona's palm with his mouth.

So... so itchy. Alley is not furry, its skin is very smooth. The reason Sona feels itchy is because Alley is constantly exhaling.

A blue ring remained in Sona's palm. Ai Li raised his head, jumped lightly, and disappeared again.

A ring? Is Alley going to... propose?

You were evasive just now, and now you propose on the spot?

Sona smiled and denied the strange thought in her mind. Alley might have regarded the sparkling objects as gems and gave them as gifts.

The silver-white outer ring is embedded with a blue inner ring, and there are a few lines of small words on the ring. Unfortunately, Sona does not recognize these words.

After comparing her fingers, it seemed that only the ring finger was the right size, so Sona put the ring on her ring finger without thinking too much.

Just like Sona didn't know that wearing a ring on her ring finger meant engagement, she also didn't know that the name of the ring was the Mana Flow Tie, the source of most of the energy for the witchcraft rune cornerstone.

The moment she put on the ring, Sona felt the magic energy in her body suddenly became active. Could this ring be a magic prop? she thought.

"I didn't expect Ai Li to be willing to give you this."

The sudden appearance of the red mist made Sona look sideways. After the mist changed, it finally turned into a little man with a red pointed hood and a red cloak, fat and round like a penguin.

Isn’t this the red side’s long-range soldier?

so cute! Although there are only red eyes shining under the hood, and it’s unclear what it looks like, the Q-version looks just like Sona’s cuteness!

He poked the tip of the red hat with his finger, but was hit angrily by the little red man.

"Discourteous!" The little red man's voice was completely inconsistent with his appearance.

Only then did Sona realize that he was the owner of the previous voice.

Sona tried to send a message to him, but failed. The other person didn't seem to be human.

"You can talk, this is your mind space." The little red man said.

say? This action was unfamiliar to Sona.

"Wuuuh?!?!" She opened her mouth with the intention of giving it a try, but she didn't expect that the sound actually came out, and a surprised expression appeared on Sona's face.

"Can I speak?" Sona had never heard her own voice before, and only the other party could hear it when she was transmitting thoughts. Sona was a little excited at this time.

"Ah →↑↓" Sona actually started humming a song. It was a melodious melody that had been circulated in Ionia, a dance song taught to Sona by her grandmother.

"Okay, stop." The little red man interrupted Sona's audition and said, "You can call me Lord."

"Pfft..." Sona couldn't hold back and laughed. dominate? It would be more appropriate to call him Piggy.

"What are you laughing at?" The little red man felt that he was being provoked.

"I remember happy things."

"whats the matter?"

"Yasuo has been deleted."

"That's really nice."

Just when the conversation between the two was about to develop in a strange direction, the master brought the topic back in time.

"You don't have much time, and you have a lot to learn." The master waved his hand, and the space began to change...

In Stryker's secret base, a large number of mutants were moved into special cages, and what awaited them would be inhumane experiments.

When the helicopter stalled, Jean regained her mutant abilities. She used mind control to block the vision of those around her, and quietly lurked into the base.

"What should we do now?" After all the soldiers left, Scott whispered to Qin, he was a little nervous at the moment.

On the contrary, Kurt is relatively calm. He escaped from a laboratory since he was a child and was imprisoned by humans for a period of time.

"Did you hear what the professor said before? They must be in trouble." Charles' global loudspeaker could penetrate the helicopter's shield, so they all heard the apocalypse's unparalleled declaration.

"We should rush over to help them now!" Qin received the professor's encrypted communication and had a better understanding of the emergency situation.

"But what about those classmates?" Kurt knew the consequences of being caught by humans, and he couldn't bear to leave his compatriots here.

"What are you talking about?" The sudden voice startled the three of them. Scott was about to take off his glasses, but luckily Qin stopped him in time.

The sudden appearance of a handsome boy with yellow hair made the three of them very nervous.

"Who are you?" Qin asked, using her telepathy to detect whether the other person was lying.

Charles had previously taught English to Ezreal through spiritual transmission, so language communication was not a problem.

"Me? My name is Ezreal, and I am an explorer!" It was rare that he didn't add the prefix "Greatest" this time.

"Explorer?" This profession is not very common in modern times, but Qin did not notice that the other party was lying.

And looking at his outfit, he does look a bit like an explorer.

Kassadin had lived in X Academy for a while, and Qin also knew him. It didn't take much effort for Ezreal to explain his identity clearly and make them believe that he was with them.

Ezreal was hiding in a hidden place, and no one noticed him. When he came out again, Stryker was already about to retreat.

The adventurous spirit means knowing that there are tigers in the mountains and heading towards the mountains with tigers!

Ezreal used an arcane jump to board the helicopter, hid in the rear cabin, and when he landed, he used an arcane jump to avoid the soldiers.

"I think it's better for us to rescue those students who were taken away first..." Kurt expressed his opinion while raising his hands.

"How to save? The entire base is full of machines that block mutants' abilities. If we don't pay attention, we will be caught by the enemy!" Qin didn't want to leave those students alone, she just thought that she would go to the professor first and then come back for rescue. This is a safer method.

Scott was caught between the two arguing, not knowing what to say.

Ezreal noticed someone walking towards this direction.

"Suspicious characters found!" The soldiers patrolling in the base discovered them, raised their guns and fired, while reporting the situation to their superiors.

Kurt reacted quickly, grabbed Jean and Scott, flashed behind the soldier to avoid the bullet, and then used the spikes on his tail to kill the soldier.

All these reactions came from the body's instinct. Kurt didn't want to kill the soldier.

The guilt of taking his life sent chills down his spine. He was only called the Blue Devil. In fact, he had never even killed a bird...


Noxian Expeditionary Force: What the hell! The Ionians felt as if they were intoxicated when they heard that tune.

Demacians ban magic on the surface, but in fact everyone has magic damage. Noxians fill the health bar with water, and in Ionia, you have to kill Dao Mei's grandmother first. These are not things everyone knows. ?

(It looks like it will be available on the shelves in a few days. I feel like I’m in a rush...)

Volume One: Chapter 70 Escape

"They are here!" As soon as the soldier shouted this, he was knocked down by Ezreal with a secret shot.

There were dense footsteps all around. I didn't expect that a major named Stryker would have so many soldiers.

"Go this way!" Ezreal ran towards a passage, motioning for the three of them to follow him.

"Do you know the route here?" Seeing how confident Ezreal was, Scott thought he knew the terrain here very well.

Do I, the great explorer, still need to know the route when I lead the way? Which tomb in Shurima was not penetrated by Ezreal?

"Of course! Just come with me!" He wouldn't say that he made a blind choice based on his feelings. That would cost him too much face!

At the end of the winding corridor, there is a sealed steel door.

This couldn't stop Ezreal and Kurt, and the four of them successfully passed through the wall and reached the other end of the door.

By coincidence, perhaps Ezreal's protagonist aura comes into play again, and this is where mutants are imprisoned.

The mutants in the cage quickly recognized that the people who came in were their classmates, and they all shouted to get them out quickly. Regardless of whether they had secretly said that Qin was a freak before, they now selectively forgot these bad behaviors.

"Scott, it's up to you." Qin looked at Scott and motioned for him to use laser light to destroy the cage.

Scott nodded, adjusted his orientation, took off his glasses, took a deep breath, and then opened his eyes.

"Squat down!" Kurt motioned to the mutants in the cage to avoid.

The powerful laser light instantly melted the iron pillars of the cage, and all the mutants came out safely, and at the same time recovered their mutant abilities.

"Now we start assigning tasks." Qin seemed to have become Professor X at this moment, becoming the core of the team.

Qin doesn't have the talent to be a leader, but she knows them better than anyone else, including the limits of their abilities.

"Colossus and Copper Warlock, you are at the front and block most of the bullets." They can turn their bodies into metal and are qualified human shields.

"Iceman Bobby, you are responsible for freezing the door we walk through."

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