Each of his Stark family is a good man who is infatuated and dedicated. How can he meet someone who loves someone else? (funny)

Paige is a woman with strong self-esteem, and she will not allow the man she likes to have sex outside.

If that person was Sona, Paige could still understand and reluctantly accept it. She had to admit that Sona did have the ability to compete with her on the same stage, and Sona had known Steve longer than Paige.

But what the hell is that female assistant? Want to join the game without even saying hello? Steve you are blind!

A lost dog eats dust? Absolutely impossible!

Sona originally wanted to go to the front line with the Howling Commandos so that the battle could end faster, but she was ordered by Paige to stay at the headquarters on the grounds that she did not have enough command of firearms to go to the front line.

To this end, she also practiced using guns at the Strategic Research Agency for several weeks, and her proficiency reached the level of a fifth-level dog tag.

The war is gradually coming to an end, and Hydra has only its last base under the Alps. Dr. Zola, who was captured alive, revealed all the information about the Red Skull.

Sadly, Steve's friend Bucky died unexpectedly while on a mission to capture Dr. Zola. This hit Steve hard, and he believed it was all because he failed to capture Bucky. , which led to the sacrifice of his friend.

After being injected with the super soldier serum, his body metabolized alcohol very quickly. Steve couldn't even use alcohol to reduce his pain, and he was depressed and unhappy all day long.

Fortunately, before the final battle, Steve regained his energy and decided to let Hydra bear the pain of losing his friend (wife). When formulating the battle plan, he behaved very arrogantly and decided to go it alone. Kill into Hydra's base.

Steve has not lost his mind. What he means is to sell first and then let his teammates start the group outside.

The war is about to break out, and Sona is also in the team waiting to charge outside. As soon as Steve gives the signal, they will directly enter the finals to compete for the chicken.

After Steve held a violent motorcycle race in the jungle, he successfully broke into Hydra's base and was caught in front of the Red Skull without much effort.

"You Americans may be arrogant, but are you really outrageous?" Red Skull walked up to the captain with his hands behind his back, looking like a winner.

"Didn't Abraham say anything else to you?"

"He said you were crazy."

"He is jealous of my talent! He took away what was originally mine, but he has no reservations about you!" Red Skull felt like a defeated dog, he was obviously the one who came first! Why does this happen?

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. The Red Skull punched Steve in the face in frustration, and then kicked him to the ground, causing blood to flow from the corner of Steve's mouth.

"I can do this all day." Steve thought back to the time when he was bullied by those gangsters, and he relied on these words to wear them down.

"Time waits for no one, Captain, I will destroy your army!" Red Skull took out his energy pistol and prepared to send Steve to see his grandmother.

"What a coincidence, me too." Steve's inexplicable smile made Red Skull feel that something was wrong.

There was sudden movement outside the glass window, and Red Skull instinctively turned his head to look.

When members of the Howling Commandos descended upon the Red Skull, they suddenly realized that the decoration workers had cut corners on his tempered glass!

"Ula! Go to hell with Hydra!" Kovich showed off his maoist demeanor. The bullets from his submachine gun swept past, and Hydra's soldiers fell to the ground one after another.

"Captain! Go on!" Ma Jie flew the shield to the captain. After Steve took it, he chased directly towards the escaping Red Skull.

"Weren't you very arrogant just now? Why are you running so fast now?" Steve kept shouting trash talk at the Red Skull in the passage, but unfortunately he was blocked by the Red Skull.

Red Skull was also injected with the super soldier serum, and the two ran at the same speed.

After the troops outside received the signal, they immediately launched a general attack and rushed directly to the high ground of Hydra, preparing for a wave of horizontal push.

Although Hydra's weapons were very powerful, a single shot on the body would avoid being cremated and the ashes would be scattered directly, but it could not withstand the large number of Allied soldiers, and most of the Hydra soldiers were quickly eliminated.

"Kill me! There are others who come after me!" As soon as the Hydra soldier finished shouting, he was shot away by Colonel Philip.

"Go find the people who come after you." He ordered his men.

"That plane...the plane..." Sona whispered to herself. She broke away from the large army and used levitation to move quickly within the base, looking for the magically modified B12 bomber. Hydra's base was complicated. It’s really easy to get lost without a map.

Fortunately, the plane was really big. Sona saw it when she flew high. The Hydra soldiers didn't expect that there would be people flying in the sky, so Sona quietly entered the plane and hid in it. Cat in the corner.

Now we are waiting for the protagonist to appear!

The day finally arrived, Sona was still a little excited.

When he goes back, he must let Colson treat him to sweets for a year!

And Steve! Can't run away either!

Just when Sona's thoughts had drifted to nowhere, the Red Skull climbed up from the ladder, put the Cosmic Cube into a container, started the plane's engine, and then closed the plane door, leaving only a few Hydras. The soldiers followed, not yet entering the cockpit, but waiting in the disembarkation cabin.

Um? Where's Steve? Did he not get on the plane?

The plane had already started, but Sona did not see Steve's figure. She looked towards the back of the plane through a layer of glass, and sure enough she saw Steve holding a shield and running with all his strength.

Why is it that everyone else is fine, but when it comes to you, you stretch your hips? Sona rubbed her temples and thought of a suitable solution.

With her right hand facing Steve, Sona hit Steve with the power of a rune, adding the predator effect to Steve's shoes. The hidden effect did not let Steve notice anything was wrong. , a super-accelerating jump landed on the plane's elevator wheel.

Phew~ We have caught up. All we need to do next is to let Steve land safely after he defeats the Red Skull.

Suddenly, a blue energy beam hit Sona from behind. Although the passively triggered skeleton plating blocked most of the damage, a bloody mark still appeared on Sona's back.

The impact caused by the energy beam caused Sona's head to hit the iron plate of the plane, and blood flowed out. The concussion on her brain prevented her from reacting immediately.

"People from the Divine Realm, I didn't expect to meet you here." A fanatical expression appeared on Red Skull's face, and he didn't even think about why Sona appeared here.

Damn it, why can't I use magic? Sona wanted to use the guqin to fight back, but there was no reaction.

After being hit by the blue energy beam, it was like being silenced, and the magic energy in Sona's body could not be mobilized.

Seeing that Sona had lost her ability to resist, the Red Skull threw the energy cannon aside, and took out a set of blood-drawing equipment from the side, preparing to extract the god's gene from Sona's body.

At least that's what Red Skull thinks. As long as he can get the blood of people from the God Realm, he can turn himself into a God Realm person through scientific means.

Seeing the Red Skull approaching step by step, Sona grabbed the guardrail and stood up with difficulty, blocking the guqin in front of her.

The guqin seemed to have turned into a shield at this moment, blocking the Red Skull's fist, but the Red Skull quickly grabbed the guqin and threw it aside.

"Just draw a tube of blood. Don't worry, it won't hurt." The Red Skull seemed to want to show a happy expression, but it looked extremely scary.

Sona's hand was controlled by the Red Skull, and the needle tip was about to penetrate the aorta.

"Let her go!"

The star-spangled buckler came faster than the sound, hitting the Red Skull directly on the head, knocking him away from Sona.

"We're here..." Seeing Steve finally coming from outside the door, Sona suddenly collapsed on the ground. She was seriously injured, and the healing energy of the runes had no effect at the moment. She had been there before. Holding on.

"Sona, are you okay?" Steve jumped down from above and looked at Sona covered in blood, anxious.

Sona suddenly pushed Steve away and avoided the energy cannon's fire. She shouted with her last strength.

"Don't worry about me, defeat him first!"

The Red Skull picked up the energy cannon and pointed it at Steve, which was a point of death. Fortunately, Steve's vibranium shield could absorb 100% of the force, and the powerful energy cannon could not cause harm to him.

Flying the shield out and knocking the energy cannon out of Red Skull's hand, Steve took a step forward and punched Red Skull on the chin, knocking him down.

The energy cannon shattered by the vibranium shield leaked blue energy, triggering the Cosmic Cube as the energy of the aircraft engine. The energy of the Rubik's Cube became unstable, and the autopilot aircraft began to lose control.

The Cube melted its container and fell to the ground. The high temperature caused it to continue to sink, and it would not be long before it fell off the plane.

"No!" Red Skull quickly grabbed the Cosmic Cube, which almost fell out of the plane. Although the high temperature on his palms made his skin begin to burn, he gritted his teeth and did not let go.

The Red Skull's desire for power triggered the curse of the Soul Stone on Vormir.

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube shot out a sky-reaching energy beam and teleported the Red Skull into the universe. The Rubik's Cube was not taken away by him, but fell out of the plane. It all happened so suddenly that Steve didn't react for a moment.

The plane suddenly bumped violently. Steve lost his balance and hit the dial. He hurriedly pulled the plane's control stick, trying to stabilize the horizontal line, and at the same time shouted to the rear: "Sona, are you okay?"

Steve's heart tightened when he received no response, but he continued to work with his hands to stabilize the plane that was crashing into New York.

"Reply if you hear that! This is Captain Rogers!" Steve shouted into the communication equipment on the plane, trying to get a little response.

"Steve? Are you okay?" The person who replied was Peggy. She saw Steve jumping on the plane and has been guarding the communications station at the Hydra base.

"The Red Skull is dead. I'm almost over New York now!" Steve looked at the logo on the radar and then at the speed of the plane on the dial. His heart sank. It was obvious that he had no way to land safely.

There are also nuclear bombs on the plane. If an emergency landing occurs, it will be a devastating blow to New York.

"Give me your coordinates and I'll give you an emergency landing location."

"It's too late, I have to fly the plane into the sea..." Steve hesitated. If he was alone, he could die peacefully, but there was Sona on the plane. He couldn't take Sona with him to die. .

There must be a way... Steve frantically adjusted the aircraft control station, but it did not slow down the aircraft.

"Steve, have you thought about how to land?" Sona staggered to the aircraft control console and asked Steve.

"Yes... no..." He originally wanted to make Sona feel at ease first and then think of a solution later, but Steve found that he could not change the final result, so he did not lie. He continued: "I am flying the plane towards Glaciers, only in this way can most people’s lives be saved.”

"I'm sorry, Sona, I can't let you live too..." The guilt in his heart was unspeakable. Steve had to make a choice between the lives of two people and the lives of millions of people.

"I have a way, but it may hurt a little. Can you bear it?" The magic energy in the body recovered a little, and a spiritual cloak appeared on Sona's hand.

She initially thought of using the levitation technique to fly both of them into the sky, but after being hit by the energy of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, the magic energy that Sona could mobilize in her body could only support one person's flight.

At the last critical moment, even if Steve's mind couldn't accept magic, there was nothing he could do.

Using all her energy to maintain levitation, Sona covered Steve with a spiritual cloak that could support flight for a long time, and before he could react, she threw him towards the windshield in front of the plane. .

"Stay alive, Steve! The future world needs you!" Sona finally used teleportation, hoping to stimulate Steve's desire to survive and successfully awaken him in the real world.

Sona can leave this conscious space only if Steve is alive.

Steve suddenly felt his body light up, and his whole body was thrown out of the plane by Sona. When he opened his eyes again, Steve found that he was suspended in the air, falling slowly under the influence of gravity.

Although he didn't know what the situation was, he quickly realized that Sona seemed to have left the chance of survival to herself in order to save him.

"Sona!! Why!" Pulling the air crazily in the air, Steve wanted to float over and rescue Sona, but it didn't work at all. Steve could only watch the plane crash into the glacier, slowly Sunk to the bottom of the sea...

It's finally over... The cold seawater poured into the plane, stinging Sona's bones and trembling. She held her breath, closed her eyes, and waited for her consciousness to return...


In another parallel universe, Steve froze to death after floating at a very high altitude for a long time...

In another parallel universe, Steve hit his head on the railing of the plane because he was thrown too hard by Sona and died...

In another parallel universe, Steve starved to death because he fell into no man's land and was not found for a long time...

Volume 1: Chapter 83 Bracelet

When Sona regained consciousness, she was sitting on a chair. She felt her body was a little stiff. This was the sequelae of her consciousness thinking she was frozen.

Slowly opening his eyes, he saw familiar figures, including Kasha, Tony, Colson, and yes, Steve, who was lying on the hospital bed and had not yet woken up.

I'm back...

Kasha stepped forward, waved her hand in front of Sona's eyes, and asked, "Sona, how do you feel?"

Feeling very bad…

Opening her mouth but no sound came out, Sona patted her head. She remembered that she was now back in the real world and could only use the writing pad or teleportation.

"How long has it been?" Sona moved her legs that regained consciousness and sent a message to Kasha.

"About half an hour."

Half... half an hour? Could it be that Steve's consciousness flowed very quickly? Sona remembered that she stayed for six months.

"Sona, have you succeeded? Captain, can he wake up?" Colson asked eagerly.

"It should... be soon, right?" Sona replied with a writing pad. She stood up and walked to the hospital bed. She put her hand on Steve's head and transferred the healing energy into his body.

Steve, who had only a heartbeat at first, suddenly began to twitch, his breathing became rapid, and the expressions on his face rubbed together, looking very painful.

As if waking up from a nightmare, Steve sat up suddenly and looked around nervously. When he saw Sona standing in front of him, he hugged her and repeated in an excited tone: "That's great. , Sona, you are still alive...still alive..."

It seemed that the memory in Steve's mind stayed at the time when the plane hit the glacier, and it was not known whether his previous memories were replaced or existed at the same time.

This sudden attack caught Sona off guard. She didn't know whether it was because Steve was too excited or because he just didn't adapt to his body. Sona felt like she could hardly breathe.

"Hey! Let go of your hand, centenarian, you are being disrespectful!" Tony's whole body trembled, and he quickly reacted, and together with Colson, they pulled Sona and Steve away.

After regaining her breath, Sona coughed a few times and took a deep breath before she recovered.

Only then did Steve realize that his behavior was a bit inappropriate, and he was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

He remembered that he was still floating in the sky before, and suddenly his eyes became dark, and then he saw Sona appearing in front of him, so he was so excited that he couldn't control himself.

It's best to explain the cause and effect to him so that he won't have difficulty accepting the facts later. Sona wrote on the writing board that when she saw Coulson, she wanted to talk to Steve more, so she handed the writing board to him.

"Wait, Sona, you're married?" Steve noticed a blue ring on Sona's left ring finger.

"What? When?" Tony was startled by these words and looked in the direction of Steve's gaze, and sure enough he saw a blue ring.

Um? I am married? ! I do not know how?

Sona was confused. She looked at the two men who were still in shock, and realized that they had been looking at the mana flow tie on her hand.

"When did you bring it up?" Kasha was also curious as to why a ring appeared on Sona's hand for no apparent reason.

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