The blood vessels under the dark green skin gradually changed color, and one of Hulk's arms was covered in purple energy.

"Void creature?" Kaisha was a little unsure. She jumped back to avoid Hulk's punch, and suddenly felt a heavy blow on her back.

"When?!" This punch was really uncomfortable. Kaisha gritted her teeth and quickly flew away from the Hulk. A trace of blood flowed out of the corner of her mouth uncontrollably.

Spider web-like cracks appeared in the living armor, the Void Wings were also damaged, and Kai'Sa's mobility was greatly reduced.

Only then did she realize that one of Hulk's feet had also turned purple.

Just when Hulk stepped out again and was about to give Kai'Sa a fatal blow, his body suddenly stiffened and fell to the ground like a popsicle. Due to inertia, Hulk's head rubbed against the ground for ten seconds. rice.

"It's quite timely." Charles breathed out, and the intention of controlling the Hulk made him fall into a deep sleep, and handed his body back to Banner. He also thoughtfully covered Banner with the clothes he had prepared.

The X-Men's timely support minimized the damage to S.H.I.E.L.D., and with the help of the telekinetic mutant Jean Grey, Tony repaired the engine without much effort.

The only bad news is that Loki ran away and SHIELD lost his whereabouts again.

In the conference room, everyone sat around the round table, including Charles, Kasha and Qin who came later.

Sona was using the sound of the piano to treat Kasha, and the injuries of the others were not particularly serious.

No one spoke, and everyone's morale was a bit low. After all, being caught off guard by the enemy on their own territory could be said to be a failure.

"So, what is our next goal?" Someone always has to stand up first at a critical moment, and Tony put himself in this position.

"We lost the Rubik's Cube, the scepter, and the whereabouts of the two Asgard prisoners are still unknown. What should we do next?" Tony wanted to recall the previously designed program, but the data was destroyed during the previous invasion. If we were to do it again now, it would be better to wait for the news to report Loki's location.

"Actually, there is even worse news." Although it was untimely, Charles had to say it.

"There is another force spying on the earth, and the threat they pose is no less than that of the Kirita people." Charles' description made Sona think of the void in an instant.

"Is it the void?" Although they couldn't speak, everyone noticed the words on Sona's writing board at the same time.

Void, this simple word, has different views in the eyes of everyone.

Nick Fury believed that it was a resource with advantages and disadvantages. Tony was afraid of getting burned and never studied void energy in depth. Charles and Kasha were the beneficiaries of void energy, but they did not think that void creatures came to earth for friendly diplomacy.

Others either don’t know much or don’t know at all.

Wait, it seems that only Steve, who has just been thawed out, doesn't know anything about the void...

So he was the first to ask: "Void? What is that?"

In order to save time, Charles directly communicated the matter about the void to Steve through mental dialogue, causing the centenarian's brain to freeze.

Void beetle? Void infection? A tentacle monster with a big eye? Steve couldn't imagine what kind of monster it was, like an octopus?

"Originally we still have some time, but Kassadin, who can cut off the void portal, has lost contact, so... we may have to prepare for the worst." When Charles talked about Kassadin, Kasha's expression changed obviously. Variety.

For Kasha, this is the second time her father has disappeared. The last time Kassadin disappeared, Kasha's village was attacked by void creatures. This time, history seems to be repeating itself.

The atmosphere at the scene was somewhat silent, and the repeated blows made everyone worried about the future.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. is indeed using the Cosmic Cube to make weapons, but I personally am more optimistic about another plan." Nick Fury called up the monitor on the table and played the battle video of SHIELD's collection of the first-generation Avengers.

"Gather the most outstanding people on the planet together to see what they can do. The plan is called the Avengers." Tony took over Nick Fury's lines. He turned to Charles and added: "Similar to the X-men you formed, they belong to the superhero group of Earth."

"What the earth needs now is an alliance that is united and shares the same hatred, not a team whose biggest conflict comes from within the team." Nick Fury put his hands on the table and glanced at everyone present.

The previous quarrels seemed very stupid now, but even at this time, there was still a big gap between the Avengers.

Tony and Steve still dislike each other, Natasha and Barton are wary of Banner, and Thor is like an orphan who has not yet joined the team.

Only Sona seems to have an okay relationship with everyone, at least that's what Nick Fury thinks.

what is this? Group pet?

Or is it that no one will offend the breastfeeding assistant?

Looking at Sona who had finished her treatment, and thinking of her dislike of actively communicating with others, Nick Fury could not bring up the decision to let Sona lead the Avengers.

But what about everyone else? Tony is too complacent, Steve is too old-fashioned, Natasha and Barton are inappropriate members of the system, Thor is a reckless man, Banner has to act like the Hulk, and normal communication is difficult.

Thinking of this, Nick Fury began to have a headache again. To be honest, Nick Fury regretted proposing the Avengers plan. Wouldn't it be enough for the superhero group to have the X man next door?

Volume 1: Chapter 97 Two Wormholes? Double the fun!

At the top of Stark Tower, Samuel has arranged the device to activate the Rubik's Cube. Now he only needs to wait for the Kirita aliens on the other side of the portal to complete the arrangement before it can be opened.

Jarvis, the artificial intelligence in Stark Tower, had Samuel hacked, and now the entire building is filled with crimson people.

To be honest, choosing Stark Tower was not a very wise choice. I don’t know why Loki fell in love with this big guy at first sight and wanted to change the letters on the top of the building to his own name.

But he didn't have time to think about these things now, Loki was worried now.

Not knowing what Lulu was thinking, she ran out of the room, found Loki who had just been picked up, and asked him to take her back.

How could Loki do this? Besides, now that the Rubik's Cube has been put into the machine, he could only use sweet words to delay Lulu, lest this lunatic turn out to be a purple burly man and gay him again.

At first, Loki wanted to use the mind scepter to control this annoying little man, but for some reason, the tip of the scepter was flattened, and Lulu still had his own consciousness. Loki even suspected that the one given to him by the Kirita people was... Fake!

"I'll give you the Arcane Dust. How about you play with it?" Loki conjured up another bottle of Odin's treasures in his hand. There were already piles of treasures next to him that would drive others crazy when they saw them, but Lulu Treat them like fun colors!

The arcane dust was also thrown aside mercilessly by Lulu. These things were not as fun as Ryze's magic scroll. How could they fall into the eyes of the Yodel Witch?

When she was on an interstellar phone call with Leader Zirita, Lulu suddenly barged in and dragged Loki out of the call space, causing him to lose all face.

Thinking of the scene where he was dragged by his cloak just now, Loki felt like he was about to burst. He wanted to throw Lulu directly off the Stark Tower!

No, you can't fall out now, you have to endure it. Loki pinched his face and put on a professional fake smile like the god of trickery.

When Zirita's army comes, he won't have to play house with Lulu here!

"Samuel, the Rubik's Cube is not ready yet?" Rocky urged using a wireless headset.

"? Didn't you say you have to wait for the Kirita people to be ready? The portal can be opened at any time." Samuel felt that Loki was a little confused.

Loki rubbed his temples, a little embarrassed, and replied helplessly: "Open the portal now! The sooner the better!"

Samuel shrugged and pressed the start button.

The machine started to operate, and the Rubik's Cube emitted a blue light that was difficult to see directly, forming a protective shield around the machine to prevent it from being destroyed by external forces and closing the portal.

A beam of blue light shot straight into the sky, attracting the attention of New York City residents.

"Wow! Beacon! I'm going to restore my health!" A certain MC fanatic player rushed towards Stark Tower.

The space in the sky was distorted, forming two huge circular wormholes.

Wait, two?

Loki rubbed his eyes in disbelief, but it seemed that this was not an illusion, it was still two wormholes.

"Samuel, are you designing a double-opening design?" Loki asked Samuel. It doesn't matter if there are two, so the time to occupy the earth will be reduced by half.

"I'm not, I don't, this is not my problem." Looking at the purple portal next to the blue wormhole, Samuel had a bad premonition in his heart. He seemed to have seen a purple portal somewhere.

"Everyone! Charge!" Kara, the commander of Qirita, gave the order, and the soldiers of the Pioneer Legion drove the aircraft into the wormhole and arrived above the earth.

Since Ziruita's soldiers are all controlled by the mastermind, their commanders must be on the battlefield in person to command. Otherwise, if the entire process is left to humans and machines, many bizarre operations will occur.

Densely packed aircraft appeared in the sky over New York City, but they did not directly start plundering the planet's resources as before, because there were many huge purple beetles floating in front of the vanguard army, which looked very ferocious, which made Cara unable to Dare to give orders rashly.

That day, Vel'Koz found Kha'Zix in a void forest. After some persuasion (fooling), he successfully recruited him and asked him to deal with the highly mobile Void Walkers.

Kha'Zix did not come back after that, but when the Void Gate was installed again, no one came to destroy it. Vel'Koz immediately decided to launch an invasion of Earth, and he wanted to go there in person.

When he first discovered the Earth, Vel'Koz just wanted Kai'Sa to practice his skills casually. It didn't matter if he couldn't take it. The Void wanted to put the army in a more important world.

However, when he learned that Charles was also from Earth, Vel'Koz's interest in the Earth greatly increased. It happened that the Emperor of the Void also issued an order, and he wanted to come here to see this world both in public and in private.

"Is this the earth's armed force?" He touched his head with his tentacles in confusion. Vel'Koz's eyes turned into question marks. The eye of the void clearly reported that the earth did not master high-end technology? Why does this army now have the ability to fight in other spaces?

But it wasn't a big problem. Vel'Koz had no qualms in his heart and immediately issued the order to attack.

The void insect swarm received the order and launched an attack on Zirita's vanguard army.

"Defeat the Earth's army! Loot their resources!" Kara raised his arms and shouted. Although the Zirita Legion, which is all man-machine, has no morale, doing so will make the commander feel normal.

A shot hit a void beetle in the eye. As the commander of the legion, Kara was able to be given an independent personality, and his own strength was beyond doubt.

However, the Void Beetle, which had one of its eyes blown out, was not affected at all and crashed into a Zirita aircraft without slowing down. It seemed that the bullet did not damage the brain of that creature.

"I didn't expect that boy Loki to trick us in turn. Do you deserve to be called the God of Tricks?" Looking at the vanguard army that was numerically superior but retreating steadily, Kara gritted his teeth and felt a little resentful.

They had indeed pretended to agree to help Loki occupy the earth before, but their actual idea was to grab the resources and run away after arriving on the earth. What about the friendship of the sons of Odin, and that thing has a hammer?

Unexpectedly, the God of Trickery saw through their plan, tricked them into arriving on Earth but arranged an ambush? Is it to destroy Zirita? It's so insidious!

Don’t underestimate the Qirita people!

Kara thrust the energy gun into the void beetle's body, pulled the trigger frantically, and barely managed to kill one.

But other Qirita people were not so lucky. They were either eaten by void beetles, or their aircraft was destroyed and landed on the ground. The tragic situation was simply not suitable for children.

No, if this continues, the whole vanguard army will be destroyed! Kara quickly used the communicator to contact the rear.

"Requesting support! Requesting support! This is a conspiracy! Send Leviathan over quickly!"


It was the security alarm on the last level of Jarvis, letting Tony know that his Stark Tower had turned into the shape of Loki (fog). SHIELD's aerospace carrier could not drive to the city, so the Avengers You can only go to the battlefield in a supersonic fighter plane sent by the X-Men.

Tony, who had a steel armor, arrived in the center of New York earlier, but the battlefield that had turned into a mess made him very confused.

Aren’t you all here to invade the earth? What, is there a fight over the uneven distribution of the spoils?

With countless complaints but no place to vent, Tony could only find a way to close the portal first. He came to the top of Stark Tower, and there was no one next to the machine that drove the Cosmic Cube.

He fired a palm cannon at the machine, and the force of the rebound knocked Tony back.

"Sure enough, you need a scepter to shut down the machine." Tony remembered the method Dr. Silweger told him and stopped trying to dismantle it violently.

Loki is in Stark Tower right now, and Tony wants to find him.

"Sir, Mark7 has not been tested yet." Jarvis's voice reminded.

"Then let's make a record of the test." Tony stopped on the armor disassembly table and removed the Mark 6, which was no longer suitable for combat.

In the building, Loki stared blankly at the two armies fighting in the air, wondering if he had picked up the wrong script.

He called the leader of Qirita, but what he received was crazy abuse in Qirita language.

Why? what happened? Do you, Zirita, have any enemies chasing you to Earth? Countless questions appeared in Loki's mind, but there was no way to answer them.

"Send me back quickly!" Lulu hit Loki's knee with her staff again, but this time he didn't react. Could it be that her staff had become soft?

Lulu tilted her head and touched the top of the staff. It was thick and hard. There was nothing wrong with it?

"It's illegal to break into private houses, Asgardians." Tony walked in naturally from outside and took a bottle of whiskey from the wine rack, as if he wasn't too worried about what would happen if he faced Loki alone.

Loki turned around and saw that the earthling in armor was still pouring wine leisurely. He didn't take himself seriously at all. He was resentful about being scolded for no reason just now, and he was frustrated when he was pretending to talk to Lulu. At this moment it finally broke out.

"Ah! You deserve to die!" A flash appeared in front of Tony. Loki lifted up his collar and threw Tony out of the window.

Wait, why do you come up and take action? Do you have the qualities of a villain?

Before Tony could react, he had already flown to the outside of the building, and at the same time, the square-cylindrical Mark 7 flew out.

But Tony didn't even put on the bracelet! Mark7 must have a bracelet to pass certification!

It was the familiar falling scene again, but the difference was that Tony now had no armor protection, and he would definitely turn into a mosaic when he fell to the ground.

Tony closed his eyes in despair, praying for a miracle to happen.

Suddenly he felt that his falling had stopped and his body still felt soft. Tony was overjoyed. Could it be that Sona had saved him in time?

He opened his eyes, but he didn't see the face he imagined in his mind. Instead, he saw a ferocious face full of fangs that would give him nightmares for days just looking at it.

"Mr. Stark, welcome to the Venom rescue project. You have to pay." Venom said Eddie's thoughts. At this moment, he had already figured out where to go with the stolen money.

After all, it was money from evil capitalists, and Eddie didn't feel any guilt at all when spending it. Besides, Tony Stark, who had a big family and a big business, wouldn't care either.

The huge contrast made Tony's blood surge and he fainted.

"No way, I haven't said the price yet..."

Volume 1: Chapter 98 The Devil Arrives (I’m sorry I was wrong)

The supersonic fighter was not suitable for combat, so Charles parked it on the roof of an empty building.

"What's the situation now? Are we late or early?" Natasha looked at the two forces fighting in the sky and felt a little at a loss.

"Maybe Lady Luck is on our side..." Charles also felt that it was a bit outrageous. If the time and place of the Void and Zirita's invasion did not match up, then the earth might fall into a wheel war.

The roar of the giant beast came from the sky, and a Leviathan flew out of the blue wormhole. This is the highest product of Zirita's biotechnology. It is a huge beast in itself and can also be used as a troop carrier. use.

Leviathan joined the battlefield, and the vanguard army that was originally slaughtered relaxed a lot. After all, for void beetles, larger and slower creatures taste more delicious...

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