Sona and Jane walked at the front, while Daisy and her assistant Ian held a phase meter to continuously record the changes in the surrounding fluctuation frequency.

As a group of people walked in the empty corridor, Sona suddenly heard dense footsteps coming from behind. She immediately pulled Jane and told her to be careful.

Daisy thought she was a security guard at the warehouse. She didn't know what the British customs were like. In order not to get into trouble, she first raised her hands to show that she was harmless, and said, "If you have anything to say, we are Americans!"

"That one can make them disappear!" This line is inexplicably scary. Fortunately, the person speaking is a child, and she has two companions following her.

"Are you the police?" the little girl asked timidly. They seemed to have come in without permission, so they were a little scared.

"No, we are scientists." Jane replied with kindness. She was a little curious about what the boy just said that made them disappear.

Hearing the scientists, a little boy among them immediately dropped his guard and said, "We discovered an abnormality!"

"Can you take us to see it?" Jane asked.

"Follow me." One of the children began to lead the way.

They walked through the corridor, made several turns, and finally came to an empty indoor place.

Parked in the center was a heavy-duty truck, which looked relatively new.

The child who was running at the front directly put his hand on the front bumper of the truck, and then pushed it gently, and the heavy truck floated like bubbles.

Sona was slightly surprised. This weight requires a lot of magical energy to support even the levitation technique, so that the truck can take off lightly, but the child did it just by touching it?

After all, you need a slide shovel to make the truck look like this, right?

Also stunned were the three scientists. For them, who knew little about magic, the scene in front of them was enough to overturn their years of scientific views.

"There's something wrong with this place..." Daisy said to herself.

The children did not stop and continued to lead the way, arriving at a small abandoned building surrounded by hollows in the middle of the stairs and sunlight shining in from above.

It's that kid again. He threw down the Coke bottle he was carrying, but it didn't make a sound when it landed.

"Where did it go?" Jane asked doubtfully.

The little girl looked upward, and then everyone saw the Coke bottle falling from the sky, disappearing, and then reappearing in the sky. This cycle continued until the Coke bottle was caught by the child again.

Magic about space nodes?

Sona could see magic fluctuations before the Coke bottle disappeared, but it didn't feel like a finished product made by an Earth mage.

"It's incredible!" Jane exclaimed. She was already thinking in her mind that if the Coke bottle was kept circulating, would the acceleration of its free fall reach the speed of light?

Jane immediately found an empty Coke bottle from the side and wanted to try this unscientific phenomenon for herself.

But this time the Coke bottle did not fall from the sky again, but disappeared completely.

"Uh... why is this?" Jane was confused.

"Sometimes they come back, and sometimes they don't come back," the little girl explained.

"It's amazing! I want to throw something too, Jane, give me your shoes." Daisy didn't seem to be joking.

Jane ignored her second-rate friend, just took the phase meter from Ian's hand and started comparing the data.

"I've never seen such strange fluctuations, except..."

"In Old Bridge, New Mexico?" Daisy answered Jane's question.

The place name brought back some bad memories for Sona, that strange hammer, and the burly blond man holding it.

It seems to be called Sol? Sona may be more familiar with his younger brother Loki.

Even though Thor seems to be a teammate in the Avengers.

"Don't touch things here!" Jane looked at the strange data on the phase meter and decided to look for places with high fluctuation frequencies by herself.

Sona injected magical power into セ, fluctuating the strings, and wanted to use the sound of the piano to test the scope of this space node.

The sound wave with magical power bounced back when it touched the space barrier, and a small part was absorbed by the barrier.

The effect was not very great. Sona only sensed a few vague entrances and one exit.

From this point of view, it is not that things that fall come back or not come back irregularly, but that the entrances are different, so the exits are also different.

It's like Daisy grabbed Ian's shoes and threw them down. The shoes could fall down safely because they fell into the correct entrance, but when Ian threw the car keys down, the car keys never came back...

Ignoring the two scientists who were having more fun than the children, Sona turned to look for Jane and quickly caught up with her using her levitation technique.

"Did you find anything?" Sona wrote on the writing board.

"No, but the frequency of fluctuations is getting bigger and bigger." Jane was like an explorer holding a dragon ruler at this moment, constantly changing the position of the phase meter to determine the direction.

In order not to disturb Jane, Sona didn't use her セ and just followed behind her silently.

Finally, after the two reached a dead end, the frequency of the phase meter reached its highest value.

The atmosphere here is very cold, and there is a breeze blowing through the sealed space.

Sona used her mental power to explore her surroundings and found a very hidden space node in front of her.

The smell it gave off made Sona feel uncomfortable.

Jane wanted to move forward, but Sona took her right hand and stopped her.

It is not good to rush into an unknown space node.

At this time, a sudden change occurred, the surrounding terrain suddenly began to deform, and a strange suction force directly pulled Sona and Jane into the space node.

After some earth-shaking changes, the scene around them has turned into a quiet and dark cave, and one step further is a bottomless abyss.

Everything was so sudden that Jane forgot to scream. When she came back to her senses, she was already attracted by the spectacular sight before her.

"Where is this?" Jane's question kept echoing in the cave. It seemed like there was a lot of space here.

Sona shook her head and said she didn't know. She cast a flash spell to provide a light source, making the road under her feet safer.

Walking in the opposite direction of the cliff, the two came to a towering stone pillar.

The stone pillar is about twenty meters high, with a strange red light emitting from underneath.

Sona's discomfort deepened the closer she got to the red light.

Curiosity drove Jane to check the source of the red light. When they looked closer, they discovered that the stone pillars were suspended in the air, and the red light came from the gaps.

Seeing the scarlet liquid particles moving in the gaps, Sona realized that the source of the red light was what she came to look for this time, the ether particles.

Jane stretched out her hand towards the gap, wanting to touch the scarlet liquid. Unexpectedly, the moment she was about to touch it, the support of the stone pillar suddenly disappeared. Fortunately, Jane reacted quickly and stopped her hand in time without being caught on the spot. Become a Skywalker.

The ether particles flowed out from the cracks in the stone and turned into a ball of red light and flew towards Jane.

Sona quickly plucked the strings and released magic to give Jane a shield of Aria of Perseverance, blocking the attack of etheric particles.

The ether particles failed to hit the target and immediately changed their form to attack the green protective shield. The spike-shaped red liquid quickly shattered the shield.

Jane instinctively closed her eyes and put her hands in front of her body. After a moment, she found that there was no impact as expected.

The moment the ether particles were about to touch Jane, they split into two and bypassed her. The target of the attack was instantly changed to Sona.

This wave, this wave was coming from east to west. Sona wanted to forcefully activate the rune power protection, but it was still a second too late. The ether particles directly penetrated into Sona's chest and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Just like taking a bath with forbidden magic stone powder, Sona suddenly lost control of her body, the magical energy in her body was solidified, and even the connection to the rune foundation stone was severed.

There was a feeling of suffocation inside her body. Sona could not stand upright and fell to the ground. In a trance that was close to coma, she seemed to hear the voice of the master.

"How dare you try your best to do the same thing even though you are a small skill? Do you really think that I avoided you before because I couldn't beat you?"


In an unknown corner of the depths of the universe, a huge black cross ship suddenly began to move, and the red light that lit up was similar to ether particles.

Inside the spaceship, Malekith, the king of the dark elves, slowly opened his eyes, and the system set up in advance woke him up.

"Aether has appeared." It is the intelligent system of the spacecraft.

"Restart the celestial body convergence!" Malekith ordered.

Volume 1: Chapter 137 Going to Asgard

Dark blue as the background and bright white as the embellishment.

In the deep space of the universe, there is a graceful body floating, with a face as clean as jade and slender fingers.

What's more, she has 36. . Ahem.

A pair of eyes opened in the starry sky, with thousands of stars shining brightly in them. The deep gaze seemed to span eternity, making the souls of those who looked at it tremble.

"Is this...that world?"

The ancient and solemn voice resounded, and even if there was no transmission medium, every word could still be clearly transmitted to the ears of the listener.

The eyes composed of stars stared at Sona floating in the universe. It was difficult to tell K's emotional fluctuations from the changes in the stars.

"Very subtle energy."

k refers to the scarlet ether particles that constantly emerge from Sona's body.

"When will I recover?" Voices with different voices were talking to K, and the dominant mini body appeared above Sona.

"It will take some time."

"You've got some serious time on your hands."

"There is nothing we can do about it."


K was stunned, not expecting the master to say such words.

"Where did you learn that?"

"Stop asking, it's time to go." The Lord pointed at Sona, whose eyelashes were trembling slightly, and urged.

The stars twinkled, the eyes disappeared, and K left no trace.

The ether particles quickly gathered into Sona's body before she woke up.

"I haven't looked at you for a while, why are you so troublesome?" The Lord put his hands on his hips and stared at Sona, his tone full of the feeling of an old mother having a headache.

"I hope you can protect yourself without me."


Star Dragon…Thunder Lord…Infinite Eternity…Dark Elf…

Many unfamiliar words and pictures appeared inexplicably in her mind, and Sona was at the intersection of dream and reality.

Just as she was getting closer to the clear picture, she woke up and was awakened by a voice.

"Sona... wake up!" Seeing that Sona was about to open her eyes, Jian slightly reduced the shaking intensity.

"How are you? Do you feel okay?" Jane put her finger in front of Sona's eyes and waved it. After seeing that her pupils would instinctively move with the finger, the worry in her heart suddenly eased.

"It doesn't feel good..." Sona covered her head and replied softly. She didn't mean to feel physically uncomfortable, but the kind of discomfort that comes when the ending is about to be seen, but a preview of the next episode comes.

If she sleeps a little longer, maybe the picture in her mind will be clearer, and those terms that suddenly pop up will be answered, Sona thought.

Looking up at Jane, she saw an expression on her face full of surprise and her eyes widened, which made Sona very confused.

"Is there...something on my face?" Sona instinctively touched her face. Suddenly, she seemed to realize something.

She just... spoke...?

"Am I..." Sona stopped before she finished speaking, because she was sure that she was really pronouncing the words with her voice, not teleportation or other magic.

"Can you speak?" Jane's receptive ability was good. After all, a magician was sitting in front of her. No matter how outrageous things were, she could use magic to explain them.

"Can I talk?!?" Sona was obviously more excited than Jian Jian, because she confirmed again that this was not a spiritual space, but the real world.

Using her own voice to pronounce some meaningless syllables, Sona was like a naive child, constantly trying to make strange sounds.

Fortunately, Sona's recovered voice was as ethereal and beautiful as the teleportation. Jane was fascinated by it for a while and did not interrupt Sona.

Anyone who has lost his voice for more than 20 years will be extremely excited after regaining his voice, and would like to scream a few times to vent. Sona behaved like a lady, and after a simple audition, she did not explore further.

But huge doubts also followed. When Sona was very young, a priest in Ionia said that her loss of voice was a curse and a gift.

Trading voice for the gift of music and magic is an irreversible pact that no ancient magic can break.

Moreover, medical treatment and Piltover's technological methods are meaningless. Even if Sona changes to a Hextech sound generator, she will not be able to speak like a normal person.

Sona, who was used to talking occasionally in the mental space, found that her voice suddenly recovered, and she immediately sensed whether her magical ability was still there.

Still sensing the abundant magical energy, and the spiritual connection with セ was still there, Sona felt relieved.

Did you forget something...?

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