The first thing the rocket does when entering the Milan is to check the performance of the spacecraft, just like a gamer checking the configuration before touching a new computer. It is an indispensable task.

Absolutely no bad intentions!

According to Rocket's standards for spaceships, Milan is an exquisite beauty. Not only is she dressed luxuriously, but her inner temperament is also very elegant. She is not in the same style as the wild beauty modified by Rocket.

Two paws stroked the joystick and started the engine of the spacecraft several times. The raccoon's mouth grinned as if it had been hit by millions.

"What's that guy doing? If we stay for one more minute, we might not be able to fly out." Rocket's tone was dissatisfied because the train couldn't leave before the passengers arrived.

You know, when the air defense facilities of Klin Prison react, the Milan will be a living target.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, the spirit ball is already..." Gamora's voice gradually became smaller, because she did not find the cosmic spirit ball in the bag Quill handed her.

"Damn it!"

Sure enough, men’s mouths are deceiving! What's more, if Quill is a repeat offender, Gamora shouldn't trust him easily! The spirit ball is not in the bag at all!

When Rocket saw this reaction, he immediately knew what was going on, and his eagerness to sail the ship calmed down. After all, four billion is not something that can be given up so easily.

"He said let us drive to the space station and wait for him." Gamora added, recalling Quill's last words.

"Okay..." Rocket had no objection, activated the spacecraft engine, and the Milan quickly flew out of Klin Prison like a flexible bird.

Sona looked at the entire prison gradually revealed outside the window, and her previous eagerness to return to Earth became less intense. Anyway, as long as she was not in prison, everything was still acceptable.

"Finally left the Abi Hell that never saw the light of day." Drax used the highest-level words he could think of to describe his mood at this moment.

"I am Groot." The tree man also stood next to the window of the spacecraft and said lines that only Rocket could understand.

Looking at these two teammates whose physical and mental ages were very different, Sona couldn't help but cover her mouth and chuckle.

Groot turned to look at Sona, and suddenly thought of something. He closed his eyes and saw fluorescent lights flashing on the tree man's body, and a white flower bloomed on the wooden shoulder.

Groot carefully picked off the white flowers and handed them to Sona, with a clear smile on his wooden face.

"I'm Groot."

Sona blinked and took the flowers from Groot with some confusion, not sure why he suddenly gave them to her.

"He was thanking you for your previous help." Rocket acted as a Shuren translator. It happened to see this scene because it had to wait for Quill and was not operating the spacecraft.

After learning Groot's thoughts, Sona felt more and more that this tree man who looked more than three meters tall was really cute.

Nodding towards Groot to express her gratitude, Sona put the white flower under her nose and smelled it. The fragrance was faint and she couldn't help but feel good.

It is so rare to feel the breath of nature in the cold universe.

After thinking for a while, Sona took out a bottle of gray potion from the piano box and gave it to Groot in return.

The Enlightenment Rune Foundation has not stopped shipping this year, and there are a lot of things piled up in the guqin.

She originally wanted to give Groot a few cookies, but then Sona thought about it and wondered if the tree people would be a little uncomfortable eating cookies? Finally, I switched to the travel version of Steel Mixture.

The magic potion is liquid, so it should be suitable for tree people, right? Just like watering water, Sona thought.

Those magic potions that SHIELD could not detect before were all tested by Sona and showed their effects. Although they were strange, they were harmless to the human body.

Wait, tree people...are humans too...? Sona couldn't help but feel guilty.

He just wanted Groot to wait, but he didn't expect that he had already suffocated the mixture.

Fortunately, there was no big reaction after taking this tube, and Groot still thought it tasted good, so Sona felt relieved.

Don't take it for granted next time... Sona reminded herself in her mind. After all, she has left the earth. If some aliens happened to be allergic to magic items, wouldn't she be harming them?

After waiting for a while, everyone finally saw a figure flying towards the Milan through the window. The red eyes on the mask and the retro outfit were definitely Quill.

Rocket opened the small hatch of the Milan, and Quill finally returned to his love ship.

"You dare to face so many enemies alone. You are a rare teammate." It was rare that Drax actually started to praise Quill.

Quill shrugged, indicating that the group of fish was vulnerable.

"What treasure are you trying to get back?" In this muscular man's opinion, Quill's move should be to get back a powerful weapon.

When Quill handed the Walkman to Drax, he was completely confused. He knew this was a small object that could play music.

"You're an idiot."

The huge contrast between before and after made everyone laugh.

Fortunately, the episode did not bring any danger. When the rocket ship left the scene, no one from Klin Prison chased it out.

"It's time to contact your buyer, Gamora." Quill took out the cosmic spirit ball from his trench coat pocket and threw it to Gamora.

The latter gave him a cold look, obviously having some opinions on Quill.

"I have the coordinates. Let's just rush there." Gamora entered the cosmic coordinates of the destination into the Milan's navigation system. All that was left was to wait for the spacecraft to arrive on autopilot.

"The land of nothingness?" Rocket looked at the place name that appeared on the monitor and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Isn’t that the famous Gold-selling Cave?

"Can you send me back to Earth?" Sona took out the writing board that she had prepared and showed it to everyone.

Although they had only been together for a short period of time, Sona felt that this experience was more interesting than her daily life on earth, but she was not suitable for wandering in the universe all the time.

Besides, this trip was an unexpected one and I didn’t contact anyone. It should make everyone on earth worried...

"Earth...wait, you mean Earth?" Quill said excitedly when he saw the familiar yet unfamiliar word on the writing board.

"Could it be that you are also from Earth?"

So... so be it. Sona found it a bit complicated to explain Valoran to Quill.

Since Quill was taken away from the earth more than 20 years ago, he has never had the opportunity to go back, nor has he met any of his fellow citizens from the earth.

Sona mentioned it just now, which reminded Quil of memories from when he was a child.

"Are you from Earth too?" Seeing the changing expressions on Quill's face, Sona left a question on the writing board.

But compared to Gamora, Drax, Rocket and Groot, the fact that Quill is an Earthling is easier to accept.

"Yes... I haven't been back for more than 20 years." Star-Lord's tone was a little sighing. Even a prodigal son will feel homesick sometimes.

"Sona!" Quil suddenly held Sona's hand excitedly, his eyes showing seriousness, and he asked one word at a time amid Sona's astonished expression.

"Is the most popular band right now still red.bone?"

Ah, this... Sona thought the other party was going to say something strange... No, this question is also very strange!

With some embarrassment, Sona took her hand away and shook her head, indicating that she didn't know clearly.

"So is Elvis still here?"

“Which generation is Sony’s Walkman updated to?”

"Is One Piece over?"

Quil asked several questions that Sona didn't understand at all, leaving her at a loss for a while.

Fortunately, Gamora pulled Quill aside in time and didn't let him cause any more trouble for her.

"Sorry, Sona, we may have to deal with this matter first before we can send you back." Gamora was referring to dealing with the cosmic spirit ball. This thing must not fall into the hands of either Ronan or Thanos.

"It doesn't matter." Sona also understood Gamora's difficulties, so just wait.

I just don’t know if I can make up for that late performance when I return to Earth...

The riot in Klin Prison was eventually suppressed when Legion Commander Thrall arrived on the scene with a group of soldiers.

Of course, Sal came to Kelin prison not to deal with the riot, but to have more important things.

However, things don't seem to be handled properly.

"You mean, the riot was caused by the group of prisoners who had just arrived in the prison and had not been in the prison for a day?" Sal glared at the administrator of Klin Prison with a fierce look, as if he was going to eat him alive. .

"Yes, it is."

"Trash! I'm going to fuck you!" Sal angrily swept the documents on the table to the floor, becoming a master of desktop cleaning.

Faced with the superior's reprimand, the warden had no choice but to bow his head silently. He did not have the courage to say, "Captain Jiaohaobu."

If it was just an ordinary prisoner who ran away, Nasar wouldn't be so angry.

But the Nova Corps first arrested someone they shouldn't have arrested, and then put her in jail without any explanation.

This is not the most serious thing. What is more serious is that now Asgard comes to ask for someone, but they are told that the witch escaped from prison?

How many years should Zhang San be sentenced?

Uh... I'm on the show.

Thrall couldn't help but feel a headache when he thought of the messenger from Asgard waiting outside the door.

Outside the door, the Asgardian envoy wearing a golden and green robe stood against the wall, throwing a gadget to pass the time.

He could hear a general sound through the iron door just now, and he already knew what was going on now.

"It's so exciting, Sona." The messenger smoothed his beautiful long hair and sighed to himself.

Volume One: Chapter 167 Transaction

Traveling in the universe is something Quill and the others are accustomed to, but for Sona, they are not tired of it just yet.

Especially appreciate the beautiful scenery of the universe along the way, watching the gorgeous lights intertwined to form nebulae, dotted with stars of different colors, just like an artist freely creating on a dark canvas. No matter where you turn your eyes, you can see light-years away. Beautiful outside.

This is not the kind of shock that a computer screen or a movie can bring. Everyone who has experienced it personally will feel how lacking and powerless the description of language seems in the light of the universe.

However, the universe is not all beautiful.

A huge skull suddenly broke into Sona's field of vision, destroying the originally peaceful and distant beauty.

It was the first time for Sona to see such a big skull, and it was even the first time for her to see a naked skull. She had only seen pictures before.

It's hard to imagine what kind of terrifying being the owner of the skull is.

"This is the land of nothingness..." Even the well-informed Quill never thought that this place would be built inside a giant skull.

"Legend has it that it is the corpse of a god." Gamora, as the person who knows the most, explained: "Be careful when you go in. It is much more dangerous than the Klin Prison."

"I heard a little bit." Rocket pushed forward with both hands, and the spacecraft accelerated.

World-weary, swollen bricks, guilty of sarsaparilla p, offering sacrifices to Uncle Ling

Flying in and out of the big skull's eye sockets, the scene inside was not like the barren land that Sona imagined, but a complicated mechanical city.

Various strange buildings were attached to the rocky peaks, and the neon lights were advertising slogans that Sona couldn't understand.

"Hundreds of years ago, the Tifeng Group sent hard workers to harvest the organic matter, bone marrow, and tissue fluid in the skull. The price of such things remains very high to this day."

“More and more people are coming, and the items being sold are becoming more and more illegal.”

"The black market transactions in the entire galaxy are basically completed here, so most of the people here are outlaws."

Gamora introduced slowly.

"There are too many lawless elements on my planet." Quill didn't listen to Gamora's words at all.

"I have a deep understanding." Sona's words on the writing board were a little helpless.

Superheroes on Earth never have to worry about losing their jobs. At most, they can retire early when they can no longer work.

The Milan docked at a supply station, and the group got off the ship, led by Gamora to their destination.

The land of nothingness is full of trading places, with simple shops and street stalls everywhere. Some people even hide their goods in windbreakers and sell them wherever they go.

Most people travel in isolation and keep a certain distance from others. The small group led by Gamora can easily attract the attention of others.

Especially Sona, even if she didn't mean to show off, she attracted the attention of many alien creatures because of her appearance and temperament.

Coupled with the standing position in the middle, they took it for granted that this was another rich girl who came out to experience life, and hired a team of bodyguards made up of things.

What a big fish.

Many criminals have begun to make plans.

On the roof of a certain building, a figure wearing a shabby cloak was sliding the virtual screen on his hand, and high-priced rewards flashed one after another.

Finally, it stopped at a reward worth 200 million.

He looked not far below again and locked his gaze on Sona.

"Good luck." The voice under the cloak was hoarse and noisy, not like the sound generator of a normal creature.

The group finally stopped at the door of a bar. Looking at the name of the bar, the corners of Quill's eyes twitched.

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