Sorcerer: Pick Up Erza At The Start

Chapter 68: The confrontation with Jellal. (For flowers, for rewards, for evaluation tickets

"I want to go with you. Speaking of which, I have a grudge against your boss. Don't you want to give my life to him first?"

Dieter smiled at the group of people in front of him.

Wally and the others looked at each other, nodding in agreement.

"It doesn't matter if he takes one, and there is no danger if there is restraint magic on him," Simon said.

Wally agreed: "Milianna please tie this kid's hands so he can walk."

Millianna complied.

At this time, a magic circle appeared above the heads of several people.

In an instant, the person was sent out and came to the sailboat on the sea.

The cabin is Dieter and Erza's cage, but I didn't expect "Happy" to be captured and given to the little girl named Millianna.

"Tower of Heaven.

Dieter murmured, tied to a stone pillar with Erza with his hands tied behind his back, as the boat swayed to his destination.

"I want to switch to armor.

Erza's body trembled, and the thought of the ship's purpose made her heart palpitate even more.

"It's okay, I'm here, we can get out of here now if you want," Dieter said.

Erza shook his head: "This rope has the effect of restraining magic, and there is no way to break free.

Dieter didn't respond after hearing this.

It is absolutely impossible for him to say that it is useless to him, and neither the Devil Fruit ability nor the Sixth Naval Form is released by magic.

So this so-called rope that binds magic power is useless to him.

"Sister, we're going back to Tower of Heaven soon." Hugh came from outside.

Standing in front of Erza was filled with excitement and anticipation.

"Actually, I don't want to do it either." Hugh said, "But why did you betray us, sister, Jellal!!!"

The sound is a bit loud.

Noisy Dieter had 25 points of irritability, which was good considering he couldn't hit anyone until he got to Tower of Heaven.

Silently watching this man named Hugh talk to Erza.

The ship is still moving.

Dieter, who was idle and bored, watched the sun rise.

And the trapped Dieter and Erza had already come to the island, watching the towering Tower of Heaven Erza could not stop trembling.

Here lies his nightmare.

"Come on sister, Jellal has been waiting for a long time."

Hugh leads the way.

The others followed.

Soon Dieter's face became very strange, and he was a little uncomfortable looking at the cell in front of him.

Shouting to the person: "Hey! Let Jellal come to see me, I asked you to arrest me to meet Jellal, not to be locked here."

Wally's arms turned into guns without a word.

The second "time!"

Dieter's face turned cold, watching Wally repeat!

"Bring you here is also a funeral item, who allowed you to say so much!"

Wally said and pulled the trigger immediately.



And the unique figure has come to Wally, and the bound fists do not know when they have broken free.

Grasp your right hand tightly.

"Shoot me, you look tired," Dieter said.


The right fist slammed out.

In an instant, Wally was hit in the body and flew out and smashed against the wall!


"How can you break free from Millianna's restraining magic!"

"Meow~ Wally!"

Several people immediately exclaimed.

Some were ready to surround Dieter, while others rushed to Wally to help check the injury.

"Dieter, you

Erza also looked at Dieter in surprise. It turned out that what he said before was true.

That thing really didn't stop him.


Dieter moved his wrists to look at the people surrounding him, and said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "It seems that I still give Jellal a face, and let him come to see me without coming, so I just sacrificed your blood today!"


Cards fly out.

Shrouded towards Dieter, trying to trap him inside the card.

Without a word, Dieter slammed the card with a backhand, and the card was shattered in an instant.

Step forward.

A hole was stepped out of the ground under his feet, and Dieter's right fist came to Hugh's eyes again.

"Then kill you first!" Dieter said.

Seeing that Na Xiu had no ability to resist, Erza immediately called: "Dieter don't kill them."

Her words played a big role.

Dieter also took back a lot of the power of the full punch.

The fist landed on Xiu's body.


Hugh was hit hard.

His chest collapsed suddenly, coughing up blood, and his body flew out with that Wally figured out.

There was a deep shock in his eyes.

I'm afraid he never thought that Dieter's power would be so powerful, and one punch would destroy one person.

And Simon immediately reacted and used magic.

But for Dieter, neither Wally nor Simon's speed was too slow to wait for him to use the magic.

Dieter's hand grabbed Simon's throat.

Simon's face flushed red.

He kept slapping Dieter's arm to let him go, but Dieter's palm was clasping his neck like iron clamps.

"Meow, it's amazing!"

Millianna curled up against the wall where Wally was flying upside down, looking timidly unique.

The strength displayed from beginning to end is too terrifying.

Even if they watch together, there is no hope at all, why would such a terrible person be brought here.


Erza looked at Simon, who was about to breathe, and spoke in a pleading tone.


Dieter threw Simon out without saying a word, and walked to Erza to help her release the restraint ropes on her body.

"It's a good thing that you're kind, but sometimes you just need to be ruthless. Why should others bully us, and in the end have to suffer and forgive, not just you, but everyone in the entire Fairy Tail guild!"

Dieter was also reasoning with Erza as he untied the rope.

The Fairy Tail guild is very good everywhere, even Dieter feels very happy in the guild.

The only dissatisfaction is that it is too kind.

It is simply outrageous to not dare to kill people, and I hope that I can take this opportunity to give a good lecture.

Erza bowed his head and agreed after being released.

Apparently he didn't take Dieter's words seriously.

Dieter was speechless about this.

"You can handle these people yourself, I'll go find Jellal." Dieter said, seeing that Erza also seemed to want to follow, he immediately said: "If you want to follow, then we'll kill these people and join us."

Hearing this, Erza stopped being persistent and let Dieter go first.

"See you later."

Dieter raised his eyebrows and left the cell here, and flew upwards, intending to find Jellal directly.

Erza looked at the others warily.

The top of the Tower of Heaven.


Dieter smashed the wall with a punch and saw Jellal sitting inside.

"Jellal, is there anyone who takes care of me, the woman named Ultear." Dieter greeted.

Jellal, who was sitting inside, was also a little surprised when he saw the uniqueness that came in.

However, he quickly hid it, and sitting on the seat with Erlang's legs crossed was very bold.

"I didn't expect them to bring you here too."

Jellal's face was not good-looking. As a member of the Magic Council, he knew that Dieter had fought against Jose of the Holy Ten Sorcerers alone.

Even he didn't dare to say that he could beat Jose.

Bringing this trouble over is prone to accidents, at least no one who is available under his command will be his opponent.

Of course, "If you want to come here, you are going to kill my woman, how can you, as a man, act like you didn't see it?"

Dieter is also welcome.

Step forward and directly bring a large rock to sit opposite Jellal.

"Your woman?"

Jellal's tone was a little heavy.

"Don't you know that when Erza left Tower of Heaven, I saved her life and joined Fairy Tail together. We have been together for many years, isn't it normal to like her?" Dieter chuckled.

Then Mi looked at Jellal playfully: "Don't you think she still likes you?"

Jellal hang! The glass in his hand is squeezing.

Although his expression looked calm, it was enough to prove that he was in a complicated mood at the moment.

"Lah~ that's right." Dieter said with a sudden realization, "forgot" Scarlet was created by you. It's a very good surname. It's a pity that I always like to press her hair when I'm sleeping, and she said it many times. Woolen cloth.

Flavor~ Monument!

The glass in Jellal's hand still didn't hold on to it, and it was crushed into pieces.

He could clearly hear his heavy breathing.

277 "Come on, let's cut down on the gossip, we'll see the truth directly, I need to kill you before Erza comes, or she'll be soft-hearted again!" Dieter said.

Standing up from the big rock, he stared at Jellal with awe.

"Don't worry, I'll let someone play with you first!" Jellal said.

A beautiful woman came out from behind, wearing a kimono and holding a long sword.

"Skull and Bones Special Guerrilla Unit Three Crows, Captain Turtledove? She's really a beauty!" Dieter said.

"My name is Turtledove, please advise!"

da da da~

The turtledove looked at Dieter gracefully as she stepped on the tall wooden display.

"Then let me see what you can do!

Jellal still sits high in the chair, looking unique with a high-flying tone.

"You suck!" Dieter said.

He raised his arm and swung it to the side, pumping it like a pump, making the blood flow in the body much faster.

The body turned red and steamed.

"Late?" Jellal analyzed: "By accelerating the blood flow in the body in some way to achieve the effect of lifting, what kind of magic does this belong to?"

Jellal can see the slightest after seeing it with his own eyes.

Know what just happened in Dieter's body.

"No moon flow.

Turtledove did not dare to despise it, waving the blade to attack.

"Rubber jet pistol!"

Dieter shot air bombs with both hands so quickly that even Jellal couldn't see the movements of those arms.

Also fill in a few more points for Dieter's evaluation.



After the collision sounded.

The wall behind Dieter was slashed with knife marks.

It is worth mentioning that Dieter was not injured at all.

On the other hand, Turtledove's face was not very good-looking, there were two holes in the sleeves, and even the position where she was standing was pushed back by a certain distance.

"Can't beat it!"

This is what the turtledove thought.

Even a tentative confrontation is powerless to him, and even the man in front of him can avoid the sword light of Moonless Swordsmanship, as if he can see the trajectory.

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