
Saint Louis Vuitton is indeed watching him.

Short golden curly hair, wearing a top hat...

Plus the name Alteruk III.

You can't go wrong, all kinds of information are put together, it is difficult to duplicate the name.

This child who is only three years old in the arms of a woman is Sabo!

The protagonist of the next era, Luffy's brother, the second in command of the revolutionary army, Sabo who can laugh and fight Admiral Fujitora!

"Sabo, he is a manufacturable." Saint Louis Vuitton narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Sabo deeply.

After a while.

He looked up at Outluk III and his wife, and said straightforwardly: "I have a very good impression of your child. He is a lovely boy. Why don't you give him to me?"

The words came out.

There was an uproar in the entire hall, and the expressions of all the nobles present changed drastically!

Did you hear me wrong?

deliver? !

Is this in front of Ottoluk III, directly begging for his child? !

The nobleman holding his three-year-old daughter looked astonished.


Does it once again prove that Saint Louis Vuitton likes children?

There are only two words in his heart now: Envy!

Why is the child Saint Louis Vuitton fancy not his daughter? !

"This... won't it be eyesight again?" Gion blinked, his expression increasingly weird.

She is now familiar with the character of Saint Louis Vuitton.

Of course, Saint Louis Vuitton can't be what likes children, he can denounce it, mostly because of Sabo's talents.

But the question is... how do you see this?

Gion can't help but recall that Saint Louis Vuitton is now recruiting his subordinates.

La Qilu can be said to be valued by Saint Louis Vuitton through actual combat.


Smoker can also explain that he is hiding in the crowd, but he is perceived by the sight of Saint Louis Vuitton.

But how does Sabo, now three years old, explain? Can this be seen?

Gion didn't think that Saint Louis Vuitton would be an inexplicable person, but if she fancy Sabo's potential, this is really too much, she can't fully use her imagination.

But if it's not about potential, then what is Saint Louis Vuitton doing?

Laqilu was also stunned next to him.

The chicken thigh was half gnawed, and the mouth opened unconsciously.

The face-to-face dignitaries and children are too great!

But... For Celestial Dragons, who is Saint Louis Vuitton, you really don't need to care about these.

Thought of this.

Lazilu looked at Otluk III with a weird face.

He brought him into his role. If someone he just met somehow came to ask for his own child, he would have to give him a punch.

But in the next moment.

The actions of Alteruk III surprised Rakiru.

"My lord, do you want Sabo? Of course you can!"

Alteruk III was froze first, then his face was obviously excited, and he nodded repeatedly, swiftly taking Sabo out of his wife's arms, and he was about to stuff it to Saint Louis Vuitton on the spot.

"Master Saint Louis Vuitton can see Sabo, this is Sabo's luck, and it is also our honor." Outluk III's face was flushed.

Sabo gave to Saint Louis Vuitton, doesn't it mean that they had a relationship with Saint Louis Vuitton and died?

Isn't their family going to rise overnight, or even... it is possible to rely on the relationship between Sabo and Saint Louis Vuitton to become Celestial Dragons? !

"Sabo, why don't you please thank Master Saint Louis Vuitton for taking you seriously?"

The wife of Alteruk III was equally excited, and she couldn't see the slightest bit of reluctance to be separated from the child, and even took the initiative to ask Sabo to thank Saint Louis Vuitton.

"Dad, mom..."

Sabo was a little ignorant, but more afraid, he didn't know why he was suddenly thrust into the arms of a strange man.

He subconsciously resisted, but was stopped by his father's stern eyes.(Read more @

"Sabo, you'll follow me from now on." Saint Louis Vuitton didn't care about these little moves. His elegant Sabo picked him up, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, showing a faint smile.

"This is Sabo's honor, and also our honor." Outluk III nodded and bowed, his face flushed.

When the noble lords saw this scene, they were very uncomfortable, and their eyes were full of envy when they looked at Outluk III.

"Now Otluk III has climbed the top of Lord Saint Louis Vuitton."

"Hey, I knew I would take my son to try my luck."

Don't say it's them.

Even the King of Goya was a little envious of Outluk III.

He knows more inside stories, knowing that Saint Louis Vuitton is the elite group at the top of the Celestial Dragons pyramid, and being able to get involved with him will definitely benefit the whole family.

Alteruk III wants to become Celestial Dragons through Saint Louis Vuitton, maybe it is really possible...

"The banquet goes on."

Saint Louis Vuitton held Sabo in one hand and smiled and said to everyone.

After this episode, the banquet welcoming Saint Louis Vuitton continued in full swing. Almost all the nobles wanted to get together and talk to Saint Louis Vuitton.

However, despite all their efforts to please them, they failed to get any relationship with Saint Louis Vuitton.

The nobleman with his three-year-old daughter also found the opportunity to talk to Saint Louis Vuitton.

But unfortunately, when the banquet was over, when Saint Louis Vuitton left, he failed to make Saint Louis Vuitton favor his daughter.

"'s a pity." The nobleman weighed his daughter in his arms, looked at the back of Saint Louis Vuitton's departure, and couldn't stop sighing.

Leaving the banquet.

Saint Louis Vuitton did not continue to hold Sabo, but let him go by himself.

Young Sabo followed him, his face wrinkled together, and his eyes were a little red. He was obviously scared and might cry at any time.

At the age of three, he is not considered sensible. Sabo, who is ignorant, sees his parents leaving day and night with strangers next to him, and he will inevitably feel scared.

Saint Louis Vuitton rubbed his head without uttering a word of consolation.

This is normal for children.

Once Sabo gets acquainted with the other children, he will adapt to the new environment when he has a playmate.

It's just...the little kid has one more one, and now he's really a child's nest next to him.

Saint Louis Vuitton couldn't help but shook his head and chuckled.

Immediately, he turned his head to look at Bermel and said, "Belmel, this little guy will be taken care of by you."

"No problem." Bermel grinned and nodded readily.

To be honest, let's not say why Saint Louis Vuitton suddenly wants to come to this child.

Just seeing how the Alteruk III couple wanted to send Sabo out immediately after Saint Louis Vuitton's request made her feel sick from the bottom of her heart.

She herself has brought Nami and Nuoqigao for so many days, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are the mother of two bear children.

But Bermel didn't think that the Outluke IIIs were like him.

From the Alteruk III couple, she could not see the slightest love for their children as parents, as if Sabo was just a bargaining chip in exchange for benefits in their eyes.

Following such a couple, Sabo will have an accident sooner or later... This is Bermel's judgment and intuition as a mother.

"You take Sabo to get acquainted with Nami Lucky and the others." Saint Louis Vuitton said suddenly.

Bermel didn't think much.

Go down with Sabo.

"Hina, Smoker, Lachilu...and number five, I'll give you a task." Saint Louis Vuitton waited for Sabo to completely leave, and suddenly spoke quietly.

His eyes were calm, and his words were indifferent: "Go to investigate the details of Otluk III, record all the evidence of evil, and then lead the team to deal with them...not leave one."


At this moment, the people around Saint Louis Vuitton were all sluggish. It was obviously noon, but they clearly felt that a chill was rising from the soles of their feet, going straight out of their heads!

No one is not shocked by this method.

It's too cruel!

The forefoot asked for the child of Alteruk III, and Alteruk III did indeed give it. It was very happy to give it. As a result, he wanted to kill the whole family of Alteruk III on the rear foot? !

This is to completely sever the relationship between Sabo and Outluk III to avoid entanglement of ‘interest’ in the future?

But the problem is that now that even the signs have not appeared, is it already to the point of strangling it in advance? !

Even the cold and ruthless mask No. 5 CP1 feels horrified at this moment!

The corners of Laqilu's mouth twitched slightly, and his eyelids twitched wildly. He only felt one thing now, that the officer himself must not provoke him. If anyone provokes him, the whole family will be the lightest.

Smoker and Hina sank.

They don't understand why Louis Vuitton made such a cruel decision, and resistance inevitably arises in their hearts.

"Admiral Sir..."

Hina's face changed one after another, and finally couldn't hold back her voice.

But before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Saint Louis Vuitton waved her hand: "You will know after you investigate it. Go and do the task."

He didn't want to explain too much.


Hina and Smoker looked at each other, only to bite the bullet and respond.

No matter what.

Investigate clearly before speaking...

The two of them no longer struggled, and after answering, they turned and left, and proceeded to investigate.

Saint Louis Vuitton stared at the back of them leaving.

He knew that when the darkness was revealed, Hina and Smoker would feel that Otluk III was dead.

But these are not the reasons why he wants to kill Sabo's parents. The real reason is that he doesn't want to have a tangled relationship with the two.

Some people are right about this.

After Sabo was abandoned in the future, Outluk III adopted a new child named Staley.

Later, Staley became the king of the Goa Kingdom. Where did the original king go?


Behind this horror of thinking... But Celestial Dragons helped.

In other words, the King of Goya will die violently, because Celestial Dragons shot!

Yes Celestial Dragons and the Alteruk III family have reached some kind of agreement!

Saint Louis Vuitton knows this very well.

Because as far as he knew... some of the Don Quijote family members planned to support the kings of some Confederate nations, and listed the Goya Kingdom as the top priority.

In accordance with this trend, it is not surprising that Alteruk III and Celestial Dragons are on the line.

These nasty things can be summarized in three words:

The dog bites the dog.

Saint Louis Vuitton is too lazy to get when Alteruk III comes to talk to himself about what he has, so it's best to kill them all.

The most important point is that Alteruk III’s buttocks cannot be clean, or that there is no nobleman in the Goya Kingdom.

It can only be said that it will be fine if it is not investigated. Once it is required, one will die.


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