Hunting in the sea breeze, rudely brushed across the deck of the warship.

Saint Louis Vuitton stood at the bow, holding a telescope, looking at the port of Windmill Village in the distance.

Beside him, CP1 whispered:

"My lord, the entire Red Hair Pirates group is fleeing into the mountains outside of Windmill Village."

Standing behind Saint Louis Vuitton, Gion raised her eyebrows slightly when she heard this, and a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes.

No way?

This is New World's Shanks with over 100 million rewards? Fleeing before the war?

"Speed ​​up, let's chase it." Gion turned around and ordered Marine decisively.

"No need to chase."

Saint Louis Vuitton waved his hand suddenly, he had put down his binoculars and stared at the sea not far ahead.

On the surface of the sea, the waves were lingering, and a huge black shadow was faintly visible passing by the blue water.


Gion had some doubts, she wondered why Saint Louis Vuitton would give up suddenly.

"Stop the boat."

Saint Louis Vuitton first gave CP1 an order, then turned his eyes to Gion, and said: "We are too far away from Shanks. Whether he wants to escape or catch up with Isshin is a problem. There is no need to waste time."

Gion blinked.

This is indeed the case.

The last time Shanks was injured, he was not able to keep him. This time the distance is farther and the possibility of returning without success is greater.

"...Then, why stopped the boat?" Gion paused slightly, and there was a curious look in Gu Pan's brilliant eyes.

"I saw a very good fish." Saint Louis Vuitton met her gaze and chuckled.

"Fish?" Gion's ruddy lips opened slightly.

"Go and catch it." Saint Louis Vuitton pointed to the surface of the sea where the dark shadow swam just now.

At this moment, one after another CP institutions jumped into the sea from the deck, decisively and neatly, among them, CP9 powerhouses took the lead.

The gleaming sea suddenly rolled, and the huge black shadow felt the danger approaching, shaking the long tail quickly, setting off a silver spray that soared into the sky!

However, the cp agencies were faster, and immediately showed a trend of encirclement and suppression, surrounding the black shadow group, the silver mask CP9 attached to Armament Haki's right fist crashed on the black shadow's head.


The surface of the sea broke, and a black shadow was directly blown out by the huge force between the rising of the spray water column.

It was a ferocious fish with fangs and fangs, brown body, and a body length comparable to that of a warship!

The king of offshore!

At this moment, the king of the sea has been stunned by the silver mask CP9, with his belly upturned, floating on the sea...

"Salvage up for the adults." The Silver Mask Cp9 yelled, and all CP agencies started to move, pulling the net and salvaging, and the huge offshore king was dragged hard and resisted to the deck of the warship.

Fortunately, this is a large warship, otherwise it may not be able to hold the king of the sea.

"My lord, do you want to make sashimi like last time?" The silver mask CP9, despite being wet by the sea, came to Saint Louis Vuitton for a while and returned to life.

"Don't eat, keep him."

Saint Louis Vuitton looked at the sea king who had fainted, and a smile appeared on his face, "Let people bring this fish to Begapunk, let Begapunk transform it, tame it, and make sure to get the most ferocious By the way, the bite force has been transformed to the maximum."

"...?" Gion Peach Blossom's eyes blinked, filled with doubts.

What is this going to do again?

Spending so much effort to transform a small Sea Kings?

"Why do you want to raise a big fish, it is already very big, do you want to raise it?" Sabo stepped up, tilted his head, and asked inexplicably.

After getting along for a day, Sabo and the other children got together, and it seemed that they blended in well, and the previous resistance and strangeness were much less.

"To make it... bite harder in the future." Saint Louis Vuitton glanced at Sabo and chuckled.

Finished.(Read more @

He doesn't care if Sabo understands or not.

Turning his eyes to look at the distant port, that was the direction Shanks had left.

Staring for a moment, Saint Louis Vuitton suddenly smiled.

The thought of Shanks throwing his arm to the lord of the sea and saying that he was betting on the future, he couldn't stop laughing. It was too nonsense. I had never seen such a nonsense.

Shanks like to gamble?

Well, Saint Louis Vuitton will cultivate the master of transforming offshore!

Let it stare at Shanks and bite him, just bite him, just wait for Shanks to bet, and don't give him a chance to bet on his arm, let him bet on his life, biting off half of his head in one bite!

Saint Louis Vuitton smiled even more thinking of this.

He waved his hand and said to the silver mask CP9: "Take care of this fish, throw it in the cabin, and we will enter the village."

"Yes." Silver Mask Cp9 replied.

The warship did not stay again, set sail again, and soon sailed into the port of Windmill Village.

Saint Louis Vuitton strolled off the warship. This time, instead of riding the big golden retriever, he let it follow behind him.

"My lord, why did you think of coming to this village?" Lakilu gnawed his chicken legs and looked around.

Windmill Village is very ordinary, at least in his opinion it is an ordinary place.

"Garp's grandson is here, stop by and take a look." Saint Louis Vuitton smiled and threw a bag of dried meat to Laqilu. This is the snack he asked the CP agency to roast for Laqilu.

"Oh? Marine hero Garp?" Rachel took the jerky and murmured, touching his head.

He has forgotten about it.

But Gion is different!

Her heart jumped slightly.

"Mr. Garp's grandson is here?" Gion frowned slightly. She really didn't know about it, and Sister Crane hadn't told her.

Saint Louis Vuitton followed the path in his memory and walked towards Mackinaw’s bar with a clear purpose.

Marine and CP agencies followed him, all exuding a strong aura, which is daunting and afraid to approach...

Wait until Saint Louis Vuitton leaves the port.

A head poked out at the corner of the corner.

"Hahahaha, Shanks is afraid of Marine! The crew of One Piece was afraid of Marine. This is big news. President Morgans will let me be promoted?" The man was holding the videophone worm in his hand, his face full of excitement. Blushing, trembling all over!

At the same time, at the home of the mayor of Fengche Village.

Windmill Village Mayor Wup Slap, who is too old, wears a striped hat, sunglasses, and a flowered shirt, is busy.

"Huh? The pirate was scared away by Marine?"

While answering the phone worm, Slapp put on his clothes, stepped towards the door, and muttered, "Here is that guy Garp?"

"It's not Mr. Garp, it's another Marine, it seems to be from the World government..." The voice of the village guard on duty came from the phone worm.

"Huh?" Slapp was stunned. "Where did they go?"

"Go to the bar."

Slapp's expression was shocked, and the whole Windmill Village was the only bar opened by the Mackinaw family!

And Garp's grandson... is being looked after by Markino, in the bar!

"I'm going over now." Slapp hung up the phone and went out quickly, putting on his shoes.

When Slapp arrived at the bar, the door was already full of Marines. Marines were standing neatly on both sides. They didn't mean to go in. They were guarded at the door.

"It's a big battle," Slapp muttered.

He knows that this is not all Marine!

Some Marines are now stationed in the port to guard against possible threats on the sea.

"Thank you, I'm the village head here." Slapp said he was about to squeeze into the bar. He was a little nervous, others didn't know, but he knew a secret of Garp's grandson.

If this secret is known to Marine... it's really possible that something will happen.

The Marines glanced at him. Someone took out the information about Windmill Village. After comparing it to determine that Slapp was the village chief, he did not stop him and let him in.

The CP agency stared at Slap warily, especially Lu Qi, his eyes were cold, his right hand was placed on his back, and he grabbed the handle of the silver knife. If Slap had any changes, he would definitely take him the first time. Grid kill.

Slapp didn't notice these secret things. Now Isshin just wanted to enter the bar.

open the door.

What I saw was the girl Magino, who was only 12 years old now, standing in front of the bar, looking a little timid.

And in front of Mackinaw.

A man in a Marine coat was standing sideways, and Slap could only see his profile face, his face was handsome, the outline was cut, and his black hair was scattered randomly, unable to cover his bright eyes.

Slapp's eyes shrank suddenly.

He saw...In the hands of this Marine coat man, he was holding a few months old baby!

"What's his name?" Saint Louis Vuitton looked at Markino with a gentle smile that made people feel like spring breeze.

"... Luffy." Mackinaw scratched her cheek, avoided Saint Louis Vuitton's sight, and replied softly.


Slapp's heart sank.

Why does this man hold Luffy? !

In addition, he came from the port and went straight to the bar...Slap's heart became heavier and heavier.

The man in front of him...Couldn't it be for Garp's grandson?

Slapp knew some secrets that many people didn't know.

Luffy is Garp's grandson.

But it is the revolutionary army-Monkey·D·Dragon's son! !

Marine should not know these things!

Even those who know it are very few.

This point Garp told him specifically that he didn't tell others that he had a grandson, let alone telling others that Luffy is Dragon's son.

And now the Marine man came directly to the bar.

What is he going to do? !


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