Take... Ace hostage?

Da Dan was stunned, she didn't expect Ace to say such a thing.


The roar of the wild beast cut through the forest, and the terrifying sound waves were overwhelming, blowing the leaves and rustling, and blowing Ace's black hair.

Da Dan met Ace's firm eyes, picked him up, gritted his teeth and said:

"Ace, wait and don't say anything, no matter what happens, don't admit that it has something to do with us."

"You don't need to tell me, I know!" Even at this juncture, Ace still subconsciously wanted to quarrel with Da Dan.

But he also knew from the bottom of his heart that Da Dan was worried that he was implicated and was arrested by Marine as an accomplice of the bandits.

"Little bastard." Da Dan cursed, putting Ace on his chest with both hands, looking like a hostage.


The vibration of the mountain forest became more and more violent, like a dull thunder, the golden beast, scarlet, with incomparable animality, jumped into the air, surpassed all obstacles, and moved towards the front of the bandit team-smash Come!


The little thief raised his sword to block, the golden beast came down like a mountain, and the moment the claws touched the machete, the little thief vomited blood and flew upside down, hitting the bush-forest.

The dust rose.

The golden beast stopped with four claws, its body was intercepted and intercepted at the front of the bandit team, the blood mouth was slightly open with sharp teeth like a knife, and the scarlet eyes of the beast stared at all the bandits.

The murderous intent is boiling, and the fierceness is revealed.

Da Dan's face panicked, and she saw that the Marine from behind had caught up and blocked their retreat.

At the same time, people in white and black suits flickered in the jungle, or stopped around, or jumped into the canopy of trees, or stared in the jungle.

Just for a moment...

Surround the net forming!

"Asshole, don't look down on us!" A bandit ran out of cold sweat, his face was pale, and he screamed and screamed while holding a big knife in a hurry!


The silver mask CP9 standing between the canopy of the tree shook his body, and instantly approached the thief, and his right fist was heavily poured into his abdomen.

"Puff" the bandit vomited blood, flew out, fell heavily to the ground, and the big knife in his hand split into two pieces.


The golden beast faintly reached the edge of fury, and its roar sounded like thunder, which made people tremble.

Da Dan's eyes trembled violently, and his heart was full of horror.

The bandit who has just been knocked into flight is a member of the family's fighting. They are all good at hunting activities, but they can't hold up even a trick in the hands of the white-clothed man with the mask!

This group of Marines is definitely the elite of the elite, I am afraid they can be comparable to Garp's troops!

next moment.

"We have hostages in our hands, don't come over." Dadan set up Ace and shouted at all Marines, trying to attract everyone's attention with the loudest voice.


Ace struggled with the cooperation, and the expression on his small face was painful.

"This..." The Marines stepped on their feet, and some people hesitated and couldn't get their hands off, for fear that Da Dan would hurt the young children.


The CP agencies are still cold and ruthless. They have not been touched by Dadan's hostage-taking actions. They are still pressing hard and shrinking the encirclement.

More rear of the team.

A man wearing a Marine coat stood on a high place, looking down at the encirclement and suppression battle below, his eyes were deep and calm, and he couldn't see many waves.

Beside him, following a fat man who also wore a Marine coat, chicken legs and jerky naturally floated beside him, and would take the initiative to fall into his mouth from time to time.

"Sir, what are you going to do?" Laqilu saw Dadan's kidnapping of Ace below, looked at the man beside him, grinned.

"Press it." Saint Louis Vuitton smiled calmly.

The fluttering voice of words, but instantaneously decided the course of action of the entire battlefield through the microphone!

this moment.

Regardless of whether it is Marine or CP organization, all are pressed towards the bandits!

"Are you crazy? Are you not Marine? Do you want to disregard the lives of the children?!" Seeing the surrounding movement, the rooster screamed in surprise.

Almost at the same time, CP1 had already shot out from the side, Iron Body covered his fist, and punched to the waist of the Cockscomb Bandit!


The rooster hurriedly raised his knife to block, his arm was numb, and he retreated several steps.

The tremendous power from the knife made him clearly realize that these people have completely ignored the threat of hostages!

"Damn, you don't have a day of peace after my old mother raises you." Da Dan gritted his teeth and cursed at the sight, his habitual venomous tongue shattered.

The hostages are useless at all.

Today... can't escape this catastrophe.

Da Dan maintained the action of holding Ace and whispered in his ear: "Ace, you must remember not to say know us later, you know?"

Ace's eyes widened, and he faintly realized what Da Dan was going to do, and hurriedly said: "I..."

Just when he uttered a word, Da Dan knocked over with a hand knife, Ace's head tilted, and he fainted on the spot...

Da Dan knew that it was too late to let Ace escape to the village. A kid kidnapped by bandits suddenly escaped. Even the fool knew there was a problem.(Read more @ mtlarchive.com)

Kidnapping, just act like kidnapping!

Da Dan tore off a corner of his clothes, kneaded it into a ball of cloth and stuffed it into Ace's mouth, and tied him to the stump with a rope.

After doing all this, Da Dan straightened up, and finally glanced at Ace twice, unable to tell what emotions were in his eyes.

Next second.

She turned around and yelled at all the family members.

"Fight against!!"

The majestic roar resounded through the jungle, and all the bandits of the Dadan family raised their weapons to fight!

The encircling nets of Marine and CP agencies shrink at the same time.

The fierce battle unfolded in no time!

"Chang!" The Cockscomb Bandit raised the machete and slashed back a Marine, but in the next second, CP1 was bullied, and the cold-stained knife tip slammed into his abdomen.

"Where are you looking?" Da Dan roared in a low voice and killed him from the side. He slammed his club, forcing Cp1 to retreat quickly.

"Much..." Just as the Cockscomb Mountain thief was about to speak, his pupils suddenly widened, and the second half of the word ‘thank you’ got stuck in his throat.

See you!

A fat figure, with a powerful force of thunder, fell straight from the sky, and slammed heavily into the bandit group!


The earth trembled in an instant, as if an earthquake occurred on the mountain, all ten bandits on the landing site were struck by lightning, all vomiting blood and flying upside down, and no one could still stand!

Billowing smoke and dust filled in an instant...

"Hey, this is the first time I have fought a bandit. I wonder if your bandit will be the same as the bandit, and there is also a bandit king?"

The calm laughter spread out from the smoke and dust, and it was vaguely visible that the fat figure descending from the sky slowly squatted, gently touching the ground with both hands.


Under Laqilu's hands, the earth is like a dough that is kneaded at will. Layers of land are swelling and rolling, as if a tsunami has formed on the land, and it is raging and rushing to cover all the bandits!


The thief's eyes were round and horrified, as if electricity was pierced all over his body, leaving only a strong shock in his eyes.

The earth waves are rolling, blocking the sun, like a toppling majestic peak, pressing on the head!


The noisy forest quieted down instantly, and more than half of the bandits were buried in the soil under this blow! !

At the same time, the CP organization charged collectively, like a sharp knife, piercing the remaining bandit team, turning around wherever it went.

There is no way to resist!

...Crush it!

These two words inevitably emerged from the bottom of Da Dan's heart. It was just a head-on confrontation that the Marine team put them like this.

What kind of force is this? !

"call out"

· ·········· Ask for flowers·······

Suddenly! Da Dan's hair was flying, and she heard the harsh air tearing sound coming from her ears!

The silver mask CP9 had been standing behind her at some point.

The black fist slammed down!

Da Dan let out a low growl, and his body almost instinctively raised the big club and hammered it backhand. The heavy weapon cut through the air and erased the harsh roar.



Just a face-to-face, Dadan coughed up blood and flew upside down!

She hit the ground heavily, her burly body rolled on the ground, and she didn't know where the mallet fell.

Da Dan clutched his chest, struggling to get up, his limbs showing strength and veins, but he only supported half of his body, and fell to the ground again.

"My lord's order, arrest all these bandits, remember that you can't kill them, you must catch them alive." The silver mask cp9 dropped his hands slightly, his eyes scanned the entire battlefield.

this moment.

The Dadan family, all the bandits, have been suppressed!

"You... if you want to kill, you have to do whatever you want." Da Dan turned over weakly, face up to the sky, panting heavily, she didn't care anymore.

Get caught if you get caught.

This day was expected from the day when the bandit was.

As long as Ace is fine...

Thinking of this, Da Dan stood up and looked up at the place where Ace was bound.

... ... ...

This look.

Make her tremble all over.

The silver mask CP9 untied Ace, but didn't wake him up, but picked him up and walked in one direction.

what happened?

If it is a hostage, the rescue is successful at this time, shouldn't Ace wake up or check whether he is injured?

Why did this masked man pick up Ace as if he had grabbed something for offering? !

Da Dan instinctively sensed something was wrong and struggled to get up.

"Mother-in-law, if you want to survive, don't move." Laqilu lightly landed beside her, chewing the dried meat in his mouth, and said with a chuckle.

He looked at Da Dan's actions, and there was a special color in his eyes.

This bandit seems to value that child very much...Raqilu thoughtfully.

Da Dan trembled when he heard this.

She forcibly stopped her actions.

Not to survive.

I am worried about exposing the relationship between Ace and myself, implicated in Ace's comfort!

She turned her head and stopped looking at Ace, her head hanging down like an ordinary captive.

At this moment, a figure slowly walked out of the jungle. He was wearing a Marine coat and walking slowly, but it drew everyone's attention.

The Marines saluted him.

The CP agency bowed to him.

"My lord, this is the child you want." The silver mask CP9 stepped forward, bending over respectfully, holding Ace in both hands, and handing it to the man like a gift.

What do you want...a child? !

There was a flash of thunder in Da Dan's mind.

She raised her head abruptly, staring at the Marine man who walked out.

"Return Ace to me!" Da Dan yelled out these words almost subconsciously.

These Marines are definitely here for Ace! !

She struggled to get up, instinctively rushing to protect Ace.

this moment.

Saint Louis Vuitton turned his eyes slightly, his bright eyes fell on her, and his eyes were calm and calm.

"You want to get Roger's child back?"


Da Dan's body suddenly stiffened, and his gaze at Saint Louis Vuitton was full of disbelief.

The man in front of him...knows the identity of Ace?


At this moment, everyone who heard the words of Saint Louis Vuitton was stunned, all eyes shrank, like being struck by lightning.

Laqilu opened his mouth slightly, forgetting to chew, his eyes straightened.

The CP organization is even more stiff! !


Read more @ mtlarchive.com. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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