
The flames of the explosion were more flaming than the sun, and it only flooded the sky for a short moment, and thick smoke fell on the street like a cloud of ink.

Several CP institutions in white suits flashed out, and their bodies were covered in pitch-black armed colors, like a natural barrier that stood in front of Sister Emmond, blocking the aftermath of the explosion, building fragments, and glass shards.

"Everyone is on alert and protect the two adults!"

The roar of the burning mountain resounded throughout the street.

this moment.

Dozens of black shadows in cloaks jumped down from the roofs on both sides. They were like eagles spreading their wings. With the help of the cover of thick smoke, they were culled in a sluggish posture!


With an order from Huoshaoshan, all Marines drew their guns and poured bullets into the sky.

The fine line of fire covered the entire sky, and bullets shot into thick smoke one after another.

A few of them hit the cloaked figure, but most of them were dodged. A large number of cloaked people landed on the ground and rushed in, trying to tear the Marine defense line.

"Targeted attack on Celestial Dragons?" The iconic smile on Huo Shaoshan's face disappeared. The samurai sword reflected the cold light on the waist, and the cloak figure that was rushing forward was chopped to the ground with a knife, and blood was sprayed in an instant.

The street was reduced to a battlefield, and suddenly chaos, civilian passers-by shouted in panic and fled in all directions.

The first drop of blood has flowed, and it is destined to flow into a river today.

"Tsk." Yilanlet Palace's pretty face went cold, not much panic, but a kind of disgust and disdain emerged from the depths of his piercing eyes.

"Ugly mouse." Yilanft Palace raised his hand and drew a gun, the bullet shot through the sky, a cloak figure intercepted by Marine burst into blood and fog, and fell to the ground on the spot.

But more people have been killed!

The ghostly cloaked figure broke free from the shadow of the alley and swooped in. They were the assassins in the shadow, swooping in with Ling Li's murderous aura.

The person who bears the brunt is not tall, but he is unusually flexible. With a steam jet on his back, he leaps and walks on the ground between the buildings. When his cloak is flying, he reveals beast-like hair.

"Today I will look at the Celestial Dragons, who claim to be the creator. What is different from ordinary people when his head burst open." He said in a low tone, pulled down the windproof goggles on his forehead, and threw two black objects out between his hands. , Telok Marine is in the middle of the camp.


Colonel Marine stabbed the raider to death with a sword, and his pupils shrank when he saw the black object.

This is... a grenade? ! !


The explosion exploded and the fire blazed into the sky. Colonel Marine and the ten soldiers next to him were submerged together. The heat wave tore the Marine defense line open.

The next moment, the grenade fragments shot out like a knife.

Go straight to the two sisters of Emmond!


A white figure appeared out of thin air and stood in front of Sister Emmond. He was wearing a large robe, with a red weird mask, and his long black hair spread out like a sunflower.

"Bang bang ¨ bang"

With a wave of his hands, his metal-colored arms intercepted all the fragments.

He appeared without warning.

Even before this second, he could not be seen in the team that accompanied the protection of Sister Emmond!

He always hides in the dark, it is CP0 that protects the Emmond sisters on this trip!

"Lindberg? It's you groundhog again. It seems that the revolutionary army is planning this action. They dare to attack Celestial Dragons. Have you figured out your own way of death." The red mask CP0 has a hoarse and low tone. The eyes underneath were locked tightly before throwing out the flexible figure of the grenade.

He recognized Lindbergh's identity at a glance. This cunning guy was undercover in a training camp of the CP organization some time ago. Although he was dug out, Lindbergh also received the news in advance and rushed to escape before the clearing operation.

At that time, it was the red mask CP0 who was responsible for hunting down Lindbergh!

"Is the CP agency worthy to say that others are rats?" Lindbergh snorted coldly, and with the help of the steam device, he pulled out a weird trajectory in the air, and instantly came to the red mask CP0.

He clenched his hands with white gloves, wrapped in a gale and patted CP0 on the head of the red mask!


The red mask CP0 punched straight out, and his fist covered in pitch black and armed color exploded the air, setting off a terrifying wind pressure, and even his large robe was flying.

At the moment when the two are about to collide.


Lindbergh's mouth cracked a weird smile, his clasped hands opened, two black grenades rolled off, and the lead bolts had been pulled out!


The fire burst out loudly, and the aftermath of the explosion swept all around like a knife. Lindbergh's use of force, the steam jet has already let him escape the scope of the explosion!(Read more @

In the thick smoke...

"Is this the same again."

A cold snort resounded.

With a light wave of a dark palm, the smoke of gunpowder dispersed immediately, revealing a dark and majestic figure.

The red mask CP0 is unscathed!

He stared at Lindbergh with cold eyes, who had used this cunning tactic in the last hunt.

However, this time, the red mask CP0 did not chase him down. He stood still and did not move a step, like a majestic mountain, protecting the Emmond sisters behind him.

His mission is to protect Celestial Dragons, not to kill Lindbergh!

A large number of revolutionary forces came forward and succeeded, like wolves bravely and capable of fighting, and daring to die head-on collision with the Marine defense line.

The handover of soldiers made the street more chaotic. Revolutionary army and Marine scuffled into the shop, and the scene was only chaotic and messy.

In chaos.

A large group of crows suddenly burst out of the surrounding tall buildings!

They cover the sky and the sun densely, converging into a torrent of ink, with an unrelenting aura, they are going to the Marine formation!

"Hide these crows!"

The roar of Huoshaoshan suddenly sounded!

"Huh?!" Major General Marine slashed over the revolutionary army in front of him, his eyes staring suddenly, all this came too fast, there was no warning at all!

Although Huo Shao Shan has been reminded in advance.

But... it's still too late!

Major General Marine's body shook slightly behind him.


This is the sound of dripping blood.

His right arm holding the knife... was eaten away by crows!

"You killed so many of us and only paid the price of one arm. It's enough money, but... I will kill you next."

In the tall building, a bald man with a beak-shaped loudspeaker walked out slowly.

Next second.


The bald man's feather coat flew without wind, turning into crows to attack Marine and CP agencies!

He is one of the cadres of the Revolutionary Army, the ‘Northern Army Commander’ Callas (crow)!

"Are any cadres dispatched again? Tricky guy." Huo Shaoshan slashed the jet-black crows that rushed out, cursed in a low voice, and commanded the soldiers to shrink their formation and surround the Emmond sisters.

And just in the next moment.

Huoshaoshan's whole body is stiff.

He felt a strong danger from the thick smoke floating above! !


The bright rainbow light in the eyes of the Huoshaoshan flashed across, and Shen Yao drew a knife and slashed towards the billowing smoke!

At this moment, the shining and bright light of the knife was like lightning in the hazy sky, the news and dazzling, tearing the thick thick smoke in an instant.


The dull and short metal erupted, and the sword of Huoshaoshan was blocked in the thick smoke, as if it had hit a mountain!

The air waves rolled, and the line of sight suddenly became clear.

A pitch-black palm covered the knife with claws.

Dragon Claw Fist? !

he is……

The eyes of the burning mountain suddenly shrank.

Dragon! !

The overwhelming force struck.

Huoshaoshan drew a knife and retreated sharply, and the soles of their feet made two deep gullies on the ground.

Long fell to the ground lightly, he was not angry but arrogant, his fierce face gave people unparalleled pressure.

"It seems that we are going to win this time." Long spit out these words faintly after scanning all the Marine teams with his eyes.

"Report everything here to the headquarters immediately and request the headquarters' support." Huo Shaoshan glanced at him and said solemnly to the contact soldier beside him.

His look is unprecedentedly solemn, and this guy who is faintly known as the most vicious criminal will not miss this earth-shattering plan!

"The report is finished!" The contact soldier responded loudly, and he had already reported the moment the revolutionary army appeared.

At this moment, the young contact soldier was sweating wildly, his eyes fixed on the dragon standing on the street, and he felt (good Zhao) received unprecedented pressure from the criminal.

The moment the dragon appeared, all CP agencies except the red mask CP0 moved!

"Desperately kill the enemy for the two adults."

They are like fearless martyrs, desperately rushing to kill all the revolutionary army that appeared in the field of vision.


But at this moment, all the CP institutions that rushed out went stiff.

Between the sky and the earth, a dazzling and piercing light flashed, like a flying star from the sky, flashing from the waist of all CP institutions.

That was...a sword of light! !


The blood was pouring, and all the CP bodies broke into two parts, and fell to the ground feebly...

In the alley.

An old figure wearing a mask and a kimono walked out slowly.

He was wearing wooden clogs, and the sound of his footsteps falling on the ground was very clear, like stepping on everyone's heart.

Huoshaoshan's complexion grew darker.

First, the dragon, and then the old man who is suspected of being a great swordsman, powerful enemies appeared one after another.

Especially this old man who killed out suddenly.

Huoshaoshan's knowledge and color are telling him... his strength is extremely strong!


Today's 4D update machine!

Sorry for the late update.

With a picture of the red mask CP0, he is the rightmost of the three.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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