
The thunder roared, endlessly.

In the dim and dim world, only the figure standing in the thunder was bright and flaming.

The ancient knife engulfed in blue flames was held in his hand, piercing Shuangyue Kosaburo's chest.

"Do not……"

At this moment, someone in the Revolutionary Army had red eyes and shouted hoarsely. Their bodies were trembling with anger and grief.

Shuangyue Kosaburo dedicated everything to the revolutionary army, but now they have witnessed his death. The old man stood in the center of the battlefield, even if he died.

"Kenzaburo..." Long's eyes widened suddenly, and anger emerged in his heart, his fierce face was as cold as ice.

Just now, Shuangyue Kosaburo said to cover their retreat.

But Saint Louis Vuitton made these words empty words. He killed Frostuki Kosaburo with the most thunderous means. This old great swordsman could no longer wield a sword for the revolutionary army.

Shuangyue Kosaburo, a veteran who joined the revolutionary army when it was founded...death!

"The great swordsman died under the sword, it may not be a destination." Saint Louis Vuitton pulled the ancient fire sword out of Shuangyue Kosaburo's chest, his tone was light, and his eyes stared at the dragon.

Through the stab wound on Somazuki Kosaburo's chest.

It can be clearly seen that the flame has swallowed his internal organs.

He has become an empty shell...


Thunder arcs linger around Saint Louis Vuitton's skin, flashing out the ups and downs.

He stepped indifferently, stepping towards the battlefield, the sky was rolling and roaring, the dull thunder sound rang through the sky, and thunderclouds were born in the sky, following Saint Louis Vuitton.

All the revolutionary soldiers who witnessed this scene were sweating violently, putting away the anger from the bottom of their hearts, and quickly receding like a tide.

Shogetsu Kosaburo's words before his death had already pronounced the result of this action.

The Revolutionary Army ended in failure!

Many people have given birth to retreat.


Saint Louis Vuitton speeds up.


The world suddenly rioted, Shuo Shuo Leiguang split the black clouds, blasted a building flat, and annihilated dozens of surrounding revolutionary forces, turning into a scorched earth, with smoke and dust everywhere, and dense electric arcs in the air.

The endless thunderclouds like the sea followed Saint Louis Vuitton, and there were surging electric arcs rolling between the black clouds, and thunder bombed the battlefield.

The earth and rocks where Saint Louis Vuitton passed by were scorched, and the revolutionary army fled in all directions. Masses of people died tragically under the thunder and became charred corpses, buried here forever.

At this moment, he is the master of this battlefield. After Shuangyue Kosaburo's death, no strong man can spare his hand to restrict him. The thunder baptizes the earth, the buildings collapse one after another, and the terrifying loud noise slams the sky, making eardrums painful. It seems to be cracked.

As the dragon witnessed Saint Louis Vuitton becoming more and more vigorous, he stared again at the corpse of Shuangyue Kosaburo standing in the distance, with a strong expression of unwillingness in his eyes.

This battle... is lost.

But at least let him take the body of Shuangyue Kosaburo back! !

He wants to tear Laqilu's trap!

"Anything you want to do will not succeed." Lakilu saw that the dragon seemed to have a plan. He roared lowly, regardless of his concern, his palm was suddenly pressed down, and the majestic mountainous boulder rolled over, and he wanted to kill the dragon. .


Just at this time.


A scream resounded across the battlefield without warning.

The flash was accompanied by a powerful tornado whizzing around the world, falling from the sky, enveloping Laqilu, and cut off his offensive abruptly.

A tall figure with a big face and an exposed but strange figure stood in front of the dragon.

His long and slender eyelashes blinked one after another, and the horrible blast wind was released in the blink of an eye, tearing the billowing boulder and enveloping Rakiru.

This is the revolutionary cadre responsible for intercepting reinforcements in this operation, Emporio Ivankov!

At this moment, Ivankov's body was covered with scars, and bright red blood was constantly flowing from his mouth.

"Dragon, I can't stop it. Marine on the sea is coming soon, and leave now." Ivankov gritted his teeth and said, he has reached the limit. It can be said that there is not a whole body of skin intact.

"…I see."

Long Wenyan, his body trembled slightly, he finally stared at the corpse that remained standing in the distance even though he was killed in battle, and silently said apologize in the bottom of his heart.

next moment.

His eyes became piercing, and the majestic roar shook the sky, resounding throughout the battlefield.

"Everyone evacuated... the action, failed, there is only one goal, survive!!"

When the voice fell, he and Ivankov had already begun to evacuate quickly.

There is no more nostalgia.

"What kind of weird ability is yours?" Laqilu blasted the explosive wind, he cursed in a low voice, and hurriedly chased up, the dark fist brought the wind and bombarded Ivankov's back.

Ivankov, who was already seriously injured, couldn't dodge, coughing up a large mouthful of blood, the steps under his feet never stopped, and the fast-moving news disappeared.

At this moment, the revolutionary army was defeated, and even if they were not reconciled, they could only withdraw. The scene was overturned. They became prey and were chased and intercepted by Marine and CP agencies.

Saint Louis Vuitton uses Observation Haki, please control the thunder bombing the battlefield, and quickly kill the revolutionary army, especially the fleeing dragon and Ivankov.

Time passed bit by bit.

Does the sky flash and thunder? The condensed thundercloud of Saint Louis Vuitton has not dissipated. In a sense, his thundercloud looks many times more powerful than the thunderstorm of nature.

Because he accurately controlled the thunder, and leveled one house after another, and the place he passed was scorched earth, the sky was full of thunder, and the thunderstorm of nature was a chaotic bombardment.(Read more @

At the same time, there are warships flying over the sea, and Naval Headquarters reinforcements are coming!

Ten warships lined up in a long line. On the two warships bearing the brunt, flying squirrels and ghost spiders stood on the bows of the ships.

This is just the previous unit, and there is Admiral rushing towards this side from behind!

Saint Louis Vuitton's eyes are moving, and at the same time in his perception of color.

An extremely powerful person appeared and rescued Dragon and Ivankov. That person should be a certain cadre of the revolutionary army.

But... the rest of the revolutionary army had no such luck.

Saint Louis Vuitton continues to control the Thunder, killing every revolutionary army within the radiation range with precision!

After a while, Rachel came from a distance. At the same time, the thunderclouds hoarding in the sky were dissipating, and the thunder and arc light released by Saint Louis Vuitton gradually converged.

This world has light coming again.

Laqilu looked slightly startled. In the sunset light, he saw a scorched corpse spreading across the ground. It looked like this at first glance, and the counts were innumerable...

"Is there no one anymore?" Rachel took a deep breath, thinking of the reason why Saint Louis Vuitton stopped bombing.

Just as Laqilu thought, after the thunder raging, only a small part of the remnants on the battlefield were captured by Marine, and more than 80% of the soldiers died in the battle, staying here forever.

The revolutionaries that can participate in this operation against Celestial Dragons are all elites, but more than 80% of the personnel are lost here. It can be said that this war has completely defeated the revolutionaries.

At the same time, under the setting sun, Gion walked slowly carrying Karas.

"My lord, I was going to defeat the woman holding the flag, but this guy stepped forward and took the knife for the woman." Gion pressed Callas against Saint Louis Vuitton's feet and said in a deep voice.

The bald man was forced to kneel on the ground, and there was a bloody mouth with bones on his chest, and blood was gurgling.

"It was we who lost..." Karas whispered hoarsely while looking sideways at the corpse of Sangzuki Kosaburo standing in the distance.

However, his voice was originally small, and, in addition to the severe damage, his voice was so weak that it was almost inaudible.

Saint Louis Vuitton didn't care what he was talking about, just glanced at him lightly.

At the same time, the ghost spider and the flying squirrel led the Marine forces to escort the remnants of the revolutionary army to Saint Louis Vuitton.

However, there are still a few remnants alive, and most of them have become scorched corpses under the thunder bombing of Saint Louis Vuitton.

After a short inventory, flying squirrels saluted Saint Louis Vuitton, and Shen Shenghui reported: "The arrest of 84 revolutionary personnel, our loss..."

He read out a piercing number.

More than 70% of the men led by Sister Emmond died in the hands of the revolutionary army, among them the red mask CP0 was seriously injured.

Huoshao Mountain was the first time Saint Louis Vuitton arrived. It was sent to the warship by Laqilu with fruit ability. The medical staff who accompanied him were cured in time. Now it has awakened, but it is still unable to move.

In short, two words.

Disastrous victory!

If it weren't for Saint Louis Vuitton's arrival, the kidnapping of the Emmond sisters could be a certainty.

"...Sir, what should these people do?" The flying squirrel asked respectfully after reporting the specific situation.

Saint Louis Vuitton glanced over the captured Karas and the revolutionary army, and said two words softly in his mouth:


At this moment, every soldier who escorted the Revolutionary Army raised their weapons and cut them neatly toward their necks!


Nearly a hundred blood flowers bloomed, the heads were rolling, and the red blood covered the earth instantly, making this place a

All the remnants of the Revolutionary Party, including Callas, beheaded!

Saint Louis Vuitton stared at all this, his eyes senile but indifferent.

He thought of something.

Without his intervention, Long's action this time would probably have been successful.

Is this the reason why later generations laid the dragon to become the worst criminal?

Kidnap Celestial Dragons and negotiate with the World government!

This level of criminal action, I am afraid that only dragons in the world dare to do it.

In this way, his bounty rose exploded as it should be.

"." After doing such a thing and hiding too deeply, CP couldn't find it..." Saint Louis Vuitton narrowed his eyes and muttered to himself.


He raised his eyes and looked at Mask 5 CP1, who was following him.

"Tell Kong to execute the order to kill the devil." Saint Louis Vuitton's tone was indifferent, without ups and downs.

this moment.

Everyone is shaking with this sentence!

The Demon Slaying Order, the indiscriminate bombing and massacre of the target area, is, in a sense, a brutal means of genocide.

The flying squirrel's pupils shrank slightly, and he subconsciously inhaled to make the eight-character Hu curl up.

Tu Mo made these three words impossible for him to be unfamiliar.

Even to him it was three years ago.

Three years ago, the world government issued an order to execute the killing order on O'Hara!

At that time, the flying squirrel was one of the people who executed the demon killing order!

Even iron-blooded soldiers like flying squirrels still sigh quietly when recalling the scene three years ago...

Now, after three years, will the Tumo Order come again?

"My lord, where do you want to execute the demon killing order?" Mask No. 5 cp1 straightened up, with an extremely serious expression.

"Shemale Island..."

Saint Louis Vuitton slowly said these three words!

Don't wait for others to speak.

Sister Emmond came forward lightly.

"Demon Slaughter Order? Is the Monster Island related to the Revolutionary Army? Okay, immediately execute the Demon Slaughter Order to make them look good." Yilanft Palace smiled.

"Do you still dare to come out?" Saint Louis Vuitton looked at them, with the elegant smile of the nobleman at the corner of his mouth.

"Of course, we haven't had any fun when we came out this time." Yilan Leite Palace nodded seriously. Neither she nor her sister had much fear on their faces, but only the anger and hatred towards the revolutionary army.

Yilanft Palace turned around, narrowed his smile, looked at the accompanying CP1, and said coldly, "Go and investigate, investigate all the details of these damn rats, and let their relatives be buried for what they did."

"Funeral? It's cheap. They should let them cut off their children and grandchildren, and see with their own eyes that they cut off their children and grandchildren. There is nothing they can do." Yilan Leite (okay) Gong said with a cold and pretty face, and a cruel color flashed in his clear eyes. .

Saint Louis Vuitton heard the words, chuckled, and rubbed their heads.

Just at this time.

He suddenly thought of something.

Shuangyue Kosaburo, cut off his sons and grandchildren in front of his face...

"Apart from your family, is there anyone outside of Mary Geoise?" Saint Louis Vuitton asked suddenly.

"There is another sister... She should be on the Grand Line now?" Yilanlet Palace tilted her head and said thoughtfully.


Saint Louis Vuitton thought of Koshiro's daughter Guina!

Guina's death was inexplicable, she fell to her death while walking the stairs.

In fact, the human body in this world is exaggerated, and Guina has practiced kendo since she was a child. How could she fall to death by taking the stairs?

This method of death, Saint Louis Vuitton felt that there was a problem before.

Now think about it...It is very likely that the CP organization's handwriting is behind this!

If there is no oneself, Yilanite Palace, Yilanlet Palace will not be out of Mary Geoise, then the goal of Long's plan this time will change. is their sister who is still active outside!

From the words of the two sisters of the Emmond family just now, it can be seen that they will definitely retaliate and kill the relatives of the revolutionary army...

In this action, the active hand is actually not the dragon, but the great swordsman Shuangyue Kosaburo!

Did the Emmond family take revenge on the head of Shuanggetsu Kosaburo's son, Shuanggetsu Koshiro, and kill Guina with strange means?

Frost Moon Koshiro knew about his father's attack on Celestial Dragons. He took it all into his eyes and declared that his daughter had died accidentally, just to calm Celestial Dragons' anger...

As for why not tell the truth? Do not avenge the minister?

Maybe... to protect the disciples in the gym.


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