Three days later.

Frost Moon Village!

Shuangyue Koshiro's kendo field in this small village is also a well-known place. Many family members will send their children here. They don't want to be really good, but at least they can keep fit.

Early in the morning, children can be seen swinging wooden swords in the open space of the kendo hall.

On the courtyard steps, young Guina held her chin, obediently watching her father teach her children.

"The way of exerting force has to be changed, yes, that's it..."

Shuangyue Koshiro whispered to the child to practice swordsmanship, with a soft smile on his face.

"Mr. Koshiro, someone is looking for you outside the door."

Suddenly, the uncle who was sweeping the floor at the door of the dojo suddenly said with a throat.

"Come here." Shuangyue Koshiro responded and stepped forward to the door.

Open the wooden door.

An unexpected person stood outside the door, Frosty Moon Koshiro had never seen.

He is middle-aged, wearing a lavender kimono, with a faint beard around his mouth, and an "X"-shaped scar on the left side of his forehead extending to his eyes.

The middle-aged man closed his eyes, as if his eyes were sick.

At this moment, he has a soft smile, giving people a feeling of getting along well.

"Are you?" Shuangyue Koshiro asked politely.

"I laughed, now I am on my way to find kendo to train myself. I heard that there is a powerful swordsman Frostuki Kosaburo in your dojo, so I came here to ask for advice." The middle-aged man lowered his head slightly when he spoke, humble and polite, and had a good conversation. Wen crepe temperament.

"My father, Kosaburo... passed away a few days ago." Shuangzuki Koshiro shook his head lightly.


He was stunned when he heard the words with a smile, and his expression became obviously surprised. He was silent for a while before sighing, "Sorry, please."

Shuangyue Koshiro's eyes flickered slightly 19, he did not show much sadness, and said calmly: "Mr. Come in and sit down."

"Then bother." A smile did not refuse, "I also want to pay homage to Mr. Kosaburo."

In the hall of the kendo hall, there are photos of Shuangyue Kosaburo. There are white paper flower pendants hanging on the edge of the frame, and the incense burner in front of the photos has three unburned incense sticks.

This is a simple mourning hall.

There are no coffins, only a few pieces of clothing, which are set as a crown mound.

He walked forward with a smile, picked up three incense sticks, bowed three times, and inserted them into the incense burner.

The children in the kendo hall left get out of class for a short time and gathered around the entrance of the auditorium, curiously looking at the scene inside.

They don't quite understand what's going on here, and Koshiro has never told any children about Sangzuki Kosaburo, including Guina.

To be precise, Guina has seen Shuangyue Kosaburo only a few times since she was born, and she didn't even know that she had such a grandfather.

"I was gambling with someone not long ago. I heard people say that Mr. Kosaburo is still healthy, so why did he suddenly go?" With a smile, he knelt on the futon and said softly with his palms together.

The children blinked curiously.

"Wow, gambling is not good. My mother said that if Dad gambles again, he will be kicked out. Is this uncle kicked out?" A child with a runny nose whispered.

"Good upright uncle." The other child echoed.

With a smile, listening to the whispers of the children, he turned his head and smiled at them.

Shuangyue Koshiro glanced at Guina behind him, and said softly, "Because of some accidents, it's not easy to say."

He nodded with a smile, did not force him, and said in a low voice: "If you don't want to say it, don't say it. Although you can't see and see Mr. Koshiro's expression, you can still feel the sadness in Mr. Koshiro's heart. Let him pass the pain of the past. ."

Shuangyue Koshiro was silent for a moment, neither agreeing nor denying.

He didn't let the atmosphere cool down, and asked for a topic: "Sir, your eyes... were they hurt when fighting against the strong?"

When they met, Shuangyue Koshiro smiled and closed his eyes, wondering if he was blind or not. The smile just now was an acknowledgment of this.

He smiled and shook his head, and said, "I don't want to look anymore."

…Blind yourself?

Shuangyue Koshiro was a little surprised.

Just listened to a smile and continued to speak: "There is too much dirt in the world, and it is a blessing to not look at things."

The smile on his face is still there, with a free and easy gesture.

"...Mr. is an interesting person." Shuangyue Koshiro was startled, then shook his head and chuckled.

The two chatted a few more words, smiled at the children who were still waiting in the courtyard, smiled and stood up and said:

"Is Mr. Koshiro teaching the children kendo?"

"Yes." Shuangyue Koshiro pushed the glasses down the bridge of his nose and nodded slightly.

"Then let's not bother me. Go and see if there is any place in the village where I can make a small gambling." He smiled and stood up, mentioning that the gambling face couldn't help showing a trivial and funny little expression.

This is not the same as his usual smile, it seems that gambling is a very special thing for him.(Read more @

"It seems that Mr. is very fond of gambling, I'll give it to you." Shuangyue Koshiro laughed blankly.

Nodded with a smile, followed Shuangyue Koshiro out of the door with a smile.

After giving off a smile, Shuangyue Koshiro turned around again and taught the children to practice kendo.

However, not long after I left here with a smile, the uncle sweeping the floor in front of the door yelled again.

"Are there customers again?" Shuangyue Koshiro was a little surprised.

In the past few people came to his kendo field except for the children of the village.

Why do guests arrive so frequently today?


With a smile, I left the kendo arena.

He walked in the shadow of the shady tree, the expression on his face slightly converged, and then he let out a light sigh.

"Old Mr. Kosaburo is going to die...Is the matter between the gambler and me before that true?" He smiled and frowned slightly.

Before he came to Shuangyue Village, he traveled in Logue town. At that time, the old gambler met at the gambling table heard that he was going to find Shuangyue Kosaburo and told him about the revolution.

The Revolutionary Army killed two cadres, one of them was the famous swordsman in the East China Sea, Shuangyue Kosaburo!

At that time, some people laughed, saying that the old gamblers were joking, and the newspaper didn't write who the cadres were.

I laughed and remembered that the old gambler was very angry. He blushed and said that he had a gossip. It was true. The atmosphere at the gaming table became more lively when I heard this. No one would believe it, just as the old gambler was bragging.

And now, I know with a smile that Shuangyue Kosaburo is really dead...

"The Revolutionary Army..." murmured softly with a smile.

He shook his head and didn't think about it anymore, but it was a pity that he had no chance to fight against such a great swordsman.

"It's still important to gamble...or else, to eat soba first?" With a smile, the expression on his face became wretched again.

And just when he had just walked some distance.

"Patter, Patter, Patter"

The sound of dull and uniform footsteps suddenly sounded, rolling from a distance!

"Huh?" With a smile, he stopped, and he almost subconsciously turned on Observation Haki.

Although he can't see it, it doesn't mean that he lacks the means to perceive the outside world. On the contrary... Observation Haki with a smile is strong to an exaggeration.

Under the blessing of Observation Haki, I smiled and "looked" and saw the fuzzy outlines of cyan, blue, white, and black appearing from a distance.

"Hey, I have a personal temperament... very special." With a smile, he raised his head slightly, and he perceives an extremely special existence among a large number of shadows of different colors.

He doesn't have a fixed color, it looks black at first, white at a second glance, and even other arbitrary colors are possible. It's unpredictable and can't be true.

"A lot of Marines."

"I don't know what they are doing here... Do we have criminals here?"

Someone around was whispering, and the voice came into the ear of a smile.

Marine, catch the criminal... Is it?

With a smile, his eyelids twitched.

He thought of a possibility.

"Those kids are still in the dojo." With a smile, he turned around and changed the original course of advancement. He gently tapped the scabbard in his hand on the ground and walked in the direction where Marine had left. There was a soft whisper in his mouth.

"I wanted to eat soba noodles now... now it seems that I will eat it later."

At the same time, the menacing Marine team has been adjusted to reach Frostmoon Koshiro's dojo with the fastest speed.

All Marine soldiers lined up.

They all stared at the gate of the dojo with solemn expressions.


Gion's plain palm rested lightly on the scabbard, stepped away to the forefront of the team, and gave orders in a deep voice.


A large number of Marines all stepped forward and wanted to encircle the dojo with encirclement and suppression.

But at this moment.

A middle-aged man in a lavender kimono walked quickly from a distance and stood in front of all Marine!

He faced hundreds of Marines alone, facing everyone, and said softly:

"Your Excellency Marines, sirs and ladies, I will not interfere in arresting criminals, but I also implore you to spare your innocent children."

At this moment, all CP agencies and Marine all stopped.

They saw it.

The middle-aged man in front of him...seems to be blind? !

"Who?" Gion's eyebrows frowned, and she looked at her with a vigilant smile, seeing and hearing that color perception was telling her that the blind breath blocking the road in front of her was very wrong, and even made her feel like a light on her back!

"Oh?" Rachilu raised his eyebrows and walked out, the dried meat spontaneously floated into the entrance, chewing, "This dojo is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. There was the Shuangyue Kosaburo first, and now there is such a character."

"I am not a person in this dojo, but I can't sit back and watch the innocent children get hurt." Smile said very sincerely.

He raised his head and ‘looked’ towards the man with the most special aura at the front of the team, and said solemnly:

"This sir, I know it's not right to stop the arrest, but I'm still here to stop, just want to say to you, there are children in the dojo, I hope not to scare them or hurt them."

His voice just fell off.

There was a warm voice with a faint smile.

"I know there are children inside, and I have never thought of hurting them. I am a person who always likes children, and there are a bunch of children next to me."

With a smile, I can feel that this voice is the presence of the special breath.

"You didn't seems that I was worrying too much." With a smile, he bowed deeply, his Observation Haki not only can form a shadow similar to thermal imaging, but can even distinguish good from evil.

He distinguished it clearly just now...the one in front of him didn't lie.

"Sorry, your Excellency Marine, I am offended, I will be responsible for my actions and I am willing to bear all the consequences that should be borne." With a smile, he bowed again and stepped aside.

Saint Louis Vuitton, sitting on the back of the big golden retriever, took a deep look and smiled.

Immediately, he retracted his gaze and slightly raised his hand to signal.

Gion nodded slightly and moved immediately, leading Marine towards the dojo, Hina and Smoker followed closely, and rushed into the dojo.

Saint Louis Vuitton has yet to move.

He looked sideways at Bermel next to him and asked, "What is the punishment for disrupting Marine's work?"

"Depending on the seriousness of the situation, it can range from a three-day sentence to impelton."

Bellemel replied so thoroughly, and at the end he glanced at it again and smiled, adding, "He...should be detained for seven days."

"Catch it."

Saint Louis Vuitton waved his hand, and the soldiers on both sides stepped on their feet, holding their shackles and handcuffed them in a smile.

A smile didn't mean to resist, but Marine was still arrested. Since he said he had to take responsibility, he would take whatever it was.

Immediately, Saint Louis Vuitton looked back and urged the big golden retriever to enter the gym.

"What nonsense are you talking about, Koshiro will not collude with the criminal revolutionaries!"

"Go away, you bad guys all go away. Mr. Koshiro is innocent. He must have been wronged. He cannot be a criminal."

Vaguely, Saint Louis Vuitton vaguely heard a noisy sound coming from the gymnasium.


12,000 words update! !

ps: A smile = a whole life, Fujitora, the translation is different.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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