Saint Louis Vuitton sits still, the phantom of Thor stands up in the sky behind him, and the bright and dazzling big hand shoots it in the air!

Red light flashed in the eyes of the longan, the muscles of the right arm suddenly swelled, bringing a large amount of white gas to the body surface, and the vast and violent breath suddenly broke out.

Even though the Thunder God Phantom was nearly 10 times taller than him, even if one palm was bigger than his physique, the dragon was still like a rainbow, and his right arm shot out.

At this moment, the blood-colored lines under his skin flashed, like hundreds of small red snakes swam past and finally gathered on the fist!


At this moment, the collision of electricity and fist, the shining arc rays illuminate the world, the solid earth with the dragon as the center, collapsed and sank suddenly, huge dents and cracks appeared in the earth inch by inch...

Thousands of thunder arcs were extinguished and born again, the azure cyan brilliance illuminates the sky and the earth, and also illuminates the execution platform.

The flashing arcs are intertwined.

Saint Louis Vuitton still kept a faint smile. He sat on the seat and stared at the dragon that was blocked by Thor's phantom in front of him, and his lips opened slightly:

"You can't save people."

The voice was extremely calm, he was stating a fact.

Even if the dragon exploded into the profound meaning of burning vitality... But after all, it was intercepted by Saint Louis Vuitton, and he couldn't step into the mine pond for half a step!


At this moment, there was a sound of rolling thunder in the sky, and in the black firmament densely covered with lead clouds, it seemed that there were thousands of horses and troops galloping.

The world is dim, and only the execution platform where the Thunder God phantom is located is as bright as day!

On the stage, the executioner steadied his mind, gripped the hilt of the knife, and suddenly cut off the raised S knife!

Shuangyue Koshiro knelt on the execution platform.

At this last moment, his gaze swept across the familiar figures in front of him, his lips humming, like pain, reluctance and relief:

"You... shouldn't come to save me."

Finally, he looked at the revolutionary army after another dead on the coastline, and sighed:



Hand up the knife and drop.

The blood is sprayed and the head falls to the ground!

Frost Moon Koshiro...dead!

"Do not!!"

At this moment, countless people in the revolutionary army were yelling, their bodies trembling, their eyes were red, and their faces were hideous.

In the last operation, Shuangyue Kosaburo was beheaded by Saint Louis Vuitton in front of everyone in this way. In the end, he couldn't even collect the corpse for this old man.

Only in the past few days, Frost Moon Koshiro also died in front of them, although not directly in the hands of Saint Louis Vuitton, but also because of him! !

"Failed..." Betty stared at the execution table with her beautiful eyes widened, as if she wanted to keep this scene in her heart forever.

A boundless depressive aura hung over the revolutionary army. The death of Frosty Moon Koshiro meant that their actions had been shattered, and there was no reason to fight, and the already defeated aura swept away. Someone was in a trance and was killed by Marine on the spot.


The bear had no words. The blood spattered from Frost Moon Koshiro's death was reflected in his pupils, and the taciturn man had already made the next move.


His body flickered, his fingers spread out, the pink pad was slightly shaken, and bear claw bubbles suddenly appeared, and he was about to explode toward the place with the most soldiers of the Revolutionary Army!

"Stop him." Ossist yelled, his body was flashing out like lightning as the words rang.

But... it's still too late!

Bear's paw·Space transfer!

Xiong's huge body flickered, and the bubbles had been smashed out during the wave of his slap, falling straight into the revolutionary army camp.

At this moment, the revolutionary army had already been instructed by the dragon to gather, and the large bear's paw bubble enveloped hundreds of people in an instant.(Read more @

"call out--"

With the sound of breaking through the air, hundreds of revolutionary troops suddenly disappeared under the envelope of bear paw bubbles!

Its speed is so fast that the naked eye can't catch the trajectory of the flash, just like disappearing out of thin air without warning!

This weird scene... the vast majority of people present were taken aback.

"I'm not mistaken." Laqilu's fat face was full of surprise.

Different from the chaotic scene when the meteorite fell from the sky last time, this time the bear used this trick without any cover, and everyone clearly saw the disappearance of the people in the revolutionary army.

What is this method? !

Hina frowned when she saw that. She thought of when Smoker disappeared... it seemed that he was also sent away by a similar ability, but the problem is that the bear can make hundreds of people disappear at the same time?

Moreover, the speed of disappearance is too fast, and there is no possibility of interception. This is a terrible method, which is equivalent to giving the revolutionary army a way to withdraw from the encirclement.

"Bear, take us along!" A bounty hunter who was fleeing was delighted at the sight and couldn't wait to shout.

Xiong heard that if he moved his steady body, he would wave his palm and use the same trick again.


Ossister moved out from the side, and the fist wind that was enough to smash the ground was violent, and the forced bear had to stop, and back again and again, the bubbles on his five fingers also dissipated.

"It's a fluke to let you send someone away once, do you think you can send it away a second time?" Ossist was cold, his fists were as dense as a squally shower, and the beating bear backed back again and again, vomiting blood in his mouth, staining red. Got a black top.

Seeing the hope of fleeing shattered, the bounty hunter who had spoken pointed at Ossister and cursed:

"Ocistor, fuck you..."


Not just him, but a lot of people jumped and scolded, and the ugly and foul language went out endlessly!

"Shut up."

Ossister's complexion was iron, his burly body stepped on the ground, his legs glowed with cyan brilliance, and Tempest Kick swept away.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

In an instant, dozens of dull noises exploded, and the bounty hunter who was yelling just now stopped, his head exploded one by one, and the headless body fell to the ground in the blood mist.

"A bunch of rubbish dare to speak." Ocist snorted coldly, covered Armament Haki with his fist, and slammed at the bear again!

Saint Louis Vuitton sits high and puts everything in sight.

"The ability of the bear is really a headache." Saint Louis Vuitton squinted his eyes slightly and whispered softly.

He had actually thought about the way the Revolutionary Army evacuated, but...the ability of the bear is very buggy, even Polusalino, who will become Admiral in the future, could not stop it.

The bear is actually a man who can be called a monster. His development of the flesh ball fruit has reached an exaggerated level.

Space shift, shock wave, flying injury...These series of abilities, if you look at the four characters of flesh ball and fruit, I am afraid that there will be such abilities.

Only for a very brief moment in his thoughts, Saint Louis Vuitton retracted his eyes and looked at the dragon under the execution platform.

The earth completely cracked out of the pit, and the dragon stood at the bottom of the pit, looking up to the sight of Saint Louis Vuitton, and said with an indifferent expression:

"This time, you won, but as long as the brutal World government doesn't fall for a day, people like us will always appear to resist and overthrow you."

Saint Louis Vuitton sits on the chair, leaning forward slightly, and nodding lightly: "You are right, but..."

He stood up, surrounded by thunder, and the surrounding air was rapidly becoming anxious.

"I don't care about this. I only value the present moment. It is enough to catch you."

Saint Louis Vuitton looked down at the dragon from a condescending position, and spoke calmly and indifferently.


The dragon hummed coldly, and the ground under his feet shook again, and his body rose from the ground to directly collide with Saint Louis Vuitton!

At this moment, he faced Saint Louis Vuitton alone, and shouted at all the revolutionary forces behind him without looking back.


"Speed ​​to send people away!"

The dragon's roar suddenly exploded, and at this moment all the revolutionary forces retreated across the board, even the bounty hunters.

There is only the dragon... and kill it towards Saint Louis Vuitton!

He said it as early as the beginning.

He is not included in the retreat!


The long-lasting thundercloud in the sky suddenly stirred, and the bright and flaming thunder pierced the sky, like a soaring dragon, running through the sky and the ground, becoming the only light at this moment!

Lei Guang took the lead.

The turbid white gas pours out in the dragon's nose, and there are hundreds of red lines trembling on the surface of the body's skin. It is the hot blood rushing in the blood vessels!


He raised his fists and slammed into the billowing thunder with a force of fighting the sky.

At this moment, the deafening sound resounded through the 10,000-meter sea area, and the people on the entire island suddenly narrowed their eyes when they heard the sound and felt the sparkle of thunder.

What followed was the piercing tinnitus of the shaking clouds caused by the second collision, and then all the sounds were no longer audible.

In this extremely short moment.

Too many people looked at the execution platform.

They saw thunder falling through the sky and the earth.

Saw the dragon that was hit by the falling thunder and fell straight to the ground.

I also saw the figure sitting on the seat all the time and stood up.

Saint Louis Vuitton turns into a thunder, like a spear that pierces the sky, cruelly nailed to the dragon!

The thunder is shining to the sea and the sky here!


Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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