"Where shall we go to play next?" The pretty face of Yilanft Palace showed a thoughtful color, and the bright eyes blinked cleverly.

"To Beihai? Or to Xihai?" Yilan Leitegong said in a tender voice.

"The North Sea seems pretty good... I remember there is a country called "White Town", right? It should be called Frevans." Yilanft Palace whispered softly.

"Frevans? The town where Cromwell Saint and Graham Saint were doing their hands and feet to seek profit behind the scenes, and spreading out there was an infectious disease?" Yilanlet Palace's eyes were shining.

"That's the one."

Elanft Palace nodded slightly, and his delicate face showed disdain, "A group of fools, believe in what they say, and lead poisoning can be regarded as an infectious disease. It is really played by St. Graham and the others."

"If we want to go, we have to go early. I heard from the Saiville Palace before that her brother plans to wait another year or two before exterminating Frevans and suppressing the truth. Anyway, they can get it from it. Almost all of his benefits are gone." Yilanlet Palace said in a low voice, thinking.

Saint Louis Vuitton was walking on the road, thinking about how to interrogate the dragon, but suddenly he heard the dialogue between the two women. He looked at the two sisters who were communicating with each other, and his eyes flickered slightly.

"Frevans, the white town, I remember... it was the hometown of Trafalgar Law."

Saint Louis Vuitton whispered in his heart, the next moment, something came to mind in his mind.

At this moment, a few figures came towards him, Gion and the others ended the battle and walked towards Saint Louis Vuitton.

"My lord, the finale 19 is over. A total of 193 revolutionaries and 56 bounty hunters were arrested. The dragon was crushed in the cell. A smile and Ossist were still there to deal with the subsequent detention of the arresters." Gion Slightly leaned back and reported in a low voice.

Upon hearing this, Saint Louis Vuitton nodded slightly and said slowly:

"Go and see the dragon, I have something to ask him."

Gion nodded immediately and took Saint Louis Vuitton to the direction where the dragon is now.

After being defeated by everyone, Long was immediately imprisoned in a temporary cell on a main warship.

The light in the cell was slightly dim, and several strong iron chains bound the dragon's whole body. At this moment, his whole body was full of blood, and even the iron chains tied to his body were dyed red with blood, and a lot of blood flowed on the ground, forming a dark red Small puddles.

By the side of Long, there are doctors who are doing temporary treatment for him to ensure that he will not die due to excessive blood loss.

Rakiru was sitting next to the cell, with a large amount of food flying around him, spontaneously falling into his mouth, and from time to time Marine brought food from outside.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps.

Laqilu's eating action stopped. After he saw the visitor clearly, all the food floating around fell on the table again, grinning at the visitor and said:

"Sir, you are here."

"I have seen the lord."

The others all bowed respectfully and bowed to the visitor.

Saint Louis Vuitton raised his hand slightly, motioned for them to get up, and then asked the doctor:

"How is it going?"

"Report your lord, we bandaged his wound, and there is no danger to his life for the time being."

Lakilu smiled while chewing on the food, "This guy is so fate, he didn't even die when he was beaten like that."

Saint Louis Vuitton smiled and stepped closer to the cell.

Standing in front of the cell, Saint Louis Vuitton saw the dragon's condition clearly at the moment. It can be said that no part of the whole body is intact, and blood still flows out after the bandage is bandaged.

"If you agree to be my assistant, you can completely avoid the pain on the flesh, but you made the stupidest decision." Saint Louis Vuitton shook his head gently.

"The decision I made can't be wrong." Long raised his head, his red eyes staring at Saint Louis Vuitton from congestion, his voice low.

When Saint Louis Vuitton heard the words, he smiled noncommittal and made a posture to sit down. The servant next to him was quick with eyesight, and immediately took the chair and put it down.

They were ready to deal with this situation a long time ago, Saint Louis Vuitton just sat down, and the chair was just right down.(Read more @ mtlarchive.com)

Saint Louis Vuitton leaned back on the chair, raised Erlang's legs, his bright eyes saw through the darkness, and fell on the dragon.

At this moment, there was no words, but the words "winners and losers" were undoubtedly manifested.

There was a short silence.

Saint Louis Vuitton raised his hand and waved everyone back. After everyone had left, he said quietly:

"You said the decision you made could not be wrong, so how do you explain the failure of this operation?"


In the cell, the dragon remained silent. He did not look at Saint Louis Vuitton anymore. He lowered his head. He didn't know if he didn't have much strength or he didn't want to look at Saint Louis Vuitton again.

After a few seconds of silence, Long's drooping eyes flickered, and his dry lips opened, saying:

"If you are here to mock me, then you can continue."

"It deserves to be the most important cadre of the Revolutionary Army, and the person who will be the leader soon has a bright mind."

Saint Louis Vuitton glanced at him, changed his posture, supported his chin with one hand, and chuckled, "Since you have guessed that I came to you not for chattering, but for purpose, then I won't be with you either. Bullshit here."

Speaking of this, Saint Louis Vuitton narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "Where did the people who were photographed by the bear go?"

The voice fell, and a deep laughter came from the dim cell, accompanied by the crisp sound of blood dripping on the ground, the dragon's eyes flickered, and his head was raised in the darkness:

"As the culmination of world politics, the elites in Celestial Dragons are so cruel that they can kill a group of innocent people, and even the islands will be extinct together, so you... actually care about the safety of your subordinates?"

Saint Louis Vuitton's expression is still very calm. He stretched out his three fingers and moved his lips slightly: "In my eyes, there are three kinds of people, enemies, own people, and innocent people. What this innocent person needs is true pure innocence. Anything with my interests, otherwise they would not be innocent people."

Saint Louis Vuitton puts away the hand supporting the chin, put it on the armrest of the seat, leaned back lightly, and smiled on his lips:

"Unfortunately, the people you mentioned are people who touched my interests, so... they can only go to death."

In the darkness of the cell, the dragon raised his eyes and met Saint Louis Vuitton's gaze through the iron bars. An ugly smile was pulled on his ferocious face: "You are no different from those Celestial Dragons. They are all fake."

Outside the cell, Saint Louis Vuitton’s voice rang:

"Dragon, you are wrong about this again."

Saint Louis Vuitton shook his head lightly, "You should remember what I have done in your mind? Except for Shemale Island, I have killed an innocent person? I said, I will not go to the real innocent. verb: move."

At this point, Long's deep response came from the darkness, interrupting Saint Louis Vuitton's next words:

"The people on Shemale Island are innocent people."

"If they are not involved with your revolutionary army, then they are indeed innocent people. I will sympathize with them and protect them in danger, but...because they are related to the revolutionary army, they are dead. ."

Saint Louis Vuitton’s eyes are shining, and his language is calm and calm. He will not waver. "One sentence with a smile is right. The way you revolutionaries want to change the world is wrong. It is to reverse everything with violence. It's inferior."

"There are only a few people who have relations with our revolutionary army on Shemale Island. Most of them... have nothing to do. It's just that you want to warn the world so that you can use them as the object of Liwei. Saint Louis Vuitton, you are really against people. Double standard." Long husky laughed twice.

"Haha, yes, I am a double standard person, I admit that."

Saint Louis Vuitton put his hand in front of his mouth, and there were bursts of refreshing laughter.

After a while, he leaned forward, with a faint smile, and stretched out three fingers again, "Didn't I say that, in my eyes there are only three kinds of people, enemies, own people, and innocent people who have no interests involved."

"The first type is not human in theory. The lives of my people are much more expensive than your revolutionary army. In my opinion, your lives are not considered human lives. If there is a dog in front of you, let me be between you and the dog. Choose between, I will choose the dog without hesitation, at least the dog will wag its tail, and you only know that the dog barks and bites."

The dragon's hoarse and low voice came from inside the cage:

"The idea of ​​our revolutionary army is not wrong from the beginning to the end. This world has been corrupted. We are correcting this world. This is not wrong. You say that we are dogs, and in my eyes, you Celestial Dragons... the same. in this way."

Upon hearing this, Saint Louis Vuitton stroked his chin. He didn't mean to be angry at all, and chuckled lightly:

"If you say that some Celestial Dragons are dogs, then I agree with you, but you killed everyone with a stick, that would be a big mistake."

The dragon's eyes narrowed slightly.

Even though he didn't like the man in front of him, he had to admit that this man was different from the other Celestial Dragons. He had a fierce style, his own philosophy, and an unpredictable temperament.

Against such a person... If you accidentally move, you will lose everything.

For example, what I look like now.

"You can use the means you want to extract a confession from me. If you want to use torture, you can use it. I don't want to argue with you about the ideals of the revolutionary army. I have nothing to say with you." Long doesn't want to argue with Saint Louis Vuitton anymore. , He is a prisoner, it's useless to say anything, and Saint Louis Vuitton is still in charge.

"Use torture? No need."

Saint Louis Vuitton smiled, this smile suddenly carried a hint of inexplicable meaning, "You will say it willingly."

He gently tapped his fingers on the armrest, making a dull noise, his eyes narrowed, as if he was in a memory, and he whispered in a storytelling tone:

"Some time ago, I went to the Windmill Village. It is really a nice village. The villagers are very simple, but there is a bad thing. A girl’s parents had an accident and was attacked by wild animals on the mountain, although I sent soldiers. I went to search and rescue, but it was still too late..."

Long's drooping eyes trembled slightly.

…Windmill Village? !

"What the hell are you trying to say." Long's throat was a little dry, but he remained absolutely calm.

"Don't worry."

Saint Louis Vuitton still smiled, gently raising his hand, squeezing the air, and beckoning Long Shaoan not to be impatient, "The girl is very sensible. Although she is young, she is already helping her parents to look after the tavern, and even... she will also help the village chief to take care of the tavern. A baby in a swaddle."

"Dragon, guess what's that kid's name?"

Saint Louis Vuitton's bright eyes stared at the dragon, and his words sounded like thunder.


Read more @ mtlarchive.com. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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