Listening to the sounds of all things is an extremely special ability, being able to hear sounds that ordinary people can't hear.

For example, for special creatures like the Lord and Sea Kings, people who have the voice of all things will be able to understand their language, can talk to them, and even hear the'voices' of inanimate historical texts. .

It can be said that listening to the essence of the sound of all things is to understand the world more clearly and to understand the true inner nature of things.

Saint Louis Vuitton's eyes closed slightly.

Let go of your thoughts, stretch your body...

Saint Louis Vuitton felt that all around was becoming clear, and endless information was emerging.

Grass, trees, snakes, rocks, wind...everything in the world.

They seem to have changed in their perceptions, and some undiscovered details emerge...

next moment.

Saint Louis Vuitton opened his eyes!

Too much information came suddenly, which made his brain a little chaotic, but it was only a short moment, and all the discomfort disappeared.

Saint Louis Vuitton suddenly felt.

I have a new understanding of the world, as if once covered with a light veil, but now that the light veil has been uncovered, he sees the ‘reality’.

Saint Louis Vuitton thought of some other things.

In this world, in addition to the two-color Haki and the six types that allow people to learn, there are also some special abilities that are extremely talented.

Listening to everything is one.

The unique Observation Haki with a smile can barely be regarded as one, because it is unique enough, at least not seeing the second person's experience and color like him.

There is another kind, the subordinate of Crocodile, the drawing ability of Miss·Golden Week!

She is not a capable person, but she can mix colors with the paint on the color palette to suggest that others control their feelings.

Even when using the seven-color rainbow of dreams, she can be transformed into a dream, and everyone present will become what she dreamed of.

This kind of ability is really outrageous, it is simply a sudden change in the style of painting.

Saint Louis Vuitton feels that if this kind of ability can be obtained by himself, or if he finds a way to will definitely be even more powerful!

After all, his basic qualities will be stronger than Miss·Golden on Monday.


Miss·Golden Week...seems to come from Beihai?

Thinking of this, Saint Louis Vuitton gently raised his hand, and CP1 came immediately.

"My lord, what's your order?"

"Connect to Buggy's phone bug." Saint Louis Vuitton's eyes were bright, with some expectation.

Soon, CP1 came with Buggy's phone worm, which was 80% similar to Buggy. The phone worm with a big red nose stretched his neck and was clearly connected.

"Oh, I'm waiting for your phone bug again, my lord. This must be the luckiest day for me today. I can make a lot of money from both hands, right? No, I can connect with the noble adult on the phone bug. I ran out of luck..."

The sound of Buggy slipping and slapped came from the phone worm's mouth. After a few minutes, even the phone worm began to dance with joy.

"Oh? Anything happy happened?"

Saint Louis Vuitton leaned on the recliner, squinting at the phone bug, with a faint smile on his mouth.

Although the last time Buggy connected to the phone worm, it was like that.

But this time is different, Saint Louis Vuitton can feel it, Buggy is really happy.

This surprised Saint Louis Vuitton.

"My lord is so insightful, I did have something good." Buggy grinned, and the phone bug's head moved one after another.

"Oh? I heard Stracy say that your recent expansion in Beihai is not going well." Saint Louis Vuitton glanced at the phone worm and said casually.

His tone was light, like a casual remark, but Buggy on the phone worm's breath was stagnant, and the sweat couldn't stop it!

The phone worm imitated Buggy's expression vividly, and it was a cold sweat!

"No, no, although I did encounter a little bit, just a little bit of hindrance, but you can rest assured, I can solve it, hahahaha, I can!" Buggy laughed, but this tone sounded better in Saint Louis Vuitton Really a little bit confident, not like the kind of pretending to hold on.

"What are you going to use?" Saint Louis Vuitton got interested, lay sideways on the recliner, and asked with a smile on his cheek.(Read more @

"Hey, I won't talk about it, I will surprise the adults at that time." Buggy grinned.

…Still selling off?

Saint Louis Vuitton smiled, he didn't care, but asked the purpose of the call, "Is the sugar Monet sister I asked you to find out?"


The Buggy version of the phone worm was sweating violently, and Buggy’s grinning voice came from his mouth: "My lord, I haven’t found it yet. Donquixote Family doesn’t want to contact us. It’s not good tea. They are already wary of us. Action."

Having said this, Buggy swallowed hard, and said cautiously: "I beg your lord for some more time..."

Saint Louis Vuitton smiled tolerantly when he heard the words: "Yes, but there is a new task for you, and then help me check another person."

When Buggy heard Saint Louis Vuitton's permission, he was overjoyed. The hanging stone was finally put down, and immediately asked, "Who do you want to check, your lord?"

"A baby girl, she is in Beihai." Saint Louis Vuitton whispered.

Hearing that, there was a brief silence on the phone worm, and then Buggy's tentative voice came:

"...Sir, what's her name?"

"Marianu." Saint Louis Vuitton laughed.

"Okay, no problem, I'll do it now!" Buggy patted his chest as if he was hugging me.


Saint Louis Vuitton responded and raised his hand to indicate that Cp1 understood, and hung up the phone worm.


The phone worm called, and the neck retracted into the snail shell.

At this moment, the other end of the phone worm, the Beihai where Buggy is located!

Buggy now wants to find someone to come and scold him and let it out!

What and what... Looking for a baby girl?

It was difficult to find a child at first, but now it’s even more difficult. Just look for a baby girl!

"Oh my God, the entire North Sea is so big, this is really going to be a needle in a haystack." Buggy covered his face with a look of lovelessness.

It's so difficult.

Don't talk about baby girls, there is no news about Sugar and Monet now!

Thinking of this, Buggy went out and, as usual, summoned the subordinate responsible for tracing into the room.

"How about it, is there any news today?" Buggy asked this sentence again. He asked once a day. He has never missed even one day, just to complete the task assigned by Saint Louis Vuitton!

"...Boss, there is no clue yet, it doesn't look like it can be found at all." There was a bitter gourd face on his subordinates.

He is really weak, he has spent a lot of effort to find, but so far there is no progress.


Buggy listened to it, and wanted to curse even more!

At this moment, a burly figure came by at the door. He was wearing a patterned shirt. His body had obvious fish characteristics. His lips were thick, his nose and brows were thick, and the fins on top of his head were erected, like moxi dry head. .

Obviously, this is a murloc!

As soon as he came in, he glanced around Buggy's room and laughed loudly: "Buggy, you are very nice here, hahahahaha."

"Not bad." Buggy put away his emotions, with a smile on his face, leaning forward...

The murloc who looked fierce and uncomfortable in front of him... but he had a lot of background!

Sunbell, once a fighter in the Roger Pirates, fought side by side with Roger in the Battle of Ait Wo!

Buggy remembers that in the past Roger's era, Sunbell had a bounty of more than 300 million. Fighting was extremely fierce, and a trident was an enemy's nightmare.

Buggy still remembers that Sunbell was brother to a somewhat famous murloc... Well, it should be Tagore, right?

It's just that Sunbell and his brother Tagore have disagreeed on their opinions recently. They were awkward and didn't get along together. By the way, they ran to the North Sea to do something, and then they met Buggy.

"You can be satisfied with me these two days." Buggy looked at this former companion and patted him on the shoulder. There was a memory in his eyes, and he remembered the days he used to be on Roger's boat.

"Of course you can live very well here. In the past, the crew of our Roger Pirates went one by one. Most of them chose to live in seclusion... I haven't seen each other for many years, even the two on board at the time. Little kids have grown up."

Sunbell grabbed Buggy's shoulders and said with a smile: "I'm not surprised that Shanks guy gets up, but you guys can get up, hehehehe, this is really the biggest strange thing."

Sunbell thought of Shanks and Buggy who were still interns on the ship in the past, feeling a little bit sorrowful in his heart.

In the blink of an eye, how many years have passed, these little kids have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Shanks, now in New World, has created a reputation and led a group of subordinates to establish Red Hair Pirates. The bounty has been over 100 million, and he is a strong soldier.

As for Buggy...

"Am I strange..." Buggy murmured.

Sunbell's eyes became more and more weird, and he said with a deep smile: "This time I came to Beihai to fetch some things for Princess Otohime. When I heard your reputation, I almost doubted whether my ears were broken. Look, I didn't expect it to be you, Buggy, you are about to become one of the best forces in the North Sea?"

"Hahahaha, of course..." When Buggy heard this, DNA instinctively moved, and he was about to start boasting, Sunbell suddenly interrupted:

"In other words, your kid's luck is really good. I heard that there is a mysterious big figure behind you who is supporting you? When you were on the boat, your luck was not so good. Now your luck is better?"

Sunbell looked weird and couldn't help asking again, "Buggy, who is the person behind you?"

When Buggy heard the words, he muttered and didn't say anything for a long time.

Of course he can't tell Saint Louis Vuitton out!

The identity of Saint Louis Vuitton must always be kept secret!

Sunbell asked twice again, seeing Buggy secretly not wanting to say it, and jokingly said:

"Buggy, that's not interesting enough for you."


Listening to this, Buggy wanted to swear again, and stubbornly retorted, "Why do I have to have a big person behind me? How can I not compare to that bastard Shanks, why can't he be famous? Sunbell, you wait. , I will be better than him, and then I will step on Shanks!"

"Hahahaha, you can." Sunbell laughed, unable to tell whether it was perfunctory or agreeing.

He didn't mean to continue to ask, but thought of the sadness on Buggy's face when he entered the door, and immediately asked:

"By the way, did you have any troubles before?"


New Year's Eve, happy new year everyone!

A picture of Sunbell is attached~.

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