The boat was paddling alone on the sea.

Smoker was finally tired, and he threw the oar aside, shaking out the last gold leaf cigar from the gold cigar case.

Hold it like a treasure in the palm of your hand, feel out and start the fire.


The lighter flame fluttered, then quickly extinguished, failing to ignite.

"Out of breath?" Smoker took a deep breath, feeling the deep malice of the world.

He retracted his trembling hand and bit the cigar in his mouth just like that. Although he couldn't smoke, he was addicted.

Smoker felt the smell of tobacco in his mouth.

Empty your thoughts and leaned on the board.

His eyes were exhausted and his body was dirty. There was a hole in Marine's uniform, and the scars were faintly visible.

"It's been five days, right?"

Smoker squinted his eyes and looked up at the starry sky, and raised his hand slightly, as if to catch the starlight in the sky.

…It’s been five days since I went to sea!

This is still the case when Smoker can consciously calculate, he didn't know how many days he had been flying in the sky when he was photographed by the bear.

Seven days ago, Smoker successfully landed.

It took him 2 days to find out that the place where he fell was an uninhabited island full of wild beasts. After figuring out this, he couldn't sit still for a moment, and he didn't want to make Saint Louis Vuitton worry about him.

Even if he found out that it was Calm Belt.

Still resolutely set out to sea!

He chopped down the trees, tied up a simple boat with rattan weaving, and sailed into the dangerous Calm Belt one person, one boat and one oar!

There was only one thought in Smoker's mind at the time.

Not going to sea... Do you have to wait on the island?

Don't just sit and wait!

Even in the Calm Belt, my Smoker can break the siege!

Then... the time flies and it's five days later, which is now!

He has been attacked by several Sea Kings back and forth. It is good luck if the ship does not rot, and injuries from falling on his body are inevitable.

"Where am I now?" Smoker bit his cigar and asked himself soul torture.

What's so special... The sea in the Calm Belt looks from left to right, horizontally and vertically, it looks the same. The ghost knows where it is!

"I'm sloppy." Smoker looked at the cigar with only one cigar left, and the dull lighter, and suddenly felt that life was dark, more uncomfortable than having no food.

At this time.


The roaring sound resounded in the rear, exploding in this sea area.

Smoker narrowed his eyes and turned back suddenly!

I saw that the sea in front of me was rising like a mountain, and the underwater was dark and dim. A huge creature was breaking open the water surface. The first thing that appeared was a pair of ferocious white horns. The tons of sea water were lifted up, and the scales reflected the brightness. In the moonlight, a stream of sea water flows down the gap between the scales...

This is a cow head Sea Kings with a body length of more than 300 meters!

A pair of beast eyes that are as big as a house are scarlet and full of wild desire, staring at the Smoker who is as small as an ant in front of it.

"Sea Kings?!"

Smoker jumped up for an instant, his face was so ugly that he was here again!

He was already overwhelmed, and his physical strength and spirit were reaching the limit.

It will really die if this continues.



In the sea, Sea Kings is the overlord, and it is impossible for the ship under his feet to escape.

The beast in front of him, his eyes seemed to say that the prey was a bit smaller, but it could also be used to stuff his teeth.

"Want to kill me? Then take you to fill your stomach and see who the hunter is." Smoker's eyes fell fiercely, and a white mist poured out of his mouth.


The sky-shattering roar of the Bull Head Sea Kings exploded, and hundreds of tons of sea water suddenly rioted as its body twisted. If the boat under Smoker fell into a stormy night, it might be caught in the sea by waves at any time!(Read more @


Smoker rose into the sky, his lower body completely turned into white smoke, and leaped lightly into the air. The smoke-wrapped fist pierced the sky, like a cannonball, hitting the head of Sea Kings.

In an instant, the force enough to pierce the mountain and crack the rock suddenly broke out, and the bull's head Sea Kings shook his body, and his head, which was larger than the mountain, was on the side, bringing hundreds of tons of sea water to roll, roaring like thunder!

At this moment, the scales of the Bull Head Sea Kings exploded, blood splashed out, and huge pits appeared.


The Bull Head Sea Kings howled in pain, the giant tail flicked, and the air exploded, with a strong sound of breaking wind, such as the collapse of a peak and the lowering of Mount Tai, directly hitting Smoker's head.

There was a flash of light in Smoker's eyes.

If Smoker's body is compared to a clear spring, then the spring water has been exhausted at this moment, but Smoker relied on his own willpower to dig three inches of the ground to squeeze out the last trace of ‘spring water’!


The white smoke billowed like a mist, Smoker reached out with both hands extremely fast, flew up to a distance of hundreds of meters, and firmly grasped the horns of Sea Kings.

At this moment.

Smoker's eyes flashed with a very spicy fruity color, and a roar that was comparable to a wild beast erupted in his chest.

With his arms folded, he launched himself like a slingshot!


Bull Head Sea Kings' giant tail rubbed Smoker's body and passed by... escaped!

But Smoker still did not stop, maintaining the forward momentum, and slammed the head of the bullhead Sea Kings unreservedly.

Six styles · Iron Body.


At this moment, the dull bell-ring loudly exploded, and the long and narrow body of Sea Kings, the cow's head, became stiff, and blood mist exploded from the head. Large scales exploded, cracks one after another, and then it made a slight sound. Sobbed, his eyes were white and he fell straight into the sea.

The entire sea was turbulent again, wave after wave, Smoker slammed into the wooden boat like a cannonball.

"Damn, I wouldn't be so unlucky. I didn't die in the hands of Sea Kings. The huge waves raised by the body of Sea Kings rolled up the seabed and drowned, right?" Smoker firmly grasped the edge of the wooden boat with a bright red on his forehead. Bloodline, his eyes were full of red blood. He died when he hit Sea Kings just now, and he was almost too late. It is estimated that he has had a concussion.

I don't know how long it has passed before the sea finally calmed down.

Smoker forcibly supported the body that was about to fall, lying on the edge of the wooden boat and looking towards the sea.

The corpse of Sea Kings is like a white fish, floating on the surface of the sea, the surrounding sea has been stained red with blood.

"Now it's my turn to eat you..." Smoker got up in a muddled manner, grabbed the oars and paddled, leaning towards the corpse of Sea Kings.

He is dead.

Now it is necessary to replenish physical strength.

…The only thing you can eat right now is this Sea Kings, eaten raw!


Just as Smoker was about to approach the corpse of the Bull Head Sea Kings, the sea suddenly rioted and a loud noise exploded.

Smoker's eyes widened.

He saw three or four Sea Kings rushing towards this side!

Was it the blood of Sea Kings that attracted them?

Yes, Sea Kings is a collective term, they also hunt each other!


A fishtail Sea Kings flicked its tail, and a terrifying wave came over, and it was about to cover the boat under Smoker!

"Are you going to die..." Smoker murmured softly as he watched the waves coming.

He has no strength to avoid it.

next moment.

When the huge waves came, Smoker went into the sea with people and the boat!

At the same time, it is a little farther away from here.

A big red ship is slowly sailing in the Calm Belt. This is a weird picture. In the Calm Belt, no one except Marine can sail. Except for the Sea Kings, it is also because there is no sea breeze in the Calm Belt and cannot provide kinetic energy.

But this big ship, without the roar of a horsepower engine, is still driving on a windless sea.

If you look closely, you can find...Under the sea in front of the big ship, there are a few thick sea snakes swimming. They pull the big ship to provide kinetic energy.

There is only one force that can navigate the Calm Belt with this method.

"Daughter Country" Amazon·Lily!

This is a country made up of women throughout the country, a paradise for men, and a hell for men!

At the moment, on the deck of this big ship.

An elderly woman with a small stature, all white hair and a small pink flower on her head was holding a newspaper and reading it over and over.

She is exactly the former emperor of the daughter country, Granny Za (Granny New)!

"Saint Louis Vuitton, Celestial Dragons... This is to completely overthrow the East China Sea." Granny Za muttered in a low voice that only she could hear.

"What's wrong? Mother-in-law."

Beside him, the tall girl Ivrandra, who has long chestnut hair and exposed dress, only covered her body in a three-point manner, asked in a low voice, looking towards Granny Za.

"It's nothing, look at the newspaper." Granny Za smiled, put the newspaper in her hand away, folded it and put it in her pocket.

"Granny, you still cherish newspapers so much." Ivrandra smiled cheerfully.

Granny Zai has this habit, reading every newspaper over and over several times.

"Because we are in Calm Belt." Granny Za gently shook her head. For the daughter country in a remote location like Calm Belt, every piece of information was hard-won.

"By the way, this operation is really a big success. A ship full of supplies is enough for at least half a month, right?" Everlanda's cheeks were reddish, and there was an excited smile.

"There are enough combatants, but the people..." Granny Za was about to go on, when T Wangshou standing on the mast suddenly yelled.

"Mother-in-law, there is movement in the Calm Belt in front of you!"

"What's the matter?" Mother-in-law Zai asked with a frown, keeping her conversation away.

"The sea is rioting...A lot of Sea Kings have appeared. They seem to be fighting for food. One or two...Five Sea Kings have died. All the blood has flowed out. It is estimated that more Sea Kings will be killed. Attract the past!" While looking at the sea, he replied in a loud voice.

"Go around, there is no need to touch the mold and waste unnecessary time." It's no surprise that the daughter country is in the Calm Belt, and she was originally with Sea Kings. It can be said that she often deals with these beasts. She has long been involved. Know how to deal with the emergencies of Sea Kings.

"Wait, Granny Za, there are people on the sea, right next to the rioting Sea Kings!"


Hearing that, Granny Zha looked weird, "Who?"

"It's a man...a man in white clothes, looking like this, it should be Marine!" She narrowed her eyes and looked carefully at the back.

"Leave it alone, it's just a stinky man." A woman curled her lips next to her, eager to see the "man" in her mouth, mentioning these two words, and even turned her head and sneered.

Granny Za frowned.

She had just finished reading the newspaper, and the entire page was full of the words ‘Marine’, which made her instinctively sensitive to Marine.

Almost subconsciously.

Granny Za raised her binoculars and looked towards the rioting sea in the distance.


Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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