Sorry, I Am Invincible

Chapter 357: : You can do it yourself

"Don't you think that this will solve it."

Chi Bing looked at Luo Chen and asked back.

"Then I don't know."

Luo Chen chuckled lightly, and slowly exhaled a light smoke.

"Let me show you something."

Chi Bing said in his mouth, then raised his hand and waved his palm fiercely.



As soon as the voice fell, the ice ball condensed into an ice sword again, and then slanted towards Luo Chen's abdomen.


Luo Chen sighed and condensed an aura again, blocking the attack of Ice Sword.

"It's really difficult, and I have two elemental swords."

Luo Chen curled his lips, said in a low voice, and didn't crush the ice sword again. He knew that no matter how he pinched it, the ice sword should be whatever it should be.

While resisting the Ice Sword, Chi Bing controlled the Fire Sword to continuously attack Luo Chen.

As a result, Luo Chen used the spiritual energy group to resist the Ice Sword, and the Fu Ling Sword resisted the Fire Sword.


Chi Bing watched that Luo Chen's defense would not be broken for a while, couldn't help but scream, the flame above the fire sword burned more violently, and he slashed towards Luo Chen fiercely.

Feeling a heat wave hit in front of him, Luo Chen frowned slightly, and then retreated without hesitation. The green light flashed on the Soul Recovery Sword, and the shield formed by Teng Man appeared diagonally in front of him in the next second. Blocked the fire sword attack.


Teng Man was cut off in half, and the remaining ones were ignited by the fire sword and burned blazingly.

"It's difficult."

Luo Chen shook his head slightly and said, then his left hand squeezed the ice sword in front of his stomach and pulled it out, then his arm was strong and he slammed it towards Teng Man.


There was a muffled sound again, and the ice sword was inserted straight into the Teng Man. The cold air fought against the flame. Half of the Teng Man was frozen into ice, and the other half was burning. Neither of them allowed it to be achieved. A subtle balance.

"Balanced... Tsk tsk, I thought your ice sword would be stronger."

Luo Chen murmured, his voice was not loud, but it made Chi Bing hear clearly.

"Hahaha... want to use my sword to break my sword? Do you think too much."

Chi Bing couldn't help laughing, and then continued to speak.

"The difference in strength between them is not big, but the difference in strength between us is very big."

"Want to fart..."

Luo Chen rolled his eyes and murmured.

But Wang Goudan and the others behind him can see that Luo Chen's cultivation is lower than Chi Bing's. They clenched his fists and watched the battle nervously. Now they can't help anything. Busy, going out is to die, including Xiao Ba and Xiao Bai, not to mention Wang Gou Dan and Lin Wanqing.

"Then try it."

Chi Bing gave a cold cry, raised both hands to manipulate the double swords, smashed the Teng Man shield into pieces, and then flew back to him, floating on his body twice, with the sword pointed straight. Refers to Luo Chen.

"I don't understand where your self-confidence comes from, but in front of me, only self-confidence is useless. I will let you know that there is no way to smooth out the gap in strength with confidence!"

After speaking, he raised his hand and gave a low drink, pointing at Luo Chen.


The two swords rushed towards Luo Chen at an extremely fast speed, so fast that the flame trailing behind the fire sword was four or five meters long.

"Then you underestimated me."

The corner of Luo Chen's mouth twitched slightly, and the whole body screamed in a low spirit.

"Dugu Nine Swords, the first sword!"

Uh... Uhhhh...

A wave of sword energy gushed out from the complex spirit sword, and attacked the two swords, like a net of heaven and earth, intercepting them.

"Also... isn't it Feijian, who hasn't?"

The corner of Luo Chen's mouth was slightly hooked, and he took out the four iron swords from the storage bag, threw them to the ground, and then injected spiritual energy. The four iron swords slowly floated, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at Chi Bing.

"This thing, how many don't you have?"

"How much is it, but what's the gap between them? An ordinary iron sword, you want to stop my double sword?"

Chi Bing sneered, then asked back.

"It's not one, it's four. How did you learn mathematics? You won't be able to find numbers within five?"

The corner of Luo Chen's mouth raised slightly, and he asked back.

"Grandma's legs! Who are you with?"

Chi Bing was stunned with nothing to say, and looked directly at Luo Chen cursed to show his dissatisfaction.

When his voice fell, Ice Sword and Fire Sword also broke through the encirclement of Sword Qi, and continued to rush towards Luo Chen.


Luo Chen raised his hand and let out a low drink, and the four flying swords flew towards the ice sword and fire sword.


The six flying swords fought in an instant, fighting in mid-air. Luo Chen watched carefully, then seized the opportunity to separate a flying sword and pierced towards Chi Bing.


Chi Bing raised his hand and firmly squeezed the iron sword.

"I am embarrassed to take out an ordinary first-grade flying sword? You tried to attack me in vain? Why are you embarrassed, I am ashamed for you."

Chi Bing spoke with a slight pressure with his fingers, and squeezed the iron sword into two pieces.

"I didn't expect it to stab you."

Luo Chen curled his lips, and while talking, he took out another handle from the storage bag, injected the spirit energy, and was thrown towards the battle group.

The six flying swords clinked in midair, but it was obvious that Chi Bing's double swords were stronger, and Luo Chen's four iron swords quickly deformed slightly.

"Throw it out?"

Luo Chen looked at the Rejuvenating Sword in his hand, and then shook his head, dispelling the idea.

Now Chi Bing is just staring at his things. What if Chi Bing ran away with his double swords after he threw them out? At that time, he would call someone to make sense.


Another iron sword was chopped in half, dropped to the ground, and turned into a pile of scrap iron.

"I told you that you won't be my opponent. Why don't you surrender as soon as possible so that you can relax and I can relax?"

Chi Bing sneered again, watching Luo Chen speak out without any haste, trying to persuade him to surrender.

But Luo Chen was the kind of person who took the initiative to surrender. He stared at him, watching Chi Bing righteously speak.

"It's impossible for me to surrender! No... it's not impossible!"

"Oh? What? You figured it out?"

Chi Bing raised his eyebrows slightly, looking at Luo Chen and asking.

"Yes, but for me to surrender, there is also a very important condition as a prerequisite."

Luo Chen nodded, and said slowly.

"What are the conditions? Tell me, I see if I can satisfy you."

Chi Bing waved his hand furiously and said.

"You judge yourself."

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