Sorry, I Am Invincible

Chapter 366: :Big ear posts

Before Luo Chen finished speaking, he was dragged into the pool by the dragon crocodile and choked severely.

"This beast... unexpectedly attacked me."

Luo Chen cursed secretly and opened his eyes underwater, adapting to the dim environment, while the dragon crocodile grabbed his calf and dragged him down the pool.

This is how the dragon crocodile preys. If the prey does not resist fiercely, it will be dragged into the water and drowned. Tear it off and swallow it.


Luo Chen screamed inwardly again, then stretched out his other foot and kicked the dragon crocodile to death.

Although there was a lot of resistance on this foot underwater, the dragon crocodile who was still kicking this foot was slightly stunned. In its small head, it didn't understand why the prey had not resisted, but now it suddenly resisted.

After the dragon crocodile was stunned, it seemed that Luo Chen was kicked out of ferociousness with this kick, and he bit him so hard that he wanted to bite Luo Chen's calf off.

But Luo Chen is not so easy to deal with. There is aura on his calves, so don't worry too much, so he kicks towards the dragon crocodile again, and kicks the dragon crocodile one foot after another. On the head.

A fierce light appeared in Long Crocodile's eyes, and then he tried to twist his body, twisting Luo Chen's calf abruptly.

"Naughty animal, what do you think of me?"

Luo Chen sneered in his heart, and kept wrapping spiritual energy on the bitten calf, layer by layer, relying on this simple and crude method to make the dragon crocodile unable to exert any force.

When it found that it was unable to use its strength, a trace of doubt flashed in its eyes, and it was very puzzled why this happened, and at the same time it would not twist its body.

I can't bite, what's the use of twisting?

Luo Chen looked at the opportunity and kicked the dragon crocodile's head fiercely.

With this kick out, the dragon crocodile rolled out, and Luo Chen's calf was pulled out of its mouth.

"Hunting time begins."

Luo Chen twisted his neck and stared at the dragon crocodile closely.


The furious dragon crocodile swayed its thick tail and rushed straight towards Luo Chen.

"'s a fierce little thing."

Luo Chen said in his heart, and at the same time spread his arms, as if he wanted to embrace the dragon crocodile.


The dragon crocodile arrived in front of Luo Chen in a blink of an eye, but before it hit Luo Chen’s body, Luo Chen dodged him, and then Luo Chen stretched out his right hand and directly held it on his head, not very long. After pulling his arm hard, he rolled over and rode on the dragon crocodile, holding the horns of the dragon crocodile tightly with both hands.

"Look at how I treat you..."

Luo Chen firmly grasped the horns of the dragon crocodile and pulled it upward, trying to make the dragon crocodile swim to the surface.

But how could the furious dragon crocodile listen to Luo Chen's mercy? As soon as it turned over, it plunged into the water, while still twisting its body desperately, trying to shake Luo Chen down. .

Although its body was slippery, Luo Chen's long legs were just enough to encircle its abdomen, and his feet were hooked together. It was not so easy for Long Crocodile to shake Luo Chen off.

The dragon crocodile has its big mouth open, and its whole body is twisting vigorously. It has always been the top predator in this pool. When has it ever suffered this kind of grievance?

Luo Chen's arm still kept exerting force, trying to change the direction and float to the surface of the water.

"Naughty animal! Obedient, waiting will make you die!"

Luo Chen fiercely released a spirit balloon, wrapped the two of them in the middle, and gave a low drink in his mouth.

Suddenly losing the buoyancy of the water, the dragon crocodile was a little uncomfortable, and its four claws kept scratching, but it was surrounded by Luo Chen's spiritual energy, and it couldn't take advantage of it at all.

Luo Chen dissipated the spirit balloon, and the dragon crocodile was dizzy due to the sudden rush of water, and for a while, he lost his way. When it reacted, he found that he was swimming towards the surface of the water.

The angry dragon crocodile immediately turned its direction after discovering that it was wrong, and plunged into the water at the fastest speed. This time, no matter what Luo Chen tried harder, it did not turn its direction.

And its goal is a big rock in the water.

"I'm lost! You want to die together?"

Luo Chen's eyes glared for an instant, and the dragon crocodile had heavy scales, but he only had armor on his upper body. Such a collision... seemed to be fine.

But he just didn't want to suffer this loss. Just as the dragon crocodile was about to approach, Luo Chen's arms were slightly hard, and he was always ready to avoid the stones.

When the distance to the big rock was less than one meter, the dragon crocodile turned fiercely, and the right side of the body slammed into the big rock, trying to give Luo Chen a hard hit.

However, Luo Chen let go of his right hand, and his left hand held the left corner of the dragon crocodile tightly, and the whole person hid on the left side of the dragon crocodile.


The big rock shuddered by the huge force, the mud and sand under the water were lifted up, and the dragon crocodile was dizzy by this blow, and it is estimated that it will not be able to recover for a while.

"Cut... I can't think about calculating others?"

Luo Chen glanced at the dragon crocodile with disdain, then waved his right fist and shone its head a few times.

After nodding satisfied, Luo Chen dragged the rather large dragon crocodile upstream, even though his cultivation was advanced, he felt a little dizzy now.

The dragon crocodile seemed to be dead, letting Luo Chen drag it.


"It can be regarded as coming up, it's not easy to deal with you underwater."

Luo Chen let out a long sigh, and then dragged the dragon crocodile to swim towards the shore.

The dragon crocodile dragged in by Luo Chen slowly opened his eyes in a place where Luo Chen could not see, his paw moved slightly, and then he opened his mouth sharply and bit towards Luo Chen's waist.


The movement of the dragon crocodile raised a splash of water, and Luo Chen subconsciously pushed the head of the dragon crocodile out of his subconscious arm, making it impossible to bite himself.

"Okay, pretending to be dead."

Luo Chen gritted his teeth and said, then waved his right hand, and a big-eared sticker came towards the head of the dragon crocodile.

The dragon crocodile was beaten again, Luo Chen didn't know how much his big blue fight had caused this dragon crocodile's heart shadow.

After approaching the shore, Luo Chen's arm was hard, and he threw the dragon crocodile on it.


The body of the dragon crocodile fell heavily to the ground, raising a piece of stone, and Luo Chen also squatted on the shore, raising his foot on the body of the dragon crocodile.

After raising his hand to straighten out his scattered hair and combing himself with a handsome big back, Luo Chen lowered his head and looked at the dragon crocodile and said.

"You beast, how do you want to die? Is it stewed? Or roasted? I think deep-frying is fine."

As he spoke, Luo Chen already felt a fragrance wafting out, and he couldn't help eating this dragon crocodile.

I didn't know that this dragon crocodile suddenly struggled, and Luo Chen couldn't step on it at all because of his naked scales, and he slid out.

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