Sorry, I Am Invincible

Chapter 369: : Godfather is right in front of you


Luo Chen, with full burst of speed, hit it with a punch before the dragon crocodile could react, and then it was an attack like a gust of wind and rain.

Bang bang bang bang...

A muffled sound kept coming out, and the scales on the dragon crocodile's body were cracked by Luo Chen, and the body was already unsteady. The limbs were trembling and swaying, and it seemed that they were about to fall soon. On the ground.

"Damn! Turn me into a charcoal grilled crocodile head!"

Luo Chen gave a low yell from his mouth, then jumped up and kicked the dragon crocodile's head.


The dragon crocodile hit the ground directly after this foot, and could no longer support it. The huge force smashed the ground into a pit of one and a half meters, and the dragon crocodile’s body was embedded in it, and after struggling for a few times I didn't breathe anymore and couldn't move anymore.

Luo Chen sat on the dragon crocodile, breathing well, and then took out a huazi and tapped it.

"Tell me about you, what's the use after Longhua? Let me hit you more enjoyable?"

Luo Chen spoke slowly, looked down at the dragon crocodile, and found that most of the scales on its body had been broken. Obviously, it was impossible to make a leather bag, and it was useless. In a bag.

After a flower burned out, Luo Chen patted his **** and stood up, found a tree of suitable thickness, and slammed a punch.

Boom... Click... The trees broke at the sound.

Then Luo Chen dragged the tree with his left hand, and the dragon crocodile with his right hand, and walked toward the edge of the pool. After all, it was comfortable to eat a small barbecue by the water.

Throwing the dragon crocodile there, Luo Chen handled the tree first, and saw that he released his sword energy, cut off all the branches of the tree, and then cut the trunk into a size suitable for burning, and then processed the branches to select Some of the appropriate length and thickness are reserved for skewered crocodile meat.

After setting up the fire, Luo Chen began to deal with the dragon crocodile, dividing it into pieces of meat and skewering them. As for the limbs, they were left to be roasted separately. As for the huge skeleton, Luo Chen casually threw it aside, anyway. It won't be long before other spirit beasts will come over to eat it clean. As for the skin, Luo Chen will use it to wrap the meat skewers that cannot be eaten after it is cleaned up.

"Today is a good day..."

Luo Chen hummed a little song happily, turning over the dragon crocodile leg on the fire. It was a hind leg, which was three or four times larger than the corbel, but not as long as the corbel.

After a while, the scent floated out, not only the meaty scent, but also a faint smell. Luo Chen didn't know what the specific scent was. In short, it was very appetizing.

It deserves to have the blood of the dragon clan, if this is eaten, how will it be made up? "

Luo Chen smiled, brushing the oil and sprinkling the seasoning, the whole dragon crocodile leg was roasted with oily, seductive shine.

Soon, the dragon crocodile legs were cooked, Luo Chen moved it aside, took out a knife, and ate it piece by piece.

When Luo Chen was eating Zhengxiang, a group of people walked out of the woods noisily. It was the monks who were close to watching Luo Chen's Tribulation, but Luo Chen didn't know or cared, just where they were. Talking to himself.

Those people found Luo Chen and walked towards him.

"Hey...that beggar, have you seen a heroic man?"

A local tyrant looked at Luo Chen and asked with a grin and big golden teeth.


Luo Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then examined himself. He was naked, with wet hair draped behind his head. One leg of his trousers was intact, and the other leg was completely torn into cloth strips, stained with blood, and his face also had The wound is indeed more like a beggar.

But have they seen such a handsome and robust beggar?

"What a heroic and heroic person, I am the only one here."

Luo Chen said dullly, still eating the roasted dragon crocodile legs seriously. As for what those people were going to do or who they were looking for, he didn't care at all.

"Tsk...After the expert crossed the Tribulation, the aura he left behind clearly came straight here."

Someone among the crowd frowned and said, with a face full of doubts.

Luo Chen understood that the person they were looking for was himself, but he didn't know whether they were enemies or friends, so Luo Chen decided not to reveal his identity.

And he didn't know these people, he didn't care about what he wanted to do, he just said silently in his heart: What are you doing with me is inexplicable.

"I don't know where my godfather went. I just got through the thunder robbery and was attacked by the thunder robbery. I am a godfather and I am very worried."

It was the middle-aged wretched man, standing in the crowd, and said loudly with a worried expression on his face.

Hearing this, Luo Chen spewed out the meat just as soon as he delivered it to the entrance.

When did he have such a godson? And judging from this aspect, the age is so old, enough to be a godfather for others, why do you lick your face and want to be a godson for others?

The middle-aged man also saw Luo Chen's strangeness, and then took a few steps forward, and asked with an unhappy face.

"What do you mean? Huh?"

"No...not interesting."

Luo Chen wiped the corners of his mouth, and then slowly sliced ​​the next piece of meat into the mouth.

"I'm just curious, you are so old, how old is your godfather?"

"Then you don't need to worry about it. What do you do with an outsider in the matter between me and my godfather?"

The middle-aged man rolled his eyes, said aloud, and then looked around, trying to find the whereabouts of his godfather, as everyone knows, his godfather was sitting in front of him and eating barbecue.

Luo Chen didn't continue to argue with him either. He didn't care much about this kind of shameless person, so he could do whatever he wanted. It didn't have much to do with him anyway.

Everyone was talking noisily there now. There were too many people and the voice was too messy, and Luo Chen couldn't hear it.

"I said...what are you looking for him for."

Luo Chen couldn't bear the noise and asked them aloud.

"What do you care about us?"

Da Jinya rolled his eyes and said something.

"Nonsense, can I not look for my godfather?"

The wretched middle-aged man also replied.

"We just want to get acquainted with that big guy. After all, it's such a vision. It's the first time I've seen it. I feel very surprised."

A man dressed as a scholar looked at Luo Chen and explained.

Luo Chen nodded without saying anything.

These people want to get acquainted with Luo Chen, but Luo Chen doesn't want to get acquainted with them. There are all kinds of people who are in a mess. After getting to know him, he may decide what trouble he will cause.

After cultivating for so many years, Luo Chen has taken a very light look at interpersonal relationships, which is dispensable for him, and useless contacts are also a burden.

"I said... Do you know or not?"

Da Jinya frowned, looked at Luo Chen and asked.

"I think you know what you are like."

"You may know, or you may not know."

Luo Chen said slowly, and then continued to eat the barbecue in front of him.

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