Sorry, I Am Invincible

Chapter 393: :Karma? What happened

"Luo Chen! I warn you! It's almost done!"

Xu Yulong snorted and looked at Luo Chen very annoyed, because Luo Chen's hack just now made him unable to fight back, so he could only be hacked out bit by bit.

"Why? I can't stand it after only two strokes?"

Luo Chen slid the Resurrection Sword in one hand and looked at Xu Yulong and asked.

"If I hit you directly, don't you have to cry?"

"I warn you! Don't insult me! Otherwise you will feel better!"

Xu Yulong lifted the knife and pointed it at Luo Chen, then let out a low voice.

"Hahaha... guess I believe it?"

Luo Chen laughed loudly, and then squeezed the hilt of the Fuling Sword with both hands, and screamed fiercely.

"Dugu Nine Swords, Fifth Sword!"

When the voice fell, the spiritual energy on Luo Chen began to surge, toward the complex spirit sword, and at the same time, a panlong phantom gradually appeared on the complex spirit sword.

"Huh? What's going on? It was not so high-end before."

Luo Chen murmured, but he didn't have time to think about it. Now that the move is ready, he has to slash towards Xu Yulong.


I saw that Panlong phantom opened his big mouth and howled, and went straight to Xu Yulong with the Fuling Sword.

Xu Yulong also stared at the Panlong phantom with his eyes widened, and was surprised at the power emanating from it. He could only hurriedly waved the ghost sword and let out a low drink in his mouth.

"Ghost King Angrily Slash!"

The words fell, Luo Chen's attack arrived before he had time to swing the big knife in his hand.


The aura exploded, and Xu Yulong fell straight towards the ground. The blow he had not swung out just now made him choke.

Luo Chen seized the opportunity, exploded with full speed, caught up with Xu Yulong, and gave him a kick in his stomach fiercely.


Xu Yulong's speed was faster, and he fell straight towards the ground, and then there was a bang, the trees shattered, the dust was flying, the sleeping birds and beasts were instantly awakened and fled in all directions.

This hit the ground and cleared a clearing directly. The only drawback was that there was a big pit in the clearing, and Xu Yulong was lying in the bottom of the pit, breathing heavily.

This is not because he is tired, but simply angry, being angry by Luo Chen.

"That's how you killed me? Just rely on you? I smiled to the Lord."

Luo Chen sneered at Xu Yulong, who was floating in the air with a sword in his hand, watching Xu Yulong in the pit. He doesn't have the slightest affection for this person. He hacks other people's houses as soon as he comes up. Who is it?

"Luo Chen... I warn you not to be arrogant, otherwise you will feel better."

Xu Yulong gritted his teeth and threatened. He stood up with his arms on the ground and then jumped out of the pit with a slight leap with his legs.

"You come down, let's fight for life and death!"

Lifting the knife and pointing straight at Luo Chen in the air, Xu Yulong snorted again, narrowing his eyes, looking very unconvinced.

"Okay! I satisfy you!"

Luo Chen let out a low drink in his mouth, raised the Soul Recovering Sword with both hands, and slashed towards Xu Yulong again.

He only said to let Luo Chen go down, but he didn't say how to let Luo Chen go down. Wouldn't he also go down when he went down with this knife?

Looking at Luo Chen's sword with the momentum of opening the mountain and breaking the sea, Xu Yulong decided that he should not resist for the first time. Multiple.


Luo Chen pierced the air with a sword and hit the ground. After a loud noise, he started with the point of the Fuling Sword and opened a huge gap. It was a hundred meters long and more than half a meter wide. As for how deep it was, before Luo Chen could take a closer look, he felt a strong wind coming from behind him.

"Sneak attack!"

With a low drink in his mouth, Luo Chen directly turned around and slashed behind him, but the sight he saw at the moment he turned around made him stunned slightly.

It was a spirit body burning with black and purple flames, wielding an aura sword in his hand. It looked almost the same size as Xu Yulong, but Xu Yulong stood well by the side.


The revival sword was swung, and the spirit body was divided into two, but the spirit body seemed to be unharmed and recovered quickly.

"My Nima...what the hell?"

Luo Chen cursed secretly, and his feet flashed to the side, pulling away from the strange spirit body, ready to observe carefully.

"Hahaha... that's right, that's a ghost!"

Xu Yulong laughed, looked at Luo Chen proudly, and said slowly.

"That is the spirit body I have tamed, no different from a ghost, but it is burning with karma, bloodthirsty... violent, and there is only one thought for people other than me, that is, killing!"

Hearing Xu Yulong's rather detailed explanation, Luo Chen frowned slightly, and muttered quietly in his mouth as he looked at the spirit body that was about to rush towards him.

"Spirit body... Karma fire, it's a bit difficult to deal with."

"Where did he get the karma? Tsk... I didn't expect Xu Yulong to have some capital."


Another sword slashed out, easily splitting the spirit body, but there was still no harm.

"Hahaha...Don't bother, ordinary weapons have no effect on my spirit body."

Xu Yulong looked at Luo Chen's appearance and couldn't help but laugh out proudly. He liked to see his enemies awkwardly and hurriedly.

"It doesn't matter if it's useful... I just want to know, how did you do it?"

Luo Chen distanced himself from the spirit body again and asked Xu Yulong aloud.

"What do you think? Do you think I will tell you?"

Xu Yulong stared at Luo Chen and said in a deep voice.

"This is my bottom card, just tell you? Are you thinking too much, huh?"

"Okay, then I won't ask."

Luo Chen mumbled, he didn't expect Xu Yulong to tell him from the beginning. But I still have to ask, if Xu Yulong's brain is not good, don't you just tell him?

It doesn't have to be a bad brain, in case it is to pretend to be forced, or think that Luo Chen is already in a mortal situation, and tell Luo Chen, then Luo Chen is making a lot of money?

"Unexpectedly, you still have a little brain."

Luo Chen mumbled another sentence, and it landed completely in Xu Yulong's ears.

"You dare to scold me!"

Xu Yulong widened his eyes and let out a low cry in his mouth.

"Give it to me! Kill him!"

The spirit body received the order and rushed towards Luo Chen at a very fast speed, the karma on his body was burning, and it burned more and more fiercely.


Luo Chen swung a knife again, splitting the spirit body in half, but the karma fire almost burned Luo Chen's eyes, and the distance from Luo Chen was only a finger.

" can really brag."

Luo Chen suddenly laughed, looked at Xu Yulong with contempt and said.

"what do you mean?"

Xu Yulong's expression sank, looking at Luo Chen and asking.

"You said that above your spirit body is karma fire?"

Luo Chen asked aloud while avoiding the attack of the spirit body.

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