Sorry, I don't play poker on luck

Chapter 144 Are you also a newcomer?

Outside the barrier, everyone couldn't help sighing when they saw the card.

"I didn't expect that Coach Shi would fight the curator until the end."

"Recently, I followed the curator to play the game or watched other people come to play the game. Never once did I fight for this sake."

"Perhaps the only thing that was a little close was the draw between Ping Ju and the curator. But at that time, the two sides just revealed all the regular cards, and the draw was straight away. I don't know what kind of agreement was reached at the poker table."

"It seems that this year's Xiupai Pavilion may be about to achieve results."

Xiaohou in the crowd heard this, and for a moment didn't know what to say.

The opponent who was on the same stage as me in the new star comprehensive competition a month or two ago, is now able to play evenly with my master.

He didn't even know how to describe his bitter mood, it was not a taste anyway.

At this time, another Void commentator came online in the crowd.

"Don't look at the curator's trump card with only 20 blood points left, but Coach Shi wants to's actually not easy."

He looked at the cards and said slowly.

"Because the curator's [Golden Demon Mother] can provide 30 [healing] points per round."

"And pay attention, this [Healing] is clearly stated as 'automatically obtained', which means that even if it is controlled, it can still restore blood."

"Then unless the newly revealed card by Coach Shi also has the effect of [Forbidden Healing], if you want to win, you must immediately drop [Golden Demon Mother] in the first round of revealing the card."

"If you want to kill [Golden Demon Mother] in seconds, you must consider the 5 points of [Shield]."

"The trump card of the instant coach must have 25 points of attack power to be enough to win."

"Furthermore, consider that the curator can let [Golden Demon Mother] reduce the damage through [defense], and then delay the number of rounds to recover blood."

"Then coach's trump card requires an upgrade. He must have at least 45 attack power in order to win."

"45 points of damage - 5 points of [shield], hit [defense] with 20 points of damage left, just right."

"It doesn't sound too difficult. Maybe we don't have the [Forbidden Healing] card, but I believe that everyone has a card with an attack power of more than 45 points. This is not uncommon."

"But it should be noted that the key problem is that the coach only has 10 points left."

"For a card with 10 points, I want to have 45 points of attack power, or I want to deal 45 points of damage to [Golden Demon Mother] in one round."

"I'm afraid it can only be done by an S-level demon-killing card, right?"

"Instead of expecting that kind of impossible card to appear, it is better to expect that what the coach will reveal next will still be the [Forbidden Treatment] card."

"But [Forbidden Treatment] is such a rare effect, can Coach Shi really have two?"

Hearing his analysis, everyone nodded, thinking it made sense.

At this moment, Lan Pi's face sank like water: Yes, this analysis is indeed correct.

But he also knew that Coach Shi could surprise them every time.

So this time will it be...

Obviously, the point at which Shili can come back has been analyzed.

So the conclusion is.

Where did he get the S-level demon-killing card or the second [Forbidden Healing] card.

"I surrender."

Shi Li spread out his hands, and the trump card was not revealed.

Before his pitiful 10-point trump card is revealed, if he can't beat Wang Defa, then he really can't do it.

With his deck, he was putting all his eggs in one basket.

Facing Wang Defa's powerful deck, he bet all his treasures on regular cards.

The result was a little bit close, there was no way.

In general, this game was actually a normal performance, or an extraordinary performance.

Although there are times when mistakes are caught, there are also times when they fall into the opponent's calculations and are predicted.

But there are also times when the opponent is caught, and there are times when the prediction is successful.

After all, the opposite is the curator of a card gym, the top of the fault in the player circle.

Whether it's experience, deck strength, or richness of the deck, they are all stronger than themselves.

It is impossible to expect that the opponent will be like Ah Xiong, Catfish Head, etc., and I will seize the initiative all the way, so let's fight.

And even for opponents at the level of Ah Xiong and Niaoyutou, as long as the battle line is stretched, Shi Li thinks he can't beat them.

For example, if you fight 10 games in a row with the same person, maybe he can win the previous 2~4 games.

Because at the back, all his decks will be exposed.

Anyway, being able to fight this situation now, Shi Li felt that he was OK.

It's a pity, but it can't be helped.


As he pressed the surrender button, the card table began to converge, and the barrier slowly receded.

"Curator, it's amazing."

"The curator is mighty."

"Curator Wang is amazing."

"As expected of you, curator."

The audience was stunned for a moment, and after realizing it, they sent compliments and thumbs up to Wang De one after another. Only Lan Pi, who was hiding in the crowd, raised his middle finger.

There is a bit of essence in this hidden word.

(It turns out that you also know that this gesture has other meanings, right?)

Immediately caught the slight flickering gesture of Lanpi.

I thought that if the other party raised his middle finger in the future, it would really be a good time to savor it carefully.

At this moment, a palm patted his shoulder.

"Hour, very good, you played very well."

Wang Defa, whose back was sweating just now, now smiled brightly.

Because no matter what, he won after all.

The joy of winning a tough battle is quite satisfying for a poker player.

At the same time, it also shows that unconsciously, he has recognized the opponent's players at the poker table.

"Old Wang Ni is still amazing."

Shi Li is honest as a loser.

"Actually, you didn't lose."

At this time, Wang Defa said again: "Because your scene cards basically didn't play any role."

"And I can win you because of [Golden Demon City]."

"If neither side has a scene card, or if you have a B-level, no, a better C-level scene card, then you must have won already."

"Remember, my promise to you is still valid, and the door of Wang Defa's card hall is always open for you."

The more he looked at this kid, the more he liked him.

No way, poker players just like strong poker players.

But when his words were heard in the ears of other people present, the taste gradually began to change.

"Join if you can't beat it. Coach Shi Li was impressed by the curator Wang Defa at the poker table."

"Director Wang Defa acknowledged the strength of Coach Shi Li, and declared to the public that he lost to Coach Shi Li."

"Coach Shi beat Director Wang, so winning Coach Shi is equal to winning Director Wang?"

"If this word gets out, I'm afraid the coach will add a lot of challengers."

"Yes, that would be interesting."

The further back, the more it seems to deviate from the truth.

As the saying goes, three people become tigers, but they can be fabricated on the spot in front of the parties involved. It seems that these guys are not serious guys on weekdays.

"Go away! Don't you have to go to work?"

Faced with these remarks, Wang Defa could only laugh and scold.

After dispersing the crowd, he asked Shi Li to sit down with Lan Pi.


Playing with the golden teacup, Wang Defa suddenly became serious: "Did you know about the delegation of the Balance Card Hall?"


Shi Li recounted the matter of Ping Ju's post.

"That's good."

Wang Defa nodded after listening, and then said: "Today's game, I have already explained to my subordinates in advance."

"Only the results are allowed to be revealed, not the process."

"So in the next period of time, don't take out those few cards of yours, especially [Broken Sword] and [Unnamed Sword Spirit]."

Having said that, he looked at Lan Pi.

The meaning of this look is quite obvious.

"I'm in the same card room as the supervisor, so of course it's impossible to reveal his deck!"

Lan Pi understood the other party's eyes, and his expression turned serious.

"Okay, you guy."

Shi Li looked at the other party with admiration.

I can't help but raise my thumb: know the general.

Blue Pi: Are you praising me or scolding me?

Shi Li: Guess.

Blue Pi: ..., I think it has both meanings.

"I heard that there are several players who are about your age in the delegation of the Equilibrium Card Hall."

At this time, Wang Defa said again: "The situation is very similar to yours. They are both rookie players with qualifications within one year."

"I heard that they will also participate in the city competition in the Balanced Region."

"Maybe you should pay more attention to them, after all, they are the same age."

After speaking, he picked up the golden teacup and took a sip of tea.


Hearing that they are also newcomers and of the same age, Shi Li couldn't help being a little interested.

Lanlan City's representative selection mechanism is similar to theirs, and the players who can be selected by the Balance Card Hall are definitely not weak.

As a rookie player, he can still stand out from the veteran players and be recommended, which is already a proof of strength.

Such an opponent, let alone, he is really interested in meeting for a while.

I am tired of always playing against players who are stronger than myself. It is not bad to find a few decks of similar strength to change the taste.

"It's still some time before those guys come over, you can try to go to the dungeon to improve it."

"At that time, give them a good blow."

Hearing Wang De's tone, it seems that he doesn't like these foreign delegations too much.

"Okay, old Wang, I'll go first if it's okay, old Wang."

Shi Li looked at the time and decided to leave.

The purpose of this trip is to earn points, if you don't get it from Lao Wang, you have to get it from other places.

Before leaving, he actually had a record.

On the way back from Wang Defa's card shop, there are two card shops along the way. You can go to a wave of catfish heads, then go to a wave of Axiong, and then go home.

Catfish Head: ?

A Xiong:?

So he told Lan Pi the plan, and they embarked on a new road to kick the gym.

The next two stops went relatively smoothly, and both Niaoyutou and Axiong happened to be there.

He didn't use any of the [Unnamed Sword Spirit], [Baoheng Sword], [Origin of Hostile Qi] cards that were immediately available.

Generally speaking, the two rounds were played back and forth, even without any danger.

But at least it won.

In this way, his points also rose smoothly to 40 points, widening the gap with the players behind.

In the end, Shi Li did not return to the show hall, but asked Lan Pi to take him home along the way.

Originally just came out of the dungeon, and played 4 consecutive games, he was quite tired.

But after rewashing and lying on the bed, he couldn't fall asleep.

After thinking about it, I decided to open the card making panel.

The question of [Martial Monkey] has been lingering in my mind.

The passive counterattack of this card is undoubtedly very good.

If you have to say it, it can be called the best of the B-level cards.

But cards like this cannot be completely judged by just looking at the panel.

You need to be on the poker table to see the real chapter, and you have to go through enough practice.

It has been proven through actual combat that this card has obvious flaws.

First of all, the first obvious disadvantage is that the passive [penetration] is relatively easy to lose control and lacks initiative.

In the previous game with Ah Xiong, and in the game with Wang Defa just now, they both used this to reveal the trump card in advance.

To be honest, when the opposite card is relatively complete, especially when there are guard cards, it is very unfavorable for the enemy to reveal the trump card in advance.

Because it is equivalent to one more card participating in the battle, forming a 7 vs 6 situation.

In addition, although this [Penetrate] is relatively cheap compared to other [Penetrate], it does not require energy and is a permanent passive.

But the problem is, its output is also cheap.

There will often be damage of the order of 0.25 on the spot, and even when the counterattack penetrates the [defensive] target, even 0.125 will come out with three decimal places.

With numbers of this magnitude, there is a big, very important question.

That's what made him dazzled and made his head hurt.

Especially card counting, it's really annoying.

So Shi Li decided to make a good use of the [Martial Monkey] card.

The core mechanism of counterattack should be retained, but [Penetration] needs to be rectified.

If it didn't work, I gave it up. Anyway, so far, I haven't seen how much damage this automatic [Penetrate] can do.

But the specific operation, how to do it...

Looking at the card making panel full of but unsatisfactory preview results, he was a bit at a loss as to what to do.

So he didn't rest at all, he got up and ordered a takeaway, which was delivered to the door of the association.

Then he took a taxi by himself and set off for the association.

Because I made an appointment, the takeaway was just delivered when I arrived at the association.

So he stuffed a few mouthfuls of food casually, and Shi Li came to the library again.

When there is obsession in the heart, people will be particularly focused and tireless.

When I stood in front of the bookshelf, I stood there for 2 hours.

Fortunately, the association library is open 24 hours, so there is no time concern.

Two hours later, he went to the automatic drink machine in the lobby outside and bought a bottle of Little Raccoon Niu Niu. He found a place to sit down and rest.

There are many books in the library, and there are intelligent robots to help with the search.

But Shi Li still didn't find the answer he wanted.

First of all, let's take a look at the card [Martial Monkey].

【Martial Monkey】

Balanced, 30 points, B

Attack 15, 100/100

[Through Strength - Passive]: Fighting Monkey's attack power -15, direct attack will be halved [Penetrate]

[Body Expert - Passive]: Fighting Monkey can't [Defend], but the damage -10 when receiving a direct attack

[Monkey Fist Counter-Strike-Passive]: When Martial Monkey receives a direct attack, it immediately performs a 50% direct attack on the target

([Penetrate]: When attacking the target, it will cause equal damage to an adjacent target behind it)

His idea is to find a skill with high enough compatibility and high enough fit to replace [Tongjin].

But I couldn't get a satisfactory result from the preview, so I wanted to see if there was any information about card shuffling, which was about the entry of "penetrating".

In particular, see if there are any more suitable entries for [Penetrate], which can make it change from [Penetrate] to another effect or something.

If there is such a similar entry, maybe I can rub out such a material card by rubbing the cards first, and then take this material card to rub against [Martial Monkey].

As a result, after browsing for a long time under the guidance of the intelligent robot, I found that it was basically about how to strengthen the entry [through].

Occasionally, there are a few articles about [Penetration] replacement, which are nowhere near the itching, and I can't get to the point I want.

"Hey, why are you here?"

Just when Shi Li closed his eyes and looked distressed, a voice sounded in front of him.

He opened his eyes and saw Gong Ping, whom he hadn't seen for a long time: "Boss Cai?"

"Why, are you here to squat as a novice?"

Gong Ping found out the surprise of his colleagues.

He stayed here for so long, and it was the first time he met a colleague. The key point was that he still knew this person.

That's... what's the name?

"Um, of course not."

But Shi Li immediately denied it.

"Then what are you doing here?"

Gong Ping expressed doubts.

"Forget it, you don't even understand."

Shi Li waved his hand.

"If you don't tell me, how can I understand?"

Gong Ping doesn't know people well.

Hearing this, Shi Li couldn't help but look him up and down.

Anyway, idle is idle, how about... share?

What's more, it's not a secret about myself.

When people can't think of a solution, they might as well borrow a brain to help them think about it, maybe there will be a turning point.

He looked at each other again.

Oh, no, maybe only half a brain can be borrowed.

"You have weird eyes, are you scolding me?"

"No, you're thinking too much."

So Shi Li told Gong Ping the general story of the matter.


But Gong Ping didn't seem to be interested in it, so he turned around and walked away after listening.

After more than ten minutes, this guy reappeared in front of Shi Li with a book in his hand.

"Look at this, maybe it can help you."

After finishing speaking, the other party threw the book into Shi Li's arms.

"?,What's the meaning."

Shi immediately caught the book and expressed his puzzlement.

"When I usually come here to squat, I occasionally like to go to the library to rummage."

"Don't look at me like this, I have the ability to never forget, it's natural."

Gong Ping pointed to his head.

"Then you are still good at playing cards? Are you born with it?"

Shi Li expressed doubts.

It stands to reason that if you are a person with a photographic memory, you wouldn't be able to play cards to this extent.

"Hey, you can scold me, but you can't insult me."

Gong has a flat face.

"... But to scold you is to insult you, isn't it?"

Instantly complain.

And what is meant by "don't look at me like this", didn't you say this yourself.

Just allow yourself to insult yourself and not allow others to insult you?

What's the point.

"Anyway, take a look and remember to return it for me after reading it."

Gong Ping waved his hand and walked away quickly.

Because he has found the target, there are newcomers to register today!

A strange guy with half a robot and half a red and blue demon, looks easy to bully!



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