The enemy was in a hurry to get out of the way.

"Report, the swarm is coming towards us!"

"We don't have enough firepower to suppress these bugs."

"A swarm of thousands of bugs was found at eight o'clock!"

There was a noisy voice in the communication channel, and various messages came one after another.

Su Lan took off her headphones and looked at the battlefield in front of her.

The corpses of the bugs had piled up more than one meter high, and an indescribable stench filled the air, which was the smell of bug blood.

"Senior Su Lan, my small laser cannon has only 15% energy left!" Xue Xiaoxiao was operating a laser turret outside the ship at this moment.

Due to the failure of the operating system, after a short modification, the small laser cannon can be manually started directly at the gun position.

"Our laser guns are running out of energy!" Zhao Wan'er held the laser gun and fired at the insects that kept whistling outside the battle line.

The insects exploded one by one, and the green juice splashed even on the teachers and students who were still fighting.

Fortunately, these juices were not corrosive, but had a certain stench.

"Hold on a little longer, Teacher Qin just said that he had contacted the starship signal in the surrounding star field, which might be the starship that came to rescue us.

Unfortunately, due to a communication failure, the contact was interrupted, and the engineers were repairing the communication components." Senior Sister Su Lan encouraged.

"It's bad, the starship's defense line at eight o'clock has been lost!" Suddenly a message came.

Let Senior Sister Su Lan and others show horror.

You know, the reason why they can hold on until now is because of the consolidation of the battle line, using this fallen starship as a fortress to resist the attack of the surrounding Zerg.

Once the defense line in one direction is broken, it almost means the fall of all the battle lines.

Because the fate of being close to the Zerg is imaginable!

Senior Sister Su Lan jumped to a high place and looked at the eight o'clock direction.

Several starship guns there had been silenced for various reasons, and the appearance of a surprising number of Zergs directly led to insufficient firepower on that line of defense, and the Zergs rushed into the battle line.

A student saw the bugs rushing in front of him, and immediately panicked and dropped his weapons and tried to escape into the starship.

But how could his speed be comparable to these bugs.

Soon a half-man-high bug pounced on him and bit him on the ground, and severe pain came from his legs.

"Ahhh... Help... Help..." The student struggled and shouted.

A laser shot over, and the body of the bug was shot out, and the student was able to escape.

"Pick up your weapon and fight like a man!" The male teacher who saved the student shouted angrily.

The student nodded stupidly.

In the next second, a bug suddenly pounced on the male teacher, and its horrible mouthparts tore off a piece of flesh from the male teacher.

"Get out of here, damn bug!"

The male teacher endured the severe pain and used the laser gun in his hand to blast the bug into slag.

But the next second, more bugs pounced on him.

Three... five... ten...

The gunshots that were originally there soon stopped.

The student showed a look of horror and began to run towards the starship behind him regardless of everything.

And behind him, more teachers and students from the two colleges were pounced on and devoured by bugs.

For a while, screams continued in this area.

It even reached the defense lines in the other three directions.

"It's over... It's completely over..." A student next to Su Lan fell to the ground in despair, completely losing the desire to fight.

Su Lan had a complicated expression. She wanted to say something encouraging, but she felt that no matter how many words she said, they were powerless in the current situation.

"Senior Su Lan... Is Xiao Xiao going to die..." Xue Xiao Xiao said timidly and terrified while standing on the turret.

Zhao Wan'er stood at the forefront of the defense line holding a laser gun and said firmly: "Maybe we will die today, but we are students of the North Star Fleet Military Academy and future captains of the interstellar fleet.

At least at this moment, we have fought to the end!"

"Wan'er is right, as long as we have tried our best. Even if we really face death, we will have no regrets!" Senior Su Lan said freely.

Although they said this, you can see a sense of unwillingness and a desire for life in their eyes.

They are in their prime, they still have a good youth, and they have not yet started their interstellar journey.

How can they be willing to die here!

"These damn bugs! Xiao Xiao will become a T4 star in the future.

"Captain of the interstellar battleship, can't...can't die here!" Xue Xiaoxiao cried, aiming the recharged small laser cannon at a place where bugs gathered and fired.

The broken flesh of the bugs splashed far away, which was insignificant to the whole situation.

Just when the mood of despair began to fill the entire faculty and students of the two colleges.

Above the clouds, an interstellar battleship broke through the clouds and dived down at a very fast speed!

"Look! What is that!" A student pointed at the starship in the sky, surprised and delighted.

"Is it the fleet that came to rescue us?"

"We are saved! We are saved!"

"Strange, why is there only one starship? "

The surprise swept away everyone's despair.

They could see that the starship was constantly firing at the interstellar Zerg in the air, and those bugs were falling from the sky like fireballs.

At the same time, dozens of unknown interstellar drones swooped down and attacked the Zerg around the wreckage of the starship base!

The barrage of machine guns blasted the bugs into pieces.

An interstellar drone just passed over the heads of Su Lan and others, crushing the bugs that were about to rush to the front of their defense line.

But despite this, the swarm of several waves of bugs around were still shrinking the encirclement of this area.

"Everyone hold on! We can still survive!" Zhao Wan'er shouted, holding a laser gun and firing continuously.

"Take my shot! "Xue Xiaoxiao wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and fired in one direction!

But at this moment.

The ground suddenly shook.

A giant insect drilled out directly from the ground inside the defense line, and a large number of insects came out with it.

It was less than a few meters away from the defense line of Zhao Wan'er and others.

"Not good! It's a worm path! Throw the magnetic storm grenade quickly!" Senior Su Lan said in surprise.

"The magnetic storm grenade has been used up long ago." Zhao Wan'er fired at the worm path in front of her, but the earthworm-like giant insect had already pounced on her.

'Warning, warning. The gun energy is insufficient, please refill the energy magazine. "

Just at this time, the energy of the laser gun in Zhao Wan'er's hand was exhausted and could no longer shoot.

"Wan'er...Run!" Senior Su Lan suddenly rushed out, pulled Zhao Wan'er behind her, and at the same time she blocked the giant insect herself.

Zhao Wan'er's pupils dilated, watching as Senior Sister Su Lan was about to be swallowed by the giant insect and die.

Suddenly a huge black figure fell from the sky.


The giant insect's body was crushed to pieces.

Senior Sister Su Lan fell to the ground, looking at the 'black giant' in front of her in a daze.

It was a black mecha that she had never seen before!

A teasing and familiar voice came from the black mecha.

"How could you not call me for such an exciting party?"

On the shoulder of the mecha, a man wearing a pitch-black single-soldier exoskeleton combat armor showed his face under the helmet and looked down at them with a relaxed smile.

PS: 1/5

I went out today, so the next few chapters will be updated very late. Friends who can't wait can go to bed first and get up to read tomorrow morning.

(I'm thinking, should I write one chapter and post it... or should I post the remaining four chapters at the same time... thinking...)

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