After the princess's royal guard fleet left, Zhao Chen also said goodbye to Teacher Qin, Senior Sister Su Lan and Xue Xiaoxiao. The three of them would follow the fleet of the North Star Starship Military Academy back to the North Star Starship Military Academy. Zhao Chen returned to the starship bridge by himself. When he stepped into the bridge, several eyes fell on him. Among them, Zhao Wan'er crossed her arms and squinted at Zhao Chen, and then looked at Chu Xuan, whose cheeks were slightly red: "Brother, tell me, when did I have an extra sister-in-law? And you have become the grandson-in-law of the Chu family? That's great." "Wan'er, I said! There must be some misunderstanding here!" Chu Xuan was so anxious that she jumped up and down, and she didn't dare to look Zhao Chen in the eye at this moment. What does the old man in my family want to do?

"I didn't expect Governor Chu's arrangement.

But this relationship between me and Chu Xuan should be just a gimmick, just a temporary arrangement to ensure my safety." Zhao Chen explained.

Zhao Wan'er looked at Zhao Chen, then at Chu Xuan, and temporarily accepted this reason: "That's right, how could the Chu family want you, their grandson-in-law."

Chu Xuan kept sending communication requests to his grandfather, but all of them were rejected.

On the contrary, the bridge of the T3 Blizzard, which had just left the starport and approached the Chu family fleet, received a text message from the T4 North Wind God-class heavy interstellar battleship, signed by Chu Changhe.

The content was that Chu Changhe wanted to visit Zhao Chen's T3 Blizzard.

Governor Chu is coming to his own T3 Blizzard?

This arrangement was a bit unexpected for Zhao Chen. He didn't know whether to say that this old man was brave enough to go to someone else's starship.

Or did he really believe in himself completely?

Chu Xuan and Zhao Wan'er also saw this message, but the title on it made Chu Xuan's cheeks redder.

Dear grandson-in-law?

Chu Xuan was so ashamed and angry that he wanted to pull out the old guy's beard right now!

"Let's go and greet him." Zhao Chen said.

He is the Duke of the Empire and the Governor of the Star Region. He is willing to come to Zhao Chen's starship regardless of the risk. It is natural to greet him.

"Yeah." Zhao Wan'er nodded. Although she was a little surprised about the identities of Zhao Chen and Chu Xuan, she was also curious about this legendary marshal.

"Charlotte, let the starship continue to sail at a constant speed with the Chu family's fleet." Zhao Chen ordered.

Zhao Chen's T3 Blizzard and the Chu family's fleet were now sailing at a constant speed towards the starport of the Lantian galaxy.

"Yes." Charlotte accepted the order.

Zhao Chen and his companions also went to the hangar of the starship to wait for Governor Chu's shuttle.

During this period, Zhao Wan'er asked about the royal fleet and learned that her brother had been promoted to the Viscount of the Empire.

But considering Zhao Chen's rescue of the teachers and students of the two academies, this reward was indeed reasonable.

Soon, a shuttle was parked in the hangar, and the hatch was opened.

Only an old man and an officer with a guard identity came down.

A five-star marshal only brought a guard?

This is too confident.

"Grandson-in-law, this is a little gift I brought for you. They are all specialties of the Chuhe Star Region!" Governor Chu looked kind and carried a gift box. He was not wearing a military uniform, but loose casual clothes.

At first glance, it really looked like a visit between relatives.

"See... what the hell!" Chu Xuan rushed to her grandfather in shame and anger: "You... you explain to me, what is going on! What the hell is this grandson... grandson... son-in-law doing!"

"Oh, my granddaughter is shy.

Since I met my grandson-in-law, she often mentioned him in front of me, saying this and that.

After the first meeting, she even went to the Arctic Fox Star Port to find him.

Later, after I caught her and brought her back to the family, she insisted on going to the North Star Starship Military Academy to find Xiao Zhao. If she was not allowed to go, she cried, made a fuss, and even threatened to hang herself.

Alas... a girl can't be kept at home...

I didn't expect you to sneak onto someone's starship!

If Xiao Zhao wasn't so capable, do you know that you might have been fed to the bugs when you went to the Zerg Desperate Place this time?" Governor Chu looked serious and knocked on Chu Xuan's head with his hand.

After this, Zhao Wan'er looked at Chu Xuan with a subtle look.

Chu Xuan, a female warrior who was not afraid of insects on the battlefield, now blushed as if blood was about to drip out.


...What nonsense are you talking about!" Chu Xuan stamped her feet anxiously.

Governor Chu narrowed his eyes and smiled and said: "Isn't what I just said true?"

Chu Xuan was stunned. What her grandfather said just now was indeed true, but the problem was that those things were not like that. Why did it completely change when she said it from her grandfather's mouth?

Also, didn't you ask me to contact Zhao Chen when I went to the North Star Fleet Military Academy?

How come it's me who is trying to find Zhao Chen now?

But Chu Xuan couldn't say this openly.

This made Chu Xuan feel like a dumb person eating bitter herbs and unable to speak.

"Okay, I'll explain this to you later." Governor Chu patted his granddaughter's shoulder and whispered in her ear: "Will grandpa hurt you again?"

Although she was ashamed of her grandfather's behavior.

But Chu Xuan knew that her grandfather would never do anything to hurt her.

"If there is no reasonable explanation later, I will pull out all your beard! "Chu Xuan said fiercely.

"Grandson... Can Xiao Zhao take me around this legendary starship?" Governor Chu smiled and walked to Zhao Chen. He originally wanted to call him grandson-in-law, but seeing Chu Xuan's ready hand, Governor Chu admitted his weakness for the sake of his precious beard.

"This way, please." Zhao Chen invited Governor Chu.

Governor Chu smiled and looked at Zhao Wan'er and others beside Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen immediately understood the meaning: "Wan'er, you go to the bridge first to help me see what good things the princess gave me before. If you like them, take them and divide them up. "

Anyway, I can't sell them. If they like them, I'll give them to them.

"Okay." Zhao Wan'er saw that her brother wanted to have a private chat with the Governor of Chuhe, and left tactfully.

"Xuan'er, share these Chuhe Star Region specialties I brought with those children. "Governor Chu handed the gift box in his hand to Chu Xuan.

Chu Xuan was not a fool. She rolled her eyes at her grandfather and said, "I'm waiting for your explanation. If I'm not satisfied... Humph, I'll never let you go!"

After everyone left, Zhao Chen and Governor Chu were left with only the guard officer who followed Governor Chu.

The officer also followed Zhao Chen and Governor Chu a few meters away, leaving enough private space for the two.

"I want to ask, were those actions you took in the rescue of the teachers and students of the two colleges intentional? What was your purpose?" Governor Chu asked Zhao Chen as he walked, with his hands behind his back.

Zhao Chen did not answer directly, but asked, "Why did Governor Chu say that I was your grandson-in-law? I wonder what your purpose is?"

PS: 1/5

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