The deal was concluded with Li Yaqi paying three million star coins to buy out the interstellar technology of the T1 Wolf Louse-class medium-sized interstellar destroyer.

After finalizing the agreement, Zhao Chen directly sent all the interstellar technology data of the T1 Wolf Louse to Li Yaqi.

"I have sent the interstellar technology data to your mailbox. You will transfer three million star coins to my account within three days after receiving the interstellar technology data."

Below is a Star Empire interstellar bank card number.

"Sir... you are passing the interstellar technology to me now? Aren't you worried that I will regret it?"

Li Yaqi was surprised that the other party did it without any scruples. Wasn't the other party worried that he would default on his debt?

This didn't look like an interstellar transaction at all.

It's more like buying something in a supermarket.

"I believe in Li Wei, and if you dare to do this, I will make you pay a thousand times the price.

Okay, I have something else to do, so let's stop here.

Happy cooperation."

The network room showed that the other party had left.

Li Yaqi hurriedly wanted to ask how to contact the other party in the future, but there was no response.

"What a strange person, this should be the weirdest business I have ever talked about." Li Yaqi still feels like she is dreaming.

And she found that she didn't know what the other party was called.

Strange people... Strange business...

But no matter what, as long as she can get all the technical information of T1 wolf lice.

She is confident that she can turn the starship arms trade from loss to profit within half a year!

Let those who are waiting to see her laugh, drop their jaws!


Zhao Chen here still felt a little distressed.

"I should have reported four million earlier..." Zhao Chen smiled bitterly.

He is still too unfamiliar with doing business.

To be honest, his buyout price of three million star coins is already relatively high among T1 starship technologies.

It just happened that Li Yaqi was in need of starship technology.

A thirsty person who happened to get a bottle of water would naturally ignore the expensive price.

"Three million... three million..." Zhao Chen now began to plan to build his second starship, which is the T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship.

To build a starship, you need to prepare a lot of things.

It's not as simple as assembling a starship.

Raw materials... construction site... construction technology... and so on... too many things.

Beep beep

Zhao Chen's handheld terminal rang.

At a glance, it turned out to be his sister Zhao Wan'er.

"Oh, the eldest lady actually contacted me for the first time." Zhao Chen looked at Zhao Wan'er across the video window and said jokingly.

Zhao Wan'er rarely looked for Zhao Chen, and usually looked for Zhao Chen in person and in private.

At this time, Zhao Chen noticed that there were two beauties behind Zhao Wan'er, no... it should be said that there were two beauties, one big and one small.

"Don't talk nonsense, my friend is here." Zhao Wan'er rolled her eyes at Zhao Chen.

Then Zhao Wan'er moved away and introduced the two beauties.

"This is Senior Sister Su Lan from the fifth grade; this is my classmate, Xue Xiaoxiao from the fourth grade. I don't need to introduce this one, my brother."

When she said the word "my brother", Zhao Wan'er obviously looked disgusted.

"Hello, we often hear Wan'er mention you." Senior Sister Su Lan greeted politely.

"She mentioned me? Forget it, it's good that she doesn't say bad things about me." Zhao Chen shrugged.

"Brother Zhao Chen, can I see your cannon!" Twin-tailed loli Xue Xiaoxiao suddenly came forward and said with shining eyes.

Zhao Chen was stunned. This was too...

Zhao Wan'er immediately pulled Xue Xiaoxiao back: "Xiaoxiao, what are you talking about!"

"What's wrong? I just want to take a close look at the 1200mm heavy cannon of Brother Zhao Chen's Blizzard Zero." Xue Xiaoxiao pouted.

"Senior Su Lan, you must have something to talk to me about, right? Just tell me what's going on." Zhao Chen changed the subject. This little loli's words really made people...

Senior Su Lan said: "Then let's talk about business directly. In fact, this time I'm looking for you because of the starship duel yesterday."

Zhao Chen narrowed his eyes and didn't speak, waiting for Senior Su Lan's next words.

Senior Su Lan continued: "Zhang Haoran is looking for someone to find a relationship. Someone knows that I am familiar with your sister Zhao Wan'er, so he came to me.

I hope you can cancel the expulsion penalty for Zhang Haoran."

In fact, when Senior Su Lan mentioned the starship duel

, he knew it was Zhang Haoran's business.

Zhang Haoran would never drop out of the North Star Starship Military Academy honestly.

This is related to his future.

"This expulsion penalty is registered in the starship duel. Can it be cancelled?" Zhao Chen asked curiously.

Senior Sister Su Lan said: "According to the regulations of the academy, the academy recognizes and implements the bets in the starship duel.

But if the winning party is willing to cancel the penalty bet, the losing party can be exempted from punishment.

So, you need to nod your agreement."

Zhao Chen did not speak.

Senior Sister Su Lan continued: "A friend of mine asked me to do something, and I owed him a favor before.

If you don't want to, then just ignore what I said.

If you are willing to talk, I can help you arrange a time and place for you to sit down and talk.

You can set the conditions you want, after all, I can't let you cancel the punishment for nothing."

"Can I have a private conversation with my sister?" Zhao Chen said.

Senior Sister Su Lan agreed, and she left with Xue Xiaoxiao.

"Okay, Senior Sister Su Lan and Xue Xiaoxiao are gone. Just say whatever you want to say." Zhao Wan'er crossed her arms.

"Do you want me to help Senior Sister Su Lan?" Zhao Chen asked.

Zhao Wan'er was stunned: "This is your business, why are you asking me?"

"My sister will not ask me to do anything easily. I guess Senior Sister Su Lan has a good relationship with you." Zhao Chen looked at Zhao Wan'er with a smile.

Zhao Wan'er's cheeks flushed, and she said honestly: "I admit that I like this senior sister Su Lan very much. After I came to the North Star Fleet Military Academy, she took good care of me.

She is my only two friends here, the other one is Xue Xiaoxiao.

I also know about senior sister Su Lan's affairs. The one who asked her to do something is a fifth-year senior named Han Tianwang.

He helped the senior sister with something before, and since then he has been pestering senior sister Su Lan with this reason, and he also wants senior sister Su Lan to date him.

Senior sister Su Lan doesn't like him, but because she owes him a favor, she can only endure his harassment.

If...if I can repay his favor this time, then senior sister Su Lan won't have to endure his harassment anymore."

Zhao Chen nodded, and he said: "Okay. You ask senior sister Su Lan to do this matter, send me the time and place tonight, and I agree to talk."

"Really!" Zhao Wan'er was surprised.

"Who told me that this is the first time my sister asked me to do something." Zhao Chen smiled.

Zhao Waner rolled her eyes and said, "Who... who begged you... you can help or not... don't help."

After saying that, she hung up the call.

Zhao Chen thought about Zhang Haoran's matter. In fact, it didn't matter to him whether Zhang Haoran dropped out of school or not. He never cared about this passerby character and his relationship with Jiang Shasha.

If it weren't for the system task, he wouldn't have proposed a starship duel.

Now there is such an opportunity to help Zhao Waner's senior sister, and at the same time... you can also blackmail her.

Such a good opportunity, how can Zhao Chen let it go.

The corners of his mouth gradually rose, there will be a good show to watch tomorrow.

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