Soon, two pieces of information came to Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen looked at the two information boxes, which not only had the names and models of the starships, but also model images, because these were the more common starships on the market.

The interstellar pirate fleet had a total of 35 starships, including five T2 starships, namely:

One T2 Gray Shark-class medium-sized interstellar cruiser;

Two T2 Ishtar-class heavy interstellar destroyers;

Two T2 Ishkur-class medium-sized interstellar frigates.

The thirty T1 starships are:

Fifteen T1 Vulture-class medium interstellar frigates;

Ten T1 Scythe-class medium interstellar destroyers;

Five T1 Bluebird-class medium interstellar cruisers.

Looking at the rebel nobles, there are only sixteen starships, which is enough to show the chill and poverty of the Xiaolong Galaxy.

Among these sixteen starships, there are two T2 starships, namely

T2 Gray Wolf-class light interstellar cruiser and T2 Hyena-class medium interstellar destroyer.

The remaining fourteen T1 starships are all T1 Vulture-class medium interstellar frigates.

Looking at these starships, Zhao Chen couldn't help laughing.

A bunch of starships are older than himself.

Even the relatively new T2 Hyena-class medium interstellar destroyer was a second-hand starship bought by the head of the Cui family with decades of family savings.

As for the starships used by interstellar pirates, they are basically the common ships used by interstellar pirates. I won’t talk much about their performance. They are all cheap and easy to repair starships.

The most common of them is naturally the T1 Vulture-class medium-sized interstellar frigate, which is a T1 starship developed by the Star Empire two centuries ago. Although its combat effectiveness is not high, it is cheap and has a low technical threshold.

Moreover, the Star Empire directly disclosed this starship technology, so the market price is lower. It is the favorite starship of some small nobles, interstellar pirates and interstellar adventurers.

"Based on the information about the enemy ships in the intelligence, it is very easy for us to win this battle.

The question now is where and how should we fight." Charlotte said.

Zhao Chen rubbed his chin with his fingers and thought for a while.

He looked at the star map of the Xiaolong galaxy and muttered, "We can't fight on the battlefield they set, although we will win wherever we fight.

But we should try to minimize our losses, and fight next to my Zhao family's home planet. What if we are affected?"

Zhao Chen suddenly thought of it. He pointed to a position on the star map with his eyes half open: "Who said we have to go find them?

Let's let them come to us!"

Charlotte and Zhao Wan'er looked at the place Zhao Chen pointed, and almost at the same time they understood what Zhao Chen wanted to do.


Star Pirate Fleet Flagship

This is a T2 Gray Shark-class medium-sized star cruiser. Looking at the bullet holes and repair marks on the hull, it is enough to see the "history" of this starship.

A big man with a beard was half lying on the captain's chair, with his feet directly on the operating table in front of him.

"Damn it, I've been waiting here for two months. If those guys hadn't known what was best for them and sent some women over, I wouldn't want to wait here!" The one who was complaining was the captain of this interstellar pirate fleet, who called themselves the Three-clawed Snake Interstellar Pirates. There was a three-clawed snake starship emblem on their hull. At this time, another thin man came out of the next room and pulled up his pants. From the room behind him, the woman's begging and crying could be heard. "These women are as thin as bones, and they're gone after a few tossings. It's boring; those noble ladies are still having fun. If it were you, we should just attack the nobles of this galaxy!" The thin man said unsatisfied. The bearded captain glanced at the thin man, who was his adjutant. "Although the fleet of this broken star system is not strong, don't forget who invited us here; if we really move this star system, we will be in trouble.

Earn this commission honestly and don't cause trouble." The bearded captain said.

The thin lieutenant picked his nose: "We can choose not to rob these planets, but we can extort commissions. After all, our dozens of starships can't wait here for two months in vain."

The bearded captain smiled evilly, raised three fingers and said: "I have considered this. When they let us take action, we will ask for a 30% increase in commission!"

The thin lieutenant gave a thumbs up: "As expected of our boss, he knows how to calculate

"Speak of the devil and he will appear.

At this moment, a communication request appeared.

"Looks like it's time to work." The bearded captain smiled and clicked on the video call.

A middle-aged man appeared on the other side, and he knew this middle-aged man.

It was the patriarch of the Bao family in the Xiaolong galaxy.

"Patriarch Bao, if you don't come to me, I will go to you. My brothers have been waiting here for more than two months, and they are all itching to wait." The bearded patriarch said with an unhappy look.

Patriarch Bao said seriously: "Isn't it that we send you a batch of women and food every month.

Okay, let's talk business. The target has appeared, but they just sent a message to temporarily change their itinerary and not return to their home planet.

Just on a planet called Longwei Star on the outer edge of the galaxy, show up as a lord, stay for one day and leave to return to the North Star Fleet Military Academy.

So, our battle plan has been modified.

You set off immediately and eliminate the target near Longwei Star!

The other side has only one starship, I think you should be able to go there more than enough. "

The bearded team leader tapped his feet and said, "It's no problem to modify the battle plan. After all, we are in the same galaxy, and it will only take a few hours to get there.

But we have delayed it for more than two months.

Chief Bao, you must know how much business the brothers have lost in these two months.

You have to calculate the time cost with us, otherwise I can't explain it to my brothers."

Chief Bao heard that the other side meant to blackmail him, and cursed a bunch of interstellar hooligans in his heart.

He didn't know that these people might not have such work in a year or two in the past.

How much work has been lost in two months, and they are just bragging.

But the most important thing at the moment is to deal with that useless baron.

"You name your price." Chief Bao said coldly.

The bearded captain raised three fingers: "Increase the commission by 30%, no bargaining."

The corner of Chief Bao's mouth twitched, and he finally suppressed his anger: "Okay! I'll call you after I'm done!"

"Okay, I like people like you who are straightforward. Give me the coordinates, and we brothers will go there and become the baron." The bearded captain put down his feet, looking serious.

"I'll send you the coordinates right away, remember. Send us a message as soon as the operation is completed." Chief Bao reminded.

"No problem, we are professional! "The bearded captain said confidently.

Then, the bearded captain received the coordinates.

Immediately arranged his interstellar pirate fleet to set off, determined the coordinates, and entered the warp navigation mode.

Because of the T1 starship, the T2 starship deliberately lowered the speed to take into account the uniformity of the fleet's speed.

The entire voyage took almost six hours.

When the bearded captain woke up from the hibernation capsule, he immediately ordered to prepare for battle and search for targets at the same time.

In fact, there was no need to search for targets at all, because when they turned on the starship radar.

It was detected that next to the Dragon Tail Star, a lonely starship was hovering there, just like prey waiting for hunters.

"Captain, twenty minutes away from our voyage! That's our target, the Baron's Blizzard Zero!" The thin adjutant said excitedly.

The bearded captain grinned and said, "The game begins, Lord Baron. "

At the same time, the Baron on the Blizzard Zero finally waited for his prey.

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