The explosion was a big blow, and the explosion was a big blow.

A laser main gun of the T2 Ishkur-class medium interstellar frigate opened fire, and the beam went straight to the Zero Blizzard blocking the T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship.

The 1200mm caliber cannon of the Zero Blizzard opened fire almost at the same time.


A huge fireball appeared between the T2 Ishkur-class medium interstellar frigate and the Zero Blizzard, and the cyclone produced by the explosion formed a circle of gas mist.

The attacks of the two actually collided with each other by chance.

They offset each other.

This is too much of a coincidence.

Zhao Chen on Blizzard Zero knew very well that this should be the effect of the "fleet luck bonus" given by the system. Even the previous one-shot hit the T2 Ishtar-class heavy interstellar destroyer was the same.

The probability of these things happening is less than one in ten thousand.

But under the halo of "fleet luck bonus", the probability of all this happening is greatly increased.

After Zhao Chen's experiment, not every attack can hit the target with one shot, or achieve excellent results.

But the probability of it happening is really great!

Let's get back to the point.

Zhao Chen immediately ordered: "Full speed charge, target the T2 Ishkur-class medium interstellar frigate!"

Blizzard Zero's speed increased immediately, and the speed increased to 100 knots in just a few seconds.

"Five T2 medium Hyena laser cannons and thirty 130mm T2 medium close-in defense guns, fire at full force!"

Relying on high mobility, Blizzard Zero quickly approached the T2 Ishkur-class medium interstellar frigate, and the secondary guns of both sides fired at full force.

However, the T2 Ishkur-class medium interstellar frigate had a very low hit rate against the high-speed Blizzard Zero. In comparison, Blizzard Zero's secondary guns and close-in defense guns almost always hit!

Continuously attacking the hull of the T2 Ishkur-class medium interstellar frigate.


The hull was attacked, and Zhao Chen heard a loud noise, and the deck of the bridge was shaking.

'Report, the port side of our ship's hull armor was hit, and the hull armor strength remained 90%. "

"Report, the port side of our ship's hull armor was hit, and the hull armor strength remained 80%. "

"Report, the port side armor of our ship was hit, and the strength of the armor remains at 70%."

This should be the first time that Blizzard Zero has been attacked, but relying on the hull armor of the interstellar battleship, it is more than enough to withstand the secondary gun fire of an interstellar frigate.

On the other side, the T2 Ishkur-class medium interstellar frigate that was attacked by Blizzard Zero was not much better. The hull was damaged in many places and even cracks appeared.

The T2 Ishkur-class medium interstellar frigate can only wait for its laser main gun to reset and cool down.

But at this time, Zhao Chen's eyes showed a hint of coldness.

Behind the hull of Blizzard Zero, three T2 Bumblebee-class heavy interstellar drones jumped out.

Three interstellar torpedoes were launched at a distance of 10 meters from the T2 Ishkur-class medium interstellar frigate. The T2 Ishkur-class medium interstellar frigate was dropped very close to it.

Because of the fierce battle with Blizzard Zero just now, most of the weapons of this T2 Ishkur-class medium interstellar frigate entered the reset cooling stage and could not stop the three incoming T2 Bumblebee-class heavy interstellar drones.

They could only watch the three interstellar torpedoes hit the bridge, belly and left side of the hull where the secondary guns of Blizzard Zero had attacked.

Three exploding fireballs appeared around the T2 Ishkur-class medium interstellar frigate, and then the starship was torn into pieces and completely fell here.

"Report, our T2 Ishkur-class medium interstellar frigate No. 2... fell. "The thin adjutant trembled as he reported the news to the bearded pirate captain.

The bearded pirate captain fell into the captain's chair with a dazed expression.

When he saw Blizzard Zero coming here, he realized something was wrong.

This means that the pirate starships on the other battlefield were most likely killed.

He looked at a data panel in front of him, which recorded the information of all the starships in his fleet.

Sure enough, at this moment, the icons of most of the starships turned gray, especially the starships responsible for attacking Blizzard Zero.

No one survived!

These included the two T2 Ishtar-class heavy interstellar destroyers and the T2 Ishkur-class medium interstellar frigates.

This means that the Three Claws Snake Interstellar Pirate Fleet only had the T2 Gray Shark-class medium interstellar cruisers

The only T2 starship left was the T1 Vulture-class medium-sized interstellar frigate and a T1 Bluebird-class medium-sized interstellar cruiser. Although the Three Claws Snake Interstellar Pirate Fleet still has a three-fold advantage in terms of numbers, these interstellar pirates are very clear about their fate. Seeing that the T2 aircraft carrier starship and the T2 Blizzard Zero were staring at them, their fate was obvious at this moment. "Boss... let's... surrender." The thin adjutant said cautiously. Surrender? The bearded pirate captain was stunned for a moment. He never thought that this "assassination mission" that he thought he had won would end like this. But it was meaningless to continue this battle. It was only a matter of time before the remaining six pirate starships were destroyed. "Contact the baron, we are willing to surrender." The bearded pirate captain whispered in despair. An hour ago, he had never thought that he would become a loser who surrendered to survive.

"Captain, the enemy's flagship sent a communication, they are willing to give up resistance and surrender." Vice Captain Charlotte asked Zhao Chen's opinion on the T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship.

Zhao Chen said coldly: "We are willing to accept their surrender, but they must immediately shut down all the engines of the starship."

Vice Captain Charlotte hesitated for a moment, but still conveyed Captain Zhao Chen's order.

Soon, the six starships all shut down the starship engines.

In the dark starship, the interstellar pirates were thinking about the results they were waiting for.

Imprisoned in the dungeon?

Sold as a slave?

Or escorted to the mining area, collecting ore in the mine for a lifetime until death?

In any case, at least they can survive for now.

"Report, the enemy's six starships have shut down all the engines." Vice Captain Charlotte reported.

Zhao Chen suddenly issued an order that no one expected: "Blizzard Zero and T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship immediately attack the remaining six pirate starships and destroy them immediately!"

He stared at the six pirate starships indifferently.

When they appeared here, the ending was already doomed.


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