The two of them were very excited.

"Zhao Chen, you were too impulsive just now. I know you hate Zhang Haoran, he took away... Jiang Shasha... but you can't ask him about the starship duel.

The application for the starship duel has been submitted... there is no way to cancel it...

If it doesn't work, I will lend you my T2 Hyena." Li Wei walked beside Zhao Chen, looking anxious, as if it was not Zhao Chen but himself who participated in the duel.

"No, I have a starship." Zhao Chen looked at Li Wei's anxious look for him, and couldn't help but feel warm in his heart.

Li Wei really regarded himself as a brother, just because Zhao Chen helped this rich second-generation born in a trading family since the day he entered school, giving him extra lessons and tutoring him on his subjects.

Otherwise, he would not have been able to pass the exams in the previous three years.

From then on, the relationship between the two was very good.

"You have a starship? How come I don't know about it." Li Wei looked at Zhao Chen in surprise.

Zhao Chen was basically with him 24 hours a day, except when he was sleeping and going to the toilet. How could he not know that he had a starship?

"Well, let's go and exchange it now." Zhao Chen's mouth corners raised.

"What? Exchange it now?" Li Wei was stunned, and then covered his head: "My young baron, you are joking too much, do you want to use the starship in the academy's starship warehouse to fight Zhang Haoran?"

Half an hour later.

Zhao Chen and Li Wei came to the academy's starship warehouse.

This place is different from the starport. The starport is where the starships are moored and ready to leave at any time.

The starship warehouse is used to store starships. Some of the starships here can even be described as dusty. I don't know how many years they have been parked.

"Hello, teacher. I'm here to exchange for a starship." Zhao Chen came to the warehouse manager's counter.

The warehouse manager glanced at Zhao Chen. Perhaps because it was the end of the semester, he knew that the third-year students had already started preparing for the starships they needed for the next semester, and he was used to having students come here to exchange for starships.

"Take a look for yourself. Here is the list. It contains the data of each starship and the required college points." The warehouse manager opened the search box and let Zhao Chen look for himself.

All the starships on it.

There were nearly three hundred of them.

However, most of them were T1-level starships, and they were basically second-hand starships.

After all, who would dock a new starship here?

"Zhao Chen, you have been studying well before. After three semesters, you should have 30,000 college points.

Then it's just right to exchange for this T2 Hyena-class medium-sized star destroyer. It was a starship from twenty years ago, and the hull was slightly damaged.

Although the style is a bit old, the core technology is quite comprehensive." Li Wei knew that the starship duel was a done deal, and now he could only think of a way to deal with it.

Zhao Chen shook his head and continued to check.

Li Wei introduced several T2 starships in succession, all of which were very cost-effective, but Zhao Chen shook his head.

"Master, how long will it take you to choose? Although there are more than 300 starships here, these are the most suitable ones." Li Wei looked at Zhao Chen who had not made a decision for a long time.

"I have chosen it." Zhao Chen said.

"Chosen? Which one?" Li Wei showed a curious look.

Zhao Chen looked at the administrator teacher: "Teacher, as long as the points are enough, you can exchange several starships."

"There is indeed no limit to the number of exchanges." The administrator teacher nodded.

Zhao Chen checked several starships in the check box: "Then I want these three."


Li Wei and the administrator teacher were dumbfounded.

The two of them checked the three starships at the same time.

T2 Hyena-class medium interstellar destroyer: has been in service for 59 years, the hull was severely damaged, and the three main guns were severely damaged, which have been repaired... 9,000 points are required.

T2 Gray Wolf-class light interstellar cruiser: has been in service for 65 years... 7,000 points are required.

T2 Devil Crocodile-class medium interstellar battleship: has been in service for 80 years... 11,000 points are required.

Seeing the information of these three starships, Li Wei and the administrator teacher were dumbfounded.

These three starships are undoubtedly old ships in these starship warehouses.

"Are you sure you want to exchange these three starships? Don't you want to think about it again? Although these three starships were good ships in their era, the starship modules in them have aged seriously over time." The administrator teacher persuaded.

Li Wei also hurriedly said: "Zhao

Chen, don't joke. Starship duels are one-on-one, so it's useless even if you choose three. "

"I'm sure, these three. Please exchange them for me." Zhao Chen said firmly.

After the administrator teacher confirmed again and again, Zhao Chen finally exchanged these three starships.

Li Wei covered his face beside him. He felt like he was dreaming. What Zhao Chen did today made him completely incomprehensible.

"These three starships have been assigned to you, and you can retrieve them at any time.

If you want to continue to store them in the warehouse, they will be free within one month, and parking fees will be charged after one month." The administrator teacher looked at Zhao Chen with a look of a fool.

"Teacher, points can also be used to exchange for some starship parts, right? And each student has the right to use the starship modification and maintenance operation workshop for free. I haven't used it for three semesters, so I should have 30 days of free permission." Zhao Chen mentioned it again.

"Yes. "The administrator nodded.

"Then I will write a list of starship parts. At the same time, please arrange a starship workshop for me to send these three starships and all the starship parts on them." Zhao Chen asked.

The administrator glanced at the parts on the list, which were all very ordinary.

And Zhao Chen's college points after exchanging the starships were just enough to exchange these.

"You need to hire starship engineers or maintenance workers. They can repair and modify the starships according to your requirements." The administrator asked.

"No need." Zhao Chen shook his head.

The administrator didn't care much: "It will be done for you within half an hour. At that time, the workshop number will be sent to you, and you can go directly."

"Thank you, teacher." Zhao Chen said.

After finishing the work, Zhao Chen and Li Wei left here.

"What a strange student." The administrator muttered.

Li Wei, who walked out of the starship warehouse, couldn't help it. He grabbed Zhao Chen's shoulder: "Zhao Chen, what do you want to do?

What use are those three broken starships!

You are kidding your future. "

Zhao Chen still said calmly: "Li Wei, believe me. I will take care of this matter."

"You... forget it, I don't care about you." Li Wei was a little angry and waved his hand as if he didn't care about Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen had no choice. Even if he explained to Li Wei now, Li Wei would not believe what he was going to do.

Instead of wasting time, it is better to prove everything with facts at that time!

'Ding·Third-year student Zhao Chen has obtained the right to use the small and medium-sized starship workshop No. 017. You can enter the starship workshop with the student ID card during the use period'

After receiving the message, Zhao Chen said goodbye to Li Wei temporarily and went to this starship workshop.

When he arrived at the door of the starship workshop, he swiped the student ID card, and the door opened automatically. There was a large space inside, at least as big as three or five football fields.

There was also a smell of rust and starship machinery. The pungent smell of oil.

Zhao Chen walked into it and saw three starships that seemed to be waiting for him.

The rusty hulls proved their age and the history of their battles. Although the academy had repaired them, they had been in service for so many years.

Zhao Chen first went to the main control desk of the workshop, called up the holographic screens, and quickly tapped the holographic keyboard with his fingers, entering data one after another.

Finally, the data of the three starships were clearly presented on it, and Zhao Chen even edited the three-dimensional model.

If you look closely, you will find that the three-dimensional models of the three starships are divided into gray and red areas.

"Just combine these areas together!" Zhao Chen excitedly overlapped the red areas to form a vague prototype of a starship, which looked neither fish nor fowl.

Then Zhao Chen called up a piece of data from a top-secret file in his handheld terminal.

That was also a starship model.

It was the T3 Blizzard-class light interstellar battlecruiser!

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