Ye Chen talked eloquently——

"Actually, Uncle is not paralyzed, he is suffering from a strange disease. This disease is a rare disease recorded in ancient medical classics - 'wooden man's disease'. At first, the patient's hands and feet are weak and his movements are limited. Later, my whole body became stiff, like a piece of dead wood, or like a paralyzed patient, unable to move at all."

"In the middle stage of the wooden man's disease, the tissue structure of the body, including the limbs and trunk, will become fibrous like wood."

"In the late stage, the vital organs in the chest cavity will be completely transformed into wood. At this time, the patient will be completely declared dead."

"But it's not over yet. After the patient dies, the lignification process is still going on. About a week or so, the patient's body will turn into a wooden sculpture, and this is the end."

"There is no cure for this disease."

Hearing what Ye Chen said, everyone present shuddered and shivered. This 'parenchymal syndrome' is really terrifying and terrifying!

"When I first arrived at Yuxi's house, I went to visit my uncle. I found that my uncle's illness was very consistent with the wooden man's disease, so I beat my uncle's limbs and body with my hands, and there was indeed a sound of knocking on wood. This shows that my uncle's wooden man's disease should be in the middle stage, the limbs and body have become fibrous, but fortunately, it has not yet affected the internal organs."

Hearing this, Lin Yuxi was stunned.

No wonder Ye Chen knocked on her father a few times as soon as they met. At that time, she was still confused.

Ye Chen continued. "In fact, all things in nature have five elements. Take us for example. From the perspective of Chinese medicine, the heart belongs to fire, the liver belongs to wood, the spleen belongs to earth, the lungs belong to metal, and the kidneys belong to fire. The qi of the five elements, each There is a wonderful thing about raising people. The five elements generate and restrain each other, maintaining a wonderful balance. Once this balance is broken, it is against the law of heaven. The reason why my uncle suffers from wooden man syndrome is because , the energy of the five elements in his body has lost its balance, due to too much wood energy."

"Among the five elements, metal overcomes wood, so when I was treating my uncle, I borrowed a lot of metal products from the neighbors in the neighborhood. The purpose was to use the gold energy of these metal products to dissolve the wood energy in my uncle's body that broke the balance of the five elements. "

"Then, why did you dig a pit and bury the patient alive?" an expert asked curiously.

"I know this!" Director Luo's eyes lit up. "Earth produces gold! Earth has the effect of promoting, encouraging, and breeding on metal!"

"Well, you have a good understanding." Ye Chen nodded.

After being praised by Ye Chen, Director Luo felt elated, as if he had returned to the time when he was studying and was praised by his tutor. The sense of accomplishment and pride was indescribably comfortable!

Director Luo and the experts were all scribbling and taking notes. After returning home, they would definitely stay up all night to write a clinical medical paper on the treatment of wooden man.

"Yuxi, it seems that the wood energy in uncle's body has been dissolved a lot, and he has barely recovered his balance, but his limbs and body are still a little stiff, so, when uncle sleeps in the future, put the Some metal products. Also, plants are wood, and the vegetables are full of wood. In the future, uncle will try not to eat vegetarian dishes, and eat more meat and meat."

"Yeah, Ye Chen, I got it! I got it!" Lin Yuxi nodded excitedly.

Armed with her father, she really seemed to be embracing the whole world!

And all of this was given to her by Ye Chen!

At this moment, her feelings for Ye Chen, gratitude, and touch are really hard to describe in words. In her heart, she is willing to do anything for Ye Chen!

After speaking, Ye Chen ran to Lin Yuxi's family of three.


Congratulations to the host for completing the task: [Cure Lin Yuxi's father from a strange disease]

Obtained the skill book "Feng Shui Physiognomy (Elementary)", which has been automatically stored in the dimensional storage space

Gain Repair Energy 0.1

The system is repaired 2.1%"


I want to walk around now, do you think it's okay? Father Lin's eyes were red, he was very excited, like a bird flying out of the cage, he smirked, "I haven't stood up and walked by for five years!" Want to walk around, look around..."

Ye Chen stretched out his hand and knocked on Father Lin's body a few more times, and heard the sound, "Uncle, you're recovering well, as long as you don't go far or too long, you'll be fine. I guess, after another ten and a half days of recuperation, you'll be fine." I can be alive and kicking like before I was sick, hehe, remember, eat more meat in the future, eat big fish and meat, don’t be taboo."

"Xiaochen! I, I don't even know what to say! It's a blessing for Yuxi to find you!" Li Hui didn't know what to say. I like it, just like the old saying - "Mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, the more she looks at her, the more pleasing she is"

"Xiaochen, your uncle and I can't talk good things. Anyway, we agree with you and Yuxi! You are so talented, and Yuxi found you because she was the one who got you. This child's life is not good. Follow We have suffered a lot, and we are relieved that she will follow you." Li Hui said with tears. "Xiaochen, from now on, your uncle and I will treat you as our own son, and don't treat yourself like an outsider!"

"Okay, uncles and aunts, Yuxi and I have a good relationship, we have even thought about the name of the child in the future." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Already have children?" Father Lin was surprised and delighted, and looked at his daughter's belly, "Is it just pregnant? Can't tell."

"Dad! Don't listen to his nonsense!" Lin Yuxi blushed in embarrassment. "He is a man who sometimes speaks imprudently."

"Why is Xiao Chen not serious? Just now he said those wooden mania, the five elements and so on. He was very logical and very good. He stunned those experts." Well, Li Hui, the mother-in-law, is already speaking for her son-in-law. .

At this time, Young Master Jiang looked at Ye Chen and Lin Yuxi's family of three, getting along harmoniously, intimately, talking and laughing, his heart was burning with jealousy, and he couldn't bear it!

His face was also so gloomy that it was about to drip water!

He was so angry that he wanted to kill Ye Chen!

From the first time he saw Lin Yuxi, he swore that he would definitely get Lin Yuxi! Even if it is strong!

Now being "stealed by a sword" by Ye Chen, he really can't bear it!

Taking a deep breath, Young Master Jiang walked towards Director Luo who was concentrating on sorting out his notes.

"Director Luo, Ye Chen and I have some personal grievances. Do you care about this matter?" Young Master Jiang is also very afraid of Director Luo. If Director Luo wants to defend Ye Chen, then he can't do it openly. up.

Director Luo looked up at Young Master Jiang, and there was some mischief in his eyes, "I don't care about this matter. It's not my turn to care about it. Just do what you want. But, Xiao Jiang, let me remind you, Sometimes, if you do something out of line, you will inevitably pay the price. One’s vision should be broadened, well, that’s all for now, you should think about it yourself.”

Director Luo knew very well that behind Ye Chen, there was the entire Tang family backing him up. What is Jiang Jinsong like? Isn't it similar to ants?

He really didn't care about this matter, and he didn't dare to. Once something went wrong, the Tang family was not a vegetarian.

"Okay! Since you don't care, Director Luo, that's great! I know what to do!" Young Master Jiang has been completely dazzled by hatred, lost his mind, and didn't chew on the implication of Director Luo's words .

At that moment, Young Master Jiang gave Uncle Lin Yuxi and the members of the Second Uncle's family a wink.

Lin Yuxi's uncle walked directly towards Ye Chen.

"Hey... brat, Young Master Jiang wants to talk to you alone." The uncle glared at Ye Chen fiercely.

"Brother, what else do you want to do? Since you have already disregarded the brotherhood of Nian, I have nothing to say to you! Let's go! Go now!" Father Lin said angrily. "Today, no one should try to embarrass Xiaochen! Otherwise, I will fight him hard!"

"Third brother, don't yell nonsense, you're fine now, but what's wrong with you? Be the bottom of society for the rest of your life! You haven't paid back the 2 million you owe us!" the uncle snapped. "You really think of this kid as your son-in-law? How ridiculous! Don't let the wealthy son-in-law go, and go pick up a broken thing from the garbage dump!"

"Shut up!" Father Lin gasped in anger.

"Okay, uncle, don't be angry, I'll take care of this matter." Ye Chen calmly patted Lin's father on the shoulder, and then said to Lin Yuxi. "Yuxi, you and auntie take uncle around, don't worry, I will take care of it."

"Let's go." Ye Chen smiled indifferently.

Then he went with Lin Yuxi's uncle.


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