Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1052: Breakthrough, celestial peak

Saying goodbye to the deputy dean, Xiao Yi went straight to the retreat room.

Within the learning and teaching, there are many retreat rooms for the learning and teaching disciples to retreat.

Xiao Yi found one casually, and after entering, he was slightly surprised.

"It's a strong restriction." Xiao Yi felt the restriction placed in the closed room around him, and exclaimed.

He even guessed that even with a full blow, he wouldn't want to shake the closed room.

The warrior retreats and cannot easily be disturbed.

Otherwise, they will be closed for a long time and all previous efforts will be abandoned.

On the other hand, the mind was backlashed, and he was seriously injured instantly.

It couldn't be better to practice in such a safe and stable closed room.

However, Xiao Yi had always been cautious, and habitually laid a few of his own formations and restrictions around him.

Then he sat down cross-legged and started practicing.

Now, his martial arts doubts have basically been resolved.

The fifth reason why a complete martial art cannot be controlled is already known to him.

He also roughly had an idea on how to follow the road of martial arts in the future.

As for the issue of powerful flames in the world, the fifth complete martial art he really wants to control is the complete martial art of Star Fire.

It is not the martial art of the illusion of fire.

However, it doesn't matter, both are the powerful flames in the world, and the doubts are also solved.

In addition, he understood why he only had 5 minutes to consult Senior Luo.

It seems only 5 minutes, not much.

In fact, the guidance given by Senior Luo is always the same.

No matter what kind of martial arts doubts, martial arts knowledge, senior Luo can instantly give the correct answers and guidance.

And it makes people understand instantly.

Although the time is short, this 5 minutes is definitely better than consulting other seniors, even if these seniors can ask for longer.

Xiao Yi thought about it and began to practice.


After half a month.

Xiao Yi walked out of the closed room.

In the early morning, the cool breeze bursts, and the morning light of the rising sun shines, making people refreshing.

Just out of the retreat room, I met the deputy dean not long afterwards.

"Deputy Dean." Xiao Yi gave a slight salute.

The deputy dean nodded and subconsciously said, "Boy, what's the gain if you leave the customs so soon?"

"Not bad." Xiao Yi smiled.

The deputy dean didn't have a good air, "It's fine to stroll around by yourself, I have a lot of learning and teaching affairs."

"Good." Xiao Yi nodded.

Just as he was about to leave, the vice president exclaimed.

"Huh?" The deputy dean just stared at Xiao Yi, "Boy, am I wrong?"

"Your cultivation... the celestial peak?"

The deputy dean exclaimed and quickly felt it seriously.

The next second, his face was startled, "Tsk, it's really the peak of the celestial pole."

"It's only half a month, have you jumped five times in a row?"

"How did your kid do it?"

Yes, the current Xiao Yi's cultivation is the peak of the celestial pole.

Half a month, from the previous four-fold celestial pole, five-fold repair.

In fact, it has been a while since he broke through the celestial fourfold last time.

For other Tianjiao, this period of time may be short.

In terms of his cultivation speed, this is considered slow, and it can even be said to have been stagnant for a long time.

Since Senior Deluo pointed out half a month ago, after his martial arts doubts were resolved, there has been no obstacle to cultivation.

In half a month, he mastered the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth articles, five complete martial arts.

Of course, none of them are top-level martial arts, they are just top-notch martial arts.

And these five first-class martial arts are all connected with the ice kendo.

Senior Ruluo pointed out that even top martial arts cannot be integrated and cannot be used completely. What's the use?

That's just a superposition of martial arts.

It's like between his kendo martial arts and the powerful flame martial arts.

Kendo and flame martial arts cannot be integrated, no matter when they are used, only one is used.

So, even if they are all top martial arts, they are meaningless in fighting.

The way of kendo is even more useless.

He now has five complete martial arts under his new control, all of which are first-class kendo.

After merging into Frost Swordsmanship, his understanding and level of Swordsmanship has obviously improved a lot.

Of course, his kendo road is still long.

In future cultivation, he will continue to improve.

One day, he will walk out of the strongest swordsmanship that belongs only to him.

In addition, after he spent half a month in the retreat room, he had resolved his doubts about martial arts, and his subsequent practice would naturally fill the height of Qi Spring's vitality and improve his cultivation.

There is not much difference from the previous practice.

When the celestial pole quadruple reaches the celestial peak, the energy of the Qi Spring is full.

This requires a lot of cultivation.

It just so happened that in the previous academy assessment missions, there were a total of 110 assessment missions, and the warriors, major forces, etc., he killed at least over a hundred.

Naturally, they also obtained a lot of cultivation items from these forces and warriors.

Plus the full net worth of the Tianhu Demon Hunting Team.

In short, in half a month, the pill that he refined almost reached a terrifying point, and the hill of pill was refined one after another.

With enough things for cultivation, he naturally made it easy to break through to the celestial peak.

As for the future cultivation, it will be the same as before. If there is no accident, it will fill the entire small world, condense the iceberg and the fire.

Xiao Yi couldn't help but smile when he thought of this.

Every time, the iceberg and the sea will greatly delay his breakthrough time.

However, he is also used to it.

In addition, his leaping cultivation base jumped like this, perhaps too fast.

The existence of the iceberg and the sea could give him enough time to settle.

When the iceberg and the sea of ​​fire are filled, there will be enough precipitation, and it happens to formally break through the Promise in the best state.

Furthermore, the existence of the iceberg and the sea of ​​fire would have given him extremely strong combat power.

From these two points of view, if the iceberg reappears after the sea of ​​flames, it may not be a bad thing.

"Boy, what are you laughing at?" At this moment, the vice president frowned.

"The speed of your continuous five-fold cultivation base is the second thing that requires a lot of cultivation."

"The important thing is the martial arts barrier."

"Don't tell me you don't have a martial arts barrier."

"Yes." Xiao Yi nodded, "but this level of martial arts barrier is not difficult for me."

"Is there any difficulty?" The vice president twitched his face.

"I hope that when you have a higher level of martial arts in the future, you will still be as confident as you are now, and say these words very confidently."

"It should be possible." Xiao Yi smiled.

The deputy dean curled his lips, "Okay, your cultivation base has skyrocketed so much, so hurry up to take on some tasks and experience."

"The cultivation base has skyrocketed. It is the best choice to experience and settle down. It just so happens that you can get familiar with the current level of strength."

"Okay." Xiao Yi nodded, he had long thought of going out and practicing.


Fourth more.

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