Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1099: Zhongpin Lingmai

"Much more surging?" Xiao Yi said softly.

Qing Lin reacted instantly, "No wonder you said it's abnormal, these are middle-grade spirit stones."

"Mid-grade spirit stone?" Xiao Yi's face was puzzled, a light flashed in his hand, and a spirit stone appeared in his hand.

Xiao Yi felt it.

Sure enough, the spiritual stone in his hand was far worse than the spiritual stones on the ground.

Qing Lin glanced at the spirit stone in Xiao Yi's hand and said, "You are a low-grade spirit stone."

"There are still ranks of spirit stones?" Xiao Yi asked doubtfully.

"Of course." Qing Lin replied, "Within the spirit stone, because of the purity and quantity of the spiritual energy contained in it, there are grades."

"The most common one is the low-grade spirit stone."

"Everyone knows that a low-grade spirit stone is enough for a Celestial Realm martial artist to use it for one month."

"Medium-grade spirit stones are much rarer and more effective."

"As for you don't know, it's very simple, you haven't reached the level yet."

Qing Lin laughed and said, "Middle-grade spirit stones are things that are only qualified to use by the strong above the Holy King stage."

"A medium-grade spirit stone can be used by a Saint King Realm powerhouse for one month."

"What?" Xiao Yi's face was startled.

The level of the Saint King Realm is two big realms beyond the Celestial Realm, and the gap between them is extremely large.

A medium-grade spirit stone can be used for a month in the Saint King Realm?

"Yeah." Qing Lin replied, "If the value is true, one middle-grade spiritual stone can be exchanged for ten lower-grade spiritual stones, or more."

"Of course, no one wants to change except fools."

"Middle-grade spirit stone." Xiao Yi muttered to himself, picking up a piece from the ground, "Sure enough, the power contained in it is much more surging."

"The quality is far superior to low-grade spirit stones, so it's no wonder that spiritual wisdom can be born."

"I have made a fortune, really made a fortune." Qing Lin smiled, "This whole spiritual vein, I am afraid it is no less than tens of thousands of middle-grade spiritual stones."

"With so many middle-grade spirit stones, buying Tianwang Mountain is enough."

"Heh." Xiao Yi smiled.

"Hey, that's not right." Qing Lin suddenly thought of something again and exclaimed.

"Xiao Yi, you just said that those Yunlong are the spiritual consciousness produced by this spiritual vein."

"I remember, there were a dozen Yunlong dragons last night, isn't that..."

"Yes." Xiao Yi nodded, his expression also surprised.

"Give it to me." Qing Lin shouted and blasted a punch.

This spiritual vein is underground.

On both sides, there are still mountain walls.

With a punch, Qing Lin directly smashed the walls on both sides.

Wow... large patches of sand and rocks are scattered.

"Not enough, I'll come." Xiao Yi smiled and slashed out.

The sharp sword aura pierced ten miles in an instant.

After everyone's attack, the radius of a hundred li, the sand and the ground, all collapsed.

Within a hundred miles, it suddenly disappeared.

However, every spiritual vein appeared in front of the two.

The two of them counted, their faces changed again.

"A total of 15 middle-grade spirit veins, this...this..." Qing Lin opened his mouth wide, but his glowing eyes proved his joy.

"Goo." Xiao Yi swallowed and shook his head.

"No wonder the formation surrounding this place is so old and so powerful."

"The 15 middle-grade spirit veins, if they are spread out, I'm afraid it will drive any warrior crazy."

Xiao Yi now is also in extreme joy.

There are 15 middle-grade spiritual veins, and the effect of any middle-grade spiritual stone is more than ten times that of a lower-grade spiritual stone.

The iceberg and flames that had always hindered his cultivation realm for a long time before, were afraid that it would be easy to cross over.

It was the first time that the icebergs and flames that appeared just a few days ago can easily be completed.

In other words, the Promise Saint Realm, breakthrough is in sight.

"Xiao Yi." Qing Lin said suddenly, "You said that the two of you have worked hard for ten or eight years. After they go out, they will become peerless powerhouses. You can just take Tianwangshan in one pot."

"Ten years or eight years?" Xiao Yi's face twitched, then shook his head.

"Take away all the spirit stones, don't practice here, let's go back to school."

"Huh?" Qing Lin was puzzled.

Xiao Yi said solemnly, "If I guessed right, the strong of Tianwang Mountain will come here soon."

"I'm not sure if any of the strong formations they gathered can break the formation."

"If we can, the strong of Tianwang Mountain, plus the strong of all major forces, we are in danger."

"Yes." Qing Lin nodded.

With a wave of their hands, the two quickly sucked a piece of spiritual stone.

The Qiankun Ring in his hand was quickly filled up one by one.

Fortunately, the two of them had a lot of empty Universe Rings in their hands, and they took away 15 middle-grade spiritual veins.

"Let's go." Xiao Yi said.

"Slow." Qing Lin paused and said, "Xiao Yi, we have taken away all these spirit stones. Will there be no Yunlong in this dangerous place in the sea of ​​clouds in the future?"

"Not bad." Xiao Yi nodded, "Yunlong is originally the spiritual consciousness of these spiritual veins. If the spiritual veins disappear, Yunlong will naturally never reappear."

"However, although these spiritual senses are born, they have almost no thoughts."

"Like the Yunlong that we planned to forcibly capture last night, no matter how we plan to trap it, it can only instinctively resist, get angry, and instinctively continue to meander."

"Their spiritual sense is too pure and too primitive, only instinct exists."

"In addition, the reason why they come back when the first sun rises is because this formation is the reason for their existence."

"Once the formation is broken, the spiritual energy of the spirit veins will drift away, and they will disappear."

Qing Lin thought for a while, and said, "In short, this piece of spiritual stone is made by absorbing the spiritual energy of the heaven and the earth, and the heaven and the earth are born."

"Then these Yunlong spiritual knowledge are also born from heaven and earth?"

"You can say that." Xiao Yi nodded.

"Damn it." Qing Lin stomped angrily. "I was so scared to death by these things."

"Heh." Xiao Yi smiled and shook his head.

Those Yunlong are just dead creatures without thinking, and it's no pity to dissipate.

When the two of them came to the formation barrier, Xiao Yi condensed the Bingluan Sword and gently made a gap.

The two followed the gap and left.

Outside of the formation, there is still full of white clouds.

The two flew up from Yukong and left quickly.

Suddenly, a breath of aura emerged from below, one hundred, hundreds, and gradually soaring to a thousand.

Moreover, every breath is extraordinary, at least above the holy realm.

"Many strong people." Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes.

Qing Lin glanced at it, his expression changed, "The Saint King is no less than a few hundred, and he is from Tianwang Mountain."

Xiao Yi fixed his eyes and passed through the dense white clouds. In his perception, he clearly felt the breath of the Black Poison Saint King.

"The breath of the Black Poison Saint King, and there are many warriors no less than his breath, hurry up."

Xiao Yi gave a low voice.

The two soared their speed to the extreme, passing two streamers at the celestial pole.

Below, a group of warriors, it is Tianwangshan warriors.

The head is the arrogant middle-aged man.

Behind him, in addition to the Black Poison Saint King, he also followed several old men with monstrous auras.

"Huh?" All the powerhouses naturally noticed the streamer flying fast in the sky.

"That's..." The middle-aged man frowned.

The Black Poison Saint King instantly reacted, "It is them, Xiao Yi and Qinglin, two villains."

"Why are they here?" The middle-aged man frowned, "No, formation map..."


Second more.

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